Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on Songbird John WOW!

McCain is a bitter man.

Pissed because Trump did what he was unable to do,

Took that hate of Trump out on the American people by going against the very people that elected him and cast the deciding vote to keep that disastrous Obamacare.

Excuse me while I join McInerney to ridicule the RINO SOB.

This exchange is spot on:

@kellysadler45 May I remind you my husband has a family, 7 children and 5 grandchildren.

Cindy McCain (@cindymccain) May 10, 2018

I have a family too.
Just that we're not exempted from #ObamaCare like you and are having to continue to pay out the buttocks because of his spite towards @realDonaldTrump .

Will Ganz (@wganz) May 11, 2018

Who gives a fuck about your cows.

John McCain was willing to work to improve it but he was not willing to throw millions off their healthcare. Republicans are the reason you are paying more.
Who is paying for those people to have insurance? People that cannot afford it that’s who..
Any type of mandate on socialist entitlement programs are a fucking joke, and unconstitutional. By the way insurance is not healthcare you dumb fuck

You are the fucking joke and it is not unconstitutional. The fact is that people who were paying hospital bills were already paying for the people who had no insurance and could not pay.

the reason for the mandate is simple. People would not buy insurance when they were healthy but if they got sick then they bought insurance and forced insurance companies to pay for it. once they were healthy then they dropped the insurance. The mandate is constitutional. Whether or not you have insurance does affect your healthcare.
There is no longer a mandate shit for brains. Thanks to trump

You are the dog shit. that is why Republicans will lose the House and even maybe the Senate. You have no brain. There is just a empty head.
Criticize him all you want but he was absolutely right. And according to other POWs it didn't take a lot of torture to break him.

How much did it take for you?
Is that the best you can do, scat boy?

Why won't you answer the question?
Because I don't take people who play with feces seriously.

Because you are an empty big mouth, and you know it.
Torture doesn't work. The CIA knows this. General Mattis said this and he's been on the front lines where in a moments notice you or those you direct can lose their lives. In the pinch, when you are desperate for answers and believe there may be imminent attacks, I can accept it in limited scenarios as a last ditch effort to demand information, but ultimately, in general, it's mostly ineffective. There have been some who have identified some successes, and others who say it was a waste of time. Without any special inside knowledge, I tend to side with the latter.

I've watched some great documentaries on military intelligence interrogations, from the Vietnam Era and beyond. These guys were good, some of the best. The Germans in WWII were particularly creative, and there are outstanding OSS videos that illustrate how simple chat can give away so much. Some of the stuff I've seen dealt with hardened terrorists, in time, they were broken down and gave actionable intelligence. Not a finger was lifted to harm them. A serious game of psychological warfare in which they saved lives, instead of some primal torture action of revenge for the past, which won't help future U.S ops.

There is a way to get answers, torture could often be more of a liability than a benefit even if they do tell you information, as they often do so just to stop the suffering. So now you waste time and resources chasing ghosts, instead of having legitimate intel. That in itself can cost lives.

Moreover, if you engage in this you lose the higher ground AND you place your own agents at risk of torture. After 9/11 emotions were high, people were rightfully enraged, some felt they had failed in their duties. So, extreme measures were taken.

I think it came down to "we are unprepared and don't have the intelligence we should have, we need answers fast, what's coming next if anything"? If there was suspicion of an imminent attack, well, all bets are off. My gut tells me this was more a reaction of fear by Western intelligence than some proven interrogation tactic.
When done intelligently, torture has always worked and it always will. If im in the CIA and i know things about my captive, things hes done, people he works for/with, etc, then i torture him and see if hes lying or telling the truth when i ask him about those things.Once you know hes telling you the truth on a number of questions you already knew the answer too, you can assume hes telling you the truth on any other question. Plus, if i ask a terrorist for the address of his boss and he gives me a fake address, ill just be right back in his celll, torturing him until he gives me usable information. Lying to "make it stop" wont prevent the torture from eventually getting to the truth.

