L'Shana Tova From Iranian President

OK, so again, when are you going to put down your computer and do something about the muslims Rambo? .. :cool:

Maybe the Muslims should do something to rectify the situation themselves; Like having the Imams speak up, the " nice Muslims " having a voice, etc. etc. Naaaah That would make them CIVILIZED !
I fail to see anything the muslims are doing wrong or any need for them to change. .. :cool:
So the Shiite blood running down the street as a result of a suicide or car bomber means that your Sunni brethren have done no wrong since the Shiites deserved that. Naturally you have no problem with your newly adopted Sunni brethren murdering the Christians in places like Syria and Egypt. It appears that there are some Muslim clergy who do speak out against what is happening, but they are quickly gunned down. Maybe SunniMan is happy when this occurs.

It is a regular practice for Iranian officials to send messages like this, there are 25,000 Jews in Iran, anyone who sees hate in such as this is simply seeing the hate in themselves.
This is an old one, but it shows you how sneaky the Iranians are and will try to fool everyone and wishing the Jews a Happy New Year is probably a ploy. So, Frau Sherri, do you think the new President will wish a Merry Christmas to the Christians or will he send a nice holiday greeting when the Hindus or Buddhists have an important holiday?

Iranian TV commercial ties McCain to ?Jewish conspiracy? | Jewish Journal
Hey Hossfly, Sherri has me on her ignore list, so she can;t see my post.
So can you please tell her that the Jewish population in Iran in under 9000, and then show her this link with this quote.

History of the Jews in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Estimates of the Jewish population in Iran until the census 2011 vary. In mid- and late 1980s, it was estimated at 20,000–30,000, rising to around 35,000 in mid-1990s.[29] The current Jewish population of Iran is 8,756 according to the most recent Iranian census.[30]

It is a regular practice for Iranian officials to send messages like this, there are 25,000 Jews in Iran, anyone who sees hate in such as this is simply seeing the hate in themselves.
Sherri, the Toastman told me there were less than 9000 Jews left in Iran and that you should stop exagerating and get your facts straight.


Estimates of the Jewish population in Iran until the census 2011 vary. In mid- and late 1980s, it was estimated at 20,000–30,000, rising to around 35,000 in mid-1990s.[29] The current Jewish population of Iran is 8,756 according to the most recent Iranian census.[30]
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It is a regular practice for Iranian officials to send messages like this, there are 25,000 Jews in Iran, anyone who sees hate in such as this is simply seeing the hate in themselves.

Hey Hossfly, Sherri has me on her ignore list, so she can;t see my post.
So can you please tell her that the Jewish population in Iran in under 9000, and then show her this link with this quote.

History of the Jews in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Estimates of the Jewish population in Iran until the census 2011 vary. In mid- and late 1980s, it was estimated at 20,000–30,000, rising to around 35,000 in mid-1990s.[29] The current Jewish population of Iran is 8,756 according to the most recent Iranian census.[30]

Got it for you
That was someone else, Toast.

Actually, it wasn't.

Toastman nailed it, as a matter of fact.

Lipush, I may be wrong but Hossfly saying "that was something else, Toast" is a term meaning something astonishing. As in that's something else, far out, etc.

It was an absolutely disgusting comment of Sunni to say that, and the fact that he put a 'cool' emoticon after it makes it even more disgusting.

To wish the Jews a happy new year with one sentence and immediately below wishing it is Israel's last year is despicable to the nth degree.

Have to consider the source
Uber-Zionists on this and other forums call for ethnic cleansing and genocide to be committed against Palestinians and all Muslims.

These Zionists, these Jews, have taken their sorrow over the Holocaust and redirected their anger at Muslims rather than the Nazis.

You mean we should be blaming the German people of today for what the Nazi's did? If that happened you would be among the first who would be yelling; RACIST !!!!!

Can't " understand" why Jews feel " angry" at Muslims?

Point of no return: Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948


Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel

These are just SOME of the reasons. Still can't " understand" it with all the Hate, Racism, Bigotry, and Anti Semitism? Never met a Pro Palestinian that wasn't Bigoted and Racist themselves. You're typical :cuckoo:

There s no justification for Zionist ethnic cleansing, your excuses you are giving us here simply do not justify it, nothing justifies it.

