Lying Donald

It's not a lie, and no he hasn't, you senile douche bag.
Yes, he has, you silly millennial fraud.

I suppose you have a quote of him saying he isn't going to build the wall?

. . . . . ..

er, no, you don't.

I'm not a millennial, you senile douche bag.
He said it was negotiable, and you have nothing to refute that.

He said the height and type of construction was negotiable. Not the wall itself.

If you stopped posting lies you might gain just a little credibility, as it is you have none.
Lying won't help you. From the

Mr. Trump himself joked that he uses his border-wall proposal as an applause line at campaign events, saying “if it gets a little boring, if I see people starting to sort of, maybe thinking about leaving, I can sort of tell the audience, I just say, ‘We will build the wall!’ and they go nuts.”

Mr. Trump has previously said that should he go to Washington, he would be willing to make deals with Establishment Republicans and Democrats.

If this audio from the New York Times indeed exists, could it be a sign he will renege on his promise to build a wall, all for the sake of a bi-partisan deal like the Gang of Eight?

- See more at: Report: Donald Trump Backtracking on Immigration?

Donald is playing the Chumps like redfish and bripat like fish, throwing them chum.

coming from a Hillary supporter :confused-84:
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?

You little bigoted prick.


The Donald is winning in all demographics on the R side. In huge numbers. Beating every Republican primary candidate that ever ran in unreal numbers.
truth always did hurt republicans and yes you think the army is made up of college grads???

Oh so the military is just made up of dumb fucks from the south?

Come on eddiew. Put it out there so I can C&P your posts to hit every site I can. Oh and I will credit you and link back to your exact quotes as a huge D.

I can't wait. Keep slagging them more.

You can become a walking advertisement for the typical Democrat for me. I'll have you round the world right quick.


I want this woman to know exactly how a typical Democrat thinks of her. That she's just some stupid grunt who didn't know any better and fought for her country.


On Wednesday, Harry had presented the Sergeant with her Invictus medal - one of four golds she won in the pool - but she gave it back to him saying it should go to the hospital which he has said he will ensure happens

Read more: 'Thank you for giving me my life back': Soldier thanks British doctors
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Trump will not win, but the system, if not shattered, will have been severely rocked.

We will have to tolerate Hillary for four years, and both parties can put aside the far left and the far right and try to craft their core principles so they reach out to as many Americans as possible.

Neither party and its membership can do the job without the other side.

You are simply wrong, Trump's numbers are growing and Hillary's are sinking. She cant even beat a 74 year old avowed socialist who has never accomplished a single thing in his miserable life.
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Na, he was the one who watched hundreds if Muslims cheering as the world Trade Center collapsed.
I watched two Muslims celebrate at their convenience store in rural Georgia. I can easily imagine the celebrations were much larger in NYC.

SURE you did! Did they blow up colored balloons and put on birthday party hats?
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?

So people born in the south have lower IQ's?
the ones in the service for sure and I'll check on where the smartest and dumbest come from I do believe the iq level in the south is lowest

That explains Bill Clinton. Lol!
Trump will not win, but the system, if not shattered, will have been severely rocked.

We will have to tolerate Hillary for four years, and both parties can put aside the far left and the far right and try to craft their core principles so they reach out to as many Americans as possible.

Neither party and its membership can do the job without the other side.

Hillary will not win Jake. Look not only do I monitor all sorts of political websites but many university and college websites as well. And the buzz definitely among young women on campuses is that they wont come out for her.
You are simply wrong, Trump's numbers are growing and Hillary's are sinking. She cant even beat a 74 year old avowed socialist who has never accomplished a single thing in his miserable life.
Now you are dreaming. She is beating Sanders like a drum. Trump had to stagger through to the next to last states to emerge as victor. The polls do not show what you are claiming other than in the 20% of America that is GOP. His numbers, other than white males, are dismal among women and blacks and browns. Trump cannot beat HRC, and we are going to be stuck with her because you hammerheads would not listen. After his defeat, maybe you will listen.
You are simply wrong, Trump's numbers are growing and Hillary's are sinking. She cant even beat a 74 year old avowed socialist who has never accomplished a single thing in his miserable life.
Now you are dreaming. She is beating Sanders like a drum. Trump had to stagger through to the next to last states to emerge as victor. The polls do not show what you are claiming other than in the 20% of America that is GOP. His numbers, other than white males, are dismal among women and blacks and browns. Trump cannot beat HRC, and we are going to be stuck with her because you hammerheads would not listen. After his defeat, maybe you will listen.

