Lucy: Why should I get off welfare?

Too bad littlereb cannot provide anything credible to substantiate that absurdly false allegation.

Son, you made the claim that Jefferson and Mason would support Fascistcare.

You lost any standing to speak on "credible."

I'm just sayin.

Jefferson supported the raising of taxes to support General Welfare. Taxes are raised for Medicare just as they are for the ACA.

Bullshit, you socialist motherfucker.

"General Welfare" Means that taxes would be raised to pay for the expense associated with the authority SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED IN THE CONSTITUTION.

No Founder ever supported taxing "A" to feed and insure "B".

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Son, you made the claim that Jefferson and Mason would support Fascistcare.

You lost any standing to speak on "credible."

I'm just sayin.

Jefferson supported the raising of taxes to support General Welfare. Taxes are raised for Medicare just as they are for the ACA.

Bullshit, you socialist motherfucker.

"General Welfare" Means that taxes would be raised to pay for the expense associated with the authority SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED IN THE CONSTITUTION.

No Founder ever supported taxing "A" to feed and insure "B".

Starting in the year 1802 and for ten years after that the only tax the U.S. had was an excises tax
WE MUST GO BACK TO THE FUTURE. NOW. In the "way back" machine.

Right biggie?
Taxation is governmental legalized theft. Free country my eye. That said, because our money isn't backed by anything tangible beyond positive-thinking and fairy cake, can print and distribute as much as we want. Our national debt is unpayable and has been for some time so what it goes up to ultimately doesn't matter because it couldn't ever be paid off even now. So when politicians propose cuts to the budget what they're really proposing is a punishment to their opposition, and a solicitation of support from their supporters. Isnt't about the numbers, the numbers are far and away unresolvable.
Taxation is governmental legalized theft. Free country my eye. That said, because our money isn't backed by anything tangible beyond positive-thinking and fairy cake, can print and distribute as much as we want. Our national debt is unpayable and has been for some time so what it goes up to ultimately doesn't matter because it couldn't ever be paid off even now. So when politicians propose cuts to the budget what they're really proposing is a punishment to their opposition, and a solicitation of support from their supporters. Isnt't about the numbers, the numbers are far and away unresolvable.

Art. 1 section 10 say our money must be of gold and silver, not script.
no, he did not, bigreb.

You can't, in your own words, explain the Federal Reserve, because all you know is "bad" "bad"
Bullshit, you socialist motherfucker.

"General Welfare" Means that taxes would be raised to pay for the expense associated with the authority SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED IN THE CONSTITUTION.

No Founder ever supported taxing "A" to feed and insure "B".


Derideo thinks that everyone else is as ignorant as he. Because he doesn't know what the term "General Welfare" means, he assumes no one else does either.

FURTHER, he would piss himself if he ever discovered that Jefferson, as a Virginia legislator, allocated government funds to CHURCHES as reimbursement for feeding and housing the poor. Seems old Tom viewed the Church as the proper venue for charity....
Taxation is governmental legalized theft. Free country my eye. That said, because our money isn't backed by anything tangible beyond positive-thinking and fairy cake, can print and distribute as much as we want. Our national debt is unpayable and has been for some time so what it goes up to ultimately doesn't matter because it couldn't ever be paid off even now. So when politicians propose cuts to the budget what they're really proposing is a punishment to their opposition, and a solicitation of support from their supporters. Isnt't about the numbers, the numbers are far and away unresolvable.

Art. 1 section 10 say our money must be of gold and silver, not script.

Read the entire Section, that ONLY applies to the states. OF COURSE the federal government can print paper money.
Taxation is governmental legalized theft. Free country my eye. That said, because our money isn't backed by anything tangible beyond positive-thinking and fairy cake, can print and distribute as much as we want. Our national debt is unpayable and has been for some time so what it goes up to ultimately doesn't matter because it couldn't ever be paid off even now. So when politicians propose cuts to the budget what they're really proposing is a punishment to their opposition, and a solicitation of support from their supporters. Isnt't about the numbers, the numbers are far and away unresolvable.

Art. 1 section 10 say our money must be of gold and silver, not script.

Read the entire Section, that ONLY applies to the states. OF COURSE the federal government can print paper money.

Where is the money made? yes it's made in individual states.
Bullshit, you socialist motherfucker.

"General Welfare" Means that taxes would be raised to pay for the expense associated with the authority SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED IN THE CONSTITUTION.

No Founder ever supported taxing "A" to feed and insure "B".


Derideo thinks that everyone else is as ignorant as he. Because he doesn't know what the term "General Welfare" means, he assumes no one else does either.

FURTHER, he would piss himself if he ever discovered that Jefferson, as a Virginia legislator, allocated government funds to CHURCHES as reimbursement for feeding and housing the poor. Seems old Tom viewed the Church as the proper venue for charity....

Not to be a stickler here, but there is fundamentally ZERO difference between the federal government reimbursing churches for feeding the poor and reimbursing insurance companies for insuring the poor.

Myself, I think IF the USG is going to be in the business of charity, and it seems quite clear that we are, we should cut out all the middle men and just make a cash payment to welfare recipients and let them spend it on whatever they want, with the understanding that that is all they are going to get. It would be even better if we got some sort of labor out of them in return.
Art. 1 section 10 say our money must be of gold and silver, not script.

Read the entire Section, that ONLY applies to the states. OF COURSE the federal government can print paper money.

Where is the money made? yes it's made in individual states.

WTF? How stupid are you? Oh and by the way ALL paper currency is printed in Washington DC, which is NOT a state. The mints located in various states only produce COINS.

Where is the money made? yes it's made in individual states.

WTF? How stupid are you? Oh and by the way ALL paper currency is printed in Washington DC, which is NOT a state. The mints located in various states only produce COINS.


Fort worth Texas is not in D.C.

and the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing is a FEDERAL agency, not a state agency, regardless of where it is located.

Your claim is akin to claiming that ANY military base located within a state is not a federal military installation, but is a state installation.

WTF? How stupid are you? Oh and by the way ALL paper currency is printed in Washington DC, which is NOT a state. The mints located in various states only produce COINS.


Fort worth Texas is not in D.C.

and the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing is a FEDERAL agency, not a state agency, regardless of where it is located.

Your claim is akin to claiming that ANY military base located within a state is not a federal military installation, but is a state installation.


Where is the money made? in a STATE.
Fort worth Texas is not in D.C.

and the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing is a FEDERAL agency, not a state agency, regardless of where it is located.

Your claim is akin to claiming that ANY military base located within a state is not a federal military installation, but is a state installation.


Where is the money made? in a STATE.

Response deleted, just noticed I was responding to a banned poster.
Not to be a stickler here, but there is fundamentally ZERO difference between the federal government reimbursing churches for feeding the poor and reimbursing insurance companies for insuring the poor.

If that was what Obama's fascist care did, you would have a point. We already used taxpayer monies to insure and provide health care for the poor. Fascist care does nothing in that regard - Medicare for those of low income has been around since 1966.

What fascist care does is expand this mandate to ALL people, with the provision that all must purchase the highest level products from well connected looters, subsidized by the general populace.

It's the greatest theft in history - the federal government robbing the entire population on behalf of the CEO's of Blue Cross, Kaiser, AIG, et al.

Myself, I think IF the USG is going to be in the business of charity, and it seems quite clear that we are, we should cut out all the middle men and just make a cash payment to welfare recipients and let them spend it on whatever they want, with the understanding that that is all they are going to get. It would be even better if we got some sort of labor out of them in return.

Again, fascist care isn't about charity, it's about fleecing the nation on behalf of the well connected.

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