Lying Donald

Bill has a long pattern of sexual abuse of women, decades long this wasn't a one time offense. How many times has he cheated on Hillary now?

why does Trump's wife have her butt cheeks where the terrorist might see them ?
The rightwing media has certainly been pushing the meme of "lyin' Hillary" - but what about Trump? They've embraced him as "real" and "honest" - he defied PC and says it like it is.

Is he really or is unleashing his inner misgynist being confused with honesty?

Do his supporters, who obsess about Hillary being "too old' and "dotty" realize the Trumpster is a year older?

How about Lyin' Donald...

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies
Donald Trump: The Next Best Thing To A Clinton™
When I saw Trump and his women on stage after one of his primary wins, they reminded me of blonde versions of these chicks:

I wish someone would photoshop some guitars...


Might as well face it, you're addicted to Trump...
Bush Not Certain the GOP Can Survive Trump
May 17, 2016By Taegan Goddard

Jeb Bush told the Dutch news agency NRC Handelsblad that it’s “uncertain” whether the Republican Party will survive as an institution.

Said Bush: “Parties no longer stand for anything, but become a vehicle for the ambitions of their leaders. Politics becomes a personality show.”

He also blamed the media: “The press basically became his partner.”
The rightwing media has certainly been pushing the meme of "lyin' Hillary" - but what about Trump? They've embraced him as "real" and "honest" - he defied PC and says it like it is.

Is he really or is unleashing his inner misgynist being confused with honesty?

Do his supporters, who obsess about Hillary being "too old' and "dotty" realize the Trumpster is a year older?

How about Lyin' Donald...

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies

Looks like a landslide for 'The Donald'.

Progressives have penultimate respect for a liar who can get away with it.

It is ok coyote...we know you are going to vote for him.
From March 31st....

Fact Checkers Prove That 91% of the Things Donald Trump Says Are False

Kasich is tied with Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Socialist, who is a fierce advocate of a government that works for the people, who also scores 51% of true and mostly true statements. I point out his ideology because the right has been taught scary things about Sanders, yet here he is at the top of the truth pile. Something to think about.

At the top, with a 52% true or mostly true rating is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also has a long record of fighting for the middle class and poor, working families, women and children.

Basically the top three are tied, with Clinton, Sanders and Kasich being the most honest in the 2016 field. These are the three grown ups in the race.

Republicans started off by not holding their own to the fire of accountability and those justifications and that sense of entitlement have been the only trickle down they’ve seen. Now they have a party full of voters who do not want to deal with reality, who feel entitled to have privileges over minorities, and who love to be lied to. Think of the aging wealthy man who believes the young girl is with him because he’s so hot. That’s the base level deception and emotional motivation driving the Republican party voters – they want someone who makes them feel good about themselves, who holds up a mirror that makes them hot, right and rich.

They love the lie because ideologies comfort the voter. Everyone wants to feel like they are right, righteous, and morally superior. The problem comes when people can’t accept reality because reality says they were not right. And instead of admitting that and adjusting course, they demand that everyone get blamed equally while still claiming they never made a mistake. (And the “fourth estate” not only allows this but plays dumb regarding basic facts in order to make this work.) This level of petulant avoidance of reality is what got the Republican party to the point where their base loves the biggest liar the best.

They don’t care that Donald Trump lies; they love him because his lies soothe them. His lies appease them. His lies make them feel justified and righteous. His lies make them feel good about who they are. The voters are the children who do not want to be grown ups and the grown ups in the party have indulged them and fed them candy to keep from having to parent, and now they are stuck with a monster of a child.

If you think lying about Libya and Honduras is okay in your book then vote for Hillary, I won't vote for someone I can't trust, but you go ahead and be stupid. Your choice.
Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:
And Trump was not? PLEASE get you head checked! :cuckoo:

Yep, Clinton's and Trump's, lying, cheating and dishonesty. This is going to be America's choice come November. This is what the Democratic Party and the Republican have to offer.

Two very bad choices and America is going to decide the lesser of two evils. I won't stand behind either one.

Er, comparing Hillary's couple of "embellishments to reality" with Trump's whoppers is really hysterically funny. I see the need for the right wing to try and alleviate the most obvious.

