LSTU#3: Has Trump done anything wrong yet?

Ahhh, your rhetorical question.

Did hillary lie about anything?

Did Obama create the list of countries that Trump used?

Did bill sign the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Booooosh took office?

Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted credit-default swaps?

Ahhhhh, this is fun.

Was that too many questions? Ok, just answer one.

Did hillary lie about anything?
So, instead of replying honestly and actually answering a polite question, you got your jollies being a troll? Is your life really that sad and empty?

But what the hell. Did Hillary lie about anything? Repeatedly.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact
Ok. No, I really don't see anything Trump did wrong that garners the pathetic left wing marxist media to hype impeachment about.


Ahhhh, this is fun.

BTW, you see the mass media harping the confirmed blatant lies of hillary? If so, then why do they want her as president....still?

How about the grievance industry. Tell us, do you think the left are actually concerned about solving problems of the so called victims they prop up, or are they more concerned about creating the victims in order to divide society so that they can keep the river of donations flowing in along with creating automatic robotic votes? How about that hands up don't shoot thing and the BLM riots that turned out to be a lie? Why did the democrats bus in rioters (been doing that since the 60s) and set up democrat voter registration tables there?


Do you feel manipulated? If not, then tell us about the carbon 1.5 trillion dollar industry about the so called man made global warming. If it is truly "global warming" then why the change in terminology to something more ambiguous that includes ALL weather patterns in climate change?


Did I answer your loaded question?
I hear you saying Trump hasn't done anything to warrant the cries for impeachment. Noted. But do *you* think he has done something wrong? Are accusations of "Conservatives think Trump can do no wrong" accurate for you and/or others?

I'm sorry that I cannot explain how my question wasn't loaded. I'm not trying to pounce on anyone, and I haven't. I swear that I'm trying to understand your point of view instead of ignorantly dismissing it. That's a good thing to do.

As for your other questions, I'd be happy to answer them privately or in another thread. But I don't want this one getting bogged down in ideological arguments because that defeats the purpose of me listening to conservatives.
Ahhh, your rhetorical question.

Did hillary lie about anything?

Did Obama create the list of countries that Trump used?

Did bill sign the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Booooosh took office?

Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted credit-default swaps?

Ahhhhh, this is fun.

Was that too many questions? Ok, just answer one.

Did hillary lie about anything?
So, instead of replying honestly and actually answering a polite question, you got your jollies being a troll? Is your life really that sad and empty?

But what the hell. Did Hillary lie about anything? Repeatedly.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact

Your argument against Clinton is childish. Everyone on the planet has lied, especially every politician. Yes, I'm sure that even Bernie has lied.

Has Clinton broken any laws? No. She and her husband have been under constant investigation since the 1990s, yet no prosecutable offenses have been found. Bill Clinton was impeached, but the Senate found that he was not guilty of anything worth removing him from office.

On the other hand, Trump has been lying constantly and shamelessly. He also hasn't been found guilty of any prosecutable offenses worth removing him from office...YET.

He certainly has been sued and found guilty in so many civil suits it's incredible.
The greatest irony is that their slogan is 'Make America Great again'. That seems to be nothing but a sick joke.
Sick to you maybe. But as a capitalist, I disagree.

If you are truly a capitalist, then you believe in the free-market. SInce illegal immigrants fulfill an market need, you would be against Trump's immigration policies and his positions on free trade.

Apparently, you are not the capitalist that you profess to being. You are a brain washed Trumpbot!
Liberal Seeks To Understand #3
I'll admit to being a liberal, so speak slowly and use small words please. :) I swear I'm just trying to understand conservatives' POV on issues. This is an honest question. As before, I'll return respect with respect and crudeness with crudeness.

The question is for conservatives only: Has Trump done anything wrong in your opinion?

I've heard many conservatives claim liberals stood by Obama no matter what. Looking over posts here and elsewhere, I'm seeing a similar theme: Conservatives stick by Trump no matter what. But I'm biased, so I know I could just be seeing what I want to see.

What Trump has done as president that you think is wrong? Not wrong as in, "Trump hasn't gone far enough with illegal immigration!" but more like, "OK, even I cannot support that decision." Cheers!

It depends what you mean by 'Wrong'.

From the perspective of anyone that loves American AND has a brain:

Just about everything that Trump has done and proposes to do has been wrong - except his selection for except his Secretary of transportation. Much of what he has done and proposes to do is just plain STUPID.

