LSTU#3: Has Trump done anything wrong yet?

BTW comrades - Your efforts to undermine America by faking the election of your Manchurian candidate are falling apart quickly.

Good try though! All is fair in love and cold war, right?

I'm going to lunch now. Enjoy your Vodka!
Hey Richard, how about you fuck off and derail someone else's thread? Seriously, while I appreciate your liberal side, go start your own thread to argue this stuff.

You can fuck off if you think that you can start a thread and that you own it after that.

I'm not the one that brought up Clinton's emails - that was started by the Trumpbots - I just tend to get pissed off because I think Clinton was victimized by the most extreme campaign of character assassinate in history.

Sorry if I took the thread off topic.

But it does seem curious that you were so irked by my joking about posters on this thread being Russian....

Hmmm...make me wonder......
Liberal Seeks To Understand #3
I'll admit to being a liberal, so speak slowly and use small words please. :) I swear I'm just trying to understand conservatives' POV on issues. This is an honest question. As before, I'll return respect with respect and crudeness with crudeness.

The question is for conservatives only: Has Trump done anything wrong in your opinion?

I've heard many conservatives claim liberals stood by Obama no matter what. Looking over posts here and elsewhere, I'm seeing a similar theme: Conservatives stick by Trump no matter what. But I'm biased, so I know I could just be seeing what I want to see.

What Trump has done as president that you think is wrong? Not wrong as in, "Trump hasn't gone far enough with illegal immigration!" but more like, "OK, even I cannot support that decision." Cheers!
What has he done right?
All these lies from only one press conference:

Trump said 9th circuit overturned 80% of the time. Lie.

he got the most Electoral college votes since Reagan. Lie

Administration inherited a mess. Unemployment is 4.7%. Stock market grew 8,000 points. Lie.

Trump said he had the most electoral votes since Reagan. lie

Trump said Intel is creating 10,000 jobs in Arizona. lie

Trump said Hillary Clinton gave 20% of our uranium to Russia. lie

Trump said he is bringing back millions of jobs from overseas. lie

The travel ban roll out went smooth. lie

And here is a brand new one. Trump said he didn't know anyone who had contact with the Russians. Hello, Flynn had contact with the Russians. Duh!.
BTW comrades - Your efforts to undermine America by faking the election of your Manchurian candidate are falling apart quickly.

Good try though! All is fair in love and cold war, right?

I'm going to lunch now. Enjoy your Vodka!
Hey Richard, how about you fuck off and derail someone else's thread? Seriously, while I appreciate your liberal side, go start your own thread to argue this stuff.

You can fuck off if you think that you can start a thread and that you own it after that.

I'm not the one that brought up Clinton's emails - that was started by the Trumpbots - I just tend to get pissed off because I think Clinton was victimized by the most extreme campaign of character assassinate in history.

Sorry if I took the thread off topic.

But it does seem curious that you were so irked by my joking about posters on this thread being Russian....

Hmmm...make me wonder......
You are correct that I do not own any thread, even ones I start. I thought it was commonly accepted etiquette to not hijack other people's threads. It's sad that you don't care about etiquette or being rude. By all means, be the biggest jackass you care to be.

I agree with you (at least mostly) on Clinton's emails. I'm just saying that, instead of derailing someone else's thread, you should start your own. That's why I'm irked. Not about the content but the context.
BTW comrades - Your efforts to undermine America by faking the election of your Manchurian candidate are falling apart quickly.

Good try though! All is fair in love and cold war, right?

I'm going to lunch now. Enjoy your Vodka!
Hey Richard, how about you fuck off and derail someone else's thread? Seriously, while I appreciate your liberal side, go start your own thread to argue this stuff.

You can fuck off if you think that you can start a thread and that you own it after that.

I'm not the one that brought up Clinton's emails - that was started by the Trumpbots - I just tend to get pissed off because I think Clinton was victimized by the most extreme campaign of character assassinate in history.

Sorry if I took the thread off topic.

But it does seem curious that you were so irked by my joking about posters on this thread being Russian....

Hmmm...make me wonder......
You are correct that I do not own any thread, even ones I start. I thought it was commonly accepted etiquette to not hijack other people's threads. It's sad that you don't care about etiquette or being rude. By all means, be the biggest jackass you care to be.

I agree with you (at least mostly) on Clinton's emails. I'm just saying that, instead of derailing someone else's thread, you should start your own. That's why I'm irked. Not about the content but the context.

Do you understand that I wasn't the one that brought up Clinton's email's?

Also, there's a 'Clean Debate Zone' for people who want to keep the debates polite. You must be new to USMB, because the debates under this topic usually get raucous.
To get back on 'topic':

Trump has done two things right:

1. His appointment of the Secretary of Transportation (Elaine Chao).

2. His recent nomination of Gen. McMaster as National Security Advisor.

Besides that just about everything else he's done is a farse!

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