Lyin' Biden

Joe recently stated that the number of deaths in the military from Covid is around 6,000, but the real number is only 7. However, when confronted he simply says he "misspoke". It is akin to him saying previously that about 120 million had died from Covid altogether, a number no where near accurate. But Joe does this sort of thing all the time.

The press, of course, don't count such lies as lies, and for their democrat party, they never will. However, if Trump ever misspeaks, or even if he tells the truth and is misquoted like he was about the Charlottesville protests, the press is all over him with another long list of "lies".

But as for the American public, do they basically think that the Presidential candidate that leads in the polls really has issues with dementia so they side with the fact that he misspeaks? In fact, there is debate over whether Joe now uses teleprompters exclusively so as not to go off rants like this.

“I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn … blonde in the sun,” Biden said. “And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They’d look at it.”

“So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap,” he said. “And I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap. And I tell you what, the men are now all men. The guys I worked with down here, and they’re all guys at the time, they’re all good men.”

So does Joe lie or misspeak, and if he misspeaks, is it because he has dementia?. And if he has dementia, does this mean you will still vote for him because Trump is so much worse?
Running Biden is elder abuse.

He is a complete farce. It's all theater to make a man with advancing dementia appear to have normal brain function. They plant the questions in advance and in order and then supply him the answers on a teleprompter that is placed behind the camera so that the audience can't see it. The press is careful to record the farce and then present it as if it were a real question and answer session.

So, here is what I think happened, he was in Michigan and whoever was feeding the answers abbreviated Michigan as MI, figuring that Biden had enough brain power left to read that as Michigan. Biden doesn't, he read it as Military. Michigan at the time had a death count in the 6,000's. The military has 7.

This is just an educated guess on my part, but, I think it's a good theory and if accurate, it also gives all of us a good read on Biden's mental state. He is doing no thinking on his own in these events. He is being hand-held through an act, and its not a very good one.

Biden, ‘The Great and Powerful.’

When asked point-blank on Fox News by Brett Baier whether Biden used a stealth teleprompter, his national press flak, T.J. Ducklo would not answer with a simple yes or no. Instead, he went on the attack, with the fossilized accusation that right-wing Fox News asks too many partisan questions.
Blames Fox News
So we were left with a de facto “yes”: Biden does read off a stealthy teleprompter when answering canned press questions—and gives the impression he does not.
But Biden, like the mirage of the Wizard of Oz, nonetheless can’t always keep the curtain closed.
You can see him straining to read the prompter
When he strains to see the teleprompter that sits just behind, and thus out of sight of, his camera lens, he slips and mutters “bring it closer”—reminding any who watch, except the media that helps collude in these orchestrations, that the question asked is not a serious one, but a prompt to facilitate the proper nonspontaneous response.
Yet even then Biden cannot act out the part without someone either giving him the prewritten answer on the teleprompter or writing it out for him in real-time. Sometimes if Biden is not reading a hidden teleprompter script, he looks down in panic for notes or his smartphone instructions in ways that only expose the sheer ridiculousness of this faux media-staged event.
They have also slowed down the teleprompter to the point that pauses between sentences is so long, that he appears to have lost his train of thought.
Sometimes he shows off family pictures on screen that seemingly inadvertently reflect and expose the ghostly presence of a teleprompter’s reflection in the background. On other occasions when speaking, Biden searches in vain for his “schedule” and asks handlers to fetch it, whatever that exactly means.
It's sad.
In a presidential campaign first, Biden even reads out the written directives of his controllers as if to say “I’m not really saying this myself, but so what?”
At least Obama’s nihilism was his carefully cultivated philosophical choice. Biden’s campaign is the ultimate “show about nothing.”

Joe recently stated that the number of deaths in the military from Covid is around 6,000, but the real number is only 7. However, when confronted he simply says he "misspoke". It is akin to him saying previously that about 120 million had died from Covid altogether, a number no where near accurate. But Joe does this sort of thing all the time.

The press, of course, don't count such lies as lies, and for their democrat party, they never will. However, if Trump ever misspeaks, or even if he tells the truth and is misquoted like he was about the Charlottesville protests, the press is all over him with another long list of "lies".

But as for the American public, do they basically think that the Presidential candidate that leads in the polls really has issues with dementia so they side with the fact that he misspeaks? In fact, there is debate over whether Joe now uses teleprompters exclusively so as not to go off rants like this.

“I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn … blonde in the sun,” Biden said. “And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They’d look at it.”

