Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

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bear5 10455639
Think chlorine gas, I don't know why I bother with you kool aid drinkers

Chlorine Gas? You really are confused. It's no wonder you can't provide a link.

Now you owe me 5 grand pay up to educate you

Your link does not match your original delusion. This is from your (lie by linking):

1:27 P.M. Iraqi officials say ISIS used chlorine gas

Iraqi officials say Islamic State militants used chlorine gas during fighting with Iraqi security forces and Shiite militiamen last month north of Baghdad.

The use of chlorine gas as a weapon adds a new concern to the turmoil in the country.

A senior security official, a local official from the town of Duluiya and an official from the town of Balad say the IS group used bombs with chlorine-filled cylinders during September clashes.

They told The Associated Press on Friday that about 40 troops and militiamen were slightly affected by the chlorine and showed symptoms consistent with chlorine poisoning, such as difficulty in breathing and coughing. They were treated in hospital and quickly recovered. The three spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to media. (AP)

You were claiming that ISIS found the WMD that Bush43 started a war to find. Here's what's been posted:

RW 10455184
Getting bitchslapped is invading countries looking for nonexistant WMDs

bear5 10455208
You know and I know right winger there was WMDs and the real reason He wanted to kill Saddam

bear5 10455300
You going to tell me you forgot about the ISIS finding the stash and wiping out a village?

NF 10455317
Bush43 knows and admits there were no WMDs. You need to recruit The Decider to go along with your rightwing delusions before going on record that you are suffering from them.

bear5 10455359
That was before the ISIS found the stash and wiped out a village tard go back to xbox you dont know shit

bear5 10455485
It was main stream news dumb ass but you wouldn't know to busy playing dress up, I assume

NF 10455498
Like I said, where has Bush come out and thanked DAIISH for finding "the most lethal weapons ever devised" in "The Stash" that would clear the black stain on his legacy of starting a war that killed scores of people and cost so much for Americans based on finding something that did not exist. <> You are suffering another delusion if you think DAIISH found Saddam's WMD and wiped out a village with it.

bear5 10455639
Think chlorine gas, I don't know why I bother with you kool aid drinkers

bear5 10455682

See what the report you are citing actually says.

CL2 gas in cylinders is a commercially available product used in water treatment plants etc. it is in no way the elusive "stash" of Saddam's WMD from 2002, that was used to 'wipe out a village' - you fabricated that whole story out of that Haaretz paragraph about Chlorine Gas maybe used in Iraq back in September.

But we can see how conservative dysfunctional reading skills lead to all the myths and false arguments that are bandied about the message boards and on rightwing hate talk radio.
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I am really getting Sick and tired of doing other peoples home work on here
It is just one example , you did forget really fast about Saddam mustard gassing the kurds in the 80s right ? How convient of you
And just one Last question could you produce a Chlorine bomb in your moms basement?
bear5 10455485
It was main stream news dumb ass but you wouldn't know to busy playing dress up, I assume

You ought to be able to provide a main stream news link to whatever it is you think you are talking about.
What you live in a vacum? Again not your teacher google it code words ... Not even going to tell you search and think for yourself , I refuse to tell people what to think, but how to search

On this board, if you make a statement, the burden of proof lies with you

Otherwise, it is assumed to be fabricated
That's a riot coming from you. You fabricate everything. Including your screen name.
bear5 10455956
I am really getting Sick and tired of doing other peoples home work on here

You need to do your own homework. You've been caught fabricating and we are all aware that you will spin and moan in such ways as that. Keep going. You just make yourself look worse.
bear5 10455485
It was main stream news dumb ass but you wouldn't know to busy playing dress up, I assume

You ought to be able to provide a main stream news link to whatever it is you think you are talking about.
What you live in a vacum? Again not your teacher google it code words ... Not even going to tell you search and think for yourself , I refuse to tell people what to think, but how to search

On this board, if you make a statement, the burden of proof lies with you

Otherwise, it is assumed to be fabricated
That's a riot coming from you. You fabricate everything. Including your screen name.

