Lying Donald

Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Really? That's all you got? Yeah, let's make it about who lies.

Donald Trump has been a real estate developer, entrepreneur and host of the NBC reality show, "The Apprentice." He is running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year.
Donald Trump's file | PolitiFact

I guess South Carolinians don't really know the meaning of truth! :badgrin:

Among South Carolina Republicans who preferred above all else a candidate “who tells it like it is,” 77 percent voted for Donald J. Trump. That is astonishing, given that Donald Trump’s entire life has been an extended exercise in deception.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

Donald Trump’s lies are flatly disqualifying: He repeats falsehoods over and over again even after he's called on them
Max Boot: Donald Trump’s lies are flatly disqualifying

It’s a technique abusers use: Through manipulation and outright lies, they so disorient their target that the person (or in this case, the country) is left defenseless.
Trump is a toxic blend of Barnum and bully. If you’re a good mark, he’s your best friend. But if you catch on to the con, then he starts to gaslight. Ask him a question and he’ll lie without batting an eye. Call him a liar and he’ll declare himself “truthful to a fault.” Confront him with contradictory evidence and he’ll shrug and repeat the fib. Maybe he’ll change the subject. But he’ll never change the lie.

Trump Is Gaslighting America

Donald Trump began his post-primary press conference in Jupiter, Florida, Tuesday evening by castigating the “$38 million dollars worth of horrible lies" against him by his political opponents over the last week. But in true Trump form, the GOP frontrunner delivered a litany of lies, falsehoods, and misleading statements of his own. Oh, and that $38 million figure Trump cited? It's made up.
Lies, Damned Lies, and Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump is a habitual liar, and the thing about habitual liars is that they lie habitually.
Trump, Lies, and Bankruptcy, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Most of What Donald Trump Says is B.S., Fact-Checking Website Says

There's more, but I'll stop here.....but then from the Republican side:

Cruz Calls Trump 'Serial Philanderer' and 'Pathological Liar' in Blistering Attack

Rick Perry accuses Donald Trump of 'demagoguery and nonsense' over border issues

Republicans Say Lyin' Ted Cruz And The Liar Donald Trump Are Equally Dishonest
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
We really have nothing to worry about... other than the continual right wing LIES ABOUT THIS.....

He and Epstein were both Philanthropists and both worked on many of the same causes. Even Al gore and his wife Tipper visited the island to see Epstein for one of their mutual causes.

The girl that sung like a canary on Epstein to all the news rags and broke this case wide open, who was Epstein's girl friend and who had been on these air flights with Mr. Clinton and on the island when he had visited,

said Bill Clinton was NEVER interested in Epstein's much so that his Girlfriend said she had to ask him, WHY is Bill Clinton here if not for the girls?
You have proof of this nonsense? Bill Clinton was chasing High School girls when he was Governor of Arkansas. Bill Clinton is an oversexed womanizer. Hillary defends him and attacks his accusers despite her claim to fight for women's rights. Your fantasy story is bullshit.
yep! I posted it the last time right wingers regurgitated this nonsense on Epstein a few months ago, and even the time before the last one when right wingers brought it up and perhaps even a few months earlier than that time, when right wingers brought it up.....

but this time, I;m not searching to find it can google it or search me and Epstein on this site and find it...
If it's nothing more than a 'she said' article, it won't fly with me. I'll not bother with it. Liberals lie about everything, including the lies of other liberals.

I know for a fact that the stories about the Arkansas Governor having a perpetual hard on for teenage girls is true...heard it from one of his HP chauffeurs and another close friend of Slick Willy's.
If memory serves, it's from the same British newspaper that broke the story and rightwingers used as their link to the Epstein story....(Brits were interested due to I believe, Prince Edward being one of the men Epstein's girlfriend was told by Epstein to sleep with....)

The Daily 'something'....???
No. She is most certainly not responsible.

Yes, she is. If her marriage meant anything to her, yes she is. She could have shown some integrity by divorcing Bill upon proof that he had affairs and took advantage of other women.

Marital fidelity is not only Bill's responsibility, but hers as well. She showed just how much integrity she had by standing put while Clinton took advantage of women. It should have only taken one. One.
WHAT? you are spouting just the OPPOSITE of what God says about this....

and what about ''for better, for worse, until DEATH do us part''?