Hillary: LOOK OUT INCOMING SNIPER FIRE run for your lives!!!

Secret Service: There's no sniper fire you moron.

Hillary: I know, but that makes it sound like I have war experience.

Secret Service: (eyeroll)

Bwahahaha....Trump gets caught pretending to be his own publicist....admits it, apologizes and now denies can't make this shit up!

'It's not Trump, it's Joey Pepperoni!' The Donald mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist as Chris Christie and Ben Carson help him pick his running mate
  • Trump was mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist in 1980s
  • Skit showed his character claiming to be his spokesman Joey Pepperoni
  • He tells a journalist he has similar voice to Trump because he is 'classy'
  • Chris Christie then runs Trump through potential VPs - including himself

Donald Trump mocked on SNL for pretending to be his own publicist

Nice answer on my post, Clinton lied and continues to lie about Honduras and Libya, and even the administration backed down on it.
From March 31st....

Fact Checkers Prove That 91% of the Things Donald Trump Says Are False

Kasich is tied with Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Socialist, who is a fierce advocate of a government that works for the people, who also scores 51% of true and mostly true statements. I point out his ideology because the right has been taught scary things about Sanders, yet here he is at the top of the truth pile. Something to think about.

At the top, with a 52% true or mostly true rating is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also has a long record of fighting for the middle class and poor, working families, women and children.

Basically the top three are tied, with Clinton, Sanders and Kasich being the most honest in the 2016 field. These are the three grown ups in the race.

Republicans started off by not holding their own to the fire of accountability and those justifications and that sense of entitlement have been the only trickle down they’ve seen. Now they have a party full of voters who do not want to deal with reality, who feel entitled to have privileges over minorities, and who love to be lied to. Think of the aging wealthy man who believes the young girl is with him because he’s so hot. That’s the base level deception and emotional motivation driving the Republican party voters – they want someone who makes them feel good about themselves, who holds up a mirror that makes them hot, right and rich.

They love the lie because ideologies comfort the voter. Everyone wants to feel like they are right, righteous, and morally superior. The problem comes when people can’t accept reality because reality says they were not right. And instead of admitting that and adjusting course, they demand that everyone get blamed equally while still claiming they never made a mistake. (And the “fourth estate” not only allows this but plays dumb regarding basic facts in order to make this work.) This level of petulant avoidance of reality is what got the Republican party to the point where their base loves the biggest liar the best.

They don’t care that Donald Trump lies; they love him because his lies soothe them. His lies appease them. His lies make them feel justified and righteous. His lies make them feel good about who they are. The voters are the children who do not want to be grown ups and the grown ups in the party have indulged them and fed them candy to keep from having to parent, and now they are stuck with a monster of a child.

If you think lying about Libya and Honduras is okay in your book then vote for Hillary, I won't vote for someone I can't trust, but you go ahead and be stupid. Your choice.
For a valid lie to be valid it has to be specified in a single sentence or maybe two. Most of the lies being accredited to Hillary lead to long essay or commentary full of assumptions and speculations. The end result in that type of accusation of a lie is an agenda based opinion. So what are the lies about Libya and Honduras without having to read through all the assumptions and speculations and opinionated conclusions?
From March 31st....

Fact Checkers Prove That 91% of the Things Donald Trump Says Are False

Kasich is tied with Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Socialist, who is a fierce advocate of a government that works for the people, who also scores 51% of true and mostly true statements. I point out his ideology because the right has been taught scary things about Sanders, yet here he is at the top of the truth pile. Something to think about.

At the top, with a 52% true or mostly true rating is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also has a long record of fighting for the middle class and poor, working families, women and children.

Basically the top three are tied, with Clinton, Sanders and Kasich being the most honest in the 2016 field. These are the three grown ups in the race.

Republicans started off by not holding their own to the fire of accountability and those justifications and that sense of entitlement have been the only trickle down they’ve seen. Now they have a party full of voters who do not want to deal with reality, who feel entitled to have privileges over minorities, and who love to be lied to. Think of the aging wealthy man who believes the young girl is with him because he’s so hot. That’s the base level deception and emotional motivation driving the Republican party voters – they want someone who makes them feel good about themselves, who holds up a mirror that makes them hot, right and rich.

