Lyin Ted's Democrat challenger wants to legalize all narcotics—like heroin & other deadly opioids

Certain drugs should not be administered without at least speaking to a pharmacist of someone familiar with the side effects. The rare surgeons and physicians in America that actually care about patients avoid giving opioids, knowing the unpredictable, addictive nature of them with the side effects such as constipation. However, the fake versions are apparently much more dangerous. Therefore legalizing might result in a lot of fat, constipated individuals who lie in bed all day watching Jerry Springer, but that may have been their destiny that Yahweh intended. Anyhow, marijuana should be legalized nationwide. It is better at dealing with pain than opioids, and does a lot of other stuff that is great for the mind and body.

I know several people who now suffer in pain because their doctor won't prescribe the stuff. One is a friends brother who used to get an RX every month for pain control, and now his doctor cut him down. My friend told me he is now considering a street connection to get the meds he used to get under doctors care. So there are two sides to every coin.

Pot doesn't do anything for pain; not like opioids. While it's been quite some time since I smoked the stuff, I remember it amplifying everything including pain. There has to be line somewhere between over prescribing and under prescribing for people who suffer every day of their life.
What's wrong with democrats killing themselves with opiods?

They will have to break into your home, steal your stuff (including your guns) to pay for them.
If your wife, GF. BF or your child happens to be in the way of their fix......oh well
Certain drugs should not be administered without at least speaking to a pharmacist of someone familiar with the side effects. The rare surgeons and physicians in America that actually care about patients avoid giving opioids, knowing the unpredictable, addictive nature of them with the side effects such as constipation. However, the fake versions are apparently much more dangerous. Therefore legalizing might result in a lot of fat, constipated individuals who lie in bed all day watching Jerry Springer, but that may have been their destiny that Yahweh intended. Anyhow, marijuana should be legalized nationwide. It is better at dealing with pain than opioids, and does a lot of other stuff that is great for the mind and body.

Best I can tell (from reading), other than a few neural disorders, the myth that MJ relieves pain was brought to you by career pot heads and those who could benefit from windfall profits if it was to be sold legally through dispensaries . And many of your Universities are mouth pieces for those deep pocketed pharmas.

btw - people without addictive disorders aren't likely to become addicted to properly administered opiods
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Best I can tell (from reading), other than a few neural disorders, the myth that MJ relieves pain was brought to you by career pot heads and those who could benefit from windfall profits if it was to be sold legally through dispensaries.

Maybe I am missing something. Pot is free nowadays if you have basic horticulture skills. Or you can purchase for reasonable prices legally in states that have it legalized. What "windfall profit" are you alluding to you moronic moron?

And many of your Universities are mouth pieces for those deep pocketed pharmas.

Pot is the enemy of pharma. What planet are you on punk?

btw - people without addictive disorders aren't likely to become addicted to properly administered opiods

Okay, tell that to the best surgeons at Yale. They would really be interested in your perspective, you moronic moron. :p
Pot doesn't do anything for pain; not like opioids. While it's been quite some time since I smoked the stuff, I remember it amplifying everything including pain. There has to be line somewhere between over prescribing and under prescribing for people who suffer every day of their life.

Pot today is way different and better than the old days. Still, pot reduces inflammation in the tissues, a major cause of pain. There is a football player who converted from opioids to pot and has petitioned the NFL to recognize the beneficial, healing nature of pot because opioids kind of hid the pain but made him disfunctional. Not sure how that turned out.
Lyin Ted's Democrat challenger wants to legalize all narcotics—like heroin & other deadly opioids

Maybe you should read your own links now and then, because that's not what it says. Quote:

>> O’Rourke, as a member of the El Paso, Texas, city council in 2009, put forth and passed a resolution urging the federal government to support “an honest, open national debate on ending the prohibition of narcotics.” <<​

Your lyin' headline seems to have left out the term "debate".

Is debate a negative now?

Nor does the subject even mention "heroin" or "opioids" at all.

Such is life for narcissistic dipshits so busy falling all over themselves to get their name on the internets that they can't read their own shit.

Yes, debate is dead now. No longer will “debates” be a battle of ideas, nope, a debate will now be a series of flashing lights, awesom graphics, nasty tweets and one candidate saying what a dick the other is with some more flashing lights l, cool music and dump blond info sluts pretending to be Smaht moderating them. Face it, voters are to ignorant to manage much more.
Pot doesn't do anything for pain; not like opioids. While it's been quite some time since I smoked the stuff, I remember it amplifying everything including pain. There has to be line somewhere between over prescribing and under prescribing for people who suffer every day of their life.

