Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on Songbird John WOW!

Damn, so much rage and confusion in you :itsok:T

But a good reminder that the GOP will attack POW’s for their time as POW’s.
The rage is because this one pile of excrement McCain is stopping some really good bills from passing that Trump is trying to do to bring this country back from the brink of disaster that the last CORRUPT administration put in place. The sooner McCain is gone, the better.
Another delusional, un-American scumbag heard from. Shitbags like you should be ashamed of yourself.
Back at ya....actually it's because I'm a STAUNCH patriot and want this country to go forward NOT turned into some shitlhole like corrupt socialist liberals did to Venezuela which if the democrats get back in, they'll make sure happens to the U.S. as well.

The fact that McCain voted with the left on every issue to stop Trump from straightening out the past administration's actions that had us well on our way to becoming like Venezuela, tells me exactly what he is. Either he agrees with them who want us borderless, drugged out, oppressed, living in tents like those in California, or he's holding a grudge against Trump that over rides what's best for the country. Either way he is a pile of CORRUPT SELFISH excrement that not only needs to be called out for his actions, but he should be rode out of town by those in Arizona ASAP. We need REPUBLICANS in Congress that represent what is BEST for the country, not selfish corrupt shitheads undermining and trying to destroy it even more. This is why half of us in this country voted Trump into office because we could see what was happening and don't want anymore of that crap.

You are no PATRIOT. You and Trump are the pile of excrement.

Unfortunately McCain didn't vote enough against Republicans. Republicans have pursued a extremist agenda and appealed to the alt-right over Americans. People like you and Trump should be ridden out of this country on a rail. You are the ones who are ruining this country. Americans believe in compassion not telling people to drop dead because they are struggling. Trump did not get half of the vote in this country. A majority of the people do not want your crap.

Moon Bat. If McCain is such a fucking hero why didn't you Libtards vote for him in 2008 instead of that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Negro?
I supported McCain in 2000 over Bush
He was more of the Maverick back then. By 2008 he was a tired shell of the old McCain and then there was that Palin thing
McCain? Cripes for all his faults at being a warmonger (that's what I personally hate him for) I really ever heard negative about McCain I grew up on the "Hanoi Hilton" movie and until these latter days always believed him to be a good soul.

I know different now after watching his actions in a variety of global situations that could have been resolved politically but the son of a bitch preferred proxy wars so as far as I'm concerned that bastard can't go quick enough for me. He owns death for so many so let death embrace him.

That screw up on the Forrestal though, I bet there is resentment there.

What screw up? McCain was sitting in his plane when the fire started!

Are you seriously that stupid?
I'm afraid she is....and furthermore, she made a threat on McCain's life on this thread.
-------------------------------- you are a liberal , i know that but you also sound like a TATTLETale wusse Bodecea .
I am a veteran who has actually served with a few returning POWs and know the Code of Conduct.....and you?

When McCain was offered a early release, he insisted the soldiers who were captured before him be released. He followed the Code of Conduct.
-------------------------------------- good for him , and he lived well for 40 years as a highly paid Politician with all kinds perks BBee !!
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The rage is because this one pile of excrement McCain is stopping some really good bills from passing that Trump is trying to do to bring this country back from the brink of disaster that the last CORRUPT administration put in place. The sooner McCain is gone, the better.
Another delusional, un-American scumbag heard from. Shitbags like you should be ashamed of yourself.
Back at ya....actually it's because I'm a STAUNCH patriot and want this country to go forward NOT turned into some shitlhole like corrupt socialist liberals did to Venezuela which if the democrats get back in, they'll make sure happens to the U.S. as well.

The fact that McCain voted with the left on every issue to stop Trump from straightening out the past administration's actions that had us well on our way to becoming like Venezuela, tells me exactly what he is. Either he agrees with them who want us borderless, drugged out, oppressed, living in tents like those in California, or he's holding a grudge against Trump that over rides what's best for the country. Either way he is a pile of CORRUPT SELFISH excrement that not only needs to be called out for his actions, but he should be rode out of town by those in Arizona ASAP. We need REPUBLICANS in Congress that represent what is BEST for the country, not selfish corrupt shitheads undermining and trying to destroy it even more. This is why half of us in this country voted Trump into office because we could see what was happening and don't want anymore of that crap.

