Lugar's Last Stand


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2011
Most of all Lugar is hoping for an inflow of Democratic and independent voters to rescue him from the Republican base. "I'm not asking anybody to cross over," Lugar said. "I'm just saying positively, 'Register your vote, because if you do not, I may not be able to continue serving you.' At this point, help."

How the mighty have fallen. Six years ago, Lugar was returned to the Senate with 80 percent of the vote. The Democrats didn't even bother to run a candidate against him. Now the Democrats are looking past him entirely.

In a Jefferson-Jackson dinner speech to 1,200 party activists Friday night, Rep. Joe Donnelly, the presumptive Democratic nominee for Senate, didn't even mention Lugar's name. He trained all his fire on the longtime senator's primary challenger, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock.


Perhaps Lugar can still overcome what certainly seems to be a sudden drop in the polls. He is an experienced politician who has won many times before. But the hour is getting late -- and the Tea Party is getting impatient.

Yes, the Tea Party is dead.

Richard Lugar has long been a pain in the ass for the GOP. Time to see him go. another squishy, capitulating old fart bites the dust.
...or he might just have big guns.

Most of all Lugar is hoping for an inflow of Democratic and independent voters to rescue him from the Republican base. "I'm not asking anybody to cross over," Lugar said. "I'm just saying positively, 'Register your vote, because if you do not, I may not be able to continue serving you.' At this point, help."

How the mighty have fallen. Six years ago, Lugar was returned to the Senate with 80 percent of the vote. The Democrats didn't even bother to run a candidate against him. Now the Democrats are looking past him entirely.

In a Jefferson-Jackson dinner speech to 1,200 party activists Friday night, Rep. Joe Donnelly, the presumptive Democratic nominee for Senate, didn't even mention Lugar's name. He trained all his fire on the longtime senator's primary challenger, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock.


Perhaps Lugar can still overcome what certainly seems to be a sudden drop in the polls. He is an experienced politician who has won many times before. But the hour is getting late -- and the Tea Party is getting impatient.

The American Spectator : Lugar's Last Stand

Yes, the Tea Party is dead.

Richard Lugar has long been a pain in the ass for the GOP. Time to see him go.
Oh for the love of GOD! Someone throw this cadaver out of office! He was old when Reagan was new!
One can only hope his days in DC are finished. He lost touch with reality.
Also from the article:

Noonan's brief misses a larger point: The very reason Lugar is in trouble is that many Hoosiers see him as a creature of Washington, not Indiana -- to the point where his residency has actually been challenged. Perhaps the handwriting was on the wall when Dan Coats, a former senator turned lobbyist, was barely returned to the Senate when two Tea Party candidates split the conservative vote in the Republican primary.

This time, there is no split. Mourdock has Lugar's right flank to himself. Lugar has recently been aggressive in defending his own conservative credentials and casting doubt on Mourdock's. The Democrats are already keying in on Mourdock's resistance to the unfunded Obama stimulus package.


I don't know much about this Mourdock....but I hope he is not a ragecase. if he conducts himself reasonably, my guess is that he wins the primary and the general.

The liberals are going to get their asses handed to them in November.
I watched a C-SPAN report on this race.

Lugar is in trouble.

The Predictable Demise Of Dick Lugar | The New Republic

It is interesting to read blogs like this and wonder how they can call this a right shift. Lugar has consistently shown himself to be void of any principles that you can detect in his approach to topics.

He is, very much, "a big government conservative".

Kiss him good-bye.
Bye bye Lugar. Time to give up your seat to someone younger and more in touch with reality.
Most of all Lugar is hoping for an inflow of Democratic and independent voters to rescue him from the Republican base. "I'm not asking anybody to cross over," Lugar said. "I'm just saying positively, 'Register your vote, because if you do not, I may not be able to continue serving you.' At this point, help."

How the mighty have fallen. Six years ago, Lugar was returned to the Senate with 80 percent of the vote. The Democrats didn't even bother to run a candidate against him. Now the Democrats are looking past him entirely.

In a Jefferson-Jackson dinner speech to 1,200 party activists Friday night, Rep. Joe Donnelly, the presumptive Democratic nominee for Senate, didn't even mention Lugar's name. He trained all his fire on the longtime senator's primary challenger, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock.


Perhaps Lugar can still overcome what certainly seems to be a sudden drop in the polls. He is an experienced politician who has won many times before. But the hour is getting late -- and the Tea Party is getting impatient.

The American Spectator : Lugar's Last Stand

Yes, the Tea Party is dead.

Richard Lugar has long been a pain in the ass for the GOP. Time to see him go.

