Luissa, Our Newest Moderator

Just don't joke with him... he has no sense of humor. He throws a hissy fit at the least little jibe.

New reputation!


Hi, you have received -1864 reputation points from California Girl.
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California Girl

:clap2::eusa_whistle: twice in one day whoopie

Oh looky....hes crying again...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh

It doesn't count when he cries.
Just don't joke with him... he has no sense of humor. He throws a hissy fit at the least little jibe.

New reputation!


Hi, you have received -1864 reputation points from California Girl.
Reputation was given for this post.


California Girl

:clap2::eusa_whistle: twice in one day whoopie

Oh looky....hes crying again...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh

Thanks for the negs girls you just made my rep go up lmao, idiots.
I was a traitor?????????? LOL
You really have no clue what happened. Trust me I wasn't a traitor, and Gunny would back that up. ;)

I also plan on not discussing what happened over a year ago...But I will say hi to him and his girlfriend for ya.

tell the board you didn't leave this one, go to a new one and start running him down? go ahead. anyway.. I don't like you I don't trust you to be a fair moderator.. and that's the way it is.

Aren't we the lucky ones...Luissa, Bod...TDM will be next.

if I ran this board NO one would have their account messed with on threat of bannishment for the offender
tell the board you didn't leave this one, go to a new one and start running him down? go ahead. anyway.. I don't like you I don't trust you to be a fair moderator.. and that's the way it is.

Aren't we the lucky ones...Luissa, Bod...TDM will be next.

if I ran this board NO one would have their account messed with on threat of bannishment for the offender

Google translate doesn't do 'gibberish'.
tell the board you didn't leave this one, go to a new one and start running him down? go ahead. anyway.. I don't like you I don't trust you to be a fair moderator.. and that's the way it is.

Aren't we the lucky ones...Luissa, Bod...TDM will be next.

if I ran this board NO one would have their account messed with on threat of bannishment for the offender

They'll give you your moderator position tomorrow. I'm sure. and not surprised in the least.
Well, I have to take a shower and get ready for my paying job. Thanks for the welcome Willow...I love ewes too, hun!!!
Awwww...poor baby whining about neg rep...friggin hypocrite. :eusa_boohoo:

Wheres the whine? I thought it was funny, btw it was replaced immeadiatley with a pos, so why whine.

No less whining than I have ever done simpleton.

Yep. I disagreed with something he said in one of his flame threads - and out of the woodwork "del and gang" fired off numerous negs my way.
He has a small group of minions that chain neg people they don't like.
Hilarious, weak and juvenile.

That is a whine, whiner.
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It does on the iPhone, they have an app for that.

Ahhh, the 'TruthMocker Translate' app? I wonder if they'll make one for BlackBerry.

I have a friend who makes apps or whatever the tech term is, I will talk to him about it........
Or you could get rid of the blackberry and go to the darkside. Just sayin.

Unfortunately, Apple use unethical business practices - people die in the factory that produces their products.... I can't support that kind of company, so I'm sticking with the more ethical BlackBerry.

But if he could do an app to translate her gibberish into something vaguely understandable, that would be cool. :lol:

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