You are no PATRIOT. You and Trump are the pile of excrement.

Unfortunately McCain didn't vote enough against Republicans. Republicans have pursued a extremist agenda and appealed to the alt-right over Americans. People like you and Trump should be ridden out of this country on a rail. You are the ones who are ruining this country. Americans believe in compassion not telling people to drop dead because they are struggling. Trump did not get half of the vote in this country. A majority of the people do not want your crap.

Moon Bat. If McCain is such a fucking hero why didn't you Libtards vote for him in 2008 instead of that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Negro?
I supported McCain in 2000 over Bush
He was more of the Maverick back then. By 2008 he was a tired shell of the old McCain and then there was that Palin thing
------------------------------------- i never voted for 'mcstain' , i threw away my vote that year , voted libertarian if i remember .
i think that i even called 'mcstain' headquarters and laughed at them as i told them that 'mcstain' was toast RWinger !! :afro:
What screw up? McCain was sitting in his plane when the fire started!

Are you seriously that stupid?
I'm afraid she is....and furthermore, she made a threat on McCain's life on this thread.
-------------------------------- you are a liberal , i know that but you also sound like a TATTLETale wusse Bodecea .
I am a veteran who has actually served with a few returning POWs and know the Code of Conduct.....and you?

When McCain was offered a early release, he insisted the soldiers who were captured before him be released. He followed the Code of Conduct.
-------------------------------------- good for him , and he lived well for 40 years as a highly paid Politician with all kinds perks BBee !!
------------------------------- and 'mcstain' even gets the best medical care and paycheck at taxpayer expense even right now BusyBee !!
i think that i even called 'mcstain' headquarters and laughed at them as i told them that 'mcstain' was toast RWinger !! :afro:
Sure you did
----------------------------------------- whats the big deal , some third worlder campaign worker picked up the phone and said 'ello , ello , viva mccain' . I gave my message of bad luck to 'mcstain' in English but i don't know if 'mcstain' ever got the message RWinger !!.
Damn, so much rage and confusion in you :itsok:T

But a good reminder that the GOP will attack POW’s for their time as POW’s.
The rage is because this one pile of excrement McCain is stopping some really good bills from passing that Trump is trying to do to bring this country back from the brink of disaster that the last CORRUPT administration put in place. The sooner McCain is gone, the better.
Another delusional, un-American scumbag heard from. Shitbags like you should be ashamed of yourself.
Back at ya....actually it's because I'm a STAUNCH patriot and want this country to go forward NOT turned into some shitlhole like corrupt socialist liberals did to Venezuela which if the democrats get back in, they'll make sure happens to the U.S. as well.

The fact that McCain voted with the left on every issue to stop Trump from straightening out the past administration's actions that had us well on our way to becoming like Venezuela, tells me exactly what he is. Either he agrees with them who want us borderless, drugged out, oppressed, living in tents like those in California, or he's holding a grudge against Trump that over rides what's best for the country. Either way he is a pile of CORRUPT SELFISH excrement that not only needs to be called out for his actions, but he should be rode out of town by those in Arizona ASAP. We need REPUBLICANS in Congress that represent what is BEST for the country, not selfish corrupt shitheads undermining and trying to destroy it even more. This is why half of us in this country voted Trump into office because we could see what was happening and don't want anymore of that crap.

You are no PATRIOT. You and Trump are the pile of excrement.

Unfortunately McCain didn't vote enough against Republicans. Republicans have pursued a extremist agenda and appealed to the alt-right over Americans. People like you and Trump should be ridden out of this country on a rail. You are the ones who are ruining this country. Americans believe in compassion not telling people to drop dead because they are struggling. Trump did not get half of the vote in this country. A majority of the people do not want your crap.

