Lucy: Why should I get off welfare?

I do know history seems you do not or you would not post irrelevant distractive trollishness

It is actually quite relevant. It shows that the founding fathers were not concerned about HOW MUCH they were taxed, but about the lack of representation in their being taxed.

You HAVE representation, so your argument is bogus.

wrong as usual representation would mean obamacare/tax would not have passed,

WTF? Are you being willfully obstinate or are you really that stupid?

If 100 vote for 2 candidates, one for obamacare and one against, and 99 people vote for the one that is for obamacare, are you saying the remaining one did not have representation?? Are you that goofy?

Representation does not mean you always get your way.
It is actually quite relevant. It shows that the founding fathers were not concerned about HOW MUCH they were taxed, but about the lack of representation in their being taxed.

You HAVE representation, so your argument is bogus.

wrong as usual representation would mean obamacare/tax would not have passed,

WTF? Are you being willfully obstinate or are you really that stupid?

If 100 vote for 2 candidates, one for obamacare and one against, and 99 people vote for the one that is for obamacare, are you saying the remaining one did not have representation?? Are you that goofy?

Representation does not mean you always get your way.

melt down on it's way :lol:
I laugh at your limited ability to comprehend that the founders knew how the people would vote. Guess what they were correct. Hell the founders feared a democracy.
Now care to explain how is state legislators voting for U.S. senators to prevent the people from voting stupid supporting big government?
After-all it was their intent and the 17th amendment messed it up for the country.

You seem to be laboring under the misconception that it is only big gov't if it is federal. Yet at the same time you demean CA & NY as big gov't states.

When you remove the people from the selection process, you have the gov't making decisions that should be in the hands of the population.

laboring? wishful thinking doesn't make it so
when you add low information voters to the mix you get the abusive government of today.
You get obama and company.

You are correct in the claim that uninformed voters give us problems. But that is not the same thing as claiming that the 17th amendment gave us big gov't or that having state reps deciding on senators is not big gov't.
You seem to be laboring under the misconception that it is only big gov't if it is federal. Yet at the same time you demean CA & NY as big gov't states.

When you remove the people from the selection process, you have the gov't making decisions that should be in the hands of the population.

laboring? wishful thinking doesn't make it so
when you add low information voters to the mix you get the abusive government of today.
You get obama and company.

You are correct in the claim that uninformed voters give us problems. But that is not the same thing as claiming that the 17th amendment gave us big gov't or that having state reps deciding on senators is not big gov't.

The founders wanted senators to be elected at the state level for a reason, we now see why that reason was.
The blotted welfare state we have now.
They also feared a democracy
laboring? wishful thinking doesn't make it so
when you add low information voters to the mix you get the abusive government of today.
You get obama and company.

You are correct in the claim that uninformed voters give us problems. But that is not the same thing as claiming that the 17th amendment gave us big gov't or that having state reps deciding on senators is not big gov't.

The founders wanted senators to be elected at the state level for a reason, we now see why that reason was.
The blotted welfare state we have now.
They also feared a democracy

So you want the gov't to decide who represents you?? LMAO!!
wrong as usual representation would mean obamacare/tax would not have passed,

WTF? Are you being willfully obstinate or are you really that stupid?

If 100 vote for 2 candidates, one for obamacare and one against, and 99 people vote for the one that is for obamacare, are you saying the remaining one did not have representation?? Are you that goofy?

Representation does not mean you always get your way.

melt down on it's way :lol:

Melt down? Hardly. I am laughing way to hard.

I thought you had said some ignorant things before, but claiming you had no representation because you didn't get your way may take the cake.

If you hire a lawyer to represent you in court, and you lose. Will you claim you did not have representation?
You are correct in the claim that uninformed voters give us problems. But that is not the same thing as claiming that the 17th amendment gave us big gov't or that having state reps deciding on senators is not big gov't.

The founders wanted senators to be elected at the state level for a reason, we now see why that reason was.
The blotted welfare state we have now.
They also feared a democracy

So you want the gov't to decide who represents you?? LMAO!!

