Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

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6000 now? How much did we lose in Nam ? That war was useless by the democrats

Why would Democrats of today be responsible for the debacle of Vietnam?

By the same logic that the whites of today are responsible for slavery ....
Who ever said the whites TODAY are responsible for slavery?

Give me a name
It's called "white privilege." Google is sometime.
Dems have short memories when it is convenient. Those who ignore the very words of their own elected leaders about Iraq are simply Lying just as their elected leaders Lie.

I've heard the song and dances before on Iraq. That Bush Lied to them and fooled them to vote for it. And that is just a LIE to cover up the older Lies they never tire of saying.

The Marines that we transported told me in the 1st Gulf War, that Serine Gas Monitors were going off on their vehicles in Iraq. One vehicle alarming could just be a malfunction, but 5 or 6, not a chance in hell. We blew their stock piles of ammunition to hell in the first Gulf War via massive airstrikes. We simply don't know how much of these sites contained WMD. However, there can be NO DOUBT that Saddam had used Chemical Weapons in the past. Against the Kurds and against Iran.

Do not distort history of why we went there for political purposes. Ditch how the War was fought all you want. The Strategy or political side of it. But stop feeding the BS that everyone from both parties voted for action and was saying the same thing when we went.
Crimea is a done deal. Crimea is pro Russian with minimal people wanting to remain in the Ukraine. Crimea is a key Russian Naval Base that Russia will never give up.

The Ukraine is made up of primarily pro Ukrainians now as a result of losing Crimea. So the rebels have little chance of winning another election since they'll lose the Crimean votes. Russian forces have engaged in combat in the Ukraine, and have openly supplied the Rebels. Their is little doubt Putin wants the Ukraine back, but has been put back by Sanctions and mainly by OPEC attempting to put the competition out of business.

Economically, the Russians are paying a very heavy price for Ukraine.
There were of course WMDs found.
You lied.

No, there weren't. Old expired mustard gas they buried in 1991 is not a WMD. Even the Bush Administration didn't try to make that claim when Santorum was trying to push that story in 2006.
Dems have short memories when it is convenient. Those who ignore the very words of their own elected leaders about Iraq are simply Lying just as their elected leaders Lie.

I've heard the song and dances before on Iraq. That Bush Lied to them and fooled them to vote for it. And that is just a LIE to cover up the older Lies they never tire of saying.

their elected leaders didn't use supposition about WMD's as a reason to go to war. Bush did. Bush lied. People died.

The Marines that we transported told me in the 1st Gulf War, that Serine Gas Monitors were going off on their vehicles in Iraq. One vehicle alarming could just be a malfunction, but 5 or 6, not a chance in hell. We blew their stock piles of ammunition to hell in the first Gulf War via massive airstrikes. We simply don't know how much of these sites contained WMD. However, there can be NO DOUBT that Saddam had used Chemical Weapons in the past. Against the Kurds and against Iran.

That's all nice, but there's no evidence Saddam deployed chemical weapons during the Gulf War, and no evidence that any of his stockpiled survived the UN Mandated destruction. IN short- Bush lied. People died.

Do not distort history of why we went there for political purposes. Ditch how the War was fought all you want. The Strategy or political side of it. But stop feeding the BS that everyone from both parties voted for action and was saying the same thing when we went.

The people who distorted things were Bush and Cheney, who claimed weather trailers were mobile chemical labs and aluminum tubes were for centrifuges. When the CIA wouldn't sign on to his ludicrous claims about yellowcake uranium, he cited foreign intelligence services who turned out to be wrong. IN short- Bush Lied. People died.
There were of course WMDs found.
You lied.

No, there weren't. Old expired mustard gas they buried in 1991 is not a WMD. Even the Bush Administration didn't try to make that claim when Santorum was trying to push that story in 2006.
Mustard Gas is a WMD.............It is a Chemical Weapon but not of the grade of Serine Gas................It has been used for a very long time, as an inexpensive chemical weapon.

It was not what was touted we were going for though. Nuclear weapons developments, and areas like serine were more to the point of the original WMD's they were going after.

It still mutes the point that the Dems were with it before the invasion. The video posted shows it in spades. Your reps agreed to go and the Clintons stated the same..............While they were in the Oval office.

It is convenient to forget this information Joe now isn't it.
Dems have short memories when it is convenient. Those who ignore the very words of their own elected leaders about Iraq are simply Lying just as their elected leaders Lie.

