Lying Donald

Alright then. Defend what Bill did. Defend Hillary "standing by her man" despite Bill's obvious lechery.

It's not a matter of defending anything - it's a matter of accurate information and applying the same standard all around.
Is trump responsible for what his ex wives say?

Moving the goalposts.

Hillary is most certainly responsible for her husband's behavior. She is his wife. A wife and/or husband are supposed to maintain the integrity of their marriage, not compromise it by ignoring marital infidelity or engaging in it.
Maybe that's why Donald multiple wives left him. Control freak. Egomaniac. Narcissist. Just like bill
Is trump responsible for what his ex wives say?

Moving the goalposts.

Hillary is most certainly responsible for her husband's behavior. She is his wife. A wife and/or husband are supposed to maintain the integrity of their marriage, not compromise it by ignoring marital infidelity or engaging in it.


No. She is most certainly not responsible.

We, individually, are responsible for our own behavior and choices - NO ONE ELSE.
It's not a matter of defending anything - it's a matter of accurate information and applying the same standard all around.

Are you? Prove that you are actually applying an equal standard to both Hillary, her husband and Donald Trump. The very title of your thread is "Lyin' Donald." That hardly shows you're applying an equal standard. You point out all of Trump's imperfections, whilst ignoring facts proving Hillary's imperfections.

Have a good night Coyote.
No. She is most certainly not responsible.

Yes, she is. If her marriage meant anything to her, yes she is. She could have shown some integrity by divorcing Bill upon proof that he had affairs and took advantage of other women.

Marital fidelity is not only Bill's responsibility, but hers as well. She showed just how much integrity she had by standing put while Clinton took advantage of women. It should have only taken one. One.
This thread is nothing but an anti-Trump echo chamber. This isn't an attempt to apply equal standards, it's an attempt to shame Trump and his supporters. Funny, I was accused of doing that the never trump folks other day...

I'll be going now.
No. She is most certainly not responsible.

Yes, she is. If her marriage meant anything to her, yes she is. She could have shown some integrity by divorcing Bill upon proof that he had affairs and took advantage of other women.

Marital fidelity is not only Bill's responsibility, but hers as well. She showed just how much integrity she had by standing put while Clinton took advantage of women. It should have only taken one. One.

Damn TK - do you think relationships and marriages and families can be boiled down to a simple black/white morality like that? You ever been married?
This thread is nothing but an anti-Trump echo chamber. This isn't an attempt to apply equal standards, it's an attempt to shame Trump and his supporters. Funny, I was accused of doing that the never trump folks other day...

I'll be going now.

How many anti-Hillery-is-a-liar threads are there out there? And did you complain? Come on TK.

Trump is a liar. If that is ok, it's ok.

But I'm going to talk about it :)
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

If the only way conservatives can ‘defend’ Trump is by attacking Clinton, then clearly their support for Trump is unwarranted and devoid of merit.
Sheesh, you Hillary Democrat rape and sexual harassment lovers/supporters are soooo desperate .. it's comical..:lol:
No, what’s comical is these ridiculous red herring fallacies from the right – and the cowardice common to most conservatives, their inability to defend Trump, and their failed attempts to deflect.
It's not a matter of defending anything - it's a matter of accurate information and applying the same standard all around.

Are you? Prove that you are actually applying an equal standard to both Hillary, her husband and Donald Trump. The very title of your thread is "Lyin' Donald." That hardly shows you're applying an equal standard. You point out all of Trump's imperfections, whilst ignoring facts proving Hillary's imperfections.

Have a good night Coyote.

I'm choosing to post a thread specifically about the Trumpster. There are plenty of Hillary-is-a-liar thread, and I am certainly not seeing anything approaching an equal standard from *you* here so what gives? The only "facts" you've presented are subjective interpretations of her reactions to her husband's affairs - something I've never seen applied to the wife before. Only Hillary. Interesting no?
Alright then. Defend what Bill did. Defend Hillary "standing by her man" despite Bill's obvious lechery.
Another moronic red herring fallacy from the dishonest right.

The thread is about Trump, not Clinton – and Bill Clinton isn’t running for president.

Stop with the idiotic, failed attempts to deflect; attacking Clinton is not ‘defending’ Trump.
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
We really have nothing to worry about... other than the continual right wing LIES ABOUT THIS.....

He and Epstein were both Philanthropists and both worked on many of the same causes. Even Al gore and his wife Tipper visited the island to see Epstein for one of their mutual causes.

The girl that sung like a canary on Epstein to all the news rags and broke this case wide open, who was Epstein's girl friend and who had been on these air flights with Mr. Clinton and on the island when he had visited,

said Bill Clinton was NEVER interested in Epstein's much so that his Girlfriend said she had to ask him, WHY is Bill Clinton here if not for the girls?
All that you dipshit liberals can do is repeat lies until they feel like the truth. Even your very 1st one on the list has been explained over and over. Chris Matthews set up a hypothetical question and asked 'if abortion is made illegal, should there be any punishment for breaking the law?'

