Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

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BTW............The primary Red Line in the Sand remark was directed at Syria's use of Chemical Weapons.

Not Naval Operations in the Med.
The EU and OPEC didn't need much pushing to get on board as it is in their back yard. And OPEC is using this as an excuse to wipe out competition.

Um, i can't see now they are 'wiping out the competition', exactly. The oil will still be there when prices go back up, and then it will be practical to start drilling it again.

Clinton didn't go to War over the information is a cop out to what he was saying. It's an excuse to your Bush Lied people died saying. Clinton didn't have 3000 Americans die during his term, and missed opportunities to take OBL. Again, Clinton was saying the same thing as Bush before leaving office.

Well, that's a major difference. When you go to war, you need to be absolutely , positively sure.

Because people were going to die when you did.

Bush didn't do the due diligence.
OPEC has done this before with the same reasoning. Doesn't mean it will actually take out the competition. Fracking continues here and elsewhere as does oil production in Russia.................Yet those in the business are taking it in the pocket book and I could honestly care less as I love the gas prices. Hope they keep it this way.

Now your argument is due diligence when you know what I posted is true. As the Clintons and Dems were saying the same thing. Nice try at deflection. The Commander N Chief does pull the trigger, but the Dems and Clintons were most definitely on board. When they found out it wasn't politically correct they jumped ship and made up excuses for their support. Nothing more and nothing less.
Everything changed with 9/11. Can you remember when Clinton tried to kill Bin Laden with cruise missile attacks. He sent almost a hundred of them at locations in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical factory with chemical weapons production capabilities Bin Laden had built in Sudan. He was criticized for his action and some Republican's called for an investigation as they suggested a "wag the dog" scenario. There was absolutely no way Clinton had support for introducing troops anywhere for the capture or assassination of Bin Laden or the destruction of al Qaeda.
When 911 occurred the country, including Democrats gave Bush complete trust. The nation's citizens appeared to be in grave and imminent danger. Nobody expected the President to take advantage of this enormous and unfettered trust. When Bush told America that al Qaeda was receiving support and protection from Saddam and Iraq at his State of the Union Address following 911, the country believed him. Surely, a President could be trusted at such a time. No President would mislead the nation at such a time. Well, one did. The President made his statement during his address to the nation and world and it was a lie. Saddam and Iraq never gave al Qaeda support and protection. Bush said Saddam and Iraq gave this support and protection and it was a total made up lie. That is why so many, including Democrats, supported the war and believed President Bush.
Of course.............everyone wanted to kick anyone's ass that had anything to do with 9/11. And the country was unified for a short period of time. The Dems saw the same data Bush did in the Senate and Congress and Clinton had unfettered data before this ever became an issue.

The congress did not have the same information as the President. That is a major part of the problem. Comments by the administration were just automatically accepted as truth. The President said al Qaeda was being supported and protected by Saddam. People believed the President had classified information and proof. They took his word and it turned out he was lying.
BTW............The primary Red Line in the Sand remark was directed at Syria's use of Chemical Weapons.

Not Naval Operations in the Med.
Well, ya, but Russia new the use of chem weapons would bring about air strikes and judged it best to not be in the area when and if that happened.
The EU and OPEC didn't need much pushing to get on board as it is in their back yard. And OPEC is using this as an excuse to wipe out competition.

Um, i can't see now they are 'wiping out the competition', exactly. The oil will still be there when prices go back up, and then it will be practical to start drilling it again.

Clinton didn't go to War over the information is a cop out to what he was saying. It's an excuse to your Bush Lied people died saying. Clinton didn't have 3000 Americans die during his term, and missed opportunities to take OBL. Again, Clinton was saying the same thing as Bush before leaving office.

Well, that's a major difference. When you go to war, you need to be absolutely , positively sure.

Because people were going to die when you did.

Bush didn't do the due diligence.
OPEC has done this before with the same reasoning. Doesn't mean it will actually take out the competition. Fracking continues here and elsewhere as does oil production in Russia.................Yet those in the business are taking it in the pocket book and I could honestly care less as I love the gas prices. Hope they keep it this way.