Pot today is way different and better than the old days. Still, pot reduces inflammation in the tissues, a major cause of pain. There is a football player who converted from opioids to pot and has petitioned the NFL to recognize the beneficial, healing nature of pot because opioids kind of hid the pain but made him disfunctional. Not sure how that turned out.

Pot does nothing for pain in my case. I smoke dope because I like it. Honestly, adults who are abusing these drugs need to stop being pussys and be a countable for their actions. No one holds a gun to these people’s heads and forces them to take these drugs. About the pot and inflammation, smoking pot, SMOKING IT is toxic and NOT in anyway good for you. Will weed control pain? Not in my case or the case of anyone I know. What it does do is boost well being and encourages ones appetite. For inflammation nothing beats an aspirin. Pain pills have their place. People need them. It would be awesom if there were pain comtrol that didn’t get one high, but all we got now is opioids. The problem begins and ends with those who take them.
Will legalization reduce the overall number of democrats? If so, legalize everything.

The recent photos of San Francisco with the people comatose, lying in their own vomit, shooting up in a Bart station is a reduction of San Francisco voters mostly who vote democrat. Can anyone honestly say this is a bad thing?
Oh poster please. *READ* the fucking title and then *READ* the content. THEY DO NOT MATCH, PERIOD. The dishonest OP inserted something that was not there. And there's nothing you can do to change that.

Your pathetic crusade to white-knight for a liar is noted and rejected as pathetic.

And chocolate cake is not a 'desert'. It's too moist. Or at least it should be; the Sahara is a desert.

He didn't insert anything that wasn't there. Opioids are illegal narcotics. This guy didn't specify any kind, just narcotics period, which opioids are.

Simple. I don't have any, I don't need any, I certainly don't supply any, I don't know anybody who does them, And I am not a doctor or health care worker. or social worker; they simply are irrelevant.

I don't *NEED* to know. Prove I do.

Really? I bust the OP for provably posting a false headline, and you wanna try to make this about my familiarity with opioids? Really?

Get the fuck outta here.

I see, so I guess you don't know what murder is because you never killed anybody, or what rape is because you never raped anybody, or what football is since you never played the game?

Oh well, you seemed to have coined the term Uninformed Voter.

Go fuck yourself. I busted a fake headline and guess what --- it stayed busted.
And there's fuck-all you can do about that.
Lyin Ted's Democrat challenger wants to legalize all narcotics—like heroin & other deadly opioids

Maybe you should read your own links now and then, because that's not what it says. Quote:

>> O’Rourke, as a member of the El Paso, Texas, city council in 2009, put forth and passed a resolution urging the federal government to support “an honest, open national debate on ending the prohibition of narcotics.” <<​

Your lyin' headline seems to have left out the term "debate".

Is debate a negative now?

Nor does the subject even mention "heroin" or "opioids" at all.

Such is life for narcissistic dipshits so busy falling all over themselves to get their name on the internets that they can't read their own shit.

Yes, debate is dead now. No longer will “debates” be a battle of ideas, nope, a debate will now be a series of flashing lights, awesom graphics, nasty tweets and one candidate saying what a dick the other is with some more flashing lights l, cool music and dump blond info sluts pretending to be Smaht moderating them. Face it, voters are to ignorant to manage much more.

STILL irrelevant; the fact remains the OP made up shit his subject didn't say, period. And there's no way to dance around that.

As for "debate is dead now", again this is all based on a nine-year-old video anyway. It's got nothing to do with current events. So the OP is engaging in Double Mendacity --- not only putting words in his subject's mouth but moving it to the present tense.
Pretty wise dude. If folks wanna get high or drunk, so be it. Not a Government issue. That being said, Cruz will still likely win.
Oh poster please. *READ* the fucking title and then *READ* the content. THEY DO NOT MATCH, PERIOD. The dishonest OP inserted something that was not there. And there's nothing you can do to change that.

Your pathetic crusade to white-knight for a liar is noted and rejected as pathetic.

And chocolate cake is not a 'desert'. It's too moist. Or at least it should be; the Sahara is a desert.

He didn't insert anything that wasn't there. Opioids are illegal narcotics. This guy didn't specify any kind, just narcotics period, which opioids are.

Simple. I don't have any, I don't need any, I certainly don't supply any, I don't know anybody who does them, And I am not a doctor or health care worker. or social worker; they simply are irrelevant.

I don't *NEED* to know. Prove I do.

Really? I bust the OP for provably posting a false headline, and you wanna try to make this about my familiarity with opioids? Really?

