Lying Donald

Top story on DRUDGE this am...............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


btw......with pic of Hill looking pretty ratty and exhausted!!!

Who cant hear the sound of progressive heads exploding :blowup:

and Trump's winning numbers will continue to increase. The more people see of the hildebeast, the less they like her.
I will give you a "Virtual College Degree" and a rhetorical puppy...:badgrin:
Top story on DRUDGE this am...............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


btw......with pic of Hill looking pretty ratty and exhausted!!!

Who cant hear the sound of progressive heads exploding :blowup:

and Trump's winning numbers will continue to increase. The more people see of the hildebeast, the less they like her.
Trump condemned Bush for the Iraqi invasion. That is a start.
Top story on DRUDGE this am...............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


btw......with pic of Hill looking pretty ratty and exhausted!!!

Who cant hear the sound of progressive heads exploding :blowup:

and Trump's winning numbers will continue to increase. The more people see of the hildebeast, the less they like her.
Trump condemned Bush for the Iraqi invasion. That is a start.

Yes, But lets not rewrite history. The Iraq fiasco was authorized and funded by both houses and both parties in congress. The flawed intel was produced by the CIA and its sister agencies in every other country. Everyone believed it, everyone was taken in by it.

Sure, Bush was POTUS and the ultimate blame is with him, but its inaccurate to put it all on him.

When we try to change history, we don't learn from it.
Bush, first and foremost, is responsible for Iraq, no one else.

Trump rightly condemned him.

That is history and you can't change it.
Trump has to "choose his poison"...his base or his "money Men"................
Trump Fatigue
Trump’s fundraising deal with the GOP donor class has started a new round of pandering to “conservatives” and backtracking on some of the key promises that animate his campaign. These attempts to play nice with the establishment can only hurt his brand and dissipate the energy of his angry white base. Not only will kissing up to figures like Sheldon Adelson and Paul Ryan reveal Trump as a flip-flopper, his fan base has already rejected many of the so-called conservative principles he now must embrace: tax cuts for the rich and austerity for everyone else, “free trade” deals that outsource jobs, privatizing Social Security, and engaging in endless foreign wars. These policies aren’t popular among rank-and-file “conservatives” anymore, and certainly not with Trump’s core supporters
Trump s base is pathetic to think he is going to raise wages and tax the rich ....that is Ridiculous ...He talks the talk but Trump will never walk that walk...OK ...LOL
that is why they call me "Joker"
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:

Bwahahaha....Bill Clinton is not the one running for President. I guess that little fact escaped you? Should we start focusing on Malania's nude photos?

Speaking of your ignorance, Hillary is out there stating she is going to bring Bill out of retirement to take a role in her administration. OH SNAP!

Highlighting your stupidity.......that still doesn't mean Bill is running for President. Obviously you can't equate Hillary to Trump's incompetence so you have to drag out yesterday's news.....nobody gives a damn about Bill's bj, except you dumbasses that can't come up with someone that can spell the word "President" much less be one.

Hillary will lose but you will get over it lib.

Isn't that what you said about Obama? How's that working for you?
And Trump was not? PLEASE get you head checked! :cuckoo:

Yep, Clinton's and Trump's, lying, cheating and dishonesty. This is going to be America's choice come November. This is what the Democratic Party and the Republican have to offer.

Two very bad choices and America is going to decide the lesser of two evils. I won't stand behind either one.

Er, comparing Hillary's couple of "embellishments to reality" with Trump's whoppers is really hysterically funny. I see the need for the right wing to try and alleviate the most obvious.

Hillary: LOOK OUT INCOMING SNIPER FIRE run for your lives!!!

Secret Service: There's no sniper fire you moron.

Hillary: I know, but that makes it sound like I have war experience.

Secret Service: (eyeroll)

Bwahahaha....Trump gets caught pretending to be his own publicist....admits it, apologizes and now denies can't make this shit up!

'It's not Trump, it's Joey Pepperoni!' The Donald mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist as Chris Christie and Ben Carson help him pick his running mate
  • Trump was mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist in 1980s
  • Skit showed his character claiming to be his spokesman Joey Pepperoni
  • He tells a journalist he has similar voice to Trump because he is 'classy'
  • Chris Christie then runs Trump through potential VPs - including himself

Donald Trump mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist

TRUUUUUUUUUUUMP!! (shakes fist) lmao

Yep, Clinton's and Trump's, lying, cheating and dishonesty. This is going to be America's choice come November. This is what the Democratic Party and the Republican have to offer.

Two very bad choices and America is going to decide the lesser of two evils. I won't stand behind either one.

Er, comparing Hillary's couple of "embellishments to reality" with Trump's whoppers is really hysterically funny. I see the need for the right wing to try and alleviate the most obvious.