They love the lie because ideologies comfort the voter. Everyone wants to feel like they are right, righteous, and morally superior. The problem comes when people can’t accept reality because reality says they were not right. And instead of admitting that and adjusting course, they demand that everyone get blamed equally while still claiming they never made a mistake. (And the “fourth estate” not only allows this but plays dumb regarding basic facts in order to make this work.) This level of petulant avoidance of reality is what got the Republican party to the point where their base loves the biggest liar the best.

They don’t care that Donald Trump lies; they love him because his lies soothe them. His lies appease them. His lies make them feel justified and righteous. His lies make them feel good about who they are. The voters are the children who do not want to be grown ups and the grown ups in the party have indulged them and fed them candy to keep from having to parent, and now they are stuck with a monster of a child.

If you think lying about Libya and Honduras is okay in your book then vote for Hillary, I won't vote for someone I can't trust, but you go ahead and be stupid. Your choice.

I'm trying to figure out how folks who say they "can't trust" Hillary will go and vote for a man with a 91% record of lying.

Who is stupid...?
From March 31st....

Fact Checkers Prove That 91% of the Things Donald Trump Says Are False

Kasich is tied with Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Socialist, who is a fierce advocate of a government that works for the people, who also scores 51% of true and mostly true statements. I point out his ideology because the right has been taught scary things about Sanders, yet here he is at the top of the truth pile. Something to think about.

At the top, with a 52% true or mostly true rating is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also has a long record of fighting for the middle class and poor, working families, women and children.

Basically the top three are tied, with Clinton, Sanders and Kasich being the most honest in the 2016 field. These are the three grown ups in the race.

Republicans started off by not holding their own to the fire of accountability and those justifications and that sense of entitlement have been the only trickle down they’ve seen. Now they have a party full of voters who do not want to deal with reality, who feel entitled to have privileges over minorities, and who love to be lied to. Think of the aging wealthy man who believes the young girl is with him because he’s so hot. That’s the base level deception and emotional motivation driving the Republican party voters – they want someone who makes them feel good about themselves, who holds up a mirror that makes them hot, right and rich.

They love the lie because ideologies comfort the voter. Everyone wants to feel like they are right, righteous, and morally superior. The problem comes when people can’t accept reality because reality says they were not right. And instead of admitting that and adjusting course, they demand that everyone get blamed equally while still claiming they never made a mistake. (And the “fourth estate” not only allows this but plays dumb regarding basic facts in order to make this work.) This level of petulant avoidance of reality is what got the Republican party to the point where their base loves the biggest liar the best.

They don’t care that Donald Trump lies; they love him because his lies soothe them. His lies appease them. His lies make them feel justified and righteous. His lies make them feel good about who they are. The voters are the children who do not want to be grown ups and the grown ups in the party have indulged them and fed them candy to keep from having to parent, and now they are stuck with a monster of a child.

If you think lying about Libya and Honduras is okay in your book then vote for Hillary, I won't vote for someone I can't trust, but you go ahead and be stupid. Your choice.

I'm trying to figure out how folks who say they "can't trust" Hillary will go and vote for a man with a 91% record of lying.

Who is stupid...?

Not me, but apparently you are.
From March 31st....

Fact Checkers Prove That 91% of the Things Donald Trump Says Are False

Kasich is tied with Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Socialist, who is a fierce advocate of a government that works for the people, who also scores 51% of true and mostly true statements. I point out his ideology because the right has been taught scary things about Sanders, yet here he is at the top of the truth pile. Something to think about.

At the top, with a 52% true or mostly true rating is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also has a long record of fighting for the middle class and poor, working families, women and children.

Basically the top three are tied, with Clinton, Sanders and Kasich being the most honest in the 2016 field. These are the three grown ups in the race.

Republicans started off by not holding their own to the fire of accountability and those justifications and that sense of entitlement have been the only trickle down they’ve seen. Now they have a party full of voters who do not want to deal with reality, who feel entitled to have privileges over minorities, and who love to be lied to. Think of the aging wealthy man who believes the young girl is with him because he’s so hot. That’s the base level deception and emotional motivation driving the Republican party voters – they want someone who makes them feel good about themselves, who holds up a mirror that makes them hot, right and rich.