Moon Bat. If McCain is such a fucking hero why didn't you Libtards vote for him in 2008 instead of that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Negro?

Obviously you are not talking to me. I voted for McCain because of Sarah Palin. However you do not determine who is worthless because you may be the most worthless person on this earth.
I'm afraid she is....and furthermore, she made a threat on McCain's life on this thread.
-------------------------------- you are a liberal , i know that but you also sound like a TATTLETale wusse Bodecea .
I am a veteran who has actually served with a few returning POWs and know the Code of Conduct.....and you?

When McCain was offered a early release, he insisted the soldiers who were captured before him be released. He followed the Code of Conduct.
-------------------------------------- good for him , and he lived well for 40 years as a highly paid Politician with all kinds perks BBee !!
------------------------------- and 'mcstain' even gets the best medical care and paycheck at taxpayer expense even right now BusyBee !!

He deserves it. He was injured protecting this country.
McCain is an idiot on this issue. Waterboarding--making a terrorist feel like he is drowning--is not torture. It's terrifying, but it's not torture, especially not the way the CIA administered it.
The rage is because this one pile of excrement McCain is stopping some really good bills from passing that Trump is trying to do to bring this country back from the brink of disaster that the last CORRUPT administration put in place. The sooner McCain is gone, the better.
Another delusional, un-American scumbag heard from. Shitbags like you should be ashamed of yourself.
Back at ya....actually it's because I'm a STAUNCH patriot and want this country to go forward NOT turned into some shitlhole like corrupt socialist liberals did to Venezuela which if the democrats get back in, they'll make sure happens to the U.S. as well.

The fact that McCain voted with the left on every issue to stop Trump from straightening out the past administration's actions that had us well on our way to becoming like Venezuela, tells me exactly what he is. Either he agrees with them who want us borderless, drugged out, oppressed, living in tents like those in California, or he's holding a grudge against Trump that over rides what's best for the country. Either way he is a pile of CORRUPT SELFISH excrement that not only needs to be called out for his actions, but he should be rode out of town by those in Arizona ASAP. We need REPUBLICANS in Congress that represent what is BEST for the country, not selfish corrupt shitheads undermining and trying to destroy it even more. This is why half of us in this country voted Trump into office because we could see what was happening and don't want anymore of that crap.

You are no PATRIOT. You and Trump are the pile of excrement.

Unfortunately McCain didn't vote enough against Republicans. Republicans have pursued a extremist agenda and appealed to the alt-right over Americans. People like you and Trump should be ridden out of this country on a rail. You are the ones who are ruining this country. Americans believe in compassion not telling people to drop dead because they are struggling. Trump did not get half of the vote in this country. A majority of the people do not want your crap.

Moon Bat. If McCain is such a fucking hero why didn't you Libtards vote for him in 2008 instead of that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Negro?

Obviously you are not talking to me. I voted for McCain because of Sarah Palin. However you do not determine who is worthless because you may be the most worthless person on this earth.
Either I'm being punked or the lovers of McCain here in these forums who are also liberal lovers are actually Russians because no one living in this country that is paying even the slightest attention could possibly think the liberal agenda was taking this country in the right direction. Unless of course you're an illegal here going to college and living on entitlements all off the backs of the American people who are changing their diapers every day.

The only thing democrats are good at is getting paid to GIVE THE COUNTRY AWAY to outsiders. Those that demand their rights to be able to invade our country while laughing in our faces at how naive and stupid we are for taking it.
Another delusional, un-American scumbag heard from. Shitbags like you should be ashamed of yourself.
Back at ya....actually it's because I'm a STAUNCH patriot and want this country to go forward NOT turned into some shitlhole like corrupt socialist liberals did to Venezuela which if the democrats get back in, they'll make sure happens to the U.S. as well.