Really "Rabbi"?
bear5 10455985
It is just one example , you did forget really fast about Saddam mustard gassing the kurds in the 80s right ? How convient of you

Wait a minute. Did ISIS find the "stash" in the 80s? I didn't forget about Saddam doing that. Did you forget what your argument was not so long ago. Here it is:

bear5 10455359
That was before the ISIS found the stash and wiped out a village tard go back to xbox you dont know shit

That was in reference to Bush admitting that no WMD were found in Iraq that could legitimize his determination that it was necessary to invade rather than let UN inspectors finish inspecting.

So are you saying now that Bush43 didn't know Saddam mustard gassed the kurds in the 80s when he admitted that the WMD was never found?
So when does the Crimean withdrawal start? I've asked this many times and you can only deflect. If Obama's policies were successful we would be seeing Putin back off. Instead he's just gearing up for the next conflict.

Who says that has to be the end game. Frankly, the Crimea is probably going to remain in Russian hands because 90% of its people are Russians.

But Putin has already backed off from supporting the rebels, and his economy is a wreck.
It is just one example , you did forget really fast about Saddam mustard gassing the kurds in the 80s right ? How convient of you

Reagan claimed up and down that didn't happen.

But anyway, that was in the 1980's. In the 1990's, we had a decade of inspections that identified and destroyed those stockpiles, and sanctions that prevented him from getting the resources to make new stuff.
It is just one example , you did forget really fast about Saddam mustard gassing the kurds in the 80s right ? How convient of you

Reagan claimed up and down that didn't happen.

But anyway, that was in the 1980's. In the 1990's, we had a decade of inspections that identified and destroyed those stockpiles, and sanctions that prevented him from getting the resources to make new stuff.
Wrong on all counts and of cvourse unsubtantiated.
It is just one example , you did forget really fast about Saddam mustard gassing the kurds in the 80s right ? How convient of you

Reagan claimed up and down that didn't happen.

But anyway, that was in the 1980's. In the 1990's, we had a decade of inspections that identified and destroyed those stockpiles, and sanctions that prevented him from getting the resources to make new stuff.
Wrong on all counts and of cvourse unsubtantiated.

Guy, point was - no WMD's found in Iraq.

Bush lied. People Died.
It is just one example , you did forget really fast about Saddam mustard gassing the kurds in the 80s right ? How convient of you

Reagan claimed up and down that didn't happen.

But anyway, that was in the 1980's. In the 1990's, we had a decade of inspections that identified and destroyed those stockpiles, and sanctions that prevented him from getting the resources to make new stuff.
Wrong on all counts and of cvourse unsubtantiated.

Guy, point was - no WMD's found in Iraq.

Bush lied. People Died.
There were of course WMDs found.
You lied.
bear5 10456006
And just one Last question could you produce a Chlorine bomb in your moms basement?

Did you forget that you claimed that ISIS found Saddam's stash wherever Saddam must have been hiding it. Now you seem to be suggesting that DAIISH made some Chlorine bombs in their mom's basement.

You going to tell me you forgot about the ISIS finding the stash and wiping out a village?

What story are you gong to stick with Bear5? Just a reminder though, none of your stories confirms that Saddam's stash of WMDs has been found because it did not exist in 2003.

Give it up. Bush43 admits it. Why can't you?
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BB 10456343
There were of course WMDs found.

Bush43 - says no. They were not found and it makes him sick in his stomach every time he says he thinks about it. It should make you sick too Rabbi but you are prone to rabid right wing flights of fantasy that your beloved former president doesn't care to fly on with you.
You know and I know right winger there was WMDs and the real reason He wanted to kill Saddam

Sure there were

"We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud"
You going to tell me you forgot about the ISIS finding the stash and wiping out a village?

Really now

We gave up 6000 dead hunting down ancient warheads?

Some threat

Are you REALLY as unaware as you seem to be? Surely, this has got to be an act ....
Enthrall me with your bogus news story

News story?? Not for you .... you're too prejudiced to read it.
6000 now? How much did we lose in Nam ? That war was useless by the democrats

Why would Democrats of today be responsible for the debacle of Vietnam?

By the same logic that the whites of today are responsible for slavery ....
Who ever said the whites TODAY are responsible for slavery?

Give me a name

You're a member of the group insisting we make provisions for it .... are you saying you want us to pay for something YOUR ancestors did?
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