MILLIONS of women and men have stayed with their spouses after they've cheated repeatedly....only they can know the reasons, and solve their own problems,

NOT Misters Know it all, like you.
One of my favorite lies was when Trump claimed that he forced Obama to release his (fraudulent) birth certificate, in spite of the fact that it was authenticated by Hawaii and had been in the public domain for years.
The rightwing media has certainly been pushing the meme of "lyin' Hillary" - but what about Trump? They've embraced him as "real" and "honest" - he defied PC and says it like it is.

Is he really or is unleashing his inner misgynist being confused with honesty?

Do his supporters, who obsess about Hillary being "too old' and "dotty" realize the Trumpster is a year older?

How about Lyin' Donald...

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies

You dumb shits get what you get, the left is supporting a crook and a liar and then bitch about the other side's liar.

Pretty fucking hypocritical!
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Really? That's all you got? Yeah, let's make it about who lies.

Donald Trump has been a real estate developer, entrepreneur and host of the NBC reality show, "The Apprentice." He is running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year.
Donald Trump's file | PolitiFact

I guess South Carolinians don't really know the meaning of truth! :badgrin:

Among South Carolina Republicans who preferred above all else a candidate “who tells it like it is,” 77 percent voted for Donald J. Trump. That is astonishing, given that Donald Trump’s entire life has been an extended exercise in deception.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

Donald Trump’s lies are flatly disqualifying: He repeats falsehoods over and over again even after he's called on them
Max Boot: Donald Trump’s lies are flatly disqualifying

It’s a technique abusers use: Through manipulation and outright lies, they so disorient their target that the person (or in this case, the country) is left defenseless.
Trump is a toxic blend of Barnum and bully. If you’re a good mark, he’s your best friend. But if you catch on to the con, then he starts to gaslight. Ask him a question and he’ll lie without batting an eye. Call him a liar and he’ll declare himself “truthful to a fault.” Confront him with contradictory evidence and he’ll shrug and repeat the fib. Maybe he’ll change the subject. But he’ll never change the lie.

Trump Is Gaslighting America

Donald Trump began his post-primary press conference in Jupiter, Florida, Tuesday evening by castigating the “$38 million dollars worth of horrible lies" against him by his political opponents over the last week. But in true Trump form, the GOP frontrunner delivered a litany of lies, falsehoods, and misleading statements of his own. Oh, and that $38 million figure Trump cited? It's made up.
Lies, Damned Lies, and Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump is a habitual liar, and the thing about habitual liars is that they lie habitually.
Trump, Lies, and Bankruptcy, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Most of What Donald Trump Says is B.S., Fact-Checking Website Says

There's more, but I'll stop here.....but then from the Republican side:

Cruz Calls Trump 'Serial Philanderer' and 'Pathological Liar' in Blistering Attack

Rick Perry accuses Donald Trump of 'demagoguery and nonsense' over border issues

Republicans Say Lyin' Ted Cruz And The Liar Donald Trump Are Equally Dishonest

The Dems are going with a lying crook and the GOP is doing the same, how the hell can you whine about the other side. Freaking nuts that is all it is. They elect the two worst and then they cry about the other guy. Clean up your own before you complain about the other.
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Really? That's all you got? Yeah, let's make it about who lies.

Donald Trump has been a real estate developer, entrepreneur and host of the NBC reality show, "The Apprentice." He is running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year.
Donald Trump's file | PolitiFact

I guess South Carolinians don't really know the meaning of truth! :badgrin:

Among South Carolina Republicans who preferred above all else a candidate “who tells it like it is,” 77 percent voted for Donald J. Trump. That is astonishing, given that Donald Trump’s entire life has been an extended exercise in deception.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

Donald Trump’s lies are flatly disqualifying: He repeats falsehoods over and over again even after he's called on them
Max Boot: Donald Trump’s lies are flatly disqualifying

It’s a technique abusers use: Through manipulation and outright lies, they so disorient their target that the person (or in this case, the country) is left defenseless.
Trump is a toxic blend of Barnum and bully. If you’re a good mark, he’s your best friend. But if you catch on to the con, then he starts to gaslight. Ask him a question and he’ll lie without batting an eye. Call him a liar and he’ll declare himself “truthful to a fault.” Confront him with contradictory evidence and he’ll shrug and repeat the fib. Maybe he’ll change the subject. But he’ll never change the lie.