:lol: I just love it when you guys start eating your own.
Most of all Lugar is hoping for an inflow of Democratic and independent voters to rescue him from the Republican base. "I'm not asking anybody to cross over," Lugar said. "I'm just saying positively, 'Register your vote, because if you do not, I may not be able to continue serving you.' At this point, help."

How the mighty have fallen. Six years ago, Lugar was returned to the Senate with 80 percent of the vote. The Democrats didn't even bother to run a candidate against him. Now the Democrats are looking past him entirely.

In a Jefferson-Jackson dinner speech to 1,200 party activists Friday night, Rep. Joe Donnelly, the presumptive Democratic nominee for Senate, didn't even mention Lugar's name. He trained all his fire on the longtime senator's primary challenger, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock.


Perhaps Lugar can still overcome what certainly seems to be a sudden drop in the polls. He is an experienced politician who has won many times before. But the hour is getting late -- and the Tea Party is getting impatient.

The American Spectator : Lugar's Last Stand

Yes, the Tea Party is dead.

Richard Lugar has long been a pain in the ass for the GOP. Time to see him go.

And Obama was a supporter of his:

Longtime GOP Sen. Richard Lugar loses Indiana primary to challenger Richard Mourdock | Fox News


Lugar's campaign spent $6.7 million compared to Mourdock's $2 million. But Mourdock's political action committees spent $2.9 million attacking Lugar over the incumbent backers' $1.7 million.

One advertisement from Mourdock's campaign called Lugar "President Obama's favorite Republican." It showed clips of President Obama saying, "I've worked with Republican Senator Dick Lugar to pass a law" and "What I did was reach out to Senator Dick Lugar."


He should not have done this one, for sure:

Lugar didn't help his campaign when it came to light that he no longer owned a residence in Indiana. He instead stayed in an Indianapolis hotel when he returned to the state – using taxpayer funds. Mourdock's campaign said the revelation symbolized how Lugar had become too entrenched in Washington.
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Lugar agreed with obama one too many times. Just like all the one who lost to the Tea Party in 2010.
Republicans do not send representatives to Washington to work with democrats but to stop them.
Most of all Lugar is hoping for an inflow of Democratic and independent voters to rescue him from the Republican base. "I'm not asking anybody to cross over," Lugar said. "I'm just saying positively, 'Register your vote, because if you do not, I may not be able to continue serving you.' At this point, help."

How the mighty have fallen. Six years ago, Lugar was returned to the Senate with 80 percent of the vote. The Democrats didn't even bother to run a candidate against him. Now the Democrats are looking past him entirely.

In a Jefferson-Jackson dinner speech to 1,200 party activists Friday night, Rep. Joe Donnelly, the presumptive Democratic nominee for Senate, didn't even mention Lugar's name. He trained all his fire on the longtime senator's primary challenger, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock.


Perhaps Lugar can still overcome what certainly seems to be a sudden drop in the polls. He is an experienced politician who has won many times before. But the hour is getting late -- and the Tea Party is getting impatient.

The American Spectator : Lugar's Last Stand

Yes, the Tea Party is dead.

Richard Lugar has long been a pain in the ass for the GOP. Time to see him go.

And Obama was a supporter of his:

Longtime GOP Sen. Richard Lugar loses Indiana primary to challenger Richard Mourdock | Fox News


Lugar's campaign spent $6.7 million compared to Mourdock's $2 million. But Mourdock's political action committees spent $2.9 million attacking Lugar over the incumbent backers' $1.7 million.

One advertisement from Mourdock's campaign called Lugar "President Obama's favorite Republican." It showed clips of President Obama saying, "I've worked with Republican Senator Dick Lugar to pass a law" and "What I did was reach out to Senator Dick Lugar."


He should not have done this one, for sure:

Lugar didn't help his campaign when it came to light that he no longer owned a residence in Indiana. He instead stayed in an Indianapolis hotel when he returned to the state – using taxpayer funds. Mourdock's campaign said the revelation symbolized how Lugar had become too entrenched in Washington.

The congress and the president should work together, Athena. They're equal partners in this and to be quite honest, voters are getting sick of the gridlock.

The Teaparty is not good for this country. They are a glorified militia and they know little about anything else.
Most of all Lugar is hoping for an inflow of Democratic and independent voters to rescue him from the Republican base. "I'm not asking anybody to cross over," Lugar said. "I'm just saying positively, 'Register your vote, because if you do not, I may not be able to continue serving you.' At this point, help."

How the mighty have fallen. Six years ago, Lugar was returned to the Senate with 80 percent of the vote. The Democrats didn't even bother to run a candidate against him. Now the Democrats are looking past him entirely.

In a Jefferson-Jackson dinner speech to 1,200 party activists Friday night, Rep. Joe Donnelly, the presumptive Democratic nominee for Senate, didn't even mention Lugar's name. He trained all his fire on the longtime senator's primary challenger, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock.


