Lying Donald

No. She is most certainly not responsible.

Yes, she is. If her marriage meant anything to her, yes she is. She could have shown some integrity by divorcing Bill upon proof that he had affairs and took advantage of other women.

Marital fidelity is not only Bill's responsibility, but hers as well. She showed just how much integrity she had by standing put while Clinton took advantage of women. It should have only taken one. One.
WHAT? you are spouting just the OPPOSITE of what God says about this....

and what about ''for better, for worse, until DEATH do us part''?

MILLIONS of women and men have stayed with their spouses after they've cheated repeatedly....only they can know the reasons, and solve their own problems,

NOT Misters Know it all, like you.

Normally, in a marriage where infidelity occurs, the spouse who is cheated on is recognized as the victim, the aggrieved party. How it's handled depends on each individual marriage and family situation.

In other threads where political infidelities are exposed, there is normally sympathy for the partner - remember Edwards? None of the trash talking about Hillary was applied to Elizabeth. When it comes to the Clintons - the standards are different.

Infidelity = sexual predator
staying in a marriage = enabling sexual predator.

That's the Trumpolian Universe. Or maybe a Trumpist in a Teapot?
I'm also amused by how much Trump brags about how rich he is, at every opportunity; yet, follows that up by telling us that his taxes are none of our business..... Of course, before he decided that it was none of our business, he said that he would release them, but only after his IRS audit is finished (which would be after the election). I guess that is now off the table.
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?
No. She is most certainly not responsible.

Yes, she is. If her marriage meant anything to her, yes she is. She could have shown some integrity by divorcing Bill upon proof that he had affairs and took advantage of other women.

Marital fidelity is not only Bill's responsibility, but hers as well. She showed just how much integrity she had by standing put while Clinton took advantage of women. It should have only taken one. One.
WHAT? you are spouting just the OPPOSITE of what God says about this....

and what about ''for better, for worse, until DEATH do us part''?

MILLIONS of women and men have stayed with their spouses after they've cheated repeatedly....only they can know the reasons, and solve their own problems,

NOT Misters Know it all, like you.

Normally, in a marriage where infidelity occurs, the spouse who is cheated on is recognized as the victim, the aggrieved party. How it's handled depends on each individual marriage and family situation.

In other threads where political infidelities are exposed, there is normally sympathy for the partner - remember Edwards? None of the trash talking about Hillary was applied to Elizabeth. When it comes to the Clintons - the standards are different.

Infidelity = sexual predator
staying in a marriage = enabling sexual predator.

That's the Trumpolian Universe. Or maybe a Trumpist in a Teapot?

Good grief! It's been laid out for all to see that Hillary has not only been an enabler BUT then sics her dogs of war on the women to destroy them.
I'm also amused by how much Trump brags about how rich he is, at every opportunity; yet, follows that up by telling us that his taxes are none of our business..... Of course, before he decided that it was none of our business, he said that he would release them, but only after his IRS audit is finished (which would be after the election). I guess that is now off the table.
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?

You little bigoted prick.


The Donald is winning in all demographics on the R side. In huge numbers. Beating every Republican primary candidate that ever ran in unreal numbers.
No. She is most certainly not responsible.

Yes, she is. If her marriage meant anything to her, yes she is. She could have shown some integrity by divorcing Bill upon proof that he had affairs and took advantage of other women.

Marital fidelity is not only Bill's responsibility, but hers as well. She showed just how much integrity she had by standing put while Clinton took advantage of women. It should have only taken one. One.
WHAT? you are spouting just the OPPOSITE of what God says about this....

and what about ''for better, for worse, until DEATH do us part''?

MILLIONS of women and men have stayed with their spouses after they've cheated repeatedly....only they can know the reasons, and solve their own problems,

NOT Misters Know it all, like you.

Normally, in a marriage where infidelity occurs, the spouse who is cheated on is recognized as the victim, the aggrieved party. How it's handled depends on each individual marriage and family situation.

In other threads where political infidelities are exposed, there is normally sympathy for the partner - remember Edwards? None of the trash talking about Hillary was applied to Elizabeth. When it comes to the Clintons - the standards are different.

Infidelity = sexual predator
staying in a marriage = enabling sexual predator.

That's the Trumpolian Universe. Or maybe a Trumpist in a Teapot?

Good grief! It's been laid out for all to see that Hillary has not only been an enabler BUT then sics her dogs of war on the women to destroy them.
Laid out by liars and republicans ,,,,,but I repeat myself
I'm also amused by how much Trump brags about how rich he is, at every opportunity; yet, follows that up by telling us that his taxes are none of our business..... Of course, before he decided that it was none of our business, he said that he would release them, but only after his IRS audit is finished (which would be after the election). I guess that is now off the table.
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?

You little bigoted prick.