Trump and his brainwashed Trumpbots seem to be more intent to force their will on the rest of the country than they are concerned with doing what is good for America. Their ideas are based on short-sightedness, ignorance, misinformation and delusionalism. They are in the process of destroying America.

The greatest irony is that their slogan is 'Make America Great again'. That seems to be nothing but a sick joke.
The irony is you have no debate skills. You are a stupid brainwashed demented hack on the left.
Tell all of us for example, what you are doing for the mythical global warming. Go ahead, let us all know. You making donations?

You saying hillary never lied about a thing? Are you that sort of stupid, or are you the sort of stupid where you don't care about her blatant lies? I cannot tell which stupid is worse. All I do know is you are one of those kinds of stupid.

You are one of those losers who still think Bill did not sign the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs? Oh right. You don't care. Well, you didn't know, and now that you do know, you will pretend to not care.

Tell all of us what impact that Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation, which was signed by clinton.

You are the one touting how smart you are. Want to go over the "green" companies that received millions (hundreds of millions) in start up money under obama. I stopped counting at 36. I wonder how many more companies went under. Don't worry though. People got paid. I mean not ALL people, but certain people. That should make you happy.

You have no debate skills. You are pathetic brainwashed hack. Don't you have crayons and a coloring book in a little room decorated with stuffed teddy bears to spend time in?

You are a loser. You bring a knife to a gun fight. My mucus is smarter than you. My shit adds more to the planet than you.

Go dumb liar.
The greatest irony is that their slogan is 'Make America Great again'. That seems to be nothing but a sick joke.
Sick to you maybe. But as a capitalist, I disagree.

If you are truly a capitalist, then you believe in the free-market. SInce illegal immigrants fulfill an market need, you would be against Trump's immigration policies and his positions on free trade.

Apparently, you are not the capitalist that you profess to being. You are a brain washed Trumpbot!
Illiterate ignorant hypocritical ass.
The greatest irony is that their slogan is 'Make America Great again'. That seems to be nothing but a sick joke.
Sick to you maybe. But as a capitalist, I disagree.

If you are truly a capitalist, then you believe in the free-market. SInce illegal immigrants fulfill an market need, you would be against Trump's immigration policies and his positions on free trade.

Apparently, you are not the capitalist that you profess to being. You are a brain washed Trumpbot!
Nope. Strong borders create and safer and more stable economy. Free trade is only possible with fair trade. If we are getting hosed with an international deal there's little a US corporation can do about it.
Liberal Seeks To Understand #3
I'll admit to being a liberal, so speak slowly and use small words please. :) I swear I'm just trying to understand conservatives' POV on issues. This is an honest question. As before, I'll return respect with respect and crudeness with crudeness.

The question is for conservatives only: Has Trump done anything wrong in your opinion?

I've heard many conservatives claim liberals stood by Obama no matter what. Looking over posts here and elsewhere, I'm seeing a similar theme: Conservatives stick by Trump no matter what. But I'm biased, so I know I could just be seeing what I want to see.

What Trump has done as president that you think is wrong? Not wrong as in, "Trump hasn't gone far enough with illegal immigration!" but more like, "OK, even I cannot support that decision." Cheers! Nothing yet. What do you think he has done wrong, according to your standard?

but more like, "OK, even I cannot support that decision." Cheers!
I don't want to get into political arguments here, as I'm trying to understand the conservative mindset towards Trump. But you raise a good question: What do I mean as wrong? To avoid having you feel like I'm dodging questions, here are three things I think Trump has done wrong.
  1. Travel ban: He really showed his inexperience with this confusing roll out. Customs agents had to guess how to apply the ban. He also went on record saying Christian refugees will be exempted, adding fuel to the "anti-Muslim" argument. He messed this whole thing up like a rookie politician.
  2. The Wall: Trump clearly and repeatedly said Mexico would pay for the wall, which would cost about $5 billion, then $8 billion. Now the cost is looking like $21 billion, and it would be paid through a combination of taxes and tariffs (which US citizens would pay). Nevermind how this wall will probably not work, he's wrong for going back on his promise.
  3. Lack of presidential tone: Look, I get it. Part of Trump's appeal is his brashness and nontraditional behavior. But lately, that seems less maverick and more immature. From hanging up on the Australian PM to using the official POTUS Twitter account to attack Nordstrom, Trump is coming across as a thin-skinned bully, not a leader. That's going to lower our standing in the world and make it harder for him to do things.
Ahhh, your rhetorical question.