They love the lie because ideologies comfort the voter. Everyone wants to feel like they are right, righteous, and morally superior. The problem comes when people can’t accept reality because reality says they were not right. And instead of admitting that and adjusting course, they demand that everyone get blamed equally while still claiming they never made a mistake. (And the “fourth estate” not only allows this but plays dumb regarding basic facts in order to make this work.) This level of petulant avoidance of reality is what got the Republican party to the point where their base loves the biggest liar the best.

They don’t care that Donald Trump lies; they love him because his lies soothe them. His lies appease them. His lies make them feel justified and righteous. His lies make them feel good about who they are. The voters are the children who do not want to be grown ups and the grown ups in the party have indulged them and fed them candy to keep from having to parent, and now they are stuck with a monster of a child.

If you think lying about Libya and Honduras is okay in your book then vote for Hillary, I won't vote for someone I can't trust, but you go ahead and be stupid. Your choice.

I'm trying to figure out how folks who say they "can't trust" Hillary will go and vote for a man with a 91% record of lying.

Who is stupid...?

Not me, but apparently you are.
Papa, vote for Gary Johnson if you can't vote for Trump.
Addicitions begin that way.

The far right has been beaten down for so long they have become addicted because his victories so far are soothing to them and relieves their stress and anxiety for a time.

As he begins to slip further and further behind Hillary, the angst and upset amongst the far right will no longer be soothed by Trump because he will not longer provide the relief they need.

Like all true addicts, there will be a real meltdown and soul screaming the day after election.

you obviously missed the last couple of elections.

your characterization of everyone right of Karl Marx as far right is nothing but a failed ploy to try to make your far left Marxist collectivist ideology seem middle of the road. But its not and never will be.

You leftists and your leaders have failed every time and every place that your BS has been tried.

YOU LOST, deal with it.
From March 31st....

Fact Checkers Prove That 91% of the Things Donald Trump Says Are False

Kasich is tied with Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Socialist, who is a fierce advocate of a government that works for the people, who also scores 51% of true and mostly true statements. I point out his ideology because the right has been taught scary things about Sanders, yet here he is at the top of the truth pile. Something to think about.

At the top, with a 52% true or mostly true rating is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also has a long record of fighting for the middle class and poor, working families, women and children.

Basically the top three are tied, with Clinton, Sanders and Kasich being the most honest in the 2016 field. These are the three grown ups in the race.

Republicans started off by not holding their own to the fire of accountability and those justifications and that sense of entitlement have been the only trickle down they’ve seen. Now they have a party full of voters who do not want to deal with reality, who feel entitled to have privileges over minorities, and who love to be lied to. Think of the aging wealthy man who believes the young girl is with him because he’s so hot. That’s the base level deception and emotional motivation driving the Republican party voters – they want someone who makes them feel good about themselves, who holds up a mirror that makes them hot, right and rich.

They love the lie because ideologies comfort the voter. Everyone wants to feel like they are right, righteous, and morally superior. The problem comes when people can’t accept reality because reality says they were not right. And instead of admitting that and adjusting course, they demand that everyone get blamed equally while still claiming they never made a mistake. (And the “fourth estate” not only allows this but plays dumb regarding basic facts in order to make this work.) This level of petulant avoidance of reality is what got the Republican party to the point where their base loves the biggest liar the best.

They don’t care that Donald Trump lies; they love him because his lies soothe them. His lies appease them. His lies make them feel justified and righteous. His lies make them feel good about who they are. The voters are the children who do not want to be grown ups and the grown ups in the party have indulged them and fed them candy to keep from having to parent, and now they are stuck with a monster of a child.

If you think lying about Libya and Honduras is okay in your book then vote for Hillary, I won't vote for someone I can't trust, but you go ahead and be stupid. Your choice.

I'm trying to figure out how folks who say they "can't trust" Hillary will go and vote for a man with a 91% record of lying.

Who is stupid...?

Not me, but apparently you are.
Papa, vote for Gary Johnson if you can't vote for Trump.

Right, waste your vote, that'll show em.

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