The fact that McCain voted with the left on every issue to stop Trump from straightening out the past administration's actions that had us well on our way to becoming like Venezuela, tells me exactly what he is. Either he agrees with them who want us borderless, drugged out, oppressed, living in tents like those in California, or he's holding a grudge against Trump that over rides what's best for the country. Either way he is a pile of CORRUPT SELFISH excrement that not only needs to be called out for his actions, but he should be rode out of town by those in Arizona ASAP. We need REPUBLICANS in Congress that represent what is BEST for the country, not selfish corrupt shitheads undermining and trying to destroy it even more. This is why half of us in this country voted Trump into office because we could see what was happening and don't want anymore of that crap.

You are no PATRIOT. You and Trump are the pile of excrement.

Unfortunately McCain didn't vote enough against Republicans. Republicans have pursued a extremist agenda and appealed to the alt-right over Americans. People like you and Trump should be ridden out of this country on a rail. You are the ones who are ruining this country. Americans believe in compassion not telling people to drop dead because they are struggling. Trump did not get half of the vote in this country. A majority of the people do not want your crap.

Moon Bat. If McCain is such a fucking hero why didn't you Libtards vote for him in 2008 instead of that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Negro?

Obviously you are not talking to me. I voted for McCain because of Sarah Palin. However you do not determine who is worthless because you may be the most worthless person on this earth.
Either I'm being punked or the lovers of McCain here in these forums who are also liberal lovers are actually Russians because no one living in this country that is paying even the slightest attention could possibly think the liberal agenda was taking this country in the right direction. Unless of course you're an illegal here going to college and living on entitlements all off the backs of the American people who are changing their diapers every day.

The only thing democrats are good at is getting paid to GIVE THE COUNTRY AWAY to outsiders. Those that demand their rights to be able to invade our country while laughing in our faces at how naive and stupid we are for taking it.

Illegals and the welfare queens love America being a filthy ass socialist welfare state. They don't have to work much then.

The people that actually have to foot the bill for the cost of socialism don't exactly feel the same way.
i think that i even called 'mcstain' headquarters and laughed at them as i told them that 'mcstain' was toast RWinger !! :afro:
Sure you did
----------------------------------------- whats the big deal , some third worlder campaign worker picked up the phone and said 'ello , ello , viva mccain' . I gave my message of bad luck to 'mcstain' in English but i don't know if 'mcstain' ever got the message RWinger !!.
Quite the fantasy
Another delusional, un-American scumbag heard from. Shitbags like you should be ashamed of yourself.
Back at ya....actually it's because I'm a STAUNCH patriot and want this country to go forward NOT turned into some shitlhole like corrupt socialist liberals did to Venezuela which if the democrats get back in, they'll make sure happens to the U.S. as well.

The fact that McCain voted with the left on every issue to stop Trump from straightening out the past administration's actions that had us well on our way to becoming like Venezuela, tells me exactly what he is. Either he agrees with them who want us borderless, drugged out, oppressed, living in tents like those in California, or he's holding a grudge against Trump that over rides what's best for the country. Either way he is a pile of CORRUPT SELFISH excrement that not only needs to be called out for his actions, but he should be rode out of town by those in Arizona ASAP. We need REPUBLICANS in Congress that represent what is BEST for the country, not selfish corrupt shitheads undermining and trying to destroy it even more. This is why half of us in this country voted Trump into office because we could see what was happening and don't want anymore of that crap.

You are no PATRIOT. You and Trump are the pile of excrement.

Unfortunately McCain didn't vote enough against Republicans. Republicans have pursued a extremist agenda and appealed to the alt-right over Americans. People like you and Trump should be ridden out of this country on a rail. You are the ones who are ruining this country. Americans believe in compassion not telling people to drop dead because they are struggling. Trump did not get half of the vote in this country. A majority of the people do not want your crap.

Moon Bat. If McCain is such a fucking hero why didn't you Libtards vote for him in 2008 instead of that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Negro?