I've heard the song and dances before on Iraq. That Bush Lied to them and fooled them to vote for it. And that is just a LIE to cover up the older Lies they never tire of saying.

their elected leaders didn't use supposition about WMD's as a reason to go to war. Bush did. Bush lied. People died.

The Marines that we transported told me in the 1st Gulf War, that Serine Gas Monitors were going off on their vehicles in Iraq. One vehicle alarming could just be a malfunction, but 5 or 6, not a chance in hell. We blew their stock piles of ammunition to hell in the first Gulf War via massive airstrikes. We simply don't know how much of these sites contained WMD. However, there can be NO DOUBT that Saddam had used Chemical Weapons in the past. Against the Kurds and against Iran.

That's all nice, but there's no evidence Saddam deployed chemical weapons during the Gulf War, and no evidence that any of his stockpiled survived the UN Mandated destruction. IN short- Bush lied. People died.

Do not distort history of why we went there for political purposes. Ditch how the War was fought all you want. The Strategy or political side of it. But stop feeding the BS that everyone from both parties voted for action and was saying the same thing when we went.

The people who distorted things were Bush and Cheney, who claimed weather trailers were mobile chemical labs and aluminum tubes were for centrifuges. When the CIA wouldn't sign on to his ludicrous claims about yellowcake uranium, he cited foreign intelligence services who turned out to be wrong. IN short- Bush Lied. People died.

Forget that when Bush wasn't in office at all that Clinton was saying the same thing about Iraq. Was Clinton lying too.
Mustard Gas is a WMD.............It is a Chemical Weapon but not of the grade of Serine Gas................It has been used for a very long time, as an inexpensive chemical weapon.

Again, I have a problem with ANY Chemical weapon being classified as an WMD. The cutting edge weapon of 1914 is not a WMD. It wasn't even particularly effective against the Kurds. Most of the Kurds had to be shot with conventional bullets.

But more to the point, the few that we've dug up weren't deployable. They were buried in 1991, and they long ago lost their effectiveness because they only have a shelf life of a few years.

It was not what was touted we were going for though. Nuclear weapons developments, and areas like serine were more to the point of the original WMD's they were going after.

Exactly. We didn't go in after expired mustard gas. We went in because Saddam had Nukes and Anthrax and he was going to kill us all by giving it to bin Laden. IN short. Bush Lied. People died.

It still mutes the point that the Dems were with it before the invasion. The video posted shows it in spades. Your reps agreed to go and the Clintons stated the same..............While they were in the Oval office.

It is convenient to forget this information Joe now isn't it.

Or that the Dems had a reasonable expectation that if the President says something is so, and is willing to go to war over it, he's got a damned good reason. We now know Bush's reason was he wanted to avenge his pappy, and he used the fact we were all scared after 9/11 as a motivation. Bush Lied. People Died.

Forget that when Bush wasn't in office at all that Clinton was saying the same thing about Iraq. Was Clinton lying too.

Well, first, when Clinton said it, there were no inspectors on the ground saying, "We are coming up with nothing." There were when Bush did it. IN fact, Bush pushed for an invasion when it became pretty clear the inspectors were going to give Iraq a clean bill of health, and he couldn't have that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

No one died when Clinton lied.
Mustard Gas is a WMD.............It is a Chemical Weapon but not of the grade of Serine Gas................It has been used for a very long time, as an inexpensive chemical weapon.

Again, I have a problem with ANY Chemical weapon being classified as an WMD. The cutting edge weapon of 1914 is not a WMD. It wasn't even particularly effective against the Kurds. Most of the Kurds had to be shot with conventional bullets.

But more to the point, the few that we've dug up weren't deployable. They were buried in 1991, and they long ago lost their effectiveness because they only have a shelf life of a few years.

It was not what was touted we were going for though. Nuclear weapons developments, and areas like serine were more to the point of the original WMD's they were going after.

Exactly. We didn't go in after expired mustard gas. We went in because Saddam had Nukes and Anthrax and he was going to kill us all by giving it to bin Laden. IN short. Bush Lied. People died.

It still mutes the point that the Dems were with it before the invasion. The video posted shows it in spades. Your reps agreed to go and the Clintons stated the same..............While they were in the Oval office.

It is convenient to forget this information Joe now isn't it.

Or that the Dems had a reasonable expectation that if the President says something is so, and is willing to go to war over it, he's got a damned good reason. We now know Bush's reason was he wanted to avenge his pappy, and he used the fact we were all scared after 9/11 as a motivation. Bush Lied. People Died.

