L'Shana Tova From Iranian President

I don't "hate Muslims." However I do hate world terrorists whoever they may be. And is it not true to say that while the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not world terrorists, the overwhelming majority of world terrorists are Muslims?

There are not " Wide Spread Hate Campaigns" conducted against Muslims in Western Countries. However, if there are it is because of these " few" reasons;

No. They exist because people need a reason to hate - so they find a group they can demonize, look for extremists and out context quotes and use those to stereotype the entire group.

What's shameful about it is this - you, as a Jew, have been the target of exactly those kind of campaigns. You know how damaging, frightening and hateful they are. Yet you are excusing exactly that sort of hate when it's directed at Muslims.

Most Muslims are not extremists, yet it seems to serve some need in people to be able to label them as such and, however much they may decry it - you simply call it "Taqiyya" and accuse them of being closet extremists lying for their faith.

If you don't think there are "wide spread hate campaigns" - look at Pamela Geller, look at such sites as BareNakedIslam and JihadWatch. Check out Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate sites. It's all there. But it's all excused because they are Muslims.

Why, PV, is it ok to hate Muslims but not ok to hate Jews? I don't understand. NO group should be hated simply for who they are. It's just plain wrong.

I think this statement: the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not world terrorists - is the most important one.

They aren't.

Just like the overwelming number of Christians most certainly do not support violence against abortion clinics or engage in such. Should they be tarred with that brush because extremists amongst them do?

Tolerating hate against anyone is a dangerous road in my opinion and many courageous people throughout history have given their lives speaking out against it. There is an uncanny strength in hate and it seems it can be very persuasive.
I don't "hate Muslims." However I do hate world terrorists whoever they may be. And is it not true to say that while the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not world terrorists, the overwhelming majority of world terrorists are Muslims?

No. They exist because people need a reason to hate - so they find a group they can demonize, look for extremists and out context quotes and use those to stereotype the entire group.

What's shameful about it is this - you, as a Jew, have been the target of exactly those kind of campaigns. You know how damaging, frightening and hateful they are. Yet you are excusing exactly that sort of hate when it's directed at Muslims.

Most Muslims are not extremists, yet it seems to serve some need in people to be able to label them as such and, however much they may decry it - you simply call it "Taqiyya" and accuse them of being closet extremists lying for their faith.

If you don't think there are "wide spread hate campaigns" - look at Pamela Geller, look at such sites as BareNakedIslam and JihadWatch. Check out Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate sites. It's all there. But it's all excused because they are Muslims.

Why, PV, is it ok to hate Muslims but not ok to hate Jews? I don't understand. NO group should be hated simply for who they are. It's just plain wrong.

I think this statement: the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not world terrorists - is the most important one.

They aren't.

Just like the overwelming number of Christians most certainly do not support violence against abortion clinics or engage in such. Should they be tarred with that brush because extremists amongst them do?

Tolerating hate against anyone is a dangerous road in my opinion and many courageous people throughout history have given their lives speaking out against it. There is an uncanny strength in hate and it seems it can be very persuasive.

What you say is true.

However, they are more than welcome to think how they can start and change the reputation they have tying them with terror.

I think the west is hardly holds all the blame in this.

The Arab community need more people like Musab Hassan Yusuf and Wafa Sultan
President of Iran says to the Jews: "Happy Rosh Hoshanah".

The Jews respond to the President of Iran: "Fuck off you dirty Muslim!"

Your posts are proving to be deceitful propaganda the same as the Iranian Regime and as such they are not worth responding to in a logical manner.
I don't "hate Muslims." However I do hate world terrorists whoever they may be. And is it not true to say that while the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not world terrorists, the overwhelming majority of world terrorists are Muslims?

I think this statement: the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not world terrorists - is the most important one.

They aren't.

Just like the overwelming number of Christians most certainly do not support violence against abortion clinics or engage in such. Should they be tarred with that brush because extremists amongst them do?

Tolerating hate against anyone is a dangerous road in my opinion and many courageous people throughout history have given their lives speaking out against it. There is an uncanny strength in hate and it seems it can be very persuasive.