You are allegedly a lawyer, why don't you learn how to read? The poster claims we are taking our " sorrows over the Holocaust" on Muslims rather then the Nazis WHO NO LONGER EXIST . My answer was in response to that . Why can't you respond to the way Jews were treated and the ethnic cleaning by the by theMuslim World? Because you are a Bigoted, Racist Anti Semite
Yes, I can.

Except that he knows I don't lie about this.
You lie all of the time Lipush.

But that is normal for rabid zionists like you. .. :cool:

What exactly has she lied about? You lie all the time; Typical of Rabid Racist Pro Palestinians like you

Leave it.

When a Holocaust denier and a Jew hater call you "Rabid Zionist", you know you probably said somethung truthful.

Whenever I do, he retires to the same curses and bashes he probably learned from the people he hangs with.

Insults suited for a 5 year old won't stop me from telling the truth.

I believe he knows that.
Uber-Zionists on this and other forums call for ethnic cleansing and genocide to be committed against Palestinians and all Muslims.

These Zionists, these Jews, have taken their sorrow over the Holocaust and redirected their anger at Muslims rather than the Nazis.

Because the Muslims of that time had nothing to do with the Nazi movement, right?

They really didn't have much to do with it and their involvement, like that of some other Nazi allies had more to do with nationalistic interests then with a desire for genocide. :dunno:

I think the Nazi arguments along with the genocide comparisons are a "fail" when discussing these things.

You are a hateful bigot with a Nazi mindset and you support Jihad, so your opinion is as useful as the wax that comes out my ear. :cool:

and yet you say nothing when your fellow Uber-Zionists call for ethnic cleansing and genocide against Muslims. you say nothing when vile hateful rhetoric against Muslims is uttered by your comrades.

you are a hypocrite and you know it.

Nobody called for genocide and ethnic cleasing against Muslims.

Saying something 100000 times won't make it true.
Sunni Man said:
I fail to see anything the muslims are doing wrong or any need for them to change

Of course you do. You think it's ok for Muslimes to saw innocent people's faces off while they scream in agony as the dirty Muslimes shout "Allah Akbar!" You think it's ok for Muslimes to kill anything with a pulse. You think it's alright for Muslimes to blow up people, buildings, aircraft etc ALL in the name of allah the stupid moon god. You support Muslimes planning the worlds' demise in their mosques. Muslimes have committed more than 20,000(!!!) deadly terror attacks since 911. You're one of the most hated/despised people on this forum. Go back to Hell/the Middle East you dirty, demonic, POS Muslime. Ugh.:mad:



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Reminder. No discussing Other Message Boards, or Moderator Actions on the open boards, this includes moderated posts. No Physical threats, real or implied, and challenges.
Excellent point. This "ethnic cleansing" has to stop. In 1948 there were approximaely 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just under 6 million of them left. Shame on Israel for allowing this.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - ProCon.org

Uber-Zionists on this and other forums call for ethnic cleansing and genocide to be committed against Palestinians and all Muslims.

These Zionists, these Jews, have taken their sorrow over the Holocaust and redirected their anger at Muslims rather than the Nazis.

You mean we should be blaming the German people of today for what the Nazi's did? If that happened you would be among the first who would be yelling; RACIST !!!!!

Can't " understand" why Jews feel " angry" at Muslims?

Point of no return: Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948


Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel

These are just SOME of the reasons. Still can't " understand" it with all the Hate, Racism, Bigotry, and Anti Semitism? Never met a Pro Palestinian that wasn't Bigoted and Racist themselves. You're typical :cuckoo:

There s no justification for Zionist ethnic cleansing, your excuses you are giving us here simply do not justify it, nothing justifies it.
Excellent point. This "ethnic cleansing" has to stop. In 1948 there were approximaely 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just under 6 million of them left. Shame on Israel for allowing this.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - ProCon.org

You mean we should be blaming the German people of today for what the Nazi's did? If that happened you would be among the first who would be yelling; RACIST !!!!!

Can't " understand" why Jews feel " angry" at Muslims?

Point of no return: Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948


Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel

These are just SOME of the reasons. Still can't " understand" it with all the Hate, Racism, Bigotry, and Anti Semitism? Never met a Pro Palestinian that wasn't Bigoted and Racist themselves. You're typical :cuckoo:

There s no justification for Zionist ethnic cleansing, your excuses you are giving us here simply do not justify it, nothing justifies it.

LOL!!!! Notice how the illiterate Bigoted Pro Palestinian Racist sees nothing wrong with the Ethnic Cleansing of Jews????

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