Forget that when Bush wasn't in office at all that Clinton was saying the same thing about Iraq. Was Clinton lying too.

Well, first, when Clinton said it, there were no inspectors on the ground saying, "We are coming up with nothing." There were when Bush did it. IN fact, Bush pushed for an invasion when it became pretty clear the inspectors were going to give Iraq a clean bill of health, and he couldn't have that.

Bush Lied. People Died.

No one died when Clinton lied.
Nice deflection on Clinton saying the same thing. He had intelligence agencies telling him the same thing and stated the same thing to the public before Bush ever got into office.

The Intel groups reported the same data to the Senate and Congressional committees without Bush saying anything. Does your side elect dumb asses who are so easily Lied to and if so why do you re-elect them............Given that and Saddam bragging over the years on having the program people believed the full program existed......And voted to give permission to go into Iraq. Not so in Libya.

Not so with weapons to FSA in Syria either.....which fell into ISIS hands under Obama.

Now that people like you have diverted the thread to BUSH.....................AS you don't want to talk about the failures of the one in office now.

The actions of the world and primarily OPEC has put Russia in a bad way. But please don't say it's the diplomatic side of Obama on why it happened as he has been laughable with his words on the global stage. This Op is just another example of U.S. Military leadership disregard for the current POTUS. They don't respect him and basically that was the original intention of the OP.

The actual Actions of the US on embargoes are a different matter as they along with the EU have hurt Russia as our Security Groups implementing sanctions don't give a rats ass about the politics of it. OPEC has done the most damage as it tries to wipe out the competition here and in Russia by purposely dropping oil prices.
Actually....if anyone got date raped it is the Conservatives

All that Putin worship only to see their hero crash and burn

But cheer up Conservatives, you can always root for Kim Jung Un

care to name some of those pseudo conservatives that keep bouncing around in that empty head of yours ??
The actions of the world and primarily OPEC has put Russia in a bad way. But please don't say it's the diplomatic side of Obama on why it happened as he has been laughable with his words on the global stage. This Op is just another example of U.S. Military leadership disregard for the current POTUS. They don't respect him and basically that was the original intention of the OP.

The actual Actions of the US on embargoes are a different matter as they along with the EU have hurt Russia as our Security Groups implementing sanctions don't give a rats ass about the politics of it. OPEC has done the most damage as it tries to wipe out the competition here and in Russia by purposely dropping oil prices.
Your evaluation and conclusion that OPEC has lowered oil prices not for any kind of diplomatic reasons, but instead, to wipe out competition does not seem to make sense. The Saudi's lowering prices to support it's primary customers and actual defenders does make sense.
Nice deflection on Clinton saying the same thing. He had intelligence agencies telling him the same thing and stated the same thing to the public before Bush ever got into office.

But again, he didn't go to war over it. Whether he was telling the truth or merely believed what the CIA was telling him was irrelevent, because he didn't act rashly on that belief.

Bush took us to war. Before he did that, he had an obligation to be absolutely sure that there were WMD's and that going to war was the ONLY option. He did neither. Bush lied. People died.

The Intel groups reported the same data to the Senate and Congressional committees without Bush saying anything. Does your side elect dumb asses who are so easily Lied to and if so why do you re-elect them............Given that and Saddam bragging over the years on having the program people believed the full program existed......And voted to give permission to go into Iraq. Not so in Libya.

Again, Bush and Cheney went to the CIA and jinned up the evidence. They downplayed contrary reports. The ignored people like Hans Blix and Scott Ritter who said, "Hey, we don't think he has them." In short. Bush lied, people died. And yes, a lot of Democrats were cowards for not challenging him.

Not so with weapons to FSA in Syria either.....which fell into ISIS hands under Obama.

Both parties just love the FSA. It was the American people saying, "Hey wait a minute" that kept us out of that mess in 2013.

Now that people like you have diverted the thread to BUSH.....................AS you don't want to talk about the failures of the one in office now.

The actions of the world and primarily OPEC has put Russia in a bad way. But please don't say it's the diplomatic side of Obama on why it happened as he has been laughable with his words on the global stage. This Op is just another example of U.S. Military leadership disregard for the current POTUS. They don't respect him and basically that was the original intention of the OP.

