Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

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Plus the super sonic missles in development, starting to love our laser technology going for the D though
No Reagan ended the cold war, Obama being a pussy he was, over Syria started it all over again, hell even Great Britain didn't support him, then we had to hear about China bitch slapping him over then China sea and them saying they could beat the USA in a war
Gorby ended the USSR, We're just lcky Raygun's mindless bluster didn't bring back the hardliners.

OP- Russia's economy and Putin go down the tubes.
1. I do believe Bush wanted to go in and finish off Iraq. Specifically because he threatened his dad.

I know you believe that. But why don't you want to answer what I've basically asked for three times now? Here it is as written before:

Do you accept that there was a public image of a Bush presidency that did not want war unless it were the last resort and all peaceful remedies have been exhausted.?

That image was pushed, but as I've said he wanted to go because of his dad. Now I've repeatedly asked your side of the data presented on the actions of Dems and Clinton both before and after Bush took office. Specifically showing you that Clinton ordered attacks on Iraq to end his WMD programs.............................

I grow tired of your side saying that the Dems had no part in this..................
Russian Air Force - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Russian Navy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Putin is now building new aircraft and Naval ships. These aircraft and ships aren't non capable platforms unless you are a dolt.

To use Georgia as the whole deal is foolish.

Not much Russian naval activity in eastern Ukraine.
There last two ships were build in France. They can't get them until the sanctions are lifted. The only aircraft they have on the table that comes close to the F-35 is 10 years into the future. When Putin started his nonsense of renewing cold war tactics of threatening flyby's and challenging NATO border areas, Obama answered with a new contract for 29 additional F-35's, some of which will be sold to NATO countries. He bitch slapped Putin with a weapons escalation.
These weapons were already in the pike, later restored and then modified to say it fits a higher purpose. Even the military questions the capabilities versus the cost of continuing the F-35. These are contract agreements ongoing without any incident with Russia at all.

To say they were continued to escalate weapons development just to ramp up against Russia is bogus in my opinion.
Russian Air Force - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Russian Navy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Putin is now building new aircraft and Naval ships. These aircraft and ships aren't non capable platforms unless you are a dolt.

To use Georgia as the whole deal is foolish.

Not much Russian naval activity in eastern Ukraine.
Well at least you know the difference between land and sea.........That's a relief.............

If we fought, BIG IF. Russians in the you really think they would just park their ships and just play in the Ukraine...............................

You don't want to talk down to me about anything military. I'm still trying to decide if you're actually even up to discussing the subject.
The battles in the Ukraine are primarily on land, and that is not the same as the Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet.

You are saying you are the military expert by using sarcasm in the 5 day so called War in Georgia is pure evidence that basically stated the Russians are inept at War.

To me that is a fool speaking.
Russian Air Force - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Russian Navy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Putin is now building new aircraft and Naval ships. These aircraft and ships aren't non capable platforms unless you are a dolt.

To use Georgia as the whole deal is foolish.

Not much Russian naval activity in eastern Ukraine.
There last two ships were build in France. They can't get them until the sanctions are lifted. The only aircraft they have on the table that comes close to the F-35 is 10 years into the future. When Putin started his nonsense of renewing cold war tactics of threatening flyby's and challenging NATO border areas, Obama answered with a new contract for 29 additional F-35's, some of which will be sold to NATO countries. He bitch slapped Putin with a weapons escalation.
The only person Obama's probably bitch-slapped is is his. You seem to think that 2 assualt ships and 29 F-35s are worth the Crimea.

Camp, you are the emobiment of the saw that a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. It is very much like your droning endlessly about Iran-Contra as regards Reagan, easily the most successful president of the modern age.Anyway you spin it, Putin has taken the Crimea and a substantial art of eastern Ukraine with few sanctions. Obama simply cannot hold his own against a adversary of substance. I don't care for Putin politically, but he is a much more consequential leader than Obama.
Not a whole heck of a lot of value to the Black Sea or a fleet stuck inside of it. Stuck inside of it being key. The entire fleet is within easy range of NATO air assets, including cruise missiles. Look at the map. They are practically a land locked Navy. They need permission to navigate through NATO territory.
As far as your God Reagan goes, the claims of him tearing down the USSR has become even less relevant now that it is realized he only gets credit for helping to tear down a symbol. The old Soviet Union seems to be still alive and the cold war never really ended. It only went into hibernation. The bear has been awakened.
Please tell that fairy tale to Germany and Poland.
eag 10460667
2. UN inspections only began again after Bush Threatened Saddam with War. Only when we began deployment did he even think about crying uncle and allowed inspections to continue. In other words, we had to put a gun to his head to force compliance.

That is exactly one of the critical points I am making. It is the point that Blair/Bush (Bush43) made when asking Congress in October 2002 to give him the authority to use force in Iraq if Saddam Hussein refused to let UN inspectors back in. It is why I believe the vote for the AUMF as worded was the correct vote. It took politics out of deciding what to do had SH decided to refuse to let inspectors back in. So it is good that we agree on that too Eagle1.