Trump Is Gaslighting America

Donald Trump began his post-primary press conference in Jupiter, Florida, Tuesday evening by castigating the “$38 million dollars worth of horrible lies" against him by his political opponents over the last week. But in true Trump form, the GOP frontrunner delivered a litany of lies, falsehoods, and misleading statements of his own. Oh, and that $38 million figure Trump cited? It's made up.
Lies, Damned Lies, and Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump is a habitual liar, and the thing about habitual liars is that they lie habitually.
Trump, Lies, and Bankruptcy, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Most of What Donald Trump Says is B.S., Fact-Checking Website Says

There's more, but I'll stop here.....but then from the Republican side:

Cruz Calls Trump 'Serial Philanderer' and 'Pathological Liar' in Blistering Attack

Rick Perry accuses Donald Trump of 'demagoguery and nonsense' over border issues

Republicans Say Lyin' Ted Cruz And The Liar Donald Trump Are Equally Dishonest
That sure is a lot of data and proof about Trump being a liar.
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Really? That's all you got? Yeah, let's make it about who lies.

Donald Trump has been a real estate developer, entrepreneur and host of the NBC reality show, "The Apprentice." He is running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year.
Donald Trump's file | PolitiFact

I guess South Carolinians don't really know the meaning of truth! :badgrin:

Among South Carolina Republicans who preferred above all else a candidate “who tells it like it is,” 77 percent voted for Donald J. Trump. That is astonishing, given that Donald Trump’s entire life has been an extended exercise in deception.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

Donald Trump’s lies are flatly disqualifying: He repeats falsehoods over and over again even after he's called on them
Max Boot: Donald Trump’s lies are flatly disqualifying

It’s a technique abusers use: Through manipulation and outright lies, they so disorient their target that the person (or in this case, the country) is left defenseless.
Trump is a toxic blend of Barnum and bully. If you’re a good mark, he’s your best friend. But if you catch on to the con, then he starts to gaslight. Ask him a question and he’ll lie without batting an eye. Call him a liar and he’ll declare himself “truthful to a fault.” Confront him with contradictory evidence and he’ll shrug and repeat the fib. Maybe he’ll change the subject. But he’ll never change the lie.

Trump Is Gaslighting America

Donald Trump began his post-primary press conference in Jupiter, Florida, Tuesday evening by castigating the “$38 million dollars worth of horrible lies" against him by his political opponents over the last week. But in true Trump form, the GOP frontrunner delivered a litany of lies, falsehoods, and misleading statements of his own. Oh, and that $38 million figure Trump cited? It's made up.
Lies, Damned Lies, and Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump is a habitual liar, and the thing about habitual liars is that they lie habitually.
Trump, Lies, and Bankruptcy, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Most of What Donald Trump Says is B.S., Fact-Checking Website Says

There's more, but I'll stop here.....but then from the Republican side:

Cruz Calls Trump 'Serial Philanderer' and 'Pathological Liar' in Blistering Attack

Rick Perry accuses Donald Trump of 'demagoguery and nonsense' over border issues

Republicans Say Lyin' Ted Cruz And The Liar Donald Trump Are Equally Dishonest
That sure is a lot of data and proof about Trump being a liar.

Yep, lots of data the both party's front runners can't be trusted, yet the people seem to like lying.
The rightwing media has certainly been pushing the meme of "lyin' Hillary" - but what about Trump? They've embraced him as "real" and "honest" - he defied PC and says it like it is.

Is he really or is unleashing his inner misgynist being confused with honesty?

Do his supporters, who obsess about Hillary being "too old' and "dotty" realize the Trumpster is a year older?

How about Lyin' Donald...

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies

Trump has proven one thing and that is the vast majority of Republican voters are more deranged than the Republican leadership.

Trump is prolific liar who lies more than Romney but the Republican voters don't care.