Torture might have certain limitations, but anyone who says it doesnt work at all is lacking an imagination.
You are a sick fuck
McCain is a bitter man.

Pissed because Trump did what he was unable to do,

Took that hate of Trump out on the American people by going against the very people that elected him and cast the deciding vote to keep that disastrous Obamacare.

Excuse me while I join McInerney to ridicule the RINO SOB.

This exchange is spot on:

@kellysadler45 May I remind you my husband has a family, 7 children and 5 grandchildren.

Cindy McCain (@cindymccain) May 10, 2018

I have a family too.
Just that we're not exempted from #ObamaCare like you and are having to continue to pay out the buttocks because of his spite towards @realDonaldTrump .

Will Ganz (@wganz) May 11, 2018

Who gives a fuck about your cows.

John McCain was willing to work to improve it but he was not willing to throw millions off their healthcare. Republicans are the reason you are paying more.
Who is paying for those people to have insurance? People that cannot afford it that’s who..
Any type of mandate on socialist entitlement programs are a fucking joke, and unconstitutional. By the way insurance is not healthcare you dumb fuck

You are the fucking joke and it is not unconstitutional. The fact is that people who were paying hospital bills were already paying for the people who had no insurance and could not pay.

the reason for the mandate is simple. People would not buy insurance when they were healthy but if they got sick then they bought insurance and forced insurance companies to pay for it. once they were healthy then they dropped the insurance. The mandate is constitutional. Whether or not you have insurance does affect your healthcare.
There is no longer a mandate shit for brains. Thanks to trump

Which is why he will get the blame for everyone's premiums going up.
aw yawn , just up and ready for another day , Good Mornin BusyBee and Bodecea !! :afro:
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)

This is a lie. McCain never gave the Vietnam Cong anything after five years of torture.

It is truly heinous that you would repeat this lie.
When John McCain was held prisoner and tortured, he was given the opportunity to leave early, before the others captured before him. Him being this son and grandson of admirals, it was a way to embarrass this country. But he refused to leave until the others left before him. He paid for that.
But that's the reason many vets see him as a hero.

Republicans like Trump and Romney simply wouldn't understand. Democrats do. But not Republicans.
---------------------------- just some info for you on WATERBOARDING and POW Dean RD . --- McCain’s fellow POWs support waterboarding ---
Three support it

What about the other 600?
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)

This is a lie. McCain never gave the Vietnam Cong anything after five years of torture.

You were there, eh?
When John McCain was held prisoner and tortured, he was given the opportunity to leave early, before the others captured before him. Him being this son and grandson of admirals, it was a way to embarrass this country. But he refused to leave until the others left before him. He paid for that.
But that's the reason many vets see him as a hero.

Republicans like Trump and Romney simply wouldn't understand. Democrats do. But not Republicans.
Na, His fellow soldiers could not stand the silly little fucker.
He’s a cowardly progressive much like yourself
"Fellow soldiers"? McCain was a sailor.....that about sums up YOUR knowledge of the military......keyboard kommando.
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)

This is a lie. McCain never gave the Vietnam Cong anything after five years of torture.

You were there, eh?
Were you? What military information did McCain give the North Vietnamese to show that torture works?
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)
The man is an embarrassment to all soldiers

McCain? Cripes for all his faults at being a warmonger (that's what I personally hate him for) I really ever heard negative about McCain I grew up on the "Hanoi Hilton" movie and until these latter days always believed him to be a good soul.

I know different now after watching his actions in a variety of global situations that could have been resolved politically but the son of a bitch preferred proxy wars so as far as I'm concerned that bastard can't go quick enough for me. He owns death for so many so let death embrace him.

That screw up on the Forrestal though, I bet there is resentment there.

What screw up? McCain was sitting in his plane when the fire started!

Are you seriously that stupid?
I'm afraid she is....and furthermore, she made a threat on McCain's life on this thread.
When John McCain was held prisoner and tortured, he was given the opportunity to leave early, before the others captured before him. Him being this son and grandson of admirals, it was a way to embarrass this country. But he refused to leave until the others left before him. He paid for that.
But that's the reason many vets see him as a hero.

