Lucky stiffs that lived history - born around 1920

That history I would say was mostly scary, but the young knew no different, depressions were just the way life was. I think for the parents that had seen a better world the Depression had to be pretty frightening, but even during the depression there were people with jobs that lived pretty well, it was the large group of unemployed that were frightened and making funny noises. Another two years of Hoover and America could have been in big trouble. FDR gave hope and charity, and without that who knows?

History is always being made. I'm a Boomer, I was on Planet Earth for that awful day in Dallas in November '63, Woodstock, the civil rights movement, the lunar missions, "I am not a crook," Vietnam, the ERA, the best era in music history, Vatican II, Doppler radar, the interwebz, the Rust Belt, the US Olympic hockey team, the Berlin Wall coming down, the end of South African apartheid, the space shuttles, Sesame Street, AIDS, the Kent State Massacre, ...

There's always something going on.
Heck just recently we have Supersonic Concord Stratosphere Travel, I-Phones, I-Pads, Private Space Travel. History keeps on keeping on.
they got in on all the historic stuff

our history is boring

Sounds fun. Living just before the depression. Even before they knew what to do with Penicillin.

Actually, these days are interesting. There is a war going on right now in this country.

Voter suppression
magical creation and ignorance versus science
The wealthy talking over an entire political party and teaching them to accept being called stupid
The wealthy teaching an entire political party that education is for snobs
The Republican Party invading a country in the Middle East and not even knowing or caring there is a difference between "Shiite" and "Sunni".
Being on the cusp of changing demographics and old age forcing the most ignorant, damaging, extreme, and dangerous political party in the history of the country to "change" or "die".
An entire political party pushing a "let him die" and "every man for himself" mentality.
The country is also in a war for manufacturing jobs against a country that accepts payment for it's workers of less than a dollar an hour. That has spilled over here. Half the country believes we can win that fight with education and a national investment. The Republican half wants to get rid of the minimum wage so we can compete at less than a dollar an hour which is very strange since they won't even pick cotton in Georgia.
We have a political party that wants to elect a leader who lies, grew up a bully, assaulted a fellow student, abused his family pet, says he will cut education and wants to bring immigrants here with degrees so he can help them start businesses and the people voting for him praise him - and they don't even know why.

See? Very interesting times.
That history I would say was mostly scary, but the young knew no different, depressions were just the way life was. I think for the parents that had seen a better world the Depression had to be pretty frightening, but even during the depression there were people with jobs that lived pretty well, it was the large group of unemployed that were frightened and making funny noises. Another two years of Hoover and America could have been in big trouble. FDR gave hope and charity, and without that who knows?

Oh please....FDR gave FALSE hope, much like BO has done, but hopefully Americans are not as gullible as they were in 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944. You fail to understand the difference between Hoover and FDR was little. FDR EXPANDED on the policies imposed by Hoover. He prolonged the Great Depression reducing hope and charity...while causing unbelievable suffering. And to top off things, instigated war with Japan and Germany, while lying to the American people about pursuing peace, to increase his power and get us out of the Great Depression.

He was a complete idiot....but not unlike many other presidents we have had, but arguably the worst one.
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they got in on all the historic stuff

our history is boring

I can't agree. I believe we are living in historic times.

1, Right now we are witnessing the end of the socialist welfare state throughout the western world. This is likely lead to many unforeseen events.
2. The Muslim world is being overtaken by radical Islam. The consequences of this are anyone's guess, but not likely to be favorable.
3. War could explode in the ME at any time and this time, nukes might come into play.
4. As American politicians and big business continue their cozy dance, the US economy is likely to continue to flounder, while all the negative aspects of Crony Capitalism continue to expand.
5. The liberties Americans once took for granted are gradually being replaceed with a police state.

I could go on, but you get the drift.

History is always being made. I'm a Boomer, I was on Planet Earth for that awful day in Dallas in November '63, Woodstock, the civil rights movement, the lunar missions, "I am not a crook," Vietnam, the ERA, the best era in music history, Vatican II, Doppler radar, the interwebz, the Rust Belt, the US Olympic hockey team, the Berlin Wall coming down, the end of South African apartheid, the space shuttles, Sesame Street, AIDS, the Kent State Massacre, ...

There's always something going on.