“So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap,” he said. “And I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap. And I tell you what, the men are now all men. The guys I worked with down here, and they’re all guys at the time, they’re all good men.”

So does Joe lie or misspeak, and if he misspeaks, is it because he has dementia?. And if he has dementia, does this mean you will still vote for him because Trump is so much worse?

Do you really want to debate the honesty of the two presidential candidates?

Because Beijing Biden is a stone cold liar. Especially when he lied about knowing nothing of his son's $1.5 billion loan from the Bank of China.
So get back under your rock.

Joe recently stated that the number of deaths in the military from Covid is around 6,000, but the real number is only 7. However, when confronted he simply says he "misspoke". It is akin to him saying previously that about 120 million had died from Covid altogether, a number no where near accurate. But Joe does this sort of thing all the time.

The press, of course, don't count such lies as lies, and for their democrat party, they never will. However, if Trump ever misspeaks, or even if he tells the truth and is misquoted like he was about the Charlottesville protests, the press is all over him with another long list of "lies".

But as for the American public, do they basically think that the Presidential candidate that leads in the polls really has issues with dementia so they side with the fact that he misspeaks? In fact, there is debate over whether Joe now uses teleprompters exclusively so as not to go off rants like this.

“I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn … blonde in the sun,” Biden said. “And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They’d look at it.”

“So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap,” he said. “And I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap. And I tell you what, the men are now all men. The guys I worked with down here, and they’re all guys at the time, they’re all good men.”

So does Joe lie or misspeak, and if he misspeaks, is it because he has dementia?. And if he has dementia, does this mean you will still vote for him because Trump is so much worse?

Do you really want to debate the honesty of the two presidential candidates?

Because Beijing Biden is a stone cold liar. Especially when he lied about knowing nothing of his son's $1.5 billion loan from the Bank of China.
So get back under your rock.

$1.5B LOL.... Hilarious. Meanwhile back in reality....the blob cannot open his mouth without lying.

Joe recently stated that the number of deaths in the military from Covid is around 6,000, but the real number is only 7. However, when confronted he simply says he "misspoke". It is akin to him saying previously that about 120 million had died from Covid altogether, a number no where near accurate. But Joe does this sort of thing all the time.

The press, of course, don't count such lies as lies, and for their democrat party, they never will. However, if Trump ever misspeaks, or even if he tells the truth and is misquoted like he was about the Charlottesville protests, the press is all over him with another long list of "lies".

But as for the American public, do they basically think that the Presidential candidate that leads in the polls really has issues with dementia so they side with the fact that he misspeaks? In fact, there is debate over whether Joe now uses teleprompters exclusively so as not to go off rants like this.

“I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn … blonde in the sun,” Biden said. “And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They’d look at it.”

“So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap,” he said. “And I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap. And I tell you what, the men are now all men. The guys I worked with down here, and they’re all guys at the time, they’re all good men.”

So does Joe lie or misspeak, and if he misspeaks, is it because he has dementia?. And if he has dementia, does this mean you will still vote for him because Trump is so much worse?

Do you really want to debate the honesty of the two presidential candidates?

Because Beijing Biden is a stone cold liar. Especially when he lied about knowing nothing of his son's $1.5 billion loan from the Bank of China.
So get back under your rock.

$1.5B LOL.... Hilarious. Meanwhile back in reality....the blob cannot open his mouth without lying.

Lyin' Biden said he never talked to his son about the loan.
Even when his son thanked him and cut his dad in on his hedgefund action.
6 million infected, 180,000 dead

Trump looked the other way
Apparently every other world leader did too.

And Dems still can’t articulate how we were supposed to 100% prevent WuFlu from entering our country, especially when Dems refuse to support a border wall that actually works.

Joe recently stated that the number of deaths in the military from Covid is around 6,000, but the real number is only 7. However, when confronted he simply says he "misspoke". It is akin to him saying previously that about 120 million had died from Covid altogether, a number no where near accurate. But Joe does this sort of thing all the time.

The press, of course, don't count such lies as lies, and for their democrat party, they never will. However, if Trump ever misspeaks, or even if he tells the truth and is misquoted like he was about the Charlottesville protests, the press is all over him with another long list of "lies".

But as for the American public, do they basically think that the Presidential candidate that leads in the polls really has issues with dementia so they side with the fact that he misspeaks? In fact, there is debate over whether Joe now uses teleprompters exclusively so as not to go off rants like this.

“I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn … blonde in the sun,” Biden said. “And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They’d look at it.”