Now your argument is due diligence when you know what I posted is true. As the Clintons and Dems were saying the same thing. Nice try at deflection. The Commander N Chief does pull the trigger, but the Dems and Clintons were most definitely on board. When they found out it wasn't politically correct they jumped ship and made up excuses for their support. Nothing more and nothing less.
Everything changed with 9/11. Can you remember when Clinton tried to kill Bin Laden with cruise missile attacks. He sent almost a hundred of them at locations in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical factory with chemical weapons production capabilities Bin Laden had built in Sudan. He was criticized for his action and some Republican's called for an investigation as they suggested a "wag the dog" scenario. There was absolutely no way Clinton had support for introducing troops anywhere for the capture or assassination of Bin Laden or the destruction of al Qaeda.
When 911 occurred the country, including Democrats gave Bush complete trust. The nation's citizens appeared to be in grave and imminent danger. Nobody expected the President to take advantage of this enormous and unfettered trust. When Bush told America that al Qaeda was receiving support and protection from Saddam and Iraq at his State of the Union Address following 911, the country believed him. Surely, a President could be trusted at such a time. No President would mislead the nation at such a time. Well, one did. The President made his statement during his address to the nation and world and it was a lie. Saddam and Iraq never gave al Qaeda support and protection. Bush said Saddam and Iraq gave this support and protection and it was a total made up lie. That is why so many, including Democrats, supported the war and believed President Bush.
Of course.............everyone wanted to kick anyone's ass that had anything to do with 9/11. And the country was unified for a short period of time. The Dems saw the same data Bush did in the Senate and Congress and Clinton had unfettered data before this ever became an issue.

The congress did not have the same information as the President. That is a major part of the problem. Comments by the administration were just automatically accepted as truth. The President said al Qaeda was being supported and protected by Saddam. People believed the President had classified information and proof. They took his word and it turned out he was lying.
They have intel committees in the Senate and Congress that are privy to the classified data.
So the current economic collapse in Russia is proof that Obama got his ass handed to him by Putin.

Putin is paying a price for the Ukraine by the United States and the World as a whole. Doesn't mean he go his ass handed to him by Putin at all. It also doesn't mean he's the Golden child of doing it by himself either.

Putin is paying a heavy economic price for this.
BTW............The primary Red Line in the Sand remark was directed at Syria's use of Chemical Weapons.

Not Naval Operations in the Med.
Well, ya, but Russia new the use of chem weapons would bring about air strikes and judged it best to not be in the area when and if that happened.
Of course they knew we'd threaten air strikes............yet a deal was brokered in response to chemical weapons to have them destroyed by the international community to avoid air strikes directly on Syrian positions. We never struck Syrian Gov't forces or positions. A deal was made to prevent these strikes.

Whether they honor the deal is a different topic.
Destruction of Syria s chemical weapons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

On 18 August 2014, all of the most toxic chemicals had been destroyed offshore. Western officials such as British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant have expressed concerns about the completeness of Syria's disclosures, and believe the OPCW mission should remain in place following the removal of chemical weapons until verification tasks can be completed.[17]

A late disclosure in 2014 regarding Syria's ricin program raised doubts about completeness of the regime's declaration of its chemical weapons stockpile.[19][20]
We know they destroyed what was agreed to. But there are those who believe Syria didn't give full disclosure.
At least you are finally owning up to the Dems being on board in their statements and words prior to the War. Somewhat..............As you still try to downplay what they stated and Clintons statements when Bush was not even in office,

If words killed people, you'd have a valid complaint. Bush lied, people died.

Before the War, I had arguments on both Wars BTW. I stated to get in and get the hell out. I never wanted to Nation build as you only have to look at the history of Israel to understand the possible consequences of staying in this region for a long time. Me and my brother went at it over this...........I told him we'd get stuck there as they don't believe as we do, and Religion rules the roost over there. It would lead to endless War just as the Israeli's have learned through their entire history.

The thing is, you can't get in and get out. That never works. Again, Bush lied about that, too. He said the Iraqis would be throwing flowers at our feet. And that the war would pay for itself. Bush lied. People died.

Bush thought, in my opinion, that if we gave them Freedom they would embrace it and it would take hold. It ignored the ideology of the region, and the religion as the final denominator in all things. Currently the whole region is basically in a giant Civil War. In Iraq, before we left, the Civil War between Sunni's and Shiites continued. It will not go away because it is in their blood. Same as ISIS wanting team Sunni to rule the roost, and the religious and political factions in Syria to continue in Civil War to vie for ultimate control of the region.

Point was, there wasn't a civil war when Saddam was in power. Saddam kept a lid on it. Bush Lied, people died.
Where are all those conservatives who were claiming they preferred Putin to lead us over Obama?
So what...............It's a typical response from people like you. To call anyone who disagrees with you a Racist.

Ended the War in Iraq and Afghanistan.............LOL............Are you up with current events buddy, Neither one is ended for the very reasons I already posted. The Civil Wars continue.

Point was, he got us out of them. Whether they fight amongst themselves isn't our problem.

He didn't kill OBL personally now did he.................I give him credit for giving the order, but the Seals took out OBL.........and that would have been the same even had it happened under Bush.

But the point is, it didn't happen under Bush. Mostly because Bush took all those military assets out of Afghanistan and put them in Iraq. Bush Lied. People died.

All by myself............hardly..............and to say the EU wouldn't have taken action without Obama is utter BS. The right thing was done in our actions and the actions of our allies..............Obama deserves credit for part of that equation but not all of it.

