Lying Donald

Thank you, papa. I will vote Johnson.

I'll take Sanders until he is out, then I'll look for other candidates, the fact remains, it will be Clinton or Trump.

You better wake up and vote for the lesser danger. Hillary Clinton would continue the destruction of this country. Trump, at least, has a chance to stop it.
Clinton is no different than Trump, Redfish: they are the same animal.

Nope, not even close. Hillary Clinton has never accomplished anything in her miserable life, she is a pathological liar, and an unconvicted criminal. She is an angry, shrill, mentally ill, bitch.

Trump has led a very successful life, raised his kids to be good people, and knows how to deal with insiders and outsiders.

He is also not a politician and not PC. He talks like the rest of us talk, he doesn't pander to anyone and tells it like it is.
Correll now is posting like an addled, deranged vile hard righty, nothing more.
You asshole Liberals should show some respect for President Trump. Don't get on his bad side. He will fuck you up.... seriously. Ask someone who pissed him off what's it's like to be on the receiving end of "The Donald's Wrath."
Trump will not be president, and one of the reasons is his thirst for power as evidenced by a deranged follower immediately above. The crazy far right want to hurt people with whom they disagree.
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:

And Donald Trump isn't? Conservatives seem to be obsessed with Bill's bj....probably because they are jealous they have never had one, or if they have, they are feeling guilty that it is a sin.
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:

And Donald Trump isn't? Conservatives seem to be obsessed with Bill's bj....probably because they are jealous they have never had one, or if they have, they are feeling guilty that it is a sin.

Bill has a long pattern of sexual abuse of women, decades long this wasn't a one time offense. How many times has he cheated on Hillary now?
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:

And Donald Trump isn't? Conservatives seem to be obsessed with Bill's bj....probably because they are jealous they have never had one, or if they have, they are feeling guilty that it is a sin.

Bill has a long pattern of sexual abuse of women, decades long this wasn't a one time offense. How many times has he cheated on Hillary now?
Bill is not running, but Donnie the Abuser is running.
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:
And Trump was not? PLEASE get you head checked! :cuckoo:

Yep, Clinton's and Trump's, lying, cheating and dishonesty. This is going to be America's choice come November. This is what the Democratic Party and the Republican have to offer.

Two very bad choices and America is going to decide the lesser of two evils. I won't stand behind either one.

Er, comparing Hillary's couple of "embellishments to reality" with Trump's whoppers is really hysterically funny. I see the need for the right wing to try and alleviate the most obvious.
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:

Bwahahaha....Bill Clinton is not the one running for President. I guess that little fact escaped you? Should we start focusing on Malania's nude photos?
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:

Bwahahaha....Bill Clinton is not the one running for President. I guess that little fact escaped you? Should we start focusing on Malania's nude photos?

Speaking of your ignorance, Hillary is out there stating she is going to bring Bill out of retirement to take a role in her administration. OH SNAP!
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:
And Trump was not? PLEASE get you head checked! :cuckoo:

Yep, Clinton's and Trump's, lying, cheating and dishonesty. This is going to be America's choice come November. This is what the Democratic Party and the Republican have to offer.

Two very bad choices and America is going to decide the lesser of two evils. I won't stand behind either one.

Er, comparing Hillary's couple of "embellishments to reality" with Trump's whoppers is really hysterically funny. I see the need for the right wing to try and alleviate the most obvious.

Hillary: LOOK OUT INCOMING SNIPER FIRE run for your lives!!!

Secret Service: There's no sniper fire you moron.

Hillary: I know, but that makes it sound like I have war experience.

Secret Service: (eyeroll)
Trump will not be president, and one of the reasons is his thirst for power as evidenced by a deranged follower immediately above. The crazy far right want to hurt people with whom they disagree.

funny, there have been no violent protests at Hillary or Bernie rallys, but you fricken mindless libs have destroyed property at Trump rallys. The violence and desire to hurt people is all coming from the intolerant left.

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