Its funny how you missed abortion (really infanticide), expansion of the social welfare state leading to bankruptcy, blow jobs in the oval office then lies then the second impeachment in our nation's history, explosion of Crony Capitalism, To Big To Fail, destruction of our currency by government and elites, explosion of government, contraction of individual rights, war and more war, expansion of the military-industrial-government complex......
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That history I would say was mostly scary, but the young knew no different, depressions were just the way life was.

My paternal grandfather used to tell me about the farms he had worked. He was born in 1878 and got out of farming in the early twenties when the agricultural depression started in 1921. My maternal grandmother was born in 1879 and lived to be a tad over 100. I have her first hand accounts of the Spanish-American War, the Progressive Era, and WWI. She remained a late Victorian--Edwardian all her life.

Yep. They don't make history like they used to; and they never did!
they got in on all the historic stuff

our history is boring

Sounds fun. Living just before the depression. Even before they knew what to do with Penicillin.

Actually, these days are interesting. There is a war going on right now in this country.

Voter suppression
magical creation and ignorance versus science
The wealthy talking over an entire political party and teaching them to accept being called stupid
The wealthy teaching an entire political party that education is for snobs
The Republican Party invading a country in the Middle East and not even knowing or caring there is a difference between "Shiite" and "Sunni".
Being on the cusp of changing demographics and old age forcing the most ignorant, damaging, extreme, and dangerous political party in the history of the country to "change" or "die".
An entire political party pushing a "let him die" and "every man for himself" mentality.
The country is also in a war for manufacturing jobs against a country that accepts payment for it's workers of less than a dollar an hour. That has spilled over here. Half the country believes we can win that fight with education and a national investment. The Republican half wants to get rid of the minimum wage so we can compete at less than a dollar an hour which is very strange since they won't even pick cotton in Georgia.
We have a political party that wants to elect a leader who lies, grew up a bully, assaulted a fellow student, abused his family pet, says he will cut education and wants to bring immigrants here with degrees so he can help them start businesses and the people voting for him praise him - and they don't even know why.

See? Very interesting times.

Graphic representation of how an Rdean post falls

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they got in on all the historic stuff

our history is boring

I can't agree. I believe we are living in historic times.

1. Right now we are witnessing the end of the socialist welfare state throughout the western world. This is likely lead to many unforeseen events.
2. The Muslim world is being overtaken by radical Islam. The consequences of this are anyone's guess, but not likely to be favorable.
3. War could explode in the ME at any time and this time, nukes might come into play.
4. As American politicians and big business continue their cozy dance, the US economy is likely to continue to flounder, while all the negative aspects of Crony Capitalism continue to expand.
5. The liberties Americans once took for granted are gradually being replaceed with a police state.

I could go on, but you get the drift.

1. The corporate welfare state has just begun. Rescue of the financial system top $12.8 Trillion.

2. Secularism is infiltrating the Muslim world pissing off the Radicals.

3. Who knows what will happen but I doubt they will set off a nuke. Repercussions would be extreme.

4. Riots will crush the Crony Capitalist in about 6 years.

5. Our liberties have been replaceed with a police state.
That history I would say was mostly scary, but the young knew no different, depressions were just the way life was. I think for the parents that had seen a better world the Depression had to be pretty frightening, but even during the depression there were people with jobs that lived pretty well, it was the large group of unemployed that were frightened and making funny noises. Another two years of Hoover and America could have been in big trouble. FDR gave hope and charity, and without that who knows?

Oh please....FDR gave FALSE hope, much like BO has done, but hopefully Americans are not as gullible as they were in 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944. You fail to understand the difference between Hoover and FDR was little. FDR EXPANDED on the policies imposed by Hoover. He prolonged the Great Depression reducing hope and charity...while causing unbelievable suffering. And to top off things, instigated war with Japan and Germany, while lying to the American people about pursuing peace, to increase his power and get us out of the Great Depression.

He was a complete idiot....but not unlike many other presidents we have had, but arguably the worst one.

The American people elected FDR four times, a record.
Historians have never rated FDR less than one of America's three greatest presidents since they began rating presidents.
Recently 238 noted historians and presidential experts rated FDR as Amrica's greatest president. I understand the difference between Hoover and FDR, Hoover attempted to help business with the RFC and Smoot Hawley; FDR attempted to help the American people with the New Deal.
Your evidence?
That history I would say was mostly scary, but the young knew no different, depressions were just the way life was.

