Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

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So the current economic collapse in Russia is proof that Obama got his ass handed to him by Putin.

When is Putin's withdrawal date from Crimea?
Putin isn't going to change his policy when the Republicans are in the White House. He plans for the future, not just the next election, Putin takes the long view and isn't too concerned about the price of oil either. He has the Crimea now and there's really nothing anyone can do about it; five years from now you'll be asking when Putin will withdraw from the rest of the Ukraine.
He is concerned with his economy and the ruble. But he is willing to take the hit in order to keep Crimea.........His designs on the Ukraine are temporarily thwarted.

Had the international community not taken action he would have probably moved in and taken the Ukraine by force. He tested the waters to see the resolve of the west against him. They called and now it is his move.

Time will tell. He will still support the rebels in the Ukraine whether or not his forces take part in any future battles though.
The West cannot afford to destablize Russia. Putin knows that. He might be replaced by someone worse. He will bide his time. The sanctions hurt western countries as well. Eventually the move will be made to remvoe them, either overtly or covertly. The French and Germans have a long history of trading with the enemy.
I agree as the EU needs the oil from the pipelines from Russia..............It will not last, but goes on for now. OPEC will not keep it up either.............It's only a matter of time.

In the end, he will keep Crimea..............and he will continue to support the rebels in the Ukraine.
And will move on. Azerbaijan? Uzbekistan? Moldova? Who knows?
When is Putin's withdrawal date from Crimea?
Putin isn't going to change his policy when the Republicans are in the White House. He plans for the future, not just the next election, Putin takes the long view and isn't too concerned about the price of oil either. He has the Crimea now and there's really nothing anyone can do about it; five years from now you'll be asking when Putin will withdraw from the rest of the Ukraine.
He is concerned with his economy and the ruble. But he is willing to take the hit in order to keep Crimea.........His designs on the Ukraine are temporarily thwarted.

Had the international community not taken action he would have probably moved in and taken the Ukraine by force. He tested the waters to see the resolve of the west against him. They called and now it is his move.

Time will tell. He will still support the rebels in the Ukraine whether or not his forces take part in any future battles though.
The West cannot afford to destablize Russia. Putin knows that. He might be replaced by someone worse. He will bide his time. The sanctions hurt western countries as well. Eventually the move will be made to remvoe them, either overtly or covertly. The French and Germans have a long history of trading with the enemy.
I agree as the EU needs the oil from the pipelines from Russia..............It will not last, but goes on for now. OPEC will not keep it up either.............It's only a matter of time.

In the end, he will keep Crimea..............and he will continue to support the rebels in the Ukraine.
And will move on. Azerbaijan? Uzbekistan? Moldova? Who knows?
Don't know that.............Only know that he wants to expand..................Perhaps he dreams of another USSR.
So the current economic collapse in Russia is proof that Obama got his ass handed to him by Putin.

When is Putin's withdrawal date from Crimea?
Putin isn't going to change his policy when the Republicans are in the White House. He plans for the future, not just the next election, Putin takes the long view and isn't too concerned about the price of oil either. He has the Crimea now and there's really nothing anyone can do about it; five years from now you'll be asking when Putin will withdraw from the rest of the Ukraine.
He is concerned with his economy and the ruble. But he is willing to take the hit in order to keep Crimea.........His designs on the Ukraine are temporarily thwarted.

Had the international community not taken action he would have probably moved in and taken the Ukraine by force. He tested the waters to see the resolve of the west against him. They called and now it is his move.

Time will tell. He will still support the rebels in the Ukraine whether or not his forces take part in any future battles though.

Tested our resolve......resolve to do what? Short of committing ground forces to drive the Russians out of the eastern Ukraine what do you imagine would prompt the Russians to alter their policy?
You misunderstand..............they would have already done even more had the west not reacted..............Had we said or done nothing Putin may have used it for a green light.


No, you misunderstand. Poland and other former Warsaw Pact nations now in NATO are not on Putin's list of objectives, the Russians don't have the conventional military strength to do much else but subvert the Ukraine anyway.
Putin understood the consequences of seizing the Ukraine and decided in was worth it. Having already belittled the current US president and testing his mettle, he choose to take the risk. The result was as expected. Puny and temporary as possible for a coup of epic proportions. He also served noticed that Russia was not to be trifled with, and much like China, Iran and ISIS, senses a power vacuum in the West.
When is Putin's withdrawal date from Crimea?
Putin isn't going to change his policy when the Republicans are in the White House. He plans for the future, not just the next election, Putin takes the long view and isn't too concerned about the price of oil either. He has the Crimea now and there's really nothing anyone can do about it; five years from now you'll be asking when Putin will withdraw from the rest of the Ukraine.
He is concerned with his economy and the ruble. But he is willing to take the hit in order to keep Crimea.........His designs on the Ukraine are temporarily thwarted.

Had the international community not taken action he would have probably moved in and taken the Ukraine by force. He tested the waters to see the resolve of the west against him. They called and now it is his move.