The Donald is winning in all demographics on the R side. In huge numbers. Beating every Republican primary candidate that ever ran in unreal numbers.
I'm also amused by how much Trump brags about how rich he is, at every opportunity; yet, follows that up by telling us that his taxes are none of our business..... Of course, before he decided that it was none of our business, he said that he would release them, but only after his IRS audit is finished (which would be after the election). I guess that is now off the table.
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?

You little bigoted prick.


The Donald is winning in all demographics on the R side. In huge numbers. Beating every Republican primary candidate that ever ran in unreal numbers.
truth always did hurt republicans and yes you think the army is made up of college grads???
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?

You little bigoted prick.


The Donald is winning in all demographics on the R side. In huge numbers. Beating every Republican primary candidate that ever ran in unreal numbers.
truth always did hurt republicans and yes you think the army is made up of college grads???
Remember THEY liked GWB too and all he did was get 1000's of them killed Not very smart
...and then there was Donald's bone spurs on his heals that gave him a deferment during the Vietnam Era, which, through some miracle, disappeared later, without surgery. I'm surprised that it wasn't written up in the New England Journal of Medicine!
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:
And Trump was not? PLEASE get you head checked! :cuckoo:

Yep, Clinton's and Trump's, lying, cheating and dishonesty. This is going to be America's choice come November. This is what the Democratic Party and the Republican have to offer.

Two very bad choices and America is going to decide the lesser of two evils. I won't stand behind either one.
How about a vote for the one who is more presidential?....and forget those little baby lies of Hillary

I don't see either as Presidential, they are embarrassments. A lie is a lie, if you lie so easily in little things, I doubt there would be any hesitation in lying in big things. Honesty is an important quality, isn't it?
I'm also amused by how much Trump brags about how rich he is, at every opportunity; yet, follows that up by telling us that his taxes are none of our business..... Of course, before he decided that it was none of our business, he said that he would release them, but only after his IRS audit is finished (which would be after the election). I guess that is now off the table.
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?

So people born in the south have lower IQ's?
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Na, he was the one who watched hundreds if Muslims cheering as the world Trade Center collapsed.
I watched two Muslims celebrate at their convenience store in rural Georgia. I can easily imagine the celebrations were much larger in NYC.
Trump will not win, but the system, if not shattered, will have been severely rocked.

We will have to tolerate Hillary for four years, and both parties can put aside the far left and the far right and try to craft their core principles so they reach out to as many Americans as possible.

Neither party and its membership can do the job without the other side.
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Na, he was the one who watched hundreds if Muslims cheering as the world Trade Center collapsed.
I watched two Muslims celebrate at their convenience store in rural Georgia. I can easily imagine the celebrations were much larger in NYC.
There were no reports of hundreds or thousands of Muslims rejoicing publicly as Trump says he saw. That did not happen.
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:
And Trump was not? PLEASE get you head checked! :cuckoo:

Yep, Clinton's and Trump's, lying, cheating and dishonesty. This is going to be America's choice come November. This is what the Democratic Party and the Republican have to offer.

Two very bad choices and America is going to decide the lesser of two evils. I won't stand behind either one.
How about a vote for the one who is more presidential?....and forget those little baby lies of Hillary

I don't see either as Presidential, they are embarrassments. A lie is a lie, if you lie so easily in little things, I doubt there would be any hesitation in lying in big things. Honesty is an important quality, isn't it?
Yes it is Pap but there are small lies big lies and damned lies and the ones who don't lie haven't been born yet
Trump will not win, but the system, if not shattered, will have been severely rocked.

We will have to tolerate Hillary for four years, and both parties can put aside the far left and the far right and try to craft their core principles so they reach out to as many Americans as possible.

Neither party and its membership can do the job without the other side.
But neither knows the word compromise
I'm also amused by how much Trump brags about how rich he is, at every opportunity; yet, follows that up by telling us that his taxes are none of our business..... Of course, before he decided that it was none of our business, he said that he would release them, but only after his IRS audit is finished (which would be after the election). I guess that is now off the table.
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?

So people born in the south have lower IQ's?
the ones in the service for sure and I'll check on where the smartest and dumbest come from I do believe the iq level in the south is lowest
I'm also amused by how much Trump brags about how rich he is, at every opportunity; yet, follows that up by telling us that his taxes are none of our business..... Of course, before he decided that it was none of our business, he said that he would release them, but only after his IRS audit is finished (which would be after the election). I guess that is now off the table.
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?

So people born in the south have lower IQ's?
The United States IQ average worldwide is ranked at number 24 with an average IQ of 98.

Based upon the rating of McDaniel’s Estimated Average IQ Score, the following US States have an average IQ rating of the following.