My paternal grandfather used to tell me about the farms he had worked. He was born in 1878 and got out of farming in the early twenties when the agricultural depression started in 1921. My maternal grandmother was born in 1879 and lived to be a tad over 100. I have her first hand accounts of the Spanish-American War, the Progressive Era, and WWI. She remained a late Victorian--Edwardian all her life.

Yep. They don't make history like they used to; and they never did!

I agree.

Technically, history would be defined as everything which has occurred prior to the ever-shifting present; thus, we are all observers of unfolding history. Those who have lived the longest are obviously more cognizant of the effects of time-remote events.

From my vantage point, the only advantages of the modern era involve those of technology. However, I question the value of labor saving and entertainment devices. Labor saving instrument may give the population more spare time, but if that time is wasted, that is not directed to worthwhile, productive efforts, where is the gain? As for all the modern gimmicks and games, what good have they done for society at large?
The only advantages I see are those related to health care and longevity. But being healthy does not necessarily make one happy (although being unhealthy usually makes someone unhappy). As for longevity, the human lifespan is insignificant against the backdrop of eternity, and a lengthy life is not necessarily more fulfilling than a shorter, more rewarding one.

My heart always goes back to the 1950's, for the music, for the cars, for the girls, for the atmosphere, for the comfort and for the friendships.

Considering all the comparisons, even after taking off the rose colored glasses many may accuse me of wearing, I would prefer to live and die in times like the 1950s, the most simple, the most idealistic and the happiest time in all of human history.

I lived and worked on a farm for a year while I was waiting to join the Marine Corps and it is one of the most memorable experiences of my lifetime. I believe the world would be much better if everyone would be required to work the fields and tend to the animals for at least a brief period during their lifetimes.

PS: I'm an old fart , too (72).
That history I would say was mostly scary, but the young knew no different, depressions were just the way life was. I think for the parents that had seen a better world the Depression had to be pretty frightening, but even during the depression there were people with jobs that lived pretty well, it was the large group of unemployed that were frightened and making funny noises. Another two years of Hoover and America could have been in big trouble. FDR gave hope and charity, and without that who knows?

Oh please....FDR gave FALSE hope, much like BO has done, but hopefully Americans are not as gullible as they were in 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944. You fail to understand the difference between Hoover and FDR was little. FDR EXPANDED on the policies imposed by Hoover. He prolonged the Great Depression reducing hope and charity...while causing unbelievable suffering. And to top off things, instigated war with Japan and Germany, while lying to the American people about pursuing peace, to increase his power and get us out of the Great Depression.

He was a complete idiot....but not unlike many other presidents we have had, but arguably the worst one.

The American people elected FDR four times, a record.
Historians have never rated FDR less than one of America's three greatest presidents since they began rating presidents.
Recently 238 noted historians and presidential experts rated FDR as Amrica's greatest president. I understand the difference between Hoover and FDR, Hoover attempted to help business with the RFC and Smoot Hawley; FDR attempted to help the American people with the New Deal.
Your evidence?

FDR"helped" the American people....that is the biggest line of bull shit I have heard in a long time...and I watched MSLSD this morning.

FDR HURT the American people terribly by prolonging the Great Depression for a decade with his idiotic policies. If you did just a tiny bit of research, you would know this. For example, while millions of Americans were starving, your beloved FDR was FORCING farmers to destroy their live stock and crops, all in an ill conceived effort to RAISE prices on Americans who had little money.

Then to get out of the Great Depression his policies prolonged, he instigated war with Japan and Germany resulting in even more suffering for the American people. Then he allied with history's greatest mass murderer, allowing Uncle Joe to subjugate half of Europe (while he was on his death bed) and descend the world into 50 years of cold war. Great job....


Three books you should read...if you want the truth...are you man enough to accept the truth???
1. The Forgotten Man - Amity Shales
2. New Deal or Raw Deal - Burton Fulson Jr.
3. The Roosevelt Myth - John T Flynn

That last one was first published in 1948 and was the first to completely blow up the legend surrounding our worst president. It is excellent and fully documented. You really need to get caught up.....
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they got in on all the historic stuff

our history is boring

I can't agree. I believe we are living in historic times.