Did hillary lie about anything?

Did Obama create the list of countries that Trump used?

Did bill sign the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Booooosh took office?

Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted credit-default swaps?

Ahhhhh, this is fun.

Was that too many questions? Ok, just answer one.

Did hillary lie about anything?
So, instead of replying honestly and actually answering a polite question, you got your jollies being a troll? Is your life really that sad and empty?

But what the hell. Did Hillary lie about anything? Repeatedly.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact

Your argument against Clinton is childish. Everyone on the planet has lied, especially every politician. Yes, I'm sure that even Bernie has lied.

Has Clinton broken any laws? No. She and her husband have been under constant investigation since the 1990s, yet no prosecutable offenses have been found. Bill Clinton was impeached, but the Senate found that he was not guilty of anything worth removing him from office.

On the other hand, Trump has been lying constantly and shamelessly. He also hasn't been found guilty of any prosecutable offenses worth removing him from office...YET.

He certainly has been sued and found guilty in so many civil suits it's incredible.
Dude, I was asked one question: Did Hillary lie? And I answered it truthfully. That question did not bring up laws, Bill Clinton, or Trump, which is why I never addressed them.

Lighten up, Francis. :)
The greatest irony is that their slogan is 'Make America Great again'. That seems to be nothing but a sick joke.
Sick to you maybe. But as a capitalist, I disagree.

If you are truly a capitalist, then you believe in the free-market. SInce illegal immigrants fulfill an market need, you would be against Trump's immigration policies and his positions on free trade.

Apparently, you are not the capitalist that you profess to being. You are a brain washed Trumpbot!
Nope. Strong borders create and safer and more stable economy. Free trade is only possible with fair trade. If we are getting hosed with an international deal there's little a US corporation can do about it.

No, fair trade and free trade are two different things. Fair trade implies government interference in the market to insure fair trade. It implies that government gets to determine what is and is not fair trade. It's as statist as statist gets.

Free trade means no government interference in the markets. Maybe you should read up on Milton Friedman's beliefs on free trade.

No, if you believe in government intervention in the markets, then you are against free trade and you are not a capitalist.

You apparently are a Trumpbot and a statist living under the delusion that you are a capitalist.
Ahhh, your rhetorical question.

Did hillary lie about anything?

Did Obama create the list of countries that Trump used?

Did bill sign the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Booooosh took office?

Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted credit-default swaps?

Ahhhhh, this is fun.

Was that too many questions? Ok, just answer one.

Did hillary lie about anything?
So, instead of replying honestly and actually answering a polite question, you got your jollies being a troll? Is your life really that sad and empty?

But what the hell. Did Hillary lie about anything? Repeatedly.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact

Your argument against Clinton is childish. Everyone on the planet has lied, especially every politician. Yes, I'm sure that even Bernie has lied.

Has Clinton broken any laws? No. She and her husband have been under constant investigation since the 1990s, yet no prosecutable offenses have been found. Bill Clinton was impeached, but the Senate found that he was not guilty of anything worth removing him from office.

On the other hand, Trump has been lying constantly and shamelessly. He also hasn't been found guilty of any prosecutable offenses worth removing him from office...YET.

He certainly has been sued and found guilty in so many civil suits it's incredible.
Dude, I was asked one question: Did Hillary lie? And I answered it truthfully. That question did not bring up laws, Bill Clinton, or Trump, which is why I never addressed them.

Lighten up, Francis. :)

O.K., then I stand my my statement that asking 'Did Hillary Lie' is a childish question.
Liberal Seeks To Understand #3
I'll admit to being a liberal, so speak slowly and use small words please. :) I swear I'm just trying to understand conservatives' POV on issues. This is an honest question. As before, I'll return respect with respect and crudeness with crudeness.

The question is for conservatives only: Has Trump done anything wrong in your opinion?

I've heard many conservatives claim liberals stood by Obama no matter what. Looking over posts here and elsewhere, I'm seeing a similar theme: Conservatives stick by Trump no matter what. But I'm biased, so I know I could just be seeing what I want to see.