That doesn't say anything for his Line in the Sand statements in the past which were laughable...........And that doesn't end the disrespect many military officers have for him.

Then those officers need to resign their commissions. Today.

It's not like they've covered themselves in glory. We got rolled by two third world countries because these officers didn't provide the leadership to win the wars before people got tired of them.
They have intel committees in the Senate and Congress that are privy to the classified data.

Here's a timeline on the WMD lies controversy between hard core anti-war types on one hand and pro invasion Bush sympathizer on the other:
  • 2001 through November 2002 -, Bush43 was not lying about WMD intelligence on Iraq from the time he took office up through November 2002, or about the time the UNSC passed resolution 1441 - with all member states including the US and UK agreeing to give Saddam Hussein a final opportunity to comply in order to avoid war. The Atta meeting with Iraq agents pushed by Cheney was a lie and a few other 'connection to 911' type issues were greatly exaggerated. The nukes /mushroom cloud stuff in Iraq was a huge exaggeration - but for the moment lets not call these all lies under one blanket of war drum propaganda.
Key point: #a there were no UNMOVIC or IAEA inspections in a Iraq during this period. Iraq posed a continuing threat in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Specifically for me it was the potential chem/bio threat/nexus with 9/11 terrorists that posed a valid area for concern. Iraq was a threat just for being in defiance and violation of international law. I fault no politician for having serious concerns about the threat from Iraq during this period of time. Cheney's group took and stretched those concerns way too far.

Does everyone follow so far. Agree or disagree?
At least you are finally owning up to the Dems being on board in their statements and words prior to the War. Somewhat..............As you still try to downplay what they stated and Clintons statements when Bush was not even in office,

If words killed people, you'd have a valid complaint. Bush lied, people died.

Before the War, I had arguments on both Wars BTW. I stated to get in and get the hell out. I never wanted to Nation build as you only have to look at the history of Israel to understand the possible consequences of staying in this region for a long time. Me and my brother went at it over this...........I told him we'd get stuck there as they don't believe as we do, and Religion rules the roost over there. It would lead to endless War just as the Israeli's have learned through their entire history.

The thing is, you can't get in and get out. That never works. Again, Bush lied about that, too. He said the Iraqis would be throwing flowers at our feet. And that the war would pay for itself. Bush lied. People died.

Bush thought, in my opinion, that if we gave them Freedom they would embrace it and it would take hold. It ignored the ideology of the region, and the religion as the final denominator in all things. Currently the whole region is basically in a giant Civil War. In Iraq, before we left, the Civil War between Sunni's and Shiites continued. It will not go away because it is in their blood. Same as ISIS wanting team Sunni to rule the roost, and the religious and political factions in Syria to continue in Civil War to vie for ultimate control of the region.

Point was, there wasn't a civil war when Saddam was in power. Saddam kept a lid on it. Bush Lied, people died.
That is what dictators do............suppress anyone who disagrees with them. So yes, he kept it under control by killing all who dared to challenge his power. That hasn't changed throughout the history of mankind. People die in Wars...........and your constant saying of Bush Lied people died doesn't change the fact that your side were on board with the Rhetoric of Saddam before Bush ever took one day in office.

You recanted on that somewhat already, even though it is wishy washy at best. You know your hero's Abetted in the talking points that led to a War in Iraq. No matter what slogan you use that will never change.

To the point get in and get out never go in.........take some of them out and then withdraw and not fight a war of insurgency on THEIR TERMS.............We never needed to Nation build.........we only needed to kill the enemy and then leave.................That is why we are still there, and that is why if we leave they will fall..................

We leave Afghanistan the country will fall over time after we leave.............The Taliban will come back in force to retake the country. With Arab nations in support with weapons and arms.

The Civil War in Iraq was always's just that Saddam was a Butcher and kept it in check via the blood of the Shiites................
So what...............It's a typical response from people like you. To call anyone who disagrees with you a Racist.

Ended the War in Iraq and Afghanistan.............LOL............Are you up with current events buddy, Neither one is ended for the very reasons I already posted. The Civil Wars continue.

Point was, he got us out of them. Whether they fight amongst themselves isn't our problem.

He didn't kill OBL personally now did he.................I give him credit for giving the order, but the Seals took out OBL.........and that would have been the same even had it happened under Bush.

But the point is, it didn't happen under Bush. Mostly because Bush took all those military assets out of Afghanistan and put them in Iraq. Bush Lied. People died.

All by myself............hardly..............and to say the EU wouldn't have taken action without Obama is utter BS. The right thing was done in our actions and the actions of our allies..............Obama deserves credit for part of that equation but not all of it.

That doesn't say anything for his Line in the Sand statements in the past which were laughable...........And that doesn't end the disrespect many military officers have for him.

Then those officers need to resign their commissions. Today.