This is sort of like the UFC championships. It keeps changing. It used to be that Newt Gingrich was considered the biggest liar. Then we had Mitt Romney who was outdone by Paul Ryan, then liars like Ted Cruz and Ben Carson came along. Now we have Donald Trump.

TrueTrump only tells the complete truth 2% of the time.

Mostly True Trump only tells most of the truth 6% of the time.

Half True Trump tells 1/2 the truth 15% of the time.

Mostly False Trump tells mostly lies 15% of the time.

False Trump tells outright lies 43% of the time.

Pants on Fire Trump tells whoppers a whopping 18% of the time.
Congratulations Donald, you beat Ted Cruz!
Last edited:
Lying to Benghazi victim families to their face for political reasons? I never got on the Benghazi train, but that's about as low as you can get. It takes one shitty person to try and pull that off!!
Pretty crappy to use the families of Benghazi as political footballs
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Really? That's all you got? Yeah, let's make it about who lies.

Donald Trump has been a real estate developer, entrepreneur and host of the NBC reality show, "The Apprentice." He is running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year.
Donald Trump's file | PolitiFact

I guess South Carolinians don't really know the meaning of truth! :badgrin:

Among South Carolina Republicans who preferred above all else a candidate “who tells it like it is,” 77 percent voted for Donald J. Trump. That is astonishing, given that Donald Trump’s entire life has been an extended exercise in deception.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

Donald Trump’s lies are flatly disqualifying: He repeats falsehoods over and over again even after he's called on them
Max Boot: Donald Trump’s lies are flatly disqualifying

It’s a technique abusers use: Through manipulation and outright lies, they so disorient their target that the person (or in this case, the country) is left defenseless.
Trump is a toxic blend of Barnum and bully. If you’re a good mark, he’s your best friend. But if you catch on to the con, then he starts to gaslight. Ask him a question and he’ll lie without batting an eye. Call him a liar and he’ll declare himself “truthful to a fault.” Confront him with contradictory evidence and he’ll shrug and repeat the fib. Maybe he’ll change the subject. But he’ll never change the lie.

Trump Is Gaslighting America

Donald Trump began his post-primary press conference in Jupiter, Florida, Tuesday evening by castigating the “$38 million dollars worth of horrible lies" against him by his political opponents over the last week. But in true Trump form, the GOP frontrunner delivered a litany of lies, falsehoods, and misleading statements of his own. Oh, and that $38 million figure Trump cited? It's made up.
Lies, Damned Lies, and Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump is a habitual liar, and the thing about habitual liars is that they lie habitually.
Trump, Lies, and Bankruptcy, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Most of What Donald Trump Says is B.S., Fact-Checking Website Says

There's more, but I'll stop here.....but then from the Republican side:

Cruz Calls Trump 'Serial Philanderer' and 'Pathological Liar' in Blistering Attack

Rick Perry accuses Donald Trump of 'demagoguery and nonsense' over border issues

Republicans Say Lyin' Ted Cruz And The Liar Donald Trump Are Equally Dishonest

The Dems are going with a lying crook and the GOP is doing the same, how the hell can you whine about the other side. Freaking nuts that is all it is. They elect the two worst and then they cry about the other guy. Clean up your own before you complain about the other.

Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
We really have nothing to worry about... other than the continual right wing LIES ABOUT THIS.....

He and Epstein were both Philanthropists and both worked on many of the same causes. Even Al gore and his wife Tipper visited the island to see Epstein for one of their mutual causes.

The girl that sung like a canary on Epstein to all the news rags and broke this case wide open, who was Epstein's girl friend and who had been on these air flights with Mr. Clinton and on the island when he had visited,

said Bill Clinton was NEVER interested in Epstein's much so that his Girlfriend said she had to ask him, WHY is Bill Clinton here if not for the girls?
You have proof of this nonsense? Bill Clinton was chasing High School girls when he was Governor of Arkansas. Bill Clinton is an oversexed womanizer. Hillary defends him and attacks his accusers despite her claim to fight for women's rights. Your fantasy story is bullshit.
yep! I posted it the last time right wingers regurgitated this nonsense on Epstein a few months ago, and even the time before the last one when right wingers brought it up and perhaps even a few months earlier than that time, when right wingers brought it up.....

but this time, I;m not searching to find it can google it or search me and Epstein on this site and find it...
If it's nothing more than a 'she said' article, it won't fly with me. I'll not bother with it. Liberals lie about everything, including the lies of other liberals.