What you say is true.

However, they are more than welcome to think how they can start and change the reputation they have tying them with terror.

I think the west is hardly holds all the blame in this.

The Arab community need more people like Musab Hassan Yusuf and Wafa Sultan

On the other hand, Lipush - NO OTHER religion is required to on-masse repudiate and apologize over and over for the extremists amongst them - NONE. There have been many Muslims and Muslim groups speaking out against terrorism and violence but they are largely ignored in favor of 24 hr attention on any and every atrocity. Why?
President of Iran says to the Jews: "Happy Rosh Hoshanah".

The Jews respond to the President of Iran: "Fuck off you dirty Muslim!"

Do you have something against Muslims?

I don't recall "dirty Muslim" being said.

Why bringing that up?

Is there something you want to share with the crowd?:eusa_whistle:

Those who hate Muslims will attack any wellwishes from Muslims.

They will attack it as "Taqiyya".

They hate Muslims the same way the Nazis hated Jews. Its obsessive & irrational.
President of Iran says to the Jews: "Happy Rosh Hoshanah".

The Jews respond to the President of Iran: "Fuck off you dirty Muslim!"

Do you have something against Muslims?

I don't recall "dirty Muslim" being said.

Why bringing that up?

Is there something you want to share with the crowd?:eusa_whistle:

Those who hate Muslims will attack any wellwishes from Muslims.

They will attack it as "Taqiyya".

They hate Muslims the same way the Nazis hated Jews. Its obsessive & irrational.

If that's what you think, then you need to read up on Nazis.

Anyway, Nazi comparisons are for morons.
Do you have something against Muslims?

I don't recall "dirty Muslim" being said.

Why bringing that up?

Is there something you want to share with the crowd?:eusa_whistle:

Those who hate Muslims will attack any wellwishes from Muslims.

They will attack it as "Taqiyya".

They hate Muslims the same way the Nazis hated Jews. Its obsessive & irrational.

If that's what you think, then you need to read up on Nazis.

Anyway, Nazi comparisons are for morons.

He does make a good point - when you go and look some of the anti-Muslim hate sites you see some of the same type of rhetoric and disinformation employed against Muslims as is employed against Jews by the anti-semitic hate sites. It's not rational and it's obsessive - just replace the "Judaization of America" theme with the Caliphate theme, switch around the terminology a bit and viola.
President of Iran says to the Jews: "Happy Rosh Hoshanah".

The Jews respond to the President of Iran: "Fuck off you dirty Muslim!"

Do you have something against Muslims?

I don't recall "dirty Muslim" being said.

Why bringing that up?

Is there something you want to share with the crowd?:eusa_whistle:

Those who hate Muslims will attack any wellwishes from Muslims.

They will attack it as "Taqiyya".

They hate Muslims the same way the Nazis hated Jews. Its obsessive & irrational.

Netanyahu's brushing off the Iranian president has nothing to do with him being Muslim!

It has alot to do with the history of the man, and the crimes he committed against Jews! why don't you do some reading instead of blaming people directly about being Anti-Muslim?

You make yourself sound very stupid, by saying that.
Those who hate Muslims will attack any wellwishes from Muslims.

They will attack it as "Taqiyya".

They hate Muslims the same way the Nazis hated Jews. Its obsessive & irrational.

If that's what you think, then you need to read up on Nazis.

Anyway, Nazi comparisons are for morons.

He does make a good point - when you go and look some of the anti-Muslim hate sites you see some of the same type of rhetoric and disinformation employed against Muslims as is employed against Jews by the anti-semitic hate sites. It's not rational and it's obsessive - just replace the "Judaization of America" theme with the Caliphate theme, switch around the terminology a bit and viola.

If you want to know how much Nazis hated the Jews, just look at how they treated them. Not even REMOTELY close to the way Jews hate Muslims. It's a disgusting comparison.
Netanyahu's brushing off the Iranian president has nothing to do with him being Muslim!

It has alot to do with the history of the man, and the crimes he committed against Jews! why don't you do some reading instead of blaming people directly about being Anti-Muslim?