Obviously you are not talking to me. I voted for McCain because of Sarah Palin. However you do not determine who is worthless because you may be the most worthless person on this earth.
Either I'm being punked or the lovers of McCain here in these forums who are also liberal lovers are actually Russians because no one living in this country that is paying even the slightest attention could possibly think the liberal agenda was taking this country in the right direction. Unless of course you're an illegal here going to college and living on entitlements all off the backs of the American people who are changing their diapers every day.

The only thing democrats are good at is getting paid to GIVE THE COUNTRY AWAY to outsiders. Those that demand their rights to be able to invade our country while laughing in our faces at how naive and stupid we are for taking it.
Damn.....have you ever drank the Kool Aid
Back at ya....actually it's because I'm a STAUNCH patriot and want this country to go forward NOT turned into some shitlhole like corrupt socialist liberals did to Venezuela which if the democrats get back in, they'll make sure happens to the U.S. as well.

The fact that McCain voted with the left on every issue to stop Trump from straightening out the past administration's actions that had us well on our way to becoming like Venezuela, tells me exactly what he is. Either he agrees with them who want us borderless, drugged out, oppressed, living in tents like those in California, or he's holding a grudge against Trump that over rides what's best for the country. Either way he is a pile of CORRUPT SELFISH excrement that not only needs to be called out for his actions, but he should be rode out of town by those in Arizona ASAP. We need REPUBLICANS in Congress that represent what is BEST for the country, not selfish corrupt shitheads undermining and trying to destroy it even more. This is why half of us in this country voted Trump into office because we could see what was happening and don't want anymore of that crap.

You are no PATRIOT. You and Trump are the pile of excrement.

Unfortunately McCain didn't vote enough against Republicans. Republicans have pursued a extremist agenda and appealed to the alt-right over Americans. People like you and Trump should be ridden out of this country on a rail. You are the ones who are ruining this country. Americans believe in compassion not telling people to drop dead because they are struggling. Trump did not get half of the vote in this country. A majority of the people do not want your crap.

Moon Bat. If McCain is such a fucking hero why didn't you Libtards vote for him in 2008 instead of that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Negro?

Obviously you are not talking to me. I voted for McCain because of Sarah Palin. However you do not determine who is worthless because you may be the most worthless person on this earth.
Either I'm being punked or the lovers of McCain here in these forums who are also liberal lovers are actually Russians because no one living in this country that is paying even the slightest attention could possibly think the liberal agenda was taking this country in the right direction. Unless of course you're an illegal here going to college and living on entitlements all off the backs of the American people who are changing their diapers every day.

The only thing democrats are good at is getting paid to GIVE THE COUNTRY AWAY to outsiders. Those that demand their rights to be able to invade our country while laughing in our faces at how naive and stupid we are for taking it.
Damn.....have you ever drank the Kool Aid
Stupid or Russian...which is it...enquiring minds want to know!
You are no PATRIOT. You and Trump are the pile of excrement.

Unfortunately McCain didn't vote enough against Republicans. Republicans have pursued a extremist agenda and appealed to the alt-right over Americans. People like you and Trump should be ridden out of this country on a rail. You are the ones who are ruining this country. Americans believe in compassion not telling people to drop dead because they are struggling. Trump did not get half of the vote in this country. A majority of the people do not want your crap.

Moon Bat. If McCain is such a fucking hero why didn't you Libtards vote for him in 2008 instead of that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Negro?

Obviously you are not talking to me. I voted for McCain because of Sarah Palin. However you do not determine who is worthless because you may be the most worthless person on this earth.
Either I'm being punked or the lovers of McCain here in these forums who are also liberal lovers are actually Russians because no one living in this country that is paying even the slightest attention could possibly think the liberal agenda was taking this country in the right direction. Unless of course you're an illegal here going to college and living on entitlements all off the backs of the American people who are changing their diapers every day.