It's not like they've covered themselves in glory. We got rolled by two third world countries because these officers didn't provide the leadership to win the wars before people got tired of them.
They are resigning and retiring already...................

The old saying respect the rank and not necessarily the person applies. That was a standard saying when I was in, specifically you salute the rank and not necessarily the person.

Again, he got us out.................look at current we now bomb the same regions we are out of ...........................and we are still in Afghanistan aren't we...................

That is rhetoric..................although we can't stay there forever Iraq was not overrun during Bushes term now was it...........................

Again, in the end the Civil War has to bleed itself out. That amount of hate for each other can only end when one side or the other wins.............Same for Syria.............which we are bombing now as well.
That is what dictators do............suppress anyone who disagrees with them. So yes, he kept it under control by killing all who dared to challenge his power. That hasn't changed throughout the history of mankind. People die in Wars...........and your constant saying of Bush Lied people died doesn't change the fact that your side were on board with the Rhetoric of Saddam before Bush ever took one day in office.

Point is, no one was willing to send troops to die to free the IRaqi people if they weren't willing to free themselves.
That's why Bush lied about WMD's and links to Al Qaeda. Bush Lied. People Died.

You recanted on that somewhat already, even though it is wishy washy at best. You know your hero's Abetted in the talking points that led to a War in Iraq. No matter what slogan you use that will never change.

what Clinton didn't do was send in four divisions and result in 4500 people being killed. Bush Lied. People Died.

To the point get in and get out never go in.........take some of them out and then withdraw and not fight a war of insurgency on THEIR TERMS.............We never needed to Nation build.........we only needed to kill the enemy and then leave.................That is why we are still there, and that is why if we leave they will fall...

So you do that, someone else takes power that is just as bad. Or worse. As bad as Saddam was, he wasn't crazy like ISIL is. Bush Lied. People Died.
They have intel committees in the Senate and Congress that are privy to the classified data.

Here's a timeline on the WMD lies controversy between hard core anti-war types on one hand and pro invasion Bush sympathizer on the other:
  • 2001 through November 2002 -, Bush43 was not lying about WMD intelligence on Iraq from the time he took office up through November 2002, or about the time the UNSC passed resolution 1441 - with all member states including the US and UK agreeing to give Saddam Hussein a final opportunity to comply in order to avoid war. The Atta meeting with Iraq agents pushed by Cheney was a lie and a few other 'connection to 911' type issues were greatly exaggerated. The nukes /mushroom cloud stuff in Iraq was a huge exaggeration - but for the moment lets not call these all lies under one blanket of war drum propaganda.
Key point: #a there were no UNMOVIC or IAEA inspections in a Iraq during this period. Iraq posed a continuing threat in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Specifically for me it was the potential chem/bio threat/nexus with 9/11 terrorists that posed a valid area for concern. Iraq was a threat just for being in defiance and violation of international law. I fault no politician for having serious concerns about the threat from Iraq during this period of time. Cheney's group took and stretched those concerns way too far.

Does everyone follow so far. Agree or disagree?
I would agree that they wanted to go............They had already made their minds up that Saddam had to go...........I'm not also beyond saying the Bush wanted to take him out because Saddam threatened to kill his dad...................

But it doesn't change one iota of the fact that Clinton was saying the same thing via his intel long before.
That is what dictators do............suppress anyone who disagrees with them. So yes, he kept it under control by killing all who dared to challenge his power. That hasn't changed throughout the history of mankind. People die in Wars...........and your constant saying of Bush Lied people died doesn't change the fact that your side were on board with the Rhetoric of Saddam before Bush ever took one day in office.

Point is, no one was willing to send troops to die to free the IRaqi people if they weren't willing to free themselves.
That's why Bush lied about WMD's and links to Al Qaeda. Bush Lied. People Died.

You recanted on that somewhat already, even though it is wishy washy at best. You know your hero's Abetted in the talking points that led to a War in Iraq. No matter what slogan you use that will never change.

what Clinton didn't do was send in four divisions and result in 4500 people being killed. Bush Lied. People Died.

To the point get in and get out never go in.........take some of them out and then withdraw and not fight a war of insurgency on THEIR TERMS.............We never needed to Nation build.........we only needed to kill the enemy and then leave.................That is why we are still there, and that is why if we leave they will fall...

So you do that, someone else takes power that is just as bad. Or worse. As bad as Saddam was, he wasn't crazy like ISIL is. Bush Lied. People Died.
Which is like Libya right.............

Which is like Obama demanding Egypt allow the Muslim brotherhood in the political process.

How stable is Libya now...............How did that go........

Saddam was called the Butcher for what reason..................................It sure as hell wasn't because he worked at a meat market.............To say he isn't in the same catagory as ISIS and ISIL isn't correct.

ISIS was already brewing because of the war in Syria as well. Just under different names............As half the population of Syria has been displaced.
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