Perhaps Lugar can still overcome what certainly seems to be a sudden drop in the polls. He is an experienced politician who has won many times before. But the hour is getting late -- and the Tea Party is getting impatient.

The American Spectator : Lugar's Last Stand

Yes, the Tea Party is dead.

Richard Lugar has long been a pain in the ass for the GOP. Time to see him go.

And Obama was a supporter of his:

Longtime GOP Sen. Richard Lugar loses Indiana primary to challenger Richard Mourdock | Fox News


Lugar's campaign spent $6.7 million compared to Mourdock's $2 million. But Mourdock's political action committees spent $2.9 million attacking Lugar over the incumbent backers' $1.7 million.

One advertisement from Mourdock's campaign called Lugar "President Obama's favorite Republican." It showed clips of President Obama saying, "I've worked with Republican Senator Dick Lugar to pass a law" and "What I did was reach out to Senator Dick Lugar."


He should not have done this one, for sure:

Lugar didn't help his campaign when it came to light that he no longer owned a residence in Indiana. He instead stayed in an Indianapolis hotel when he returned to the state – using taxpayer funds. Mourdock's campaign said the revelation symbolized how Lugar had become too entrenched in Washington.

The congress and the president should work together, Athena. They're equal partners in this and to be quite honest, voters are getting sick of the gridlock.

The Teaparty is not good for this country. They are a glorified militia and they know little about anything else.
Ever talk to a tea party member personally... not online or at a rally?

I have. They are not just different versions of the Michigan Milita.

Gridlock is a good thing for the nation. It keeps fools from taking away more of our rights and spending money they should never have in the first place on things we don't need or want.
And Obama was a supporter of his:

Longtime GOP Sen. Richard Lugar loses Indiana primary to challenger Richard Mourdock | Fox News


Lugar's campaign spent $6.7 million compared to Mourdock's $2 million. But Mourdock's political action committees spent $2.9 million attacking Lugar over the incumbent backers' $1.7 million.

One advertisement from Mourdock's campaign called Lugar "President Obama's favorite Republican." It showed clips of President Obama saying, "I've worked with Republican Senator Dick Lugar to pass a law" and "What I did was reach out to Senator Dick Lugar."


He should not have done this one, for sure:

Lugar didn't help his campaign when it came to light that he no longer owned a residence in Indiana. He instead stayed in an Indianapolis hotel when he returned to the state – using taxpayer funds. Mourdock's campaign said the revelation symbolized how Lugar had become too entrenched in Washington.

The congress and the president should work together, Athena. They're equal partners in this and to be quite honest, voters are getting sick of the gridlock.

The Teaparty is not good for this country. They are a glorified militia and they know little about anything else.
Ever talk to a tea party member personally... not online or at a rally?

I have. They are not just different versions of the Michigan Milita.

Gridlock is a good thing for the nation. It keeps fools from taking away more of our rights and spending money they should never have in the first place on things we don't need or want.

Remaining stagnant is never a good thing. Not for any business nor for this country.

No I never talked to anyone who would admit they were a Teapartier. My family are Conservative Republicans but they can't stand the extremist TPers.
really unAmerican and anti founder to try and distroy what the people voted for for selfish reasons
Most of all Lugar is hoping for an inflow of Democratic and independent voters to rescue him from the Republican base. "I'm not asking anybody to cross over," Lugar said. "I'm just saying positively, 'Register your vote, because if you do not, I may not be able to continue serving you.' At this point, help."

How the mighty have fallen. Six years ago, Lugar was returned to the Senate with 80 percent of the vote. The Democrats didn't even bother to run a candidate against him. Now the Democrats are looking past him entirely.

In a Jefferson-Jackson dinner speech to 1,200 party activists Friday night, Rep. Joe Donnelly, the presumptive Democratic nominee for Senate, didn't even mention Lugar's name. He trained all his fire on the longtime senator's primary challenger, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock.


Perhaps Lugar can still overcome what certainly seems to be a sudden drop in the polls. He is an experienced politician who has won many times before. But the hour is getting late -- and the Tea Party is getting impatient.

The American Spectator : Lugar's Last Stand

Yes, the Tea Party is dead.

Richard Lugar has long been a pain in the ass for the GOP. Time to see him go.

:lol: I just love it when you guys start eating your own.

I realize you are not very smart.

So, I'll make it simple.

He wasn't one our own......anymore.
Voters are far from sick of the gridlock. That's why these republicans have been sent to Washington, not to work with democrats, but to stop them. Democrats might be sick of not getting all their cockamamie programs rubber stamped but who cares what they think. We'll have gridlock until we get a new administration.

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