You really need psychiatric help. You are delusional. Either that or you live under a rock.

Trump will destroy HRC, in the debates and in the election-------------that is if the FBI doesn't destroy her first.
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?

So people born in the south have lower IQ's?
The United States IQ average worldwide is ranked at number 24 with an average IQ of 98.

Based upon the rating of McDaniel’s Estimated Average IQ Score, the following US States have an average IQ rating of the following.

1. Massachusetts: 104.3
2. New Hampshire: 104.2
3. North Dakota: 103.8
4. Vermont: 103.8
5. Minnesota: 103.7
6. Maine: 103.4
7. Montana: 103.4
8. Iowa: 103.2
9. Connecticut: 103.1
10. Wisconsin: 102.9
11. Kansas: 102.8
12. New Jersey: 102.8
13. South Dakota: 102.8
14. Wyoming: 102.4
15. Nebraska: 102.3
16. Virginia: 101.9
17. Washington: 101.9
18. Ohio: 101.8
19. Indiana: 101.7
20. Colorado: 101.6
21. Pennsylvania: 101.5
22. Idaho: 101.4
23. Oregon: 101.2
24. Utah: 101.1
25. Missouri: 101
26. New York: 100.7
27. Michigan: 100.5
28. Delaware: 100.4
29. N. Carolina: 100.2
30. Texas: 100
31. Illinois: 99.9
32. Maryland: 99.7
33. Rhode Island: 99.5
34. Kentucky: 99.4
35. Oklahoma: 99.3
36. Alaska: 99
37. W. Virginia: 98.7
38. Florida: 98.4
39. S. Carolina: 98.4
40. Georgia: 98
41. Tennessee: 97.7
42. Arkansas: 97.5
43. Arizona: 97.4
44. Nevada: 96.5
45. Alabama: 95.7
46. New Mexico: 95.7
47. Hawaii: 95.6
48. California: 95.5
49. Louisiana: 95.3
50. Mississippi: 94.2

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

How Accurate Are IQ Tests, Anyway? [VIDEO]

Flawed data, also IQ tests are also racially slanted.

I would think a liberal such as yourself would realize that. Interesting that you don't. Maybe IQs fit the world you want to.
..and in the news today, Trump's California delegates are resigning, under pressure from their friends, neighbors, and business associates....
Trump will not win, but the system, if not shattered, will have been severely rocked.

We will have to tolerate Hillary for four years, and both parties can put aside the far left and the far right and try to craft their core principles so they reach out to as many Americans as possible.

Neither party and its membership can do the job without the other side.

Hillary will not win Jake. Look not only do I monitor all sorts of political websites but many university and college websites as well. And the buzz definitely among young women on campuses is that they wont come out for her.
As do I, and you are reading the buzz wrong. Those young women want Sanders, Clinton, and Trump in that order. They will not not vote if Sanders does not make it. They will vote against Trump because he scares them badly.
Trump will not win, but the system, if not shattered, will have been severely rocked.

We will have to tolerate Hillary for four years, and both parties can put aside the far left and the far right and try to craft their core principles so they reach out to as many Americans as possible.

Neither party and its membership can do the job without the other side.

You are simply wrong, Trump's numbers are growing and Hillary's are sinking. She cant even beat a 74 year old avowed socialist who has never accomplished a single thing in his miserable life.

May I improve just a bit for fun?

"A 74 year old avowed socialist on life support...."
Trump will not win, but the system, if not shattered, will have been severely rocked.

We will have to tolerate Hillary for four years, and both parties can put aside the far left and the far right and try to craft their core principles so they reach out to as many Americans as possible.

Neither party and its membership can do the job without the other side.

Hillary will not win Jake. Look not only do I monitor all sorts of political websites but many university and college websites as well. And the buzz definitely among young women on campuses is that they wont come out for her.
As do I, and you are reading the buzz wrong. Those young women want Sanders, Clinton, and Trump in that order. They will not not vote if Sanders does not make it. They will vote against Trump because he scares them badly.

No they are just going to stay home. Now I have being the old left wing rebel that I used to be am on those websites begging that they come out and vote no matter what. A vote is never wasted in my mind. Come out and vote Sanders if that's where your heart and head is. Write him in. Protest with your vote.

And btw I love the old dude. Not his policies but I believe in his heart. And that he is fighting the system as well.

I think all of us recognize left and right that this is a fight for the soul of the country in the sense that on the left you should not be able to walk in with 500 super delegates before the race begins. That's what the she bitch did.