“So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap,” he said. “And I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap. And I tell you what, the men are now all men. The guys I worked with down here, and they’re all guys at the time, they’re all good men.”

So does Joe lie or misspeak, and if he misspeaks, is it because he has dementia?. And if he has dementia, does this mean you will still vote for him because Trump is so much worse?

Do you really want to debate the honesty of the two presidential candidates?

Because Beijing Biden is a stone cold liar. Especially when he lied about knowing nothing of his son's $1.5 billion loan from the Bank of China.
So get back under your rock.

$1.5B LOL.... Hilarious. Meanwhile back in reality....the blob cannot open his mouth without lying.
reality is in front of your face. as a typical demoncrat, its no wonder you choose to ignore it. if you try hard enough, you may be able to twist it to suit you
6 million infected, 180,000 dead

Trump looked the other way
Trump has been working on a vaccine, implemented travel bans, and worked with governors all across the country to shut down what they deem to be needed to control the virus. Sounds like you lie as well. but then you like Lyin' Biden.

Trump even suggested the drug hydroxychloriquine that other countries seem to be using with success, but since Trump mentioned it the PRESS is the one suppressing its use because they hate Orange man.

So with presented with these facts, is the press responsible for any of those deaths since they have demonized the use of the drug in the US?
Our President has undermined the efforts of the Governors and encouraged Americans to ignore masks and social distancing while criticizing Governors for being too strict
and douchebag pill-osi told AMERICANS not to listen to the president. i bet you think thats the right thing to do, huh? as long as you listen to this ugly bitch, you will not improve your brain for thinking---this comment should put the twat away for life on a treason charge
6 million infected, 180,000 dead

Trump looked the other way
How did trump look the other way? He has been fighting to stop the virus spread since atleat January---all while the dems were purposely spreading it around in nursing homes.

Joe recently stated that the number of deaths in the military from Covid is around 6,000, but the real number is only 7. However, when confronted he simply says he "misspoke". It is akin to him saying previously that about 120 million had died from Covid altogether, a number no where near accurate. But Joe does this sort of thing all the time.

The press, of course, don't count such lies as lies, and for their democrat party, they never will. However, if Trump ever misspeaks, or even if he tells the truth and is misquoted like he was about the Charlottesville protests, the press is all over him with another long list of "lies".

But as for the American public, do they basically think that the Presidential candidate that leads in the polls really has issues with dementia so they side with the fact that he misspeaks? In fact, there is debate over whether Joe now uses teleprompters exclusively so as not to go off rants like this.

“I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn … blonde in the sun,” Biden said. “And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They’d look at it.”

“So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap,” he said. “And I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap. And I tell you what, the men are now all men. The guys I worked with down here, and they’re all guys at the time, they’re all good men.”

So does Joe lie or misspeak, and if he misspeaks, is it because he has dementia?. And if he has dementia, does this mean you will still vote for him because Trump is so much worse?

Do you really want to debate the honesty of the two presidential candidates?

Because Beijing Biden is a stone cold liar. Especially when he lied about knowing nothing of his son's $1.5 billion loan from the Bank of China.
So get back under your rock.
Joe's lying is what torpedoed his previous presidential runs.


Joe recently stated that the number of deaths in the military from Covid is around 6,000, but the real number is only 7. However, when confronted he simply says he "misspoke". It is akin to him saying previously that about 120 million had died from Covid altogether, a number no where near accurate. But Joe does this sort of thing all the time.

The press, of course, don't count such lies as lies, and for their democrat party, they never will. However, if Trump ever misspeaks, or even if he tells the truth and is misquoted like he was about the Charlottesville protests, the press is all over him with another long list of "lies".

But as for the American public, do they basically think that the Presidential candidate that leads in the polls really has issues with dementia so they side with the fact that he misspeaks? In fact, there is debate over whether Joe now uses teleprompters exclusively so as not to go off rants like this.

“I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn … blonde in the sun,” Biden said. “And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They’d look at it.”

“So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap,” he said. “And I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap. And I tell you what, the men are now all men. The guys I worked with down here, and they’re all guys at the time, they’re all good men.”

So does Joe lie or misspeak, and if he misspeaks, is it because he has dementia?. And if he has dementia, does this mean you will still vote for him because Trump is so much worse?
Trump supporters, of all people, suddenly don't approve of lying. Joe won't live long enough to get to 20,000 lies. Old Raccon Eyes will have the record for a long time.