Once again you have missed it. Who elects the state legislators?
Who represents me? That is decided in the house of representatives for which I vote on.
Who has better access to U.S. senators, a state legislator that selected them or the common everyday citizen?
And by the way insinuating something that isn't so is misleading, stop doing it.
WTF? Are you being willfully obstinate or are you really that stupid?

If 100 vote for 2 candidates, one for obamacare and one against, and 99 people vote for the one that is for obamacare, are you saying the remaining one did not have representation?? Are you that goofy?

Representation does not mean you always get your way.

melt down on it's way :lol:

Melt down? Hardly. I am laughing way to hard.

I thought you had said some ignorant things before, but claiming you had no representation because you didn't get your way may take the cake.

If you hire a lawyer to represent you in court, and you lose. Will you claim you did not have representation?

yp since everybody likes to say someone is having a meltdown , thought I would throw that in the mix.
The founders wanted senators to be elected at the state level for a reason, we now see why that reason was.
The blotted welfare state we have now.
They also feared a democracy

So you want the gov't to decide who represents you?? LMAO!!

Once again you have missed it. Who elects the state legislators?
Who represents me? That is decided in the house of representatives for which I vote on.
Who has better access to U.S. senators, a state legislator that selected them or the common everyday citizen?
And by the way insinuating something that isn't so is misleading, stop doing it.

You want a governmental middleman to decide who represents you?

And you have a lot of gall to complain about someone insinuating something that is so. Considering you try and compare your pouting about a piece of legislation to the founding fathers fighting against taxation without representation.
melt down on it's way :lol:

Melt down? Hardly. I am laughing way to hard.

I thought you had said some ignorant things before, but claiming you had no representation because you didn't get your way may take the cake.

If you hire a lawyer to represent you in court, and you lose. Will you claim you did not have representation?

yp since everybody likes to say someone is having a meltdown , thought I would throw that in the mix.

Why not? Nothing else you have claimed as been any more accurate.

Jefferson is nearly a passion with me. In my twenties I picked up Light and Liberty and I was hooked. I spent the next 20 years reading everything I could get my hands on by Jefferson, and about Jefferson.

Luissa has less intellect than the average baboon, but her claim (which she ignorantly latched on to) about Jefferson is laughable, demonstrating a complete lack of knowledge.
:lol: :lol: he is nothing like Ayn Rand.

Luissa, might I ask you a serious question?

Are you mentally retarded? I mean, in a clinical sense?

And thank you, that post proves without a doubt you know nothing about Jefferson. Ayn Rand? God! You are fucking stupid. Just knowing about the Lewis and Clark expedition would make one realize he is nothing like Ayn Rand. Wow! Seriously stop! You are making yourself look like a complete idiot.
A man who set up public education, raised taxes, tripled the federal government could never be compared to Ayn Rand.
Go away, you are drunk.

I grasp that you are completely uneducated, lacking even a high school education. Still, your insistence on demonstrating your abject ignorance is what reveals you to be stupid.

More Jefferson quotes, you drooling baboon;

{The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.}

{I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.}

{I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. }

You know less than nothing about Jefferson.

Do yourself a favor and shut your stupid fucking gob, spare yourself more embarassment.
You are correct in the claim that uninformed voters give us problems. But that is not the same thing as claiming that the 17th amendment gave us big gov't or that having state reps deciding on senators is not big gov't.

The founders wanted senators to be elected at the state level for a reason, we now see why that reason was.
The blotted welfare state we have now.
They also feared a democracy

So you want the gov't to decide who represents you?? LMAO!!

The Founders wanted separation of powers. Concentrated power is inimical to freedom.

The House represents the people.

The Senate represents the states.

The problem is, there aren't tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of "Lucy"s out there.

I do not think you believe that.

I am pretty sure that I do. I understand that there are plenty of people who draw welfare. I also understand that there is a very small percentage that abuse the system. But the number of lies that have been told to exaggerate the problem (like Reagan's Welfare Queen) is insane.