You are close to where I want you to be.
what makes the lt. col an expert on international affairs?

He knows more than a major
possibly. rank isn't synonymous with knowledge.

people need to become smarter consumers of information. this particular lt. col - does he have special insight in any way? why is his opinion given a "news" story and a thread when it's no more informed or valid than that of anyone else? and why do people allow themselves to be fooled into accepting qualifications for one realm of knowledge as qualifications for all knowledge?

the op needs to grow up and learn to discern good information from trash
AKA are you throwing Obama under the bus for his involvement then....................... or erred.............

I'm going to explain something to you. When I think Obama is wrong on something, I'll say so. When I think he's right on something, I'll say so.

I'm not one of you idiots whose been running around in a circle since 2009 screaming, "OMG there's a Negro in the White House!!"
He still snubbed or noses after the strikes by Clinton to DESTROY WMD'S..........It wasn't until Bush ordered troops into the region that Saddam was finally willing to allow more inspections that he thwarted since Clinton even after the strikes.

And if Bush let the inspectors do their job, they'd have confirmed he didn't have any WMD's after Clinton destroyed the last of them.

But Bush was out to avenge his pappy!
Putin understood the consequences of seizing the Ukraine and decided in was worth it. Having already belittled the current US president and testing his mettle, he choose to take the risk. The result was as expected. Puny and temporary as possible for a coup of epic proportions. He also served noticed that Russia was not to be trifled with, and much like China, Iran and ISIS, senses a power vacuum in the West.

You mean America isn't going to piss away the lives of its young men over shit that ain't important.

Hey, if the Ukrainians won't fight for their country, why should we?
AKA are you throwing Obama under the bus for his involvement then....................... or erred.............

I'm going to explain something to you. When I think Obama is wrong on something, I'll say so. When I think he's right on something, I'll say so.

I'm not one of you idiots whose been running around in a circle since 2009 screaming, "OMG there's a Negro in the White House!!" have supported him no matter the situation...............and defending him for virtually everything. And again you play the Race Card.
He still snubbed or noses after the strikes by Clinton to DESTROY WMD'S..........It wasn't until Bush ordered troops into the region that Saddam was finally willing to allow more inspections that he thwarted since Clinton even after the strikes.

And if Bush let the inspectors do their job, they'd have confirmed he didn't have any WMD's after Clinton destroyed the last of them.

But Bush was out to avenge his pappy!
Confirm that Clinton destroyed the last of them. Not rhetoric..............There is no way you or he knew that.......Period...............

And why the change from Saddam didn't have them, to OH CLINTON DESTROYED THEM ALL...........Grow the F up....................

He had them. We destroyed some in the 1st gulf War.
Clinton's strikes probably destroyed more............

But no one really knew the extent of the damage or what we didn't know about. No one trusted Saddam and rightfully so...................

Now that you are ready to throw your sugar daddy under the Bus...............Obama demanded Assad be removed from power.................During the Libya campaign he already was providing arms to the FSA. We now know that some of these weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS...............Now we train the FSA to fight ISIS, as Syrian forces attack both ISIS and the we bomb ISIS but not Syria..........who kill more of the FSA than ISIS......................

What a circle jerk from hell...............Assad is killing those we support.............We kill ISIS.............ISIS kills both................Obama wants Assad gone..................but will not protect those he supports in the conflict who are being killed by ASSAD.

Great policy isn't it.
Putin is now building new aircraft and Naval ships. These aircraft and ships aren't non capable platforms unless you are a dolt.

Um, yeah, the problem is, the ships the Russians are building are crap compared to ours.
Please continue............I know we have highly capable show us the problems with the Russian Navy...................... have supported him no matter the situation...............and defending him for virtually everything. And again you play the Race Card.

No, I've been pretty clear.

Getting involved in Libya was a mistake.

I also think he goofed up with the ACA in that he went along with the insurance companies instead of fighting for single payer and a public option.

I could list a bunch of other stuff, but I don't have time.

I just don't subscribe to the batshit crazy you guys do when you are stroking yourselves to the "latest proof he had Ambassador Stevens murdered" or whatever nutiness you are engaging in.
eag 10460667
2. UN inspections only began again after Bush Threatened Saddam with War. Only when we began deployment did he even think about crying uncle and allowed inspections to continue. In other words, we had to put a gun to his head to force compliance.

That is exactly one of the critical points I am making. It is the point that Blair/Bush (Bush43) made when asking Congress in October 2002 to give him the authority to use force in Iraq if Saddam Hussein refused to let UN inspectors back in. It is why I believe the vote for the AUMF as worded was the correct vote. It took politics out of deciding what to do had SH decided to refuse to let inspectors back in. So it is good that we agree on that too Eagle1.

You are close to where I want you to be.
You are saying that they only voted for inspections to threaten War to get inspections..................It took troops on his border to make him sway..............Only after massive military movements were put into place...............Just so
Saddam would have gone back to his old games.
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