Republicans like Trump and Romney simply wouldn't understand. Democrats do. But not Republicans.
---------------------------- just some info for you on WATERBOARDING and POW Dean RD . --- McCain’s fellow POWs support waterboarding ---
Three support it

What about the other 600?
------------------------------------- don't know , don't really care . I just have the info that i have and i post it to be helpful and informative . That being said , POW do not establish torture guidelines all by themselves RWinger .
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)
The man is an embarrassment to all soldiers

McCain? Cripes for all his faults at being a warmonger (that's what I personally hate him for) I really ever heard negative about McCain I grew up on the "Hanoi Hilton" movie and until these latter days always believed him to be a good soul.

I know different now after watching his actions in a variety of global situations that could have been resolved politically but the son of a bitch preferred proxy wars so as far as I'm concerned that bastard can't go quick enough for me. He owns death for so many so let death embrace him.

That screw up on the Forrestal though, I bet there is resentment there.

What screw up? McCain was sitting in his plane when the fire started!

Are you seriously that stupid?
I'm afraid she is....and furthermore, she made a threat on McCain's life on this thread.
-------------------------------- you are a liberal , i know that but you also sound like a TATTLETale wusse Bodecea .
You filthy ass hateful Liberals sure mocked GW Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard as a fighter pilot, didn't you?
I don’t know I was young then. But man, if he’d been shot down and subjected to torture for years, it would have been horrific for a Democrat to mock him while trying to spread more torture.

Being shot down and being a POW doesn't make him a hero.

Breaking under torture like he did didn't make him a traitor.

Lying about his part in the fire on the aircraft carrier and then running away makes him an asshole. He didn't even hang around for the funeral of the brave sailors who died. He went on in country R&R.

Being a Liberal voting RINO and a hate Trump dickhead also makes him an asshole.

He was also a loser not being able to beat a worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama. He never really attacked Obama's for being a batshit crazy anti American Muslim Liberal. He was too weak to do what was necessary to make sure we didn't have Obama as President. All it would have taken was telling the truth like Trump did about Crooked Hillary.
Damn, so much rage and confusion in you :itsok:

But a good reminder that the GOP will attack POW’s for their time as POW’s.
The rage is because this one pile of excrement McCain is stopping some really good bills from passing that Trump is trying to do to bring this country back from the brink of disaster that the last CORRUPT administration put in place. The sooner McCain is gone, the better.
Another delusional, un-American scumbag heard from. Shitbags like you should be ashamed of yourself.
Back at ya....actually it's because I'm a STAUNCH patriot and want this country to go forward NOT turned into some shitlhole like corrupt socialist liberals did to Venezuela which if the democrats get back in, they'll make sure happens to the U.S. as well.

The fact that McCain voted with the left on every issue to stop Trump from straightening out the past administration's actions that had us well on our way to becoming like Venezuela, tells me exactly what he is. Either he agrees with them who want us borderless, drugged out, oppressed, living in tents like those in California, or he's holding a grudge against Trump that over rides what's best for the country. Either way he is a pile of CORRUPT SELFISH excrement that not only needs to be called out for his actions, but he should be rode out of town by those in Arizona ASAP. We need REPUBLICANS in Congress that represent what is BEST for the country, not selfish corrupt shitheads undermining and trying to destroy it even more. This is why half of us in this country voted Trump into office because we could see what was happening and don't want anymore of that crap.
Democrats managed to turn the term "torture into a generic condition. Depending on your personal sensitivity, "torture" could mean anything from discomfort to embarrassment. More people drowned in Ted Kennedy's car than during enhanced interrogation known as "waterboarding" but democrats prefer to use the word "torture" even though elite U.S. Military units go through it.

So is this thread about Ted Kennedy?
I don’t know I was young then. But man, if he’d been shot down and subjected to torture for years, it would have been horrific for a Democrat to mock him while trying to spread more torture.

Being shot down and being a POW doesn't make him a hero.

