Lying Donald

Yet another funny hypocrisy from the gift that keeps on giving...the Trumpolians are on a bender about Hillary somehow supporting her husbands adultery and his fictitiious sex crimes, yet their own candidate is himself a notorious adulterer.


Do you honestly think that anyone who supports Trump approves of his "adultery"? Do you like making broad generalizations about people?

The same people who are trying to make political hay out of Bill Clintons old affairs and using them to tar Hillary are silent on Trump's adultery (or, to put it in more understandable rightwing lingo - his preying on women).
Normally, a woman married to an unfaithful man, is usually considered the victim - but, no...not in rightwing politics - she's criminalized.

She's not a victim of any sort. Hate to break it to you. Even after all the philandering her husband participated in, she still kept her marriage. She essentially said "hey, Bill, that's okay."

Another oddity (that's rich too) - is some how consensual sex between two adults is predatory?

Wow. What a turnabout. Suddenly Bill didn't victimize these women, he had consensual sex with them. Wow, for such a judge of truth, you tell a lot of tall tales. How come they aren't victims? What if a man took advantage of you, would you so easily refer to that as "consensual" sex?

Damn, Coyote.
27. March 7: “I’m self-funding my campaign. I’m not taking money. ... I’m not taking. I spent a lot of money. I don’t take.” As of Jan. 31, his campaign had accepted $7.5 million from donors not named Donald J. Trump.

Let's try to be honest. By the end of last year, Trump had raised $19.4 million.

13 of that 19 million was contributed by Trump himself. That's well over 65 percent of the total money for his campaign as of that date.


Is Donald Trump self-funding his campaign? Sort of

Big asterisks

It’s worth noting a couple more caveats. First, Trump’s self-financing only really picked up in the last three months of 2015. From the start of his campaign in April through October last year, individual contributions made up about 67 percent of total money raised for his campaign.

Other media outlets who looked at this claim before the most recent FEC filings concluded that Trump’s claim was inaccurate because, at the time, most of his funding was coming from individual contributions.

But in the last quarter, Trump gave his campaign a $10.8 million loan, turning that balance around.

That brings us to the second caveat: The vast majority of Trump’s contributions to his own campaign — about $12.6 million — are loans rather than donations. This means he could expect to eventually recoup these funds.

Further, of the approximately $12 million Trump’s campaign spent in 2015, about $2.7 million went toward reimbursing Trump-affiliated companies for services provided to the campaign, such as traveling in his own plane and helicopter, according to a New York Times analysis.

On whether Trump should describe his campaign as self-funded, given these caveats, it’s "sort of a judgment call," said Viveca Novak, editorial and communications director at the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks money in politics.

"To me, it would be more accurate to say he was ‘partially self-funding,’ " Novak added.

Trump’s claim is accurate in part, but it needs a big asterisk, said Richard Skinner, a policy analyst at the Sunlight Foundation.

"To me, it would be more accurate to say he was ‘partially self-funding,’ " Novak added."

But your claim Coyote, was that wasn't. At all. That's lying.

Donald's claim: “I’m self-funding my campaign. I’m not taking money. ... I’m not taking. I spent a lot of money. I don’t take.”

Who's lying?
Normally, a woman married to an unfaithful man, is usually considered the victim - but, no...not in rightwing politics - she's criminalized.

She's not a victim of any sort. Hate to break it to you. Even after all the philandering her husband participated in, she still kept her marriage. She essentially said "hey, Bill, that's okay."

Another oddity (that's rich too) - is some how consensual sex between two adults is predatory?

Wow. What a turnabout. Suddenly Bill didn't victimize these women, he had consensual sex with them. Wow, for such a judge of truth, you tell a lot of tall tales. How come they aren't victims? What if a man took advantage of you, would you so easily refer to that as "consensual" sex?

Damn, Coyote.

Damn TK, think about it.

Was he indicted? Arrested? Charged? Was force used? Were they drugged?

We have something called due process.