You make yourself sound very stupid, by saying that.

what crimes did he commit against Jews?

let me guess: the evidence dissapeared.
I think this statement: the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not world terrorists - is the most important one.

They aren't.

Just like the overwelming number of Christians most certainly do not support violence against abortion clinics or engage in such. Should they be tarred with that brush because extremists amongst them do?

Tolerating hate against anyone is a dangerous road in my opinion and many courageous people throughout history have given their lives speaking out against it. There is an uncanny strength in hate and it seems it can be very persuasive.

What you say is true.

However, they are more than welcome to think how they can start and change the reputation they have tying them with terror.

I think the west is hardly holds all the blame in this.

The Arab community need more people like Musab Hassan Yusuf and Wafa Sultan

On the other hand, Lipush - NO OTHER religion is required to on-masse repudiate and apologize over and over for the extremists amongst them - NONE. There have been many Muslims and Muslim groups speaking out against terrorism and violence but they are largely ignored in favor of 24 hr attention on any and every atrocity. Why?


Because it's so easy to close the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Most of those peaceful movement rise after terror attacks, but you almost don't hear of them fighting the terrorists before they get the chance to rise their heads at all.

Now why is that?
Netanyahu's brushing off the Iranian president has nothing to do with him being Muslim!

It has alot to do with the history of the man, and the crimes he committed against Jews! why don't you do some reading instead of blaming people directly about being Anti-Muslim?

You make yourself sound very stupid, by saying that.

what crimes did he commit against Jews?

let me guess: the evidence dissapeared.

Report: Iran's Rohani tied to AMIA 1994 bombing | JPost | Israel News
Because the Muslims of that time had nothing to do with the Nazi movement, right?

the vast majority of Nazis were Christians, not Muslims.

the vast majority of Muslims were not Nazis.

you're hatred is misplaced.
Israeli zionist jews are soo filled with hate that it's impossible for them accept an offer of friendship from a former enemy.

It's the dirty Muslimes that are filled with hate and killing anything with a pulse.:mad: You don't see Jews doing that. Jews and Christians have taken WAY too much sh*t from those filthy bastards and it's about time they start fighting back. Islam should be eradicated. It is cancer on the universe. Ugh.

Do you have something against Muslims?...you're hatred is misplaced
Yeah, the FACT that they have committed more than 20,000 (!!!) deadly terror attacks SINCE 911. I have a whole list of more of their demonic behavior. Disgusting maggots.:mad:

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

It's "your". Moron...

It's the dirty Muslimes that are filled with hate and killing anything with a pulse.:mad: You don't see Jews doing that. Jews and Christians have taken WAY too much sh*t from those filthy bastards and it's about time they start fighting back. Islam should be eradicated. It is cancer on the universe. Ugh.

you seem to be only one expressing hate here.

and your call for genocide is sick. You would make Hitler proud.
If you want to know how much Nazis hated the Jews, just look at how they treated them. Not even REMOTELY close to the way Jews hate Muslims. It's a disgusting comparison.

Uber-Zionists on this and other forums call for ethnic cleansing and genocide to be committed against Palestinians and all Muslims.

These Zionists, these Jews, have taken their sorrow over the Holocaust and redirected their anger at Muslims rather than the Nazis.

Because the Muslims of that time had nothing to do with the Nazi movement, right?

They really didn't have much to do with it and their involvement, like that of some other Nazi allies had more to do with nationalistic interests then with a desire for genocide. :dunno:

I think the Nazi arguments along with the genocide comparisons are a "fail" when discussing these things.
If you want to know how much Nazis hated the Jews, just look at how they treated them. Not even REMOTELY close to the way Jews hate Muslims. It's a disgusting comparison.

Uber-Zionists on this and other forums call for ethnic cleansing and genocide to be committed against Palestinians and all Muslims.

These Zionists, these Jews, have taken their sorrow over the Holocaust and redirected their anger at Muslims rather than the Nazis.

I have heard very few calls for "genocide" against Muslims (here at least) and there is no evidence that those who express that sentiment are Jews. :dunno:

I don't think "Islamophobia" is connected to "Zionism".

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