To the right, because I have dug so deep I figured out the game early with the Bush dynasty. Jake I am beyond disappointed. I backed the Bushies for years on end. Now I want to bazooka barf for the shit they have done in this primary. And what they are continuing to do.
You are simply wrong, Trump's numbers are growing and Hillary's are sinking. She cant even beat a 74 year old avowed socialist who has never accomplished a single thing in his miserable life.
Now you are dreaming. She is beating Sanders like a drum. Trump had to stagger through to the next to last states to emerge as victor. The polls do not show what you are claiming other than in the 20% of America that is GOP. His numbers, other than white males, are dismal among women and blacks and browns. Trump cannot beat HRC, and we are going to be stuck with her because you hammerheads would not listen. After his defeat, maybe you will listen.

She has 53% of the delegates, and has lost the last couple primary states. It is only when you add the Super Delegates that she moves way out in front. If it came down to Sanders or Clinton, I take Sanders. If it comes down to Trump and Sanders, I'd take Sanders. Clinton and Trump have no character and I won't vote for either.

Neither side has given a good reason why one is better than the other. They have given tons of reason not to vote for the other person.
Trump will not win, but the system, if not shattered, will have been severely rocked.

We will have to tolerate Hillary for four years, and both parties can put aside the far left and the far right and try to craft their core principles so they reach out to as many Americans as possible.

Neither party and its membership can do the job without the other side.

You are simply wrong, Trump's numbers are growing and Hillary's are sinking. She cant even beat a 74 year old avowed socialist who has never accomplished a single thing in his miserable life.

May I improve just a bit for fun?

"A 74 year old avowed socialist on life support...."
That's good!
The rightwing media has certainly been pushing the meme of "lyin' Hillary" - but what about Trump? They've embraced him as "real" and "honest" - he defied PC and says it like it is.

Is he really or is unleashing his inner misgynist being confused with honesty?

Do his supporters, who obsess about Hillary being "too old' and "dotty" realize the Trumpster is a year older?

How about Lyin' Donald...

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies
An intrepid indy blog “Dispatches from The North Country“, discovers The Daily Wire is actually owned by the Wilks brothers, Levi and Farris Wilks. These two are the other end of the Ted Cruz financial team, and massive multi-million dollar donors to Cruz’s presidential bid. Ben Shapiro is the front-man for The Daily Wire.


Nothing to see here folks just a pro Cruz website etc bashing Donald Trump hell I bet if I dug a little I could find some stuff pushing for republicans to NOT vote for Trump but instead a 3rd party candidate. Big time fail on the OP!
[…] Further research had shown that the owners of this company is none other then the Wilks Brothers. Levi Wilks is listed as the Manager of Forward Publishing and has ties to 7 Pillar Records LLC. In turn 7 Pillar is run by a fellow named Farris Wilks. Farris is famous for being a real Texas Success Story, going from Brick Layer to Oil and Gas Tycoon to Church Preacher.

These are the very same Texas Billionaires who gave an impressive $15 million to a Ted Cruz Super PAC. Why haven’t we been told about this? This looks like if The Times invested a lot of money into GM and then ran articles about how the only car that doesn’t stick is a Chevy. (read more)

More Manipulative Media Exposed – Website Ownership Driving Ideological Content…
You are simply wrong, Trump's numbers are growing and Hillary's are sinking. She cant even beat a 74 year old avowed socialist who has never accomplished a single thing in his miserable life.
Now you are dreaming. She is beating Sanders like a drum. Trump had to stagger through to the next to last states to emerge as victor. The polls do not show what you are claiming other than in the 20% of America that is GOP. His numbers, other than white males, are dismal among women and blacks and browns. Trump cannot beat HRC, and we are going to be stuck with her because you hammerheads would not listen. After his defeat, maybe you will listen.

She has 53% of the delegates, and has lost the last couple primary states. It is only when you add the Super Delegates that she moves way out in front. If it came down to Sanders or Clinton, I take Sanders. If it comes down to Trump and Sanders, I'd take Sanders. Clinton and Trump have no character and I won't vote for either.

Neither side has given a good reason why one is better than the other. They have given tons of reason not to vote for the other person.
I agree with you on that. I could vote for Sanders rather than Clinton or Trump. If its those two, I will vote Johnson. But if you folks think that young women will sit down and not vote for Clinton when Trump is the opponent, you are living in la la land. My nieces in GA, CA, and UT all say none of the young women are going to sit on their butt if the anti-feminist Trump is one of the candidates.

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