1. Right now we are witnessing the end of the socialist welfare state throughout the western world. This is likely lead to many unforeseen events.
2. The Muslim world is being overtaken by radical Islam. The consequences of this are anyone's guess, but not likely to be favorable.
3. War could explode in the ME at any time and this time, nukes might come into play.
4. As American politicians and big business continue their cozy dance, the US economy is likely to continue to flounder, while all the negative aspects of Crony Capitalism continue to expand.
5. The liberties Americans once took for granted are gradually being replaceed with a police state.

I could go on, but you get the drift.

1. The corporate welfare state has just begun. Rescue of the financial system top $12.8 Trillion.

2. Secularism is infiltrating the Muslim world pissing off the Radicals.

3. Who knows what will happen but I doubt they will set off a nuke. Repercussions would be extreme.

4. Riots will crush the Crony Capitalist in about 6 years.

5. Our liberties have been replaceed with a police state.

I can agree with a lot of that with the following caveats....

We have endured the corporate welfare state for longer than the social welfare state (see history of railroads), but it is much worse now because government is bigger and corporations are bigger...and they are on the SAME TEAM.

I am not so confident of no nukes in the ME. History tells us humans in power continually make bad decisions, causing mass death.

Crony Capitalism exists because government and big business work in tandem. Until we rid ourselves of big government, crony capitalism continues unabated. Will the riots you predict end big government?

Yep the police state is here....and many on the right and left seem to like it.
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still wish I had lived in the dramatic times of the big one

best I got was the Kennedy assn and the Beatles
still wish I had lived in the dramatic times of the big one

best I got was the Kennedy assn and the Beatles

Be careful what you wish for. The 'big one' could be just around the corner.
Oh please....FDR gave FALSE hope, much like BO has done, but hopefully Americans are not as gullible as they were in 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944. You fail to understand the difference between Hoover and FDR was little. FDR EXPANDED on the policies imposed by Hoover. He prolonged the Great Depression reducing hope and charity...while causing unbelievable suffering. And to top off things, instigated war with Japan and Germany, while lying to the American people about pursuing peace, to increase his power and get us out of the Great Depression.

He was a complete idiot....but not unlike many other presidents we have had, but arguably the worst one.

The American people elected FDR four times, a record.
Historians have never rated FDR less than one of America's three greatest presidents since they began rating presidents.
Recently 238 noted historians and presidential experts rated FDR as Amrica's greatest president. I understand the difference between Hoover and FDR, Hoover attempted to help business with the RFC and Smoot Hawley; FDR attempted to help the American people with the New Deal.
Your evidence?

FDR"helped" the American people....that is the biggest line of bull shit I have heard in a long time...and I watched MSLSD this morning.

FDR HURT the American people terribly by prolonging the Great Depression for a decade with his idiotic policies. If you did just a tiny bit of research, you would know this. For example, while millions of Americans were starving, your beloved FDR was FORCING farmers to destroy their live stock and crops, all in an ill conceived effort to RAISE prices on Americans who had little money.

Then to get out of the Great Depression his policies prolonged, he instigated war with Japan and Germany resulting in even more suffering for the American people. Then he allied with history's greatest mass murderer, allowing Uncle Joe to subjugate half of Europe (while he was on his death bed) and descend the world into 50 years of cold war. Great job....


Three books you should read...if you want the truth...are you man enough to accept the truth???
1. The Forgotten Man - Amity Shales
2. New Deal or Raw Deal - Burton Fulson Jr.
3. The Roosevelt Myth - John T Flynn

That last one was first published in 1948 and was the first to completely blow up the legend surrounding our worst president. It is excellent and fully documented. You really need to get caught up.....

Well I'll put my 238 noted historians and presidential experts up against your three historians. There are always historians that disagree or have opinions, or interpret differently for various reasons. I can't imagine a legitimate historian putting in his book the destruction of food stuff without putting in who what why where and when and so what.
Since the first historical rating of presidents by historians, FDR has always in the top three. Those history ratings of presidents have been a thorn to Republicans since their first ratings. I think the best attack has been to call historians communists. Any more evidence?

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