The only thing democrats are good at is getting paid to GIVE THE COUNTRY AWAY to outsiders. Those that demand their rights to be able to invade our country while laughing in our faces at how naive and stupid we are for taking it.
Damn.....have you ever drank the Kool Aid
Stupid or Russian...which is it...enquiring minds want to know!
You sound like a commercial for Fox News
Who is paying for those people to have insurance? People that cannot afford it that’s who..
Any type of mandate on socialist entitlement programs are a fucking joke, and unconstitutional. By the way insurance is not healthcare you dumb fuck

You are the fucking joke and it is not unconstitutional. The fact is that people who were paying hospital bills were already paying for the people who had no insurance and could not pay.

the reason for the mandate is simple. People would not buy insurance when they were healthy but if they got sick then they bought insurance and forced insurance companies to pay for it. once they were healthy then they dropped the insurance. The mandate is constitutional. Whether or not you have insurance does affect your healthcare.
There is no longer a mandate shit for brains. Thanks to trump

Which is why he will get the blame for everyone's premiums going up.
Obamacare made the premiums go up, anyway the mandate made people pay for other peoples shit... the shitty thing is those people could not possibly afford Obamacare let alone paying for other peoples shit...

That is incorrect. Premium increases slowed as a result of ACA.

Slower Premium Growth Under Obama -
Na, They were paying for other peoples shit… That they could not possibly afford
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The rage is because this one pile of excrement McCain is stopping some really good bills from passing that Trump is trying to do to bring this country back from the brink of disaster that the last CORRUPT administration put in place. The sooner McCain is gone, the better.
Another delusional, un-American scumbag heard from. Shitbags like you should be ashamed of yourself.
Back at ya....actually it's because I'm a STAUNCH patriot and want this country to go forward NOT turned into some shitlhole like corrupt socialist liberals did to Venezuela which if the democrats get back in, they'll make sure happens to the U.S. as well.

The fact that McCain voted with the left on every issue to stop Trump from straightening out the past administration's actions that had us well on our way to becoming like Venezuela, tells me exactly what he is. Either he agrees with them who want us borderless, drugged out, oppressed, living in tents like those in California, or he's holding a grudge against Trump that over rides what's best for the country. Either way he is a pile of CORRUPT SELFISH excrement that not only needs to be called out for his actions, but he should be rode out of town by those in Arizona ASAP. We need REPUBLICANS in Congress that represent what is BEST for the country, not selfish corrupt shitheads undermining and trying to destroy it even more. This is why half of us in this country voted Trump into office because we could see what was happening and don't want anymore of that crap.

You are no PATRIOT. You and Trump are the pile of excrement.

Unfortunately McCain didn't vote enough against Republicans. Republicans have pursued a extremist agenda and appealed to the alt-right over Americans. People like you and Trump should be ridden out of this country on a rail. You are the ones who are ruining this country. Americans believe in compassion not telling people to drop dead because they are struggling. Trump did not get half of the vote in this country. A majority of the people do not want your crap.

Moon Bat. If McCain is such a fucking hero why didn't you Libtards vote for him in 2008 instead of that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Negro?
I supported McCain in 2000 over Bush
He was more of the Maverick back then. By 2008 he was a tired shell of the old McCain and then there was that Palin thing
And bush jr kicked his ass all over the primary’s, taking the all important military vote even. Funny thing is both being career politicians, bush being just a bit less progressive than spineless McCain...
Just like swift boat Kerry, military folk just don’t take to spineless McCain...
look at the hypocrite

You show me that that Air Farce General did something note worthy in a war besides fly a desk, you would have a valid point.
Ok, I take it back:

McInerney was a command pilot with more than 4,100 flying hours, including 407 combat missions (243 in O-1s as a forward air controller and 164 in F-4Cs, Ds and Es) during the Vietnam War. In addition to his Vietnam Service, McInerney served overseas in NATO; Pacific Air Forces and as commander of 11th Air Force in Alaska.

FAC in Viet Nam...ok, he earned his chops.

He did not earn the right to lie about McCain. McInerny is trash.
Spineless McCain cracked, heroes do not crack

You are a motherfucking idiot. I'll be glad to come over and beat your ass and see how long you last. Everybody cracked. McCain turned down a chance to be released.
No self control eh lefturd?

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