Breaking under torture like he did didn't make him a traitor.

Lying about his part in the fire on the aircraft carrier and then running away makes him an asshole. He didn't even hang around for the funeral of the brave sailors who died. He went on in country R&R.

Being a Liberal voting RINO and a hate Trump dickhead also makes him an asshole.

He was also a loser not being able to beat a worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama. He never really attacked Obama's for being a batshit crazy anti American Muslim Liberal. He was too weak to do what was necessary to make sure we didn't have Obama as President. All it would have taken was telling the truth like Trump did about Crooked Hillary.
Damn, so much rage and confusion in you :itsok:

But a good reminder that the GOP will attack POW’s for their time as POW’s.
The rage is because this one pile of excrement McCain is stopping some really good bills from passing that Trump is trying to do to bring this country back from the brink of disaster that the last CORRUPT administration put in place. The sooner McCain is gone, the better.
Another delusional, un-American scumbag heard from. Shitbags like you should be ashamed of yourself.
Back at ya....actually it's because I'm a STAUNCH patriot and want this country to go forward NOT turned into some shitlhole like corrupt socialist liberals did to Venezuela which if the democrats get back in, they'll make sure happens to the U.S. as well.

The fact that McCain voted with the left on every issue to stop Trump from straightening out the past administration's actions that had us well on our way to becoming like Venezuela, tells me exactly what he is. Either he agrees with them who want us borderless, drugged out, oppressed, living in tents like those in California, or he's holding a grudge against Trump that over rides what's best for the country. Either way he is a pile of CORRUPT SELFISH excrement that not only needs to be called out for his actions, but he should be rode out of town by those in Arizona ASAP. We need REPUBLICANS in Congress that represent what is BEST for the country, not selfish corrupt shitheads undermining and trying to destroy it even more. This is why half of us in this country voted Trump into office because we could see what was happening and don't want anymore of that crap.
McCain represents the people of Arizona not Trump

They seemed to think he was doing a good job, they kept electing him
McCain is a bitter man.

Pissed because Trump did what he was unable to do,

Took that hate of Trump out on the American people by going against the very people that elected him and cast the deciding vote to keep that disastrous Obamacare.

Excuse me while I join McInerney to ridicule the RINO SOB.

This exchange is spot on:

@kellysadler45 May I remind you my husband has a family, 7 children and 5 grandchildren.

Cindy McCain (@cindymccain) May 10, 2018

I have a family too.
Just that we're not exempted from #ObamaCare like you and are having to continue to pay out the buttocks because of his spite towards @realDonaldTrump .

Will Ganz (@wganz) May 11, 2018

Who gives a fuck about your cows.

John McCain was willing to work to improve it but he was not willing to throw millions off their healthcare. Republicans are the reason you are paying more.
Who is paying for those people to have insurance? People that cannot afford it that’s who..
Any type of mandate on socialist entitlement programs are a fucking joke, and unconstitutional. By the way insurance is not healthcare you dumb fuck

You are the fucking joke and it is not unconstitutional. The fact is that people who were paying hospital bills were already paying for the people who had no insurance and could not pay.

the reason for the mandate is simple. People would not buy insurance when they were healthy but if they got sick then they bought insurance and forced insurance companies to pay for it. once they were healthy then they dropped the insurance. The mandate is constitutional. Whether or not you have insurance does affect your healthcare.
There is no longer a mandate shit for brains. Thanks to trump

Which is why he will get the blame for everyone's premiums going up.
Obamacare made the premiums go up, anyway the mandate made people pay for other peoples shit... the shitty thing is those people could not possibly afford Obamacare let alone paying for other peoples shit...
Being shot down and being a POW doesn't make him a hero.

Breaking under torture like he did didn't make him a traitor.

Lying about his part in the fire on the aircraft carrier and then running away makes him an asshole. He didn't even hang around for the funeral of the brave sailors who died. He went on in country R&R.

Being a Liberal voting RINO and a hate Trump dickhead also makes him an asshole.