1. Massachusetts: 104.3
2. New Hampshire: 104.2
3. North Dakota: 103.8
4. Vermont: 103.8
5. Minnesota: 103.7
6. Maine: 103.4
7. Montana: 103.4
8. Iowa: 103.2
9. Connecticut: 103.1
10. Wisconsin: 102.9
11. Kansas: 102.8
12. New Jersey: 102.8
13. South Dakota: 102.8
14. Wyoming: 102.4
15. Nebraska: 102.3
16. Virginia: 101.9
17. Washington: 101.9
18. Ohio: 101.8
19. Indiana: 101.7
20. Colorado: 101.6
21. Pennsylvania: 101.5
22. Idaho: 101.4
23. Oregon: 101.2
24. Utah: 101.1
25. Missouri: 101
26. New York: 100.7
27. Michigan: 100.5
28. Delaware: 100.4
29. N. Carolina: 100.2
30. Texas: 100
31. Illinois: 99.9
32. Maryland: 99.7
33. Rhode Island: 99.5
34. Kentucky: 99.4
35. Oklahoma: 99.3
36. Alaska: 99
37. W. Virginia: 98.7
38. Florida: 98.4
39. S. Carolina: 98.4
40. Georgia: 98
41. Tennessee: 97.7
42. Arkansas: 97.5
43. Arizona: 97.4
44. Nevada: 96.5
45. Alabama: 95.7
46. New Mexico: 95.7
47. Hawaii: 95.6
48. California: 95.5
49. Louisiana: 95.3
50. Mississippi: 94.2
It's not a lie, and no he hasn't, you senile douche bag.
Yes, he has, you silly millennial fraud.

I suppose you have a quote of him saying he isn't going to build the wall?

. . . . . ..

er, no, you don't.

I'm not a millennial, you senile douche bag.
He said it was negotiable, and you have nothing to refute that.

He said the height and type of construction was negotiable. Not the wall itself.

If you stopped posting lies you might gain just a little credibility, as it is you have none.
Lying won't help you. From the

Mr. Trump himself joked that he uses his border-wall proposal as an applause line at campaign events, saying “if it gets a little boring, if I see people starting to sort of, maybe thinking about leaving, I can sort of tell the audience, I just say, ‘We will build the wall!’ and they go nuts.”

Mr. Trump has previously said that should he go to Washington, he would be willing to make deals with Establishment Republicans and Democrats.

If this audio from the New York Times indeed exists, could it be a sign he will renege on his promise to build a wall, all for the sake of a bi-partisan deal like the Gang of Eight?

- See more at: Report: Donald Trump Backtracking on Immigration?

Donald is playing the Chumps like redfish and bripat like fish, throwing them chum.

better than the way Hillary is feeding you libs dogshit.
There is good news for donald
Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genital herpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B andHIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed.

I'm glad to know that, in spite of Donald's sacrifice he made in his own, personal, Vietnam, by risking SDT's while sleeping around, that he will be able to attend veteran conventions with others that survived their tours in hell.....

Have you seen his numbers with those serving? Thru the roof. Double the bitch.
Sure those serving with double digit IQ's mostly from the southern racist states What about the women vote ?

So people born in the south have lower IQ's?
The United States IQ average worldwide is ranked at number 24 with an average IQ of 98.

Based upon the rating of McDaniel’s Estimated Average IQ Score, the following US States have an average IQ rating of the following.

1. Massachusetts: 104.3
2. New Hampshire: 104.2
3. North Dakota: 103.8
4. Vermont: 103.8
5. Minnesota: 103.7
6. Maine: 103.4
7. Montana: 103.4
8. Iowa: 103.2
9. Connecticut: 103.1
10. Wisconsin: 102.9
11. Kansas: 102.8
12. New Jersey: 102.8
13. South Dakota: 102.8
14. Wyoming: 102.4
15. Nebraska: 102.3
16. Virginia: 101.9
17. Washington: 101.9
18. Ohio: 101.8
19. Indiana: 101.7
20. Colorado: 101.6
21. Pennsylvania: 101.5
22. Idaho: 101.4
23. Oregon: 101.2
24. Utah: 101.1
25. Missouri: 101
26. New York: 100.7
27. Michigan: 100.5
28. Delaware: 100.4
29. N. Carolina: 100.2
30. Texas: 100
31. Illinois: 99.9
32. Maryland: 99.7
33. Rhode Island: 99.5
34. Kentucky: 99.4
35. Oklahoma: 99.3
36. Alaska: 99
37. W. Virginia: 98.7
38. Florida: 98.4
39. S. Carolina: 98.4
40. Georgia: 98
41. Tennessee: 97.7
42. Arkansas: 97.5
43. Arizona: 97.4
44. Nevada: 96.5
45. Alabama: 95.7
46. New Mexico: 95.7
47. Hawaii: 95.6
48. California: 95.5
49. Louisiana: 95.3
50. Mississippi: 94.2

since the states at the bottom have the largest % of blacks and Hispanics, YOU ARE A RACIST.!!!!!!!!!

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