Get the fuck outta here.

I see, so I guess you don't know what murder is because you never killed anybody, or what rape is because you never raped anybody, or what football is since you never played the game?

Oh well, you seemed to have coined the term Uninformed Voter.

Go fuck yourself. I busted a fake headline and guess what --- it stayed busted.
And there's fuck-all you can do about that.

Living in your own little world still, are ya?

So one more time: are opioids a narcotic or aren't they? I'll even give you time to Google it if you like.
Will legalization reduce the overall number of democrats? If so, legalize everything.

The recent photos of San Francisco with the people comatose, lying in their own vomit, shooting up in a Bart station is a reduction of San Francisco voters mostly who vote democrat. Can anyone honestly say this is a bad thing?

If you legalize anything the was once illegal, you have to expect more people to participate.

What keeps a lot of people from getting hooked on recreational narcotics is that they are illegal. People just don't want to go down that road.
Pot doesn't do anything for pain; not like opioids. While it's been quite some time since I smoked the stuff, I remember it amplifying everything including pain. There has to be line somewhere between over prescribing and under prescribing for people who suffer every day of their life.

Pot today is way different and better than the old days. Still, pot reduces inflammation in the tissues, a major cause of pain. There is a football player who converted from opioids to pot and has petitioned the NFL to recognize the beneficial, healing nature of pot because opioids kind of hid the pain but made him disfunctional. Not sure how that turned out.

I don't know. I have to undergo drug testing so even if I wanted to, I couldn't try pot today. But I don't see how increased potency would make any difference when it comes to pain.

Drugs (like alcohol) affect different people in different ways. When I smoked pot, all I wanted to do was sit in the corner with my headphones on playing Black Sabbath records. Would get fearful and paranoid. For others, they would start throwing a football around and wrestle with each other.

I've had prescribed opioid products. Once the pain subsided, I threw the pills away. For others, they can never stop taking the stuff, and more than likely, if they had some problem that involved pain, the opioids probably wouldn't work for that.
With opioids ravaging so many American communities, this is looking worse and worse all the time

Remember That One Time Beto O’Rourke Called For Legalizing All Narcotics

You can't have a serious discussion about that topic.

A taboo subject if there ever was one, especially since they opened up a new propaganda war on the dreaded opioids.

The Nanny statist have taken away your rights to self medicate. You gotta pay the squeeze if you want the drugs that heal you or to kill the pain. Anyone advocating even a discussion (which is all Beto did) on the matter is subject to public ridiculed by those who profit from the current restrictive system. Just like President Carter when he proclaimed his support for decriminalizing Marijuana those many years ago.
Why would I do that? Makes no sense.

Well you made the point that since he was only asking for debate, it's not the same as saying he wanted all narcotics legal. It's harmless. I disagree. If he wants to have a debate about it, what side do you think he's on?

I think he's on the side of having a debate.
More to the point, what he said about having that debate (nine years ago) is *NOT* what the OP claimed he said. And I proved it. So I'm on the side of Zero Bullshit. How 'bout chew?

Beats the shit outta me, but they're not in the quote.

Beats the shit out of you? You mean to tell me that you don't know if opioids are narcotics or not? Is that argument kind of like "Can you tell me what is is???"

I don't do opioids, so I don't know much about 'em.

But I do know they weren't mentioned --- again, see above point about the dishonest thread title.
Whelp ---- it's still dishonest.

As for what is is, I've always enjoyed this ditty from my childhood:
"That that is is is that that that that is not is not".

I've done opioids all my life. Dentist prescribed the best, well they use to anyway. I never enjoyed them so much that I wanted to go out and find some black market heroin or anything but. I've learned a great deal about them since my wife has chronic back pain. She had been on the same does for more than 7 years now. Her doctor will no longer be allowed to prescribe them to her in 8 months thanks to the new propaganda war.
Pot today is way different and better than the old days

The old days in America meant seedy Mexican dirt weed. Doesn't mean the Kind bud wasn't around in other parts of the world, just not here, yet.

Edibles and various extracts from Cannabis offer hope for pain relief and deserves more research. They deliver better pain relieving qualities, even if it is just sleep.......but nothing beat the pain killing properties of another flower.

Poppy Seeds - Hungarian Breadseed
Will legalization reduce the overall number of democrats? If so, legalize everything.

The recent photos of San Francisco with the people comatose, lying in their own vomit, shooting up in a Bart station is a reduction of San Francisco voters mostly who vote democrat. Can anyone honestly say this is a bad thing?
clueless as righties dont do drugs?....

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