I know for a fact that the stories about the Arkansas Governor having a perpetual hard on for teenage girls is true...heard it from one of his HP chauffeurs and another close friend of Slick Willy's.
OF COURSE you know it to be proof, no squealers, no nothin' but you just know it....

sure.... :cuckoo:
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton
Last edited:
It's not a matter of defending anything - it's a matter of accurate information and applying the same standard all around.

Are you? Prove that you are actually applying an equal standard to both Hillary, her husband and Donald Trump. The very title of your thread is "Lyin' Donald." That hardly shows you're applying an equal standard. You point out all of Trump's imperfections, whilst ignoring facts proving Hillary's imperfections.

Have a good night Coyote.
Ivana Trump threw a tizzy fit when she found out Trump brought his new mistress Marla to the same resort in Europe while they were on a family vacation....her words were not nice about marla maples...
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
Another acquaintance was Israel defence secretary Ehud Barak, whose spokesman told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Mr Barak did attend several small functions in Mr Epstein’s home in New York that were usually attended by leading businessman, university presidents, Nobel Prize Laureates and prominent public figures.’

Epstein’s many Hollywood pals include Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons.

‘Jeffrey once had me give Matt a foot massage when he was flying on the jet with us,’ Virginia says.

‘He laughed and did drawings of Bart and Homer for my little brother and my dad.

‘I also met Naomi Campbell at a birthday party of hers on a yacht in the South of France. She is a friend of Ghislaine’s but she was a real bitch to me.

'She was very fake. She turned away from me when we were introduced by Ghislaine and Jeffrey.

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an admitted wife cheating lying intern humping perv who soiled the White House with his DNA, go ahead libs BRING IT ON :laugh:
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Na, he was the one who watched hundreds if Muslims cheering as the world Trade Center collapsed.
Trump has already backed out of the wall lie.
It's not a lie, and no he hasn't, you senile douche bag.
Yes, he has, you silly millennial fraud.

I suppose you have a quote of him saying he isn't going to build the wall?

. . . . . ..

er, no, you don't.

I'm not a millennial, you senile douche bag.
He said it was negotiable, and you have nothing to refute that.
Trump has already backed out of the wall lie.
It's not a lie, and no he hasn't, you senile douche bag.
Yes, he has, you silly millennial fraud.

I suppose you have a quote of him saying he isn't going to build the wall?

. . . . . ..

er, no, you don't.

I'm not a millennial, you senile douche bag.
He said it was negotiable, and you have nothing to refute that.

He said the height and type of construction was negotiable. Not the wall itself.

If you stopped posting lies you might gain just a little credibility, as it is you have none.
Trump has already backed out of the wall lie.
It's not a lie, and no he hasn't, you senile douche bag.
Yes, he has, you silly millennial fraud.

I suppose you have a quote of him saying he isn't going to build the wall?

. . . . . ..

er, no, you don't.

I'm not a millennial, you senile douche bag.
He said it was negotiable, and you have nothing to refute that.

He said the height and type of construction was negotiable. Not the wall itself.

If you stopped posting lies you might gain just a little credibility, as it is you have none.
Lying won't help you. From the

Mr. Trump himself joked that he uses his border-wall proposal as an applause line at campaign events, saying “if it gets a little boring, if I see people starting to sort of, maybe thinking about leaving, I can sort of tell the audience, I just say, ‘We will build the wall!’ and they go nuts.”

Mr. Trump has previously said that should he go to Washington, he would be willing to make deals with Establishment Republicans and Democrats.

If this audio from the New York Times indeed exists, could it be a sign he will renege on his promise to build a wall, all for the sake of a bi-partisan deal like the Gang of Eight?

- See more at: Report: Donald Trump Backtracking on Immigration?

Donald is playing the Chumps like redfish and bripat like fish, throwing them chum.

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