Lucifer's War: A TrumpUSA Video-Game


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA parable inspired by Wag the Dog.



GOD: If war is necessary, it must be legal.
SATAN: What about anarchy dialogue?
GOD: I don't condone censorship, but anarchy creates panic.
SATAN: People have a right to indulge in anarchism-daydreams!
GOD: If art is supervised (parental guidance), we can entreat rebellion-chat.
SATAN: There is a reality to uncertainty, frustration, and pure rage.
GOD: Rage is an emotion which must be monitored like any other.
SATAN: Why would there be rage if it was childish?
GOD: For the same reason there is perspiration --- to remind us of diligence.
SATAN: Mankind should not be obligated to be patient...

As Satan defied and rebelled against God, the rebelliousness-spirit spread throughout creation, and soon, God's own creation (Adam and Eve) rebelled. Over history, mankind engaged in territorial warfare, governance controversies, commerce contests, and academic grudges. There were two world wars and a great 'tribulation' during the time of incredible commercial expansion (the era of Wall Street and NASDAQ). This 'media era' was signalled by great traffic (e.g., eTrade), intellectual property paranoia (e.g., Napster), and networking problems (e.g., North Korea). Comic books presenting stories about justice-daydreams and vigilantism-fantasies (e.g., Captain America, Wonder Woman, Justice League, etc.) became very popular.

A group of patriotic Americans recruited as a secret team of democracy-operatives known as 'G.I. Joes' were hand-selected by the Trump Administration to oversee all methodologies regarding geo-political peace processes and ensure safety and security at the Winter Olympics in South Korea(!). These G.I. Joes adopted comic book 'code-names' to keep their identities private and confidential. They argued and argued (and argued) about commerce-ethics(!) as God and Satan watched on. God blessed mankind's quest for Utopia, while Satan frowned upon mankind's enduring 'fascination' with chaos.

IRON MAN: Our job is to prevent nuclear and biochemical warfare.
WONDER WOMAN: We also ensure proper Internet networking!
CAPTAIN AMERICA: This is the challenge of modernism --- sophistication.
CATWOMAN: It's difficult to defend capitalism...
GREEN ARROW: We have to stand by Christian values in America!

IRON MAN: We can't tolerate the mission of terrorists!
WONDER WOMAN: Maybe we should focus on the Winter Games in PyeongChang.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: There must be a way to 'entreat' humanity's urge to rebel...
CATWOMAN: Yeah, we could market Lucifer video-games.
GREEN ARROW: That ironically sounds as sensible as any other idea I've heard!

IRON MAN: Lucifer (Fox TV) is a popular series as is the referenced DC Comics character.
WONDER WOMAN: Lucifer is the alias of Satan, and Lucifer (DC Comics) is intriguing...
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Lucifer's adventure with Michael (in the Amazon) is video-game material.
CATWOMAN: In that case, let's tell the Trump Administration we're developing this game.
GREEN ARROW: We'll call it Lucifer's War (Konami).

IRON MAN: We have to convince fundamentalist Muslims that the game's not biased.
WONDER WOMAN: How do you argue that such a Christianity-centric game is universal?
CAPTAIN AMERICA: We'll have to re-present Lucifer as a 'debate-stimulator.'
CATWOMAN: In that case, let's reference the DC Comics character as a 'totem.'
GREEN ARROW: Of course! Lucifer (DC Comics) will be our 'academic diplomat' for TrumpUSA.



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