Yes, the WORLD has put Russia in a bad way, because Obama and Kerry did the hard work of getting them on board with sanctions. I know this horrifies you. Obama did what Bush couldn't do- get Putin to back down.
The actions of the world and primarily OPEC has put Russia in a bad way. But please don't say it's the diplomatic side of Obama on why it happened as he has been laughable with his words on the global stage. This Op is just another example of U.S. Military leadership disregard for the current POTUS. They don't respect him and basically that was the original intention of the OP.

The actual Actions of the US on embargoes are a different matter as they along with the EU have hurt Russia as our Security Groups implementing sanctions don't give a rats ass about the politics of it. OPEC has done the most damage as it tries to wipe out the competition here and in Russia by purposely dropping oil prices.
Your evaluation and conclusion that OPEC has lowered oil prices not for any kind of diplomatic reasons, but instead, to wipe out competition does not seem to make sense. The Saudi's lowering prices to support it's primary customers and actual defenders does make sense.
That could be a two edged sword. Yet a newly built LNG plant sits idle in my area now. It also hurts the fracking industries here and abroad who now may have the capability to out produce Saudi's oil output in a matter of years. Adding to this is Russia's decision to trade in the Ruble with China for oil, and OPEC's decision has slammed their economy.

There could be political pressure helping to push this, but OPEC has done this before when competition reared up to challenge the global markets.
Nice deflection on Clinton saying the same thing. He had intelligence agencies telling him the same thing and stated the same thing to the public before Bush ever got into office.

But again, he didn't go to war over it. Whether he was telling the truth or merely believed what the CIA was telling him was irrelevent, because he didn't act rashly on that belief.

Bush took us to war. Before he did that, he had an obligation to be absolutely sure that there were WMD's and that going to war was the ONLY option. He did neither. Bush lied. People died.

The Intel groups reported the same data to the Senate and Congressional committees without Bush saying anything. Does your side elect dumb asses who are so easily Lied to and if so why do you re-elect them............Given that and Saddam bragging over the years on having the program people believed the full program existed......And voted to give permission to go into Iraq. Not so in Libya.

Again, Bush and Cheney went to the CIA and jinned up the evidence. They downplayed contrary reports. The ignored people like Hans Blix and Scott Ritter who said, "Hey, we don't think he has them." In short. Bush lied, people died. And yes, a lot of Democrats were cowards for not challenging him.

Not so with weapons to FSA in Syria either.....which fell into ISIS hands under Obama.

Both parties just love the FSA. It was the American people saying, "Hey wait a minute" that kept us out of that mess in 2013.

Now that people like you have diverted the thread to BUSH.....................AS you don't want to talk about the failures of the one in office now.

The actions of the world and primarily OPEC has put Russia in a bad way. But please don't say it's the diplomatic side of Obama on why it happened as he has been laughable with his words on the global stage. This Op is just another example of U.S. Military leadership disregard for the current POTUS. They don't respect him and basically that was the original intention of the OP.

Yes, the WORLD has put Russia in a bad way, because Obama and Kerry did the hard work of getting them on board with sanctions. I know this horrifies you. Obama did what Bush couldn't do- get Putin to back down.
conz hate the fact that diplomatic measures precede military action even though 98% of the conz on this board haven't served anyway. They'd much rather throw kids into a meat grinder (shoot 1st and ask questions later) than try to apply pressure by other means which Barack is doing with good results and ZERO CASUALTIES..
Nice deflection on Clinton saying the same thing. He had intelligence agencies telling him the same thing and stated the same thing to the public before Bush ever got into office.

But again, he didn't go to war over it. Whether he was telling the truth or merely believed what the CIA was telling him was irrelevent, because he didn't act rashly on that belief.

Bush took us to war. Before he did that, he had an obligation to be absolutely sure that there were WMD's and that going to war was the ONLY option. He did neither. Bush lied. People died.

The Intel groups reported the same data to the Senate and Congressional committees without Bush saying anything. Does your side elect dumb asses who are so easily Lied to and if so why do you re-elect them............Given that and Saddam bragging over the years on having the program people believed the full program existed......And voted to give permission to go into Iraq. Not so in Libya.

Again, Bush and Cheney went to the CIA and jinned up the evidence. They downplayed contrary reports. The ignored people like Hans Blix and Scott Ritter who said, "Hey, we don't think he has them." In short. Bush lied, people died. And yes, a lot of Democrats were cowards for not challenging him.

Not so with weapons to FSA in Syria either.....which fell into ISIS hands under Obama.

Both parties just love the FSA. It was the American people saying, "Hey wait a minute" that kept us out of that mess in 2013.