Joe recently stated that the number of deaths in the military from Covid is around 6,000, but the real number is only 7. However, when confronted he simply says he "misspoke". It is akin to him saying previously that about 120 million had died from Covid altogether, a number no where near accurate. But Joe does this sort of thing all the time.

The press, of course, don't count such lies as lies, and for their democrat party, they never will. However, if Trump ever misspeaks, or even if he tells the truth and is misquoted like he was about the Charlottesville protests, the press is all over him with another long list of "lies".

But as for the American public, do they basically think that the Presidential candidate that leads in the polls really has issues with dementia so they side with the fact that he misspeaks? In fact, there is debate over whether Joe now uses teleprompters exclusively so as not to go off rants like this.

“I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn … blonde in the sun,” Biden said. “And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They’d look at it.”

“So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap,” he said. “And I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap. And I tell you what, the men are now all men. The guys I worked with down here, and they’re all guys at the time, they’re all good men.”

So does Joe lie or misspeak, and if he misspeaks, is it because he has dementia?. And if he has dementia, does this mean you will still vote for him because Trump is so much worse?

Do you really want to debate the honesty of the two presidential candidates?

Because Beijing Biden is a stone cold liar. Especially when he lied about knowing nothing of his son's $1.5 billion loan from the Bank of China.
So get back under your rock.
Joe's lying is what torpedoed his previous presidential runs.

Did you see poor Joe emerge from his basement today and do a lame impression of Charleston Heston's Moses talking about climate change?
It was great, especially when a plague of bugs attempted to infest his ears!
Looked like the eternal loser that he is!!

Joe recently stated that the number of deaths in the military from Covid is around 6,000, but the real number is only 7. However, when confronted he simply says he "misspoke". It is akin to him saying previously that about 120 million had died from Covid altogether, a number no where near accurate. But Joe does this sort of thing all the time.

The press, of course, don't count such lies as lies, and for their democrat party, they never will. However, if Trump ever misspeaks, or even if he tells the truth and is misquoted like he was about the Charlottesville protests, the press is all over him with another long list of "lies".

But as for the American public, do they basically think that the Presidential candidate that leads in the polls really has issues with dementia so they side with the fact that he misspeaks? In fact, there is debate over whether Joe now uses teleprompters exclusively so as not to go off rants like this.

“I got a lot of — I got hairy legs that turn … blonde in the sun,” Biden said. “And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They’d look at it.”

“So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap,” he said. “And I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap. And I tell you what, the men are now all men. The guys I worked with down here, and they’re all guys at the time, they’re all good men.”

So does Joe lie or misspeak, and if he misspeaks, is it because he has dementia?. And if he has dementia, does this mean you will still vote for him because Trump is so much worse?
Trump supporters, of all people, suddenly don't approve of lying. Joe won't live long enough to get to 20,000 lies. Old Raccon Eyes will have the record for a long time.
Joe Biden was one of the U.S. Senate’s leading segregationists; and he was condemned by the NAACP for it in 1977 hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, but he has claimed instead to have participated in anti-segregation sit-ins, which were led by black ministers all of whom were conveniently deceased at the time when he made those assertions, and so they could not be asked whether he had participated.

Biden had even backed an anti-integration bill by North Carolina Republican segregationist Senator Jesse Helms to prohibit the federal government from requiring school districts to be or become desegregated in order to qualify to receive federal funds and to allow instead ‘separate-but-equal’ education of Black and White children.)

Notwithstanding Biden’s having been condemned by the NAACP for his support of ‘natural’ segregation, Biden appeared on a broadcast to young Blacks, on 22 May 2020, saying “The NAACP has endorsed me every time I’ve run.” The very next day, the NAACP quietly said “The NAACP is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse candidates for political office at any level.” They did it quietly, because, if Biden becomes the President, they want to have the President’s support; they don’t want to antagonize a future President by conspicuously making a point of what a fraud he is, regarding racism.

6 million infected, 180,000 dead

Trump looked the other way
That's a lie. He has addressed the problem, doing a lot of things to reduce it, and he's done just that. Huge Success.

Covid deaths/week

April 18 - 17,055
May 16 - 9,157
July 11 - 5,641
Sept 19 - 1,045 ..........................94% reduction

Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
National Center for Health Statistics

Covid Hospitalitions/week


70% Reduction from June
82% Reduction from April

COVIDView, Key Updates for Week 38
A Weekly Surveillance Summary of U.S. COVID-19 Activity.

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