He was also a loser not being able to beat a worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama. He never really attacked Obama's for being a batshit crazy anti American Muslim Liberal. He was too weak to do what was necessary to make sure we didn't have Obama as President. All it would have taken was telling the truth like Trump did about Crooked Hillary.
Damn, so much rage and confusion in you :itsok:

But a good reminder that the GOP will attack POW’s for their time as POW’s.
The rage is because this one pile of excrement McCain is stopping some really good bills from passing that Trump is trying to do to bring this country back from the brink of disaster that the last CORRUPT administration put in place. The sooner McCain is gone, the better.
Another delusional, un-American scumbag heard from. Shitbags like you should be ashamed of yourself.
Back at ya....actually it's because I'm a STAUNCH patriot and want this country to go forward NOT turned into some shitlhole like corrupt socialist liberals did to Venezuela which if the democrats get back in, they'll make sure happens to the U.S. as well.

The fact that McCain voted with the left on every issue to stop Trump from straightening out the past administration's actions that had us well on our way to becoming like Venezuela, tells me exactly what he is. Either he agrees with them who want us borderless, drugged out, oppressed, living in tents like those in California, or he's holding a grudge against Trump that over rides what's best for the country. Either way he is a pile of CORRUPT SELFISH excrement that not only needs to be called out for his actions, but he should be rode out of town by those in Arizona ASAP. We need REPUBLICANS in Congress that represent what is BEST for the country, not selfish corrupt shitheads undermining and trying to destroy it even more. This is why half of us in this country voted Trump into office because we could see what was happening and don't want anymore of that crap.
McCain represents the people of Arizona not Trump

They seemed to think he was doing a good job, they kept electing him
yep , they are called Arizona dummies RWinger !
Torture doesn't work. The CIA knows this. General Mattis said this and he's been on the front lines where in a moments notice you or those you direct can lose their lives. In the pinch, when you are desperate for answers and believe there may be imminent attacks, I can accept it in limited scenarios as a last ditch effort to demand information, but ultimately, in general, it's mostly ineffective. There have been some who have identified some successes, and others who say it was a waste of time. Without any special inside knowledge, I tend to side with the latter.

I've watched some great documentaries on military intelligence interrogations, from the Vietnam Era and beyond. These guys were good, some of the best. The Germans in WWII were particularly creative, and there are outstanding OSS videos that illustrate how simple chat can give away so much. Some of the stuff I've seen dealt with hardened terrorists, in time, they were broken down and gave actionable intelligence. Not a finger was lifted to harm them. A serious game of psychological warfare in which they saved lives, instead of some primal torture action of revenge for the past, which won't help future U.S ops.

There is a way to get answers, torture could often be more of a liability than a benefit even if they do tell you information, as they often do so just to stop the suffering. So now you waste time and resources chasing ghosts, instead of having legitimate intel. That in itself can cost lives.

Moreover, if you engage in this you lose the higher ground AND you place your own agents at risk of torture. After 9/11 emotions were high, people were rightfully enraged, some felt they had failed in their duties. So, extreme measures were taken.

I think it came down to "we are unprepared and don't have the intelligence we should have, we need answers fast, what's coming next if anything"? If there was suspicion of an imminent attack, well, all bets are off. My gut tells me this was more a reaction of fear by Western intelligence than some proven interrogation tactic.

Waterboarding works...every single breaks Green Berets and Navy is not torture, it is a great way to break a prisoner........
So...what secrets do Green Berets and Navy SEALS give up when tortured? What military secrets did McCain give up?
It does not matter, he cracked… Heroes do not crack. He’s just a fucking career politician relies on stolen valor...
You just accused Sen McCain of Stolen Valor. What a unsurprising thing for a trumpanzee to say while safely cuddled in the basement of their parental unit home.
Na, your thinking of joe... He lives in his mother’s basement…

His fellow soldiers could not stand spineless McCain, there has to be a reason for that. John Kerry the same thing…
Just like recently, that cowardly piece of shit Beaudry Robert "Bowe" Bergdahl...

Just when and where did you serve in the the military?

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