What Trump has done as president that you think is wrong? Not wrong as in, "Trump hasn't gone far enough with illegal immigration!" but more like, "OK, even I cannot support that decision." Cheers! Nothing yet. What do you think he has done wrong, according to your standard?

but more like, "OK, even I cannot support that decision." Cheers!
I don't want to get into political arguments here, as I'm trying to understand the conservative mindset towards Trump. But you raise a good question: What do I mean as wrong? To avoid having you feel like I'm dodging questions, here are three things I think Trump has done wrong.
  1. Travel ban: He really showed his inexperience with this confusing roll out. Customs agents had to guess how to apply the ban. He also went on record saying Christian refugees will be exempted, adding fuel to the "anti-Muslim" argument. He messed this whole thing up like a rookie politician.
  2. The Wall: Trump clearly and repeatedly said Mexico would pay for the wall, which would cost about $5 billion, then $8 billion. Now the cost is looking like $21 billion, and it would be paid through a combination of taxes and tariffs (which US citizens would pay). Nevermind how this wall will probably not work, he's wrong for going back on his promise.
  3. Lack of presidential tone: Look, I get it. Part of Trump's appeal is his brashness and nontraditional behavior. But lately, that seems less maverick and more immature. From hanging up on the Australian PM to using the official POTUS Twitter account to attack Nordstrom, Trump is coming across as a thin-skinned bully, not a leader. That's going to lower our standing in the world and make it harder for him to do things.

Not to be confrontational...but none of those things is "Wrong" by what you said....

but more like, "OK, even I cannot support that decision."

1) The roll out was a bit hectic, but as he pointed out, he didn't want any lag time......the only fire to Anti-Muslim argument are actual lies about the program....there are 50 countries that are majority muslim.....there are only 7 out of the 50 on that list, and of those Iran is actually the biggest terrorist exporter in the world....Iraq is filled with isis....and Syria has no way to help us vet refugees......and the other countries also have major terrorist is also TEMPORARY....until after we get the vetting procedures updated and improved....

So the entire Executive Order coverage was a lie about what it actually was and what it did...that is on the Press and the left...which are essentially one and the same...

2) The Wall......he has been in office about 3 weeks has he broken his promise?...he has stated as of 2 weeks ago that he is going to build the wall and they are working on the details...and he has repeated that Mexico will pay for the wall, is this going back on his word?

3) We have no idea what he did with the Australian Prime mInister do we? Reported to us by anonymous sources from the same media that actively tried to help hilary get elected....from their own emails......

Nordstrom.....he defended his daughter...just like what.....they attacked her because her father is Trump. And leadership....from the unions, to the retail merchants to the airline industry, they are all coming out of those meetings stating they are really happy with what they discussed and the tone set......

You have to look beyond the democrat journalists and their reporting...they are lying to you.
The greatest irony is that their slogan is 'Make America Great again'. That seems to be nothing but a sick joke.
Sick to you maybe. But as a capitalist, I disagree.

If you are truly a capitalist, then you believe in the free-market. SInce illegal immigrants fulfill an market need, you would be against Trump's immigration policies and his positions on free trade.

Apparently, you are not the capitalist that you profess to being. You are a brain washed Trumpbot!
Nope. Strong borders create and safer and more stable economy. Free trade is only possible with fair trade. If we are getting hosed with an international deal there's little a US corporation can do about it.

No, fair trade and free trade are two different things. Fair trade implies government interference in the market to insure fair trade. It implies that government gets to determine what is and is not fair trade. It's as statist as statist gets.

Free trade means no government interference in the markets. Maybe you should read up on Milton Friedman's beliefs on free trade.

No, if you believe in government intervention in the markets, then you are against free trade and you are not a capitalist.

You apparently are a Trumpbot and a statist living under the delusion that you are a capitalist.
You don't know what you're babbling about. If a country slaps import duties on the US and we don't have a business savvy government we are going to take it in the shorts. You're just eager to get your hate on.
There's the issue with Flynn and his ties to Russia. A lot of his appointments have been pretty bad (DeVos and Perry, especially). Spending the first week of his campaign trying to drill into people's heads that his inauguration was the biggest ever, the issue with alternative facts and nonexistent massacres (Which was on Spicer and Conway, but still). And his twitter rants have come off as more childish than powerful. Oh, and the botched Yemen raid. And the hostile calls with Australia. And his fights with Nordstrom and SNL...

Been a pretty rocky start. Hope he turns things around...
The Flynn thing is overblown but they had to let him fall on the sword. The leftists needed some raw meat. There's no evidence he had an arrangement, they won't release the transcripts. But for the left accusations are good enough.

