Lunar Eclipse Livestream


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
I've always had a fascination with astronomy, and to some of you, watching a lunar eclipse is like watching paint dry. But to me, it's mystifying. For your enjoyment, the Lunar Eclipse live stream! The video will begin streaming at 2 AM EDT, for any of you staying up that late.

This eclipse is the first of four, known as a tetrad. This is a once in a century occurence, since tetrads are in fact rare. The next eclipse will occur this October, the next in April 2015, and the last in September 2015.
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2:01 am EDT: The eclipse is now underway. Right now we are seeing the penumbral (partial) phase of the eclipse, as the Earth's shadow is beginning to pass over the moon from the lower left side.
2:07 AM EDT: The curvature you see is the Earth's penumbra. At Earth the shadow is about 4 times larger than the moon, but as the shadow reaches back it tapers of in a cone, still, when it reaches the moon, it is about twice the size.
2:14 AM EDT: As you can now see, the shadow is more pronounced. The blur at the edge of the shadow is caused by the light from the Sun being bent by the Earth's atmosphere.
2:18 AM EDT: Pictures of the golden metal record on board the the Voyager (launched in 1977) spacecraft are being shown.
2:31 AM EDT: Contrary to what you're seeing, the light is shining straight down on the moon, not from the right side.
Four Blood Moons, And End Times Prophecy...
Four Blood Moons and Opposition of Planets 2014 the 'End of Days' prophesy? NASA says lunar tetrad is unusual
10 April 2014 | In an event that only happens every 778 days, Mars, Earth, and the Sun aligned last night in what science calls an 'opposition of planets.' Here on Earth, sky watchers were able to see Mars. The planet looked just like a bright, fiery-colored star, resembling Sirius, the brightest star in the universe.
Though it's not often we see Mars, what also made this event so unique is that it took place exactly one week before those here on Earth will lay eyes on the first of four 'blood moon' Lunar eclipses, an event some Christians believe is linked to the End of Days and the second coming of Jesus Christ. This belief is based on biblical prophecy. In Joel 2:31, the Bible says, "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD comes." But NASA also believes the lunar tetrad – four successive blood moons – is also very unusual. They too have acknowledged that four 'blood-red' lunar eclipses, followed by six full moons will begin on Tuesday and finish September 28, 2015, by the time next year's Jewish Feast of Tabernacles arrives.


Express News reports that the rare astronomical event has only happened a handful of times in the last two thousand years. Surprisingly, however, the last three times have coincided with globally significant religious events. The tetrad that took place in 1493, saw the Catholic Spanish Inquisition expel Jews. It was an event that changed western Europe dramatically. The second tetrad took place at the same time the State of Israel was finally established in 1949, after years of struggle.

The last tetrad, which occurred in 1967 happened at the exact same time of the Six-Day Arab–Israeli War. John Hagee, author of the bestselling book, Four Blood Moons: Something is about to change, believes based on biblical study, that the blood moons will usher in a dramatic change in world events. "Every time this has happened in the last 500 years, it has coincided with tragedy for the Jewish people followed by triumph. And once again, for Israel, the timing of this Tetrad is remarkable," the famous preacher and televangelist told Express News.

However, according to, three out of four of the blood moons cannot be viewed from Israel. The first of the four blood moons will take place on April 15 during Passover. The second will be on October 8, during the Feast of the Tabernacles. On April 4, 2015 the third lunar eclipse will arrive and on September 28, 2015 the final blood moon will decent upon us, during the Feast of Tabernacles. The upcoming eclipse can be observed from the central Atlantic westward to eastern Australia.

Four Blood Moons and Opposition of Planets 2014 the 'End of Days' prophesy? NASA says lunar tetrad is unusual | Christian News on Christian Today

See also:

1/27/14 ~ Due to John Hagee’s recent book, Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change (Worthy Publishing, Oct. 2013) there has recently been a surge of interest in “four blood moons” as a sign that relates to end times Bible prophecy. The premise for Hagee’s book is that key events in Jewish history have occurred around the time of Jewish holy days when lunar eclipse blood moons have also appeared. Pastor Hagee says that the four blood moons that are to appear and coincide with the Jewish holidays of Passover and Sukkot in 2014 and 2015 because of lunar eclipses may constitute a sign for important end time events.
Astronomers know that a blood moon can occur when a lunar eclipse makes the moon appear red as it passes behind the Earth’s shadow and the moon glows red. On the other hand, we must not forget that the moon can also appear red when it is low on the horizon at sunset or sunrise, or when there is a lot of dust in the atmosphere. NASA’s website, which records and calculates lunar eclipses, is the basis for Pastor Hagee’s assertion that four total lunar eclipses in a row during a period of two years (called a tetrad) will produce red moons in 2014-2015. In his book, Pastor John Hagee suggests that since some important Jewish historical events have occurred around the time of Blood Moon tetrads, the upcoming 2014-2015 tetrad could signal the coming fulfillment of Biblical prophecies that relate blood moons to the day of the Lord and the return of Jesus Christ. A number of end time aficionados also relate this tetrad to the rapture.


However, are the red moons a sign of the end times or does scripture indicate that the red moons are the result of something else happening during the end times? In the ancient world the word “star” could refer to any luminous body in the sky, be it a meteorite (a shooting star) or comet (a hairy star) or planet (a wandering star), etc. Further, in the ancient world the term “host of heaven” could also refer to the objects of heaven such as comets (Deuteronomy 4:19). The blood or red moons that Pastor Hagee says the Bible is referring to do not occur because of lunar eclipses! A careful reading of the scriptures Hagee refers to shows that instead of lunar eclipses they speak of end time events that occur because of stars i.e. comets falling and impacting the Earth. Cometary impacts would cause great earthquakes, pillars or columns of smoke to rise from impact sites, and put huge amounts of dust into the atmosphere that would quickly circulate worldwide. In turn, this tremendous amount of dust would result in the moon appearing red or being darkened, and the sun being darkened. It is believed that the cosmic impacts that lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs put so much dust into the atmosphere that the Earth laid in darkness for over a year.

Impacts raising dust into the atmosphere would cause phenomena that are not unlike a volcano putting dust into the atmosphere and causing red moons and sunsets, but millions of times more dust would go up into the atmosphere from a cosmic impact. Depending on where one is located this dust would filter out the blue/green light passing through the atmosphere with the longer wavelengths of red light being the least affected, therefore causing the sun, moon, and stars to appear either darkened or reddened. It is interesting to note that after a small cometary fragment struck Tunguska, Siberia in 1908 it was reported that the whole northern sky appeared to be on fire. On October 25, 2007, there was not a lunar eclipse, but Nick Carlson took a picture of a full red moon over San Diego that glowed red because of the smoke and dust particles in the sky over San Diego that night.

Below are some of the verses Pastor Hagee cites for the blood red moons. These verses clearly show that something other than a lunar eclipse is happening in the heavens to produce the blood moon.

Acts 2:19-20
2:48 AM EDT: As the eclipse nears totality, almost every star in the sky will become visible
2:56 AM EDT: You can barely make out some reddish coloring on the lower left of the lunar disc
3:02 AM EDT: We are now approaching totality. The lunar disc is now almost completely covered.
3:07 AM EDT: Totality. You can fully see the red part of the Earth's shadow.
Can't see it here, overcast & rainy...

... but Granny got her Sunday go to meetin' clothes on...

... waitin' fer the Rapture.
3:31 AM EDT: The upper left side of the lunar disc is now the darkest. The reddish hue is now fully pronounced.

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