Time will tell. He will still support the rebels in the Ukraine whether or not his forces take part in any future battles though.

Tested our resolve......resolve to do what? Short of committing ground forces to drive the Russians out of the eastern Ukraine what do you imagine would prompt the Russians to alter their policy?
You misunderstand..............they would have already done even more had the west not reacted..............Had we said or done nothing Putin may have used it for a green light.


No, you misunderstand. Poland and other former Warsaw Pact nations now in NATO are not on Putin's list of objectives, the Russians don't have the conventional military strength to do much else but subvert the Ukraine anyway.

They will not attack Poland because Poland is part of NATO..................Which would force a military response in defense of a NATO ALLY.

Don't underestimate the capabilities of Russian conventional army and air force.

This is Putin seeing if he can seize territory.
Putin isn't going to change his policy when the Republicans are in the White House. He plans for the future, not just the next election, Putin takes the long view and isn't too concerned about the price of oil either. He has the Crimea now and there's really nothing anyone can do about it; five years from now you'll be asking when Putin will withdraw from the rest of the Ukraine.
He is concerned with his economy and the ruble. But he is willing to take the hit in order to keep Crimea.........His designs on the Ukraine are temporarily thwarted.

Had the international community not taken action he would have probably moved in and taken the Ukraine by force. He tested the waters to see the resolve of the west against him. They called and now it is his move.

Time will tell. He will still support the rebels in the Ukraine whether or not his forces take part in any future battles though.

Tested our resolve......resolve to do what? Short of committing ground forces to drive the Russians out of the eastern Ukraine what do you imagine would prompt the Russians to alter their policy?
You misunderstand..............they would have already done even more had the west not reacted..............Had we said or done nothing Putin may have used it for a green light.


No, you misunderstand. Poland and other former Warsaw Pact nations now in NATO are not on Putin's list of objectives, the Russians don't have the conventional military strength to do much else but subvert the Ukraine anyway.

They will not attack Poland because Poland is part of NATO..................Which would force a military response in defense of a NATO ALLY.

Don't underestimate the capabilities of Russian conventional army and air force.

This is Putin seeing if he can seize territory.

Judging from their performance in Georgia I don't know if we can underestimate Russian forces.
He is concerned with his economy and the ruble. But he is willing to take the hit in order to keep Crimea.........His designs on the Ukraine are temporarily thwarted.

Had the international community not taken action he would have probably moved in and taken the Ukraine by force. He tested the waters to see the resolve of the west against him. They called and now it is his move.

Time will tell. He will still support the rebels in the Ukraine whether or not his forces take part in any future battles though.

Tested our resolve......resolve to do what? Short of committing ground forces to drive the Russians out of the eastern Ukraine what do you imagine would prompt the Russians to alter their policy?
You misunderstand..............they would have already done even more had the west not reacted..............Had we said or done nothing Putin may have used it for a green light.


No, you misunderstand. Poland and other former Warsaw Pact nations now in NATO are not on Putin's list of objectives, the Russians don't have the conventional military strength to do much else but subvert the Ukraine anyway.

They will not attack Poland because Poland is part of NATO..................Which would force a military response in defense of a NATO ALLY.

Don't underestimate the capabilities of Russian conventional army and air force.

This is Putin seeing if he can seize territory.

Judging from their performance in Georgia I don't know if we can underestimate Russian forces.

The operation in Georgia was sloppy but they still managed to do what they came to do. A lot of their conventional equipment is old and easily destroyed on the battlefield by our forces.

They lost 5 aircraft when Georgia only had a total of 8.

They still have a large force capability even though the ground forces are meat on the table for our tech.

Again, never underestimate anyone............which would include Russia. They still have a very strong force available..............and you can't decide it completely by the misguided operations of a small 5 day battle.
What on earth related to white privilege says today's whites are responsible for slavery?

You making shit up again Rabbi?
Not responsible, numbskull. But beneficiaries of it and thereofre responsible for providing reparations.

Please try to keep up Rabbi

I challenged the claim that liberals say today's whites are responsible for slavery and you start babbling about beneficiaries.

Can't stay on topic can you
You issued a straw man fallacy and got called on it.
Tough luck.

I issued no fallacy at all. I challenged the statement that liberals say today's whites are responsible for slavery

Do you even know what a Strawman fallacy is or are you just mimicking what other posters say?
Please post which conservatives have claimed liberals say that.
Please follow the is not too hard
Not responsible, numbskull. But beneficiaries of it and thereofre responsible for providing reparations.

Please try to keep up Rabbi

I challenged the claim that liberals say today's whites are responsible for slavery and you start babbling about beneficiaries.

Can't stay on topic can you
You issued a straw man fallacy and got called on it.
Tough luck.

I issued no fallacy at all. I challenged the statement that liberals say today's whites are responsible for slavery

Do you even know what a Strawman fallacy is or are you just mimicking what other posters say?
Please post which conservatives have claimed liberals say that.
Please follow the is not too hard
Translation: I have no such thing but made it up.
eagl 10459319
I would agree that they wanted to go............They had already made their minds up that Saddam had to go.....

