Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a top witness in the House impeachment inquiry, will be removed...

Did they do it Jo . And did Jojo EXTORT the firing of the prosecutor or HE WOULD NOT GIVE THEM $1 BILLION IN AID PROMISED AND THE SURRENEDER MONKEY WAS HOLDING BACK....Jojo involved the Surrender Monkey when he told the PM to CALL HIM if he thinks old Joe didn't have the Obloeme's permission to do so???....The Manchurian muslim MUST ALSO TAKE THE EXTORTION FALLOUT!....LOCK THEM UP...LOCK THEM UP...LOCK THEM UP!!!!!

Now you are ranting.

The One Billion was held up because this prosecutor was so corrupt, his deputies were found with huge caches of diamonds and cash in their homes. The UE, IMF, G7 all insisted that aid was contingent on getting rid of this guy.

As opposed to Trump, who tried to blackmail a president into doing a political smear...
Please link us to where Trump tried to blackmail Ukraine president into doing a political favor. As you know the PRESIDENT MAKES FOREIGN POLICY and NOT some Lt. COL. who THINKS HE can make foreign policy to HIS LIKING!

Have you been under a rock for the last couple of months?

This is common knowledge. Turn on your TV.
Who said anything about CNN?

You obsessed or got a guilty conscience or what?
I love how the cult supports our men and women of the military.
Such big supporters of the military they claim to be.

Fucking hypocrites, the lot of them.

History will judge. And it's all recorded for posterity right here on the internet.
Oh for fuck sake... what a load of utter BOMBASTIC HYPERBOLE.

Yeah there's LEFTIST NEVER TRUMPERS in the military too, and everyone knows it. We're seeing a great example of that right now with that INSUBORDINATE ASS CLOWN, VINDMAN, who should be COURT MARTIALED with an ARTICLE 15 and busted down to BUCK PRIVATE for SPYING on the president and trying to UNDERMINE his LAWFUL DUTIES he was ELECTED to DO.

And ONE LEFTIST COCK BITE in the military does NOT mean conservatives HATE *ALL* the military. Course you know that, and I know that, the entire stinkin' world knows it, but you had to talk your DUMBASS BULL SHIT anyone, didn't ya... moron.
Thank you 007 for all your LOL service
So when is Mick Mulvaney - (you know, the guy who confirmed everything Vindman said) - going to be removed?? Is Mulvaney a traitor for claiming Trump engaged in extortion??

That is a VERY shaky claim made by a QAnon supporter, lmao!

This article is more credible -

Trump’s Twitter War Room Aims Its Punches at Decorated Colonel
So you are calling our soldiers liars? WOW

I think I prefer to call Colonel Vindman a hero who is doing his job. Hickman is a QAnon nutter.

From the article I linked -

"But those who know and have worked with him have provided a different account. They said that Colonel Vindman, then a military attaché, was assigned to meet with Russians and gather whatever intelligence he could.

He spoke to the Russians in Russian, did not denigrate the United States and reported everything he heard, according to a person briefed on the episode, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the colonel had not publicly testified. Colonel Vindman did not have dealings with Mr. Hickman in relation to his work during the exercise, the person said, and was not reprimanded for it.

Peter B. Zwack, a retired brigadier general who was Colonel Vindman’s commanding officer during the joint exercise, said he was skeptical of Mr. Hickman’s account.

“If there was something egregious that occurred, believe me, we would have had our ears rapped in Moscow,” said General Zwack, who served as the United States’ senior defense official and attaché to Russia.

“The bottom line is, where there are Russians in an exercise in and among our units and people, we have an attaché that coordinates with them,” the general said. “It’s all just a part of an attaché’s job.”

Attachés are expected to overtly collect information on what is happening in the country in which they are posted, as well as collect information from unsuspecting foreign officials through casual conversation. The allegations made by Mr. Hickman may simply describe Colonel Vindman playing his assigned role."

A “Quon nutter” or anti American scum bag.. hmmmmm let’s see
The person claiming he's anti-American is the QAnon nutter.

And the cult members fall in line...
So an anti-American reprimanded somebody for being anti-American but he was really American lol

ok ok.. don’t you guys what to win an election in the next 12 years?? Stop sounding insane
Hmmm. Purple Heart Vet vs. Bone Spur Deferment...

That's a tough one.

Hmmm. Purple Heart Vet vs. Bone Spur Deferment...

Make that UNELECTED swamp creature peon vs President of the United States elected with 63 MILLION votes
FFS, the POTUS determines our policy and how it is to be implemented, therefore he cannot subvert it.

Not really, and certainly not when he uses it for his personal gain.

If you ever wonder how Democracy dies, it's when stupid people say stuff like the above.
Wow... You really are that stupid... And all this time I thought it was an act....

Tell me, Where does the constitution give powers over policies to unelected bureaucrats?
A “Quon nutter” or anti American scum bag.. hmmmmm let’s see
The person claiming he's anti-American is the QAnon nutter.