DeVos will likely be great, she believes in school competition like most conservatives. I don't think you're being honest about your political leanings.

The alternative fact comment obviously sailed over your head. The inauguration was streamed like never before so it may have been the biggest viewed.

Fights with Nordstroms? When? His daughter was ditched because of him, what kind of man would say nothing? Basically, you're full of shit.
So trump gave in to the democrats and fired flynn even though he did nothing wrong? Are you bat shit crazy?
Flynn was a democrat. Are you saying you hacks like to eat your own?
His political party means nothing, its all about his conversations with Russians

There was nothing wrong with his coversations with the Russian ambassador......obama's team was talking to Iran and Hamas during the election in 2008....before he won.......
The greatest irony is that their slogan is 'Make America Great again'. That seems to be nothing but a sick joke.
Sick to you maybe. But as a capitalist, I disagree.

If you are truly a capitalist, then you believe in the free-market. SInce illegal immigrants fulfill an market need, you would be against Trump's immigration policies and his positions on free trade.

Apparently, you are not the capitalist that you profess to being. You are a brain washed Trumpbot!
Illiterate ignorant hypocritical ass.

You apparently do not have a clue what the terms 'capitalist' or 'fee market' mean. You're obviously both ignorant and illiterate on these terms.

You personify the pigeon shitting on the chess board per my signature!
The only thing "wrong" so far is that he has not purged the federal bureaucracy and jailed Obama.
Sound very trollish, but I'll bite. Are you saying that you agree with all his cabinet nominations, his Twitter rants, and his use of executive orders? I find that hard to believe, but it's your opinion and I'll respect that.

I agree with all of it........

His Twitter rants are one point in our history have we ever had a front row seat into what a President is actually thinking on a daily basis? And we are supposed to not want that in our leaders? And he uses them to get around the Press...which is filled with democrats who actively supported hilary and opposed him...and constantly lie about him and his agenda.
Ahhh, your rhetorical question.

Did hillary lie about anything?

Did Obama create the list of countries that Trump used?

Did bill sign the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Booooosh took office?

Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted credit-default swaps?

Ahhhhh, this is fun.

Was that too many questions? Ok, just answer one.

Did hillary lie about anything?
So, instead of replying honestly and actually answering a polite question, you got your jollies being a troll? Is your life really that sad and empty?

But what the hell. Did Hillary lie about anything? Repeatedly.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact

Do you realize that politifact is a left wing site...that constantly lies about Republican statements and soft pedals democrat statements?
Obama wasn't a great president. Obamacare was a bust, he didn't handle the Middle East well, and he spent most of his time butting heads with congress. That better or do you need more confirmation?
Obama was a failure on many different levels. The man aided Illegals, Immigrants, and Terrorists more than he helped his own people. He spent most of his time Un-Constitutionally BY-PASSING Congress.
Considering Congress (with approval numbers in the high single digits) said they would do nothing, President Obama had no option but to exert his constitutional authority through Executive Orders. Unless you think Executive Orders are unconstitutional. If that's the case, please show how and then defend Trump's use of Executive Orders.

Can't have it both ways, ya know!
Ahhh, your rhetorical question.

Did hillary lie about anything?

Did Obama create the list of countries that Trump used?

Did bill sign the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Booooosh took office?

Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted credit-default swaps?

Ahhhhh, this is fun.

Was that too many questions? Ok, just answer one.

Did hillary lie about anything?
So, instead of replying honestly and actually answering a polite question, you got your jollies being a troll? Is your life really that sad and empty?

But what the hell. Did Hillary lie about anything? Repeatedly.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact

Your argument against Clinton is childish. Everyone on the planet has lied, especially every politician. Yes, I'm sure that even Bernie has lied.

Has Clinton broken any laws? No. She and her husband have been under constant investigation since the 1990s, yet no prosecutable offenses have been found. Bill Clinton was impeached, but the Senate found that he was not guilty of anything worth removing him from office.

On the other hand, Trump has been lying constantly and shamelessly. He also hasn't been found guilty of any prosecutable offenses worth removing him from office...YET.

He certainly has been sued and found guilty in so many civil suits it's incredible.

They have been in control of the law enforcement arm in every office they have held...he used to be the Attorney General of ARkansas.......he was the Governor...then President.....they have used their powers to keep any investigation from indicting them....

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