Assuming the key point in your agreement is that ' they' in your mind were in the Cheney/Bush persona camp and were the only ones that ,
'Wanted to go' automatically and did not care one iota about the outcome of UN inspections. By reading into the remainder of your post it does not appear that you are ready to accept the existence of what I've defined as the Blair/Bush persona camp. Do you accept that there was a public image of a Bush presidency that did not want war unless it were the last resort and all peaceful remedies have been exhausted.

So thus far we are in agreement that Bush (Blair/Bush) did not lie about WMD in Iraq from his inauguration through November 2002? Can you confirm that? And the key reason why there were no "WMD lies" up to that point was because Iraq was in violation of international law and had not let inspectors in since 1998. And there was every right for all leaders and politicians to be concerned about that. Do you agree with that?
Please try to keep up Rabbi

I challenged the claim that liberals say today's whites are responsible for slavery and you start babbling about beneficiaries.

Can't stay on topic can you
You issued a straw man fallacy and got called on it.
Tough luck.

I issued no fallacy at all. I challenged the statement that liberals say today's whites are responsible for slavery

Do you even know what a Strawman fallacy is or are you just mimicking what other posters say?
Please post which conservatives have claimed liberals say that.
Please follow the is not too hard
Translation: I have no such thing but made it up.

Please follow the thread for once
eagl 10459319
I would agree that they wanted to go............They had already made their minds up that Saddam had to go.....

Assuming the key point in your agreement is that ' they' in your mind were in the Cheney/Bush persona camp and were the only ones that ,
'Wanted to go' automatically and did not care one iota about the outcome of UN inspections. By reading into the remainder of your post it does not appear that you are ready to accept the existence of what I've defined as the Blair/Bush persona camp. Do you accept that there was a public image of a Bush presidency that did not want war unless it were the last resort and all peaceful remedies have been exhausted.

So thus far we are in agreement that Bush (Blair/Bush) did not lie about WMD in Iraq from his inauguration through November 2002? Can you confirm that? And the key reason why there were no "WMD lies" up to that point was because Iraq was in violation of international law and had not let inspectors in since 1998. And there was every right for all leaders and politicians to be concerned about that. Do you agree with that?
1. I do believe Bush wanted to go in and finish off Iraq. Specifically because he threatened his dad.

2. UN inspections only began again after Bush Threatened Saddam with War. Only when we began deployment did he even think about crying uncle and allowed inspections to continue. In other words, we had to put a gun to his head to force compliance.

3. Clinton used the military option in the past because of the imminent threat of WMD'S including Nuclear Weapons during his term. Even after this occurred Saddam still continued to deny the weapons inspections to get rid of the WMD's in his country. I've shown the video already in his own words about the threat of WMD'S from Clinton. And I've shown the Dem politicians saying the same thing.

4. Your side still refuses to acknowledge that they said the same damn thing over and over again right up to and following the War.

Your side doesn't get a free is well documented by their own words............Including actual attacks by the United States to stop the WMD'S under Clinton. These attacks didn't resolve the issue now did they......................The Rhetoric from both sides was against the WMD's whether REAL OR Imagined by both sides of the equation.

Again, listen to the videos provided to get a recap on the history of the situation from Clinton's own mouth as he ordered attacks against Iraq.
Again..............this thread was about OBAMA not BUSH.................but everything is always about Bush and not Obama............................

I've not completely ditched Obama in this thread.............I've stated that the sanctions have had and effect. I've also stated that I still consider him inept on the World Stage in his words...............I also stated that he has lost the respect of some in the military.

That is what the thread is supposed to be about and not a rehash of Iraq, which at every turn Liberals turn to in defense of Obama.
Obama's weakness on the world stage invariably defaults to Bush. Domestically, it's a toss up between Bush and Reagan. This must be so because Obama is a great leader. No doubt North Korea's ills are to this day assigned to the Kim's dynasty predecessors.
Russian Air Force - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Russian Navy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Putin is now building new aircraft and Naval ships. These aircraft and ships aren't non capable platforms unless you are a dolt.

To use Georgia as the whole deal is foolish.

Not much Russian naval activity in eastern Ukraine.
Well at least you know the difference between land and sea.........That's a relief.............

If we fought, BIG IF. Russians in the you really think they would just park their ships and just play in the Ukraine...............................
Russian Air Force - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Russian Navy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Putin is now building new aircraft and Naval ships. These aircraft and ships aren't non capable platforms unless you are a dolt.

To use Georgia as the whole deal is foolish.

Not much Russian naval activity in eastern Ukraine.
Crimea (Sevastopol) used to be the headquarters of Russia's Black Sea fleet. It is once again, idiot!

Since March 22, 2014, most members of the Ukrainian Navy have pledged an oath to Russia and joined the Black Sea Fleet. Fifty-four out of sixty-seven ships of the Ukrainian Navy have been transferred to the Black Sea Fleet, with St. Andrew flags raised on them.[

Black Sea Fleet - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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