And the cult members fall in line...
So an anti-American reprimanded somebody for being anti-American but he was really American lol

ok ok.. don’t you guys what to win an election in the next 12 years?? Stop sounding insane
You're trying so hard, bless your heart. But Don the Con is a crook and no amount of nutters and deflection can change that.
A “Quon nutter” or anti American scum bag.. hmmmmm let’s see
The person claiming he's anti-American is the QAnon nutter.

And the cult members fall in line...
So an anti-American reprimanded somebody for being anti-American but he was really American lol

ok ok.. don’t you guys what to win an election in the next 12 years?? Stop sounding insane
You're trying so hard, bless your heart. But Don the Con is a crook and no amount of nutters and deflection can change that.
I hope you understand what happens when trump is found not guilty,, undermining the president is against the constitution.. I hope Vindman has a will lol
The One Billion was held up because this prosecutor was so corrupt, his deputies were found with huge caches of diamonds and cash in their homes. The UE, IMF, G7 all insisted that aid was contingent on getting rid of this guy.
Rather than continue to just claim Biden's innocence could you post a link to the 2 yr, $35 million Special Council investigation findings that support your claims? The fact is, to any rational adult an awful lot of smoke still lingers there and simply declaring him not guilty is just not good enough. Furthermore, proving otherwise would not just bring the real Slo-Joe (yeah, you have competition) out into the open it would expose incompetence and/or corruption of the previous admin.

We can't have that, eh Joe?
As opposed to Trump, who tried to blackmail a president into doing a political smear...
Or perhaps Prez Trump asked Prez Zelensky - in front of a dozen witnesses - to provide our DOJ with any evidence they have in what clearly was (at best) a very shady Biden-Burisma deal. That seems an obviously proper use of Trump's authority. If you were POTUS and smelled a Biden rat (or 2) would you not at least investigate the source?
FFS, the POTUS determines our policy and how it is to be implemented, therefore he cannot subvert it.
Not really, and certainly not when he uses it for his personal gain. If you ever wonder how Democracy dies, it's when stupid people say stuff like the above.
Except one would have to believe all the CNN/PMSNBC silliness to think the POTUS doesn't determine US policy, and there was & remains valid reason to request evidence on Slo-Joe's use of our foreign aid for his personal gain.

Loyal Americans (not you) want to know WTF was up wit dat?

Democracy dies when stupid people believe the happy horse-shit that rolls around in your pinhead and JFTR, you have every right to form your own opinions (or get them from CNN) but only a fool tries to form his own facts.
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A “Quon nutter” or anti American scum bag.. hmmmmm let’s see
The person claiming he's anti-American is the QAnon nutter.

And the cult members fall in line...
So an anti-American reprimanded somebody for being anti-American but he was really American lol

ok ok.. don’t you guys what to win an election in the next 12 years?? Stop sounding insane
You're trying so hard, bless your heart. But Don the Con is a crook and no amount of nutters and deflection can change that.
I hope you understand what happens when trump is found not guilty,, undermining the president is against the constitution.. I hope Vindman has a will lol
That will be interesting, if Trump tries to have Vindman executed. But not surprising.

You might get an actual real coup if that were to happen.
A “Quon nutter” or anti American scum bag.. hmmmmm let’s see
The person claiming he's anti-American is the QAnon nutter.

And the cult members fall in line...
So an anti-American reprimanded somebody for being anti-American but he was really American lol

ok ok.. don’t you guys what to win an election in the next 12 years?? Stop sounding insane
You're trying so hard, bless your heart. But Don the Con is a crook and no amount of nutters and deflection can change that.
I hope you understand what happens when trump is found not guilty,, undermining the president is against the constitution.. I hope Vindman has a will lol
That will be interesting, if Trump tries to have Vindman executed. But not surprising.

You might get an actual real coup if that were to happen.
That trader fat Fcuk should be hung high. Show all citizens what happens
Please link us to where Trump tried to blackmail Ukraine president into doing a political favor. As you know the PRESIDENT MAKES FOREIGN POLICY and NOT some Lt. COL...
Creepy may know that but firmly believes it's only applicable when he approves of the POTUS in question. Guaranteed.
Have you been under a rock for the last couple of months? This is common knowledge. Turn on your TV.
Ah … so you have no link that supports your opinion of Trump's purpose but rather just the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th hand opinions of others who need to believe they know what the POTUS intended. Got it. You do understand that opinions - particularly from those without 1st hand knowledge - are just opinions ... not evidence.

As always you can't support your opinions, you just have 'em.

Yeah, you have it bad little buddy.

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Hmmm. Purple Heart Vet vs. Bone Spur Deferment...

That's a tough one.

Hmmm. Purple Heart Vet vs. Bone Spur Deferment...

Make that UNELECTED swamp creature peon vs President of the United States elected with 63 MILLION votes
sad commentary on the state of America to have that many blundering idiots voting for a pos
If you are an American citizen then you are entitled to your opinion

I think obama/hillary voters are the worst in our nations history

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