Now that people like you have diverted the thread to BUSH.....................AS you don't want to talk about the failures of the one in office now.

The actions of the world and primarily OPEC has put Russia in a bad way. But please don't say it's the diplomatic side of Obama on why it happened as he has been laughable with his words on the global stage. This Op is just another example of U.S. Military leadership disregard for the current POTUS. They don't respect him and basically that was the original intention of the OP.

Yes, the WORLD has put Russia in a bad way, because Obama and Kerry did the hard work of getting them on board with sanctions. I know this horrifies you. Obama did what Bush couldn't do- get Putin to back down.
The EU and OPEC didn't need much pushing to get on board as it is in their back yard. And OPEC is using this as an excuse to wipe out competition.

Clinton didn't go to War over the information is a cop out to what he was saying. It's an excuse to your Bush Lied people died saying. Clinton didn't have 3000 Americans die during his term, and missed opportunities to take OBL. Again, Clinton was saying the same thing as Bush before leaving office.

WAS CLINTON LYING TOO........................
Actually....if anyone got date raped it is the Conservatives

All that Putin worship only to see their hero crash and burn

But cheer up Conservatives, you can always root for Kim Jung Un
I think its more like they got "stood up" :laugh: They swooned over Pootie Poot for months on Fox & Friends :puke: only to later have to eat crow when our proud, two-term, African American President put an int'l coalition together to bring Vlad's economy to the brink of depression.
Nice deflection on Clinton saying the same thing. He had intelligence agencies telling him the same thing and stated the same thing to the public before Bush ever got into office.

But again, he didn't go to war over it. Whether he was telling the truth or merely believed what the CIA was telling him was irrelevent, because he didn't act rashly on that belief.

Bush took us to war. Before he did that, he had an obligation to be absolutely sure that there were WMD's and that going to war was the ONLY option. He did neither. Bush lied. People died.

The Intel groups reported the same data to the Senate and Congressional committees without Bush saying anything. Does your side elect dumb asses who are so easily Lied to and if so why do you re-elect them............Given that and Saddam bragging over the years on having the program people believed the full program existed......And voted to give permission to go into Iraq. Not so in Libya.

Again, Bush and Cheney went to the CIA and jinned up the evidence. They downplayed contrary reports. The ignored people like Hans Blix and Scott Ritter who said, "Hey, we don't think he has them." In short. Bush lied, people died. And yes, a lot of Democrats were cowards for not challenging him.

Not so with weapons to FSA in Syria either.....which fell into ISIS hands under Obama.

Both parties just love the FSA. It was the American people saying, "Hey wait a minute" that kept us out of that mess in 2013.

Now that people like you have diverted the thread to BUSH.....................AS you don't want to talk about the failures of the one in office now.

The actions of the world and primarily OPEC has put Russia in a bad way. But please don't say it's the diplomatic side of Obama on why it happened as he has been laughable with his words on the global stage. This Op is just another example of U.S. Military leadership disregard for the current POTUS. They don't respect him and basically that was the original intention of the OP.

Yes, the WORLD has put Russia in a bad way, because Obama and Kerry did the hard work of getting them on board with sanctions. I know this horrifies you. Obama did what Bush couldn't do- get Putin to back down.
conz hate the fact that diplomatic measures precede military action even though 98% of the conz on this board haven't served anyway. They'd much rather throw kids into a meat grinder (shoot 1st and ask questions later) than try to apply pressure by other means which Barack is doing with good results and ZERO CASUALTIES..
STRAW MAN..........

I did 10 years and served in the region even though it's on the waters there in the Navy.

And you basically saying we wanted a War with Russia is utter BS. No one with any ounce of common sense wants a War with Russia and to imply people like myself want a War with them is just your usual BS propaganda.
The EU and OPEC didn't need much pushing to get on board as it is in their back yard. And OPEC is using this as an excuse to wipe out competition.

Um, i can't see now they are 'wiping out the competition', exactly. The oil will still be there when prices go back up, and then it will be practical to start drilling it again.

Clinton didn't go to War over the information is a cop out to what he was saying. It's an excuse to your Bush Lied people died saying. Clinton didn't have 3000 Americans die during his term, and missed opportunities to take OBL. Again, Clinton was saying the same thing as Bush before leaving office.

Well, that's a major difference. When you go to war, you need to be absolutely , positively sure.

Because people were going to die when you did.

Bush didn't do the due diligence.
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