Hillary: LOOK OUT INCOMING SNIPER FIRE run for your lives!!!

Secret Service: There's no sniper fire you moron.

Hillary: I know, but that makes it sound like I have war experience.

Secret Service: (eyeroll)

Bwahahaha....Trump gets caught pretending to be his own publicist....admits it, apologizes and now denies can't make this shit up!

'It's not Trump, it's Joey Pepperoni!' The Donald mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist as Chris Christie and Ben Carson help him pick his running mate
  • Trump was mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist in 1980s
  • Skit showed his character claiming to be his spokesman Joey Pepperoni
  • He tells a journalist he has similar voice to Trump because he is 'classy'
  • Chris Christie then runs Trump through potential VPs - including himself

Donald Trump mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist

TRUUUUUUUUUUUMP!! (shakes fist) lmao


Are you a business idiot? Oh wait, no need for a question mark.
And Trump was not? PLEASE get you head checked! :cuckoo:

Yep, Clinton's and Trump's, lying, cheating and dishonesty. This is going to be America's choice come November. This is what the Democratic Party and the Republican have to offer.

Two very bad choices and America is going to decide the lesser of two evils. I won't stand behind either one.

Er, comparing Hillary's couple of "embellishments to reality" with Trump's whoppers is really hysterically funny. I see the need for the right wing to try and alleviate the most obvious.

Hillary: LOOK OUT INCOMING SNIPER FIRE run for your lives!!!

Secret Service: There's no sniper fire you moron.

Hillary: I know, but that makes it sound like I have war experience.

Secret Service: (eyeroll)

Bwahahaha....Trump gets caught pretending to be his own publicist....admits it, apologizes and now denies can't make this shit up!

'It's not Trump, it's Joey Pepperoni!' The Donald mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist as Chris Christie and Ben Carson help him pick his running mate
  • Trump was mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist in 1980s
  • Skit showed his character claiming to be his spokesman Joey Pepperoni
  • He tells a journalist he has similar voice to Trump because he is 'classy'
  • Chris Christie then runs Trump through potential VPs - including himself

Donald Trump mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist

Nice answer on my post, Clinton lied and continues to lie about Honduras and Libya, and even the administration backed down on it.

Considering Trump is the biggest liar yet, and he's the GOP's presumptive candidate....I don't think you need to be crowing about anything.

PolitiFact has been documenting Trump’s statements on our Truth-O-Meter, where we’ve rated 76 percent of them Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire, out of 77 statements checked. No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial.

[VIDEO]2015 Lie of the Year: the campaign misstatements of Donald Trump

The ‘King of Whoppers': Donald Trump
Er, comparing Hillary's couple of "embellishments to reality" with Trump's whoppers is really hysterically funny. I see the need for the right wing to try and alleviate the most obvious.

Hillary: LOOK OUT INCOMING SNIPER FIRE run for your lives!!!

Secret Service: There's no sniper fire you moron.

Hillary: I know, but that makes it sound like I have war experience.

Secret Service: (eyeroll)

Bwahahaha....Trump gets caught pretending to be his own publicist....admits it, apologizes and now denies can't make this shit up!

'It's not Trump, it's Joey Pepperoni!' The Donald mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist as Chris Christie and Ben Carson help him pick his running mate
  • Trump was mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist in 1980s
  • Skit showed his character claiming to be his spokesman Joey Pepperoni
  • He tells a journalist he has similar voice to Trump because he is 'classy'
  • Chris Christie then runs Trump through potential VPs - including himself

Donald Trump mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist

TRUUUUUUUUUUUMP!! (shakes fist) lmao


Are you a business idiot? Oh wait, no need for a question mark.

Are you retarded? Never've proven it many times.
Hillary: LOOK OUT INCOMING SNIPER FIRE run for your lives!!!

Secret Service: There's no sniper fire you moron.

Hillary: I know, but that makes it sound like I have war experience.

Secret Service: (eyeroll)

Bwahahaha....Trump gets caught pretending to be his own publicist....admits it, apologizes and now denies can't make this shit up!

'It's not Trump, it's Joey Pepperoni!' The Donald mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist as Chris Christie and Ben Carson help him pick his running mate
  • Trump was mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist in 1980s
  • Skit showed his character claiming to be his spokesman Joey Pepperoni
  • He tells a journalist he has similar voice to Trump because he is 'classy'
  • Chris Christie then runs Trump through potential VPs - including himself

Donald Trump mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist

TRUUUUUUUUUUUMP!! (shakes fist) lmao


Are you a business idiot? Oh wait, no need for a question mark.