Duh! Logic says that people who break laws should be punished.
Regardless of how small the punishment is (like you lose your cell phone for six hours...gawd forbid!...or you don't get to watch Entertainment Tonight for a week...gawd forbid!) there must be some punishment for breaking a law or there's no sense in having the law on the books.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

You need to practice this:

President Donald J. Trump.

:rolleyes: your spine must hurt with all that twisting!

a hypothetical question asked 'if abortion is made illegal, should there be any punishment for breaking the law?'

it takes a mental disorder to answer that question in that manner.

trump's response demonstrates his ignorance on an important issue.

a prospective president should understand not to accept the premise!

you'd vote for that oaf, so it seems you're projecting about mental disorders. :itsok:
Your suspension of logic is expected. Your lack of comprehension is typical of liberals.

Since Trump will be running against either an avowed socialist with intent to give away more than we can afford or a lying, murdering crook whose intent is to finish Obama's job of dismantling the United States whilst making herself and her cronies filthy rich...yes, I will be voting for Trump. If you possess an ounce of good sense by election day, you will do the same.
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
We really have nothing to worry about... other than the continual right wing LIES ABOUT THIS.....

He and Epstein were both Philanthropists and both worked on many of the same causes. Even Al gore and his wife Tipper visited the island to see Epstein for one of their mutual causes.

The girl that sung like a canary on Epstein to all the news rags and broke this case wide open, who was Epstein's girl friend and who had been on these air flights with Mr. Clinton and on the island when he had visited,

said Bill Clinton was NEVER interested in Epstein's much so that his Girlfriend said she had to ask him, WHY is Bill Clinton here if not for the girls?
You have proof of this nonsense? Bill Clinton was chasing High School girls when he was Governor of Arkansas. Bill Clinton is an oversexed womanizer. Hillary defends him and attacks his accusers despite her claim to fight for women's rights. Your fantasy story is bullshit.
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
We really have nothing to worry about... other than the continual right wing LIES ABOUT THIS.....

He and Epstein were both Philanthropists and both worked on many of the same causes. Even Al gore and his wife Tipper visited the island to see Epstein for one of their mutual causes.

The girl that sung like a canary on Epstein to all the news rags and broke this case wide open, who was Epstein's girl friend and who had been on these air flights with Mr. Clinton and on the island when he had visited,

said Bill Clinton was NEVER interested in Epstein's much so that his Girlfriend said she had to ask him, WHY is Bill Clinton here if not for the girls?
You have proof of this nonsense? Bill Clinton was chasing High School girls when he was Governor of Arkansas. Bill Clinton is an oversexed womanizer. Hillary defends him and attacks his accusers despite her claim to fight for women's rights. Your fantasy story is bullshit.
yep! I posted it the last time right wingers regurgitated this nonsense on Epstein a few months ago, and even the time before the last one when right wingers brought it up and perhaps even a few months earlier than that time, when right wingers brought it up.....

but this time, I;m not searching to find it can google it or search me and Epstein on this site and find it...
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?
We really have nothing to worry about... other than the continual right wing LIES ABOUT THIS.....

He and Epstein were both Philanthropists and both worked on many of the same causes. Even Al gore and his wife Tipper visited the island to see Epstein for one of their mutual causes.

The girl that sung like a canary on Epstein to all the news rags and broke this case wide open, who was Epstein's girl friend and who had been on these air flights with Mr. Clinton and on the island when he had visited,

said Bill Clinton was NEVER interested in Epstein's much so that his Girlfriend said she had to ask him, WHY is Bill Clinton here if not for the girls?
You have proof of this nonsense? Bill Clinton was chasing High School girls when he was Governor of Arkansas. Bill Clinton is an oversexed womanizer. Hillary defends him and attacks his accusers despite her claim to fight for women's rights. Your fantasy story is bullshit.
yep! I posted it the last time right wingers regurgitated this nonsense on Epstein a few months ago, and even the time before the last one when right wingers brought it up and perhaps even a few months earlier than that time, when right wingers brought it up.....

but this time, I;m not searching to find it can google it or search me and Epstein on this site and find it...
If it's nothing more than a 'she said' article, it won't fly with me. I'll not bother with it. Liberals lie about everything, including the lies of other liberals.

I know for a fact that the stories about the Arkansas Governor having a perpetual hard on for teenage girls is true...heard it from one of his HP chauffeurs and another close friend of Slick Willy's.
Lying to Benghazi victim families to their face for political reasons? I never got on the Benghazi train, but that's about as low as you can get. It takes one shitty person to try and pull that off!!

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