Debunking the Top 6 Welfare Myths - National Social Issues |
"For starters, the vast majority of people collecting any kind of temporary assistance, including reemployment assistance, receive benefits for less than two years. While two years is far from ideal, it hardly supports the picture of third- and fourth-generation welfare recipients refusing to work and living the high life off of a few hundred dollars each month. The troubling truth of the matter is that the vast majority of people receiving Medicaid, SNAP, and other kinds of financial assistance already have a job."

What The Right Doesn't Want You To Know About Welfare: 9 Myths Exploded -
"According to, the vast majority of TANF recipients, 80.4 percent, receive benefits for five years or less."

Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain

Poverty In America: Myths About Welfare Recipients « CBS Charlotte

So it's a lie that 50million are on welfare?
I do know history seems you do not or you would not post irrelevant distractive trollishness

It is actually quite relevant. It shows that the founding fathers were not concerned about HOW MUCH they were taxed, but about the lack of representation in their being taxed.

You HAVE representation, so your argument is bogus.

wrong as usual representation would mean obamacare/tax would not have passed,

I'm not really one for belittling others, but you are quite stupid. In the context of being represented, we are basically talking about having a vote. The founding fathers had NO vote in how their tax dollars were being spent by the British government. Which at the time was pretty standard, the King levied taxes and the King decided how to spend those taxes. The colonials didn't like that system and thus formed a Republic where every man got a vote, which is NOT to say that every man got his way on every issue.

Did you have the opportunity to vote? Then you were represented.
laboring? wishful thinking doesn't make it so
when you add low information voters to the mix you get the abusive government of today.
You get obama and company.

You are correct in the claim that uninformed voters give us problems. But that is not the same thing as claiming that the 17th amendment gave us big gov't or that having state reps deciding on senators is not big gov't.

The founders wanted senators to be elected at the state level for a reason, we now see why that reason was.
The blotted welfare state we have now.
They also feared a democracy

Deceleration alert!
So you want the gov't to decide who represents you?? LMAO!!

Once again you have missed it. Who elects the state legislators?
Who represents me? That is decided in the house of representatives for which I vote on.
Who has better access to U.S. senators, a state legislator that selected them or the common everyday citizen?
And by the way insinuating something that isn't so is misleading, stop doing it.

You want a governmental middleman to decide who represents you?

And you have a lot of gall to complain about someone insinuating something that is so. Considering you try and compare your pouting about a piece of legislation to the founding fathers fighting against taxation without representation.

You can bet you last dollar I am more in tune with the founding fathers of this country and what they wanted than you'll ever be. Just in this thread I'm years advanced on you.
You are correct in the claim that uninformed voters give us problems. But that is not the same thing as claiming that the 17th amendment gave us big gov't or that having state reps deciding on senators is not big gov't.

The founders wanted senators to be elected at the state level for a reason, we now see why that reason was.
The blotted welfare state we have now.
They also feared a democracy

Deceleration alert!

Troll alert right back at you.^^^^^^
It is actually quite relevant. It shows that the founding fathers were not concerned about HOW MUCH they were taxed, but about the lack of representation in their being taxed.

You HAVE representation, so your argument is bogus.

wrong as usual representation would mean obamacare/tax would not have passed,

I'm not really one for belittling others, but you are quite stupid. In the context of being represented, we are basically talking about having a vote. The founding fathers had NO vote in how their tax dollars were being spent by the British government. Which at the time was pretty standard, the King levied taxes and the King decided how to spend those taxes. The colonials didn't like that system and thus formed a Republic where every man got a vote, which is NOT to say that every man got his way on every issue.

Did you have the opportunity to vote? Then you were represented.

OH what we have here folks is a sheeple that thinks since he is allowed to vote he has representation,
Do you have access to your representatives? If so do they do what you want or what the one with the most money wants?
do yourself a favor walk away and continue living in that false sense that you have a say in what laws are passed in this country. Don't get me wrong I once believed as you I was just as stupid as you are.

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