Are you retarded? Never've proven it many times.

GM went bankrupt, Obama had to bail them out with $54 billion in taxpayer money now THAT's a bankruptcy Democrat style.
Yep, Clinton's and Trump's, lying, cheating and dishonesty. This is going to be America's choice come November. This is what the Democratic Party and the Republican have to offer.

Two very bad choices and America is going to decide the lesser of two evils. I won't stand behind either one.

Er, comparing Hillary's couple of "embellishments to reality" with Trump's whoppers is really hysterically funny. I see the need for the right wing to try and alleviate the most obvious.

Hillary: LOOK OUT INCOMING SNIPER FIRE run for your lives!!!

Secret Service: There's no sniper fire you moron.

Hillary: I know, but that makes it sound like I have war experience.

Secret Service: (eyeroll)

Bwahahaha....Trump gets caught pretending to be his own publicist....admits it, apologizes and now denies can't make this shit up!

'It's not Trump, it's Joey Pepperoni!' The Donald mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist as Chris Christie and Ben Carson help him pick his running mate
  • Trump was mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist in 1980s
  • Skit showed his character claiming to be his spokesman Joey Pepperoni
  • He tells a journalist he has similar voice to Trump because he is 'classy'
  • Chris Christie then runs Trump through potential VPs - including himself

Donald Trump mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist

Nice answer on my post, Clinton lied and continues to lie about Honduras and Libya, and even the administration backed down on it.

Considering Trump is the biggest liar yet, and he's the GOP's presumptive candidate....I don't think you need to be crowing about anything.

PolitiFact has been documenting Trump’s statements on our Truth-O-Meter, where we’ve rated 76 percent of them Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire, out of 77 statements checked. No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial.

[VIDEO]2015 Lie of the Year: the campaign misstatements of Donald Trump

The ‘King of Whoppers': Donald Trump

So your response is to avoid what your candidate is doing wrong and point to a candidate that I don't support?

Not very bright, but with you, I have learned you are a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Er, comparing Hillary's couple of "embellishments to reality" with Trump's whoppers is really hysterically funny. I see the need for the right wing to try and alleviate the most obvious.

Hillary: LOOK OUT INCOMING SNIPER FIRE run for your lives!!!

Secret Service: There's no sniper fire you moron.

Hillary: I know, but that makes it sound like I have war experience.

Secret Service: (eyeroll)

Bwahahaha....Trump gets caught pretending to be his own publicist....admits it, apologizes and now denies can't make this shit up!

'It's not Trump, it's Joey Pepperoni!' The Donald mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist as Chris Christie and Ben Carson help him pick his running mate
  • Trump was mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist in 1980s
  • Skit showed his character claiming to be his spokesman Joey Pepperoni
  • He tells a journalist he has similar voice to Trump because he is 'classy'
  • Chris Christie then runs Trump through potential VPs - including himself

Donald Trump mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist

Nice answer on my post, Clinton lied and continues to lie about Honduras and Libya, and even the administration backed down on it.

Considering Trump is the biggest liar yet, and he's the GOP's presumptive candidate....I don't think you need to be crowing about anything.

PolitiFact has been documenting Trump’s statements on our Truth-O-Meter, where we’ve rated 76 percent of them Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire, out of 77 statements checked. No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial.

[VIDEO]2015 Lie of the Year: the campaign misstatements of Donald Trump

The ‘King of Whoppers': Donald Trump

So your response is to avoid what your candidate is doing wrong and point to a candidate that I don't support?

Not very bright, but with you, I have learned you are a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Apparently what you think Hillary is doing wrong is not that important, considering she has gotten more people to vote for her than anyone else. And, if you don't support Trump then what is your beef....there is no one else running.....

And, you need to learn some new retorts....that one about the Happy Meal is old and outdated....but then, you probably are too.
Bwahahaha....Trump gets caught pretending to be his own publicist....admits it, apologizes and now denies can't make this shit up!

'It's not Trump, it's Joey Pepperoni!' The Donald mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist as Chris Christie and Ben Carson help him pick his running mate
  • Trump was mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist in 1980s
  • Skit showed his character claiming to be his spokesman Joey Pepperoni
  • He tells a journalist he has similar voice to Trump because he is 'classy'
  • Chris Christie then runs Trump through potential VPs - including himself

Donald Trump mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist

TRUUUUUUUUUUUMP!! (shakes fist) lmao


Are you a business idiot? Oh wait, no need for a question mark.

Are you retarded? Never've proven it many times.

GM went bankrupt, Obama had to bail them out with $54 billion in taxpayer money now THAT's a bankruptcy Democrat style.

Isn't it odd WE can always tell a DemocRAT when we see one!


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