Why are Bill's affairs "victimizing" and Donalds....not even worth talking about?
Yet another funny hypocrisy from the gift that keeps on giving...the Trumpolians are on a bender about Hillary somehow supporting her husbands adultery and his fictitiious sex crimes, yet their own candidate is himself a notorious adulterer.


Do you honestly think that anyone who supports Trump approves of his "adultery"? Do you like making broad generalizations about people?

The same people who are trying to make political hay out of Bill Clintons old affairs and using them to tar Hillary are silent on Trump's adultery (or, to put it in more understandable rightwing lingo - his preying on women).

Answer the question.

Hillary stood by and did nothing. What her husband did spoke not only to his character, but to hers for not addressing such lecherous behavior. In leftwing lingo, what Bill did "was consensual."

Listen to yourself.
And this is the guy that will be in charge of our nation's economy? And jobs?

Hey, better than a criminal. Better than someone who broke actual laws, destroyed government property had the gall to lie about it.

Who among those running is a criminal that broke actual laws?

Hillary Clinton. The preponderance of evidence suggests she broke a number of laws. I'll even show you.
The question is can trump win the swing States. We shall see.

I'm just happy Cruz rubio kasich and jeb won't be president next year. I've already won or can't lose. It's a wonderful feeling.
Yet another funny hypocrisy from the gift that keeps on giving...the Trumpolians are on a bender about Hillary somehow supporting her husbands adultery and his fictitiious sex crimes, yet their own candidate is himself a notorious adulterer.


Do you honestly think that anyone who supports Trump approves of his "adultery"? Do you like making broad generalizations about people?

The same people who are trying to make political hay out of Bill Clintons old affairs and using them to tar Hillary are silent on Trump's adultery (or, to put it in more understandable rightwing lingo - his preying on women).

Answer the question.

Hillary stood by and did nothing. What her husband did spoke not only to his character, but to hers for not addressing such lecherous behavior. In leftwing lingo, what Bill did "was consensual."

Listen to yourself.
What would you have done? What did mark Foley Larry Craig Dennis hastert newt Gingrich's wives do about their husbands?
The video embedded at the top of the link makes my case. Instead of condemning her husband for what he did to Gennifer Flowers, she openly trashed her in this 1992 interview.

Was he indicted? Arrested? Charged? Was force used? Were they drugged?

Here's a list. You be the judge. See how many of them you can disprove. They aren't victims are they? They're liars to you. If you dismiss this for being from Breitbart, you're being dishonest.

Rap Sheet: The Women Who Claim to Be Victims of Bill and Hillary Clinton - Breitbart

A lot of these charges are quite specific.

Breitbart is a crap source and you know it. Shall I use the Daily Kos?

I posted a link to Wikipedia with a list of his affairs and alledged affairs - none of then amounted to any criminal charges and were dismissed for lack of evidence, for lying, or they contradicted themselves when under oath.

Unproven allegations are exactly that and you should know better. For example, Broaddrick had testified, under oath that Clinton never made unwanted advances.

Let me ask you this - what is the difference between Clinton's affairs and Trump's affairs?
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The video embedded at the top of the link makes my case. Instead of condemning her husband for what he did to Gennifer Flowers, she openly trashed her in this 1992 interview.

Her husband did not do anything to Flowers. They had a consentual adult affair. What is Hillary expected to say in such a painful matter?

It's this crap that is so illuminating about the Trumpolians - a complete double standard.
Just today from Trump himself: "Nobody knows more about taxes than me, perhaps in the history of the world"
Fucking narcissistic lying douchebag
Just today from Trump himself: "Nobody knows more about taxes than me, perhaps in the history of the world"
Fucking narcissistic lying douchebag
Trump is a pathological liar. How many times did he swear to god to take this bride till death? Lied to God how many times?
Is trump responsible for what his ex wives say?

Moving the goalposts.

Hillary is most certainly responsible for her husband's behavior. She is his wife. A wife and/or husband are supposed to maintain the integrity of their marriage, not compromise it by ignoring marital infidelity or engaging in it.

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