Lying Donald


Release the FRANKEN

Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

yes, let's do...

Now let me tell you what I can remember, OK -- because what I was told was that we had to land a certain way and move quickly because of the threat of sniper fire. So I misspoke -- I didn't say that in my book or other times but if I said something that made it seem as though there was actual fire -- that's not what I was told," she told the newspaper.

"I was told we had to land a certain way, we had to have our bulletproof stuff on because of the threat of sniper fire. I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this 8-year-old girl and, I can't, I can't rush by her, I've got to at least greet her -- so I greeted her, I took her stuff and then I left. Now that's my memory of it."

Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire -

I "misspoke" is one of her favorite weasels for lying.
Toro, his tax returns are none of you librals' business. He pays his taxes, which is more than most liberals can say. 'Nuff said...
Toro, his tax returns are none of you librals' business. He pays his taxes, which is more than most liberals can say. 'Nuff said...

No he doesn't.

Maybe I pay more taxes than he does.

That's probably why he doesn't release his tax returns.
1st you say he doesn't pay his taxes....based on? If you knew you wouldn't be calling for the release of his tax returns.

Then you claim you pay more in taxes than he does, which means you lied earlier when you said he doesn't pay. Yet you soew the same liberal BS about him not paying ENOUGH.

Again, if he paid ANY taxes that makes him better than 90% of Obama's 1st Cabinet nominees, his secretary of the Treasury, Al Sharpton, Charlie Rangel, and many other liberals.

He doesn't release them because it's none of your business and he doesn't have to.

Get the plank out of your and your party's eye before worrying about the speck in someone else's...
Whether you prefer democratic politicians, republican politicians or, independent politicians, the politicians, all of them........lie. They lie, telling you what "you" want to hear, so they can be elected. So, berating any one of them for lying, is senseless.
If a politician told the truth (not what you want to hear), he or she would not get elected.
So, let's take a hypothetical politician who tells the truth:
This politician's stance is, "I will tell you the truth about the situation and what needs to be done."
1. "As a species, we have very divergent beliefs, which via religion, personal experiences and heritage, and it is these differences that make us intolerant of one another, to the point sometimes of advocating and carrying out violence towards one another (i.e., war). Try as we might, we will most likely, not overcome these differences, so war is occasionally inevitable, thus militaries must be maintained."
2. There will always be some faction/government that wants to take over the entire planet. We've seen it time and again and are seeing it now, in the form of religious fanaticism.
3. Our small blue planet has a finite amount of resources and land and as such can only support a number of human habitants before exhausting such resources. Because of a combination of religious teachings and family heritage, trying to convince the people to limit its population willingly is unlikely and thus will in all probably lead to massive starvation and war for resources.
4. Greed overcomes reason and thus, those with the most capital, will always seek to control those with less and provide those with less, with as minimal as possible while maximizing profit. The bottom line is that the almighty dollar rules.
Our candidate's platform:
1. Tax penalties for those having more than two children.
2. Keep religion out of politics and politicians. Use of force against those who would try to usurp this.
3. A strong military.
4. A democratic socialist society with strong support for its people in illness and in health (the US is currently 31st in health care).
5. Restrict development outside urban areas. Take abandoned properties, as well as buy up properties to return to the wild for the planet's sake.
6. Get rid of gas-consuming internal combustion engines and replace with other fuel sources.
7. Maximize solar and wind energy and not penalize families for turning away from hydro-electric sources of energy.
8. One simple tax system for all, with no tax loopholes for the rich.
9. Radically change the educational system and no longer allow foreigners to come into the US, be taught at its best colleges, then return with what they've learned to their own nation, without having agreed to commit to working in the US with what they've learned for a period of five years.
10. As law enforcement is a "reactive" force and arrive on the scene of crimes, only after people are made victims, cease threatening the taking of weapons for self-defense (i.e., firearms) and ensure the legal ownership and carrying of weapons by law-abiding citizens.
11. Denying the existence of global warming in the face of rapidly disappearing glaciers, a shrinking North Pole and sinking islands, necessitating the relocation of populations, means we must end CO2 emissions.
12. As we are using up our natural resources, those who work in the dwindling resources sector, must be retrained into other fields.
Now, if a candidate stood on such a platform:
The religious wouldn't vote for the candidate.
The rich wouldn't vote for the candidate.
The anti-war liberals wouldn't vote for the candidate.
The Capitalists wouldn't vote for the candidate.
He or she just could not be elected.
However, as long as the politician continues to tell you what you want to hear, you will vote for him/her.
Toro, his tax returns are none of you librals' business. He pays his taxes, which is more than most liberals can say. 'Nuff said...

No he doesn't.

Maybe I pay more taxes than he does.

That's probably why he doesn't release his tax returns.
1st you say he doesn't pay his taxes....based on? If you knew you wouldn't be calling for the release of his tax returns.

Then you claim you pay more in taxes than he does, which means you lied earlier when you said he doesn't pay. Yet you soew the same liberal BS about him not paying ENOUGH.

Again, if he paid ANY taxes that makes him better than 90% of Obama's 1st Cabinet nominees, his secretary of the Treasury, Al Sharpton, Charlie Rangel, and many other liberals.

He doesn't release them because it's none of your business and he doesn't have to.

Get the plank out of your and your party's eye before worrying about the speck in someone else's...

If your Messiah Trump really pays a lot of taxes, he should release them.

He doesn't release them because he's probably lying.

What's he hiding?

You guys worship your Messiah Trump so much, if he told you he had a tail, you'd believe him.
Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?

I thought that the new National Inquirer hit the super market shelves on Saturday....

Its front page news on Fox :eusa_boohoo:

On Drudge also

Why is it you RWNJ trumpkins never have proof of your lies?

No wonder you love Duh Donuld so much.

Translation, you are worried.
Well, now that Ted Nugent, David Duke, and Hulk Holigan have come out for Trump, I guess we don't have a chance.....
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The rightwing media has certainly been pushing the meme of "lyin' Hillary" - but what about Trump? They've embraced him as "real" and "honest" - he defied PC and says it like it is.

Is he really or is unleashing his inner misgynist being confused with honesty?

Do his supporters, who obsess about Hillary being "too old' and "dotty" realize the Trumpster is a year older?

How about Lyin' Donald...

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies

You would think calling Trump a liar, and even proving it, would have brought his campaign down. But he seems to be immune from those effects. So, please, continue giving this man free air time. If he gets this kind of air time from here to November, Hillary is toast.

As for age, this man has far more vigor and drive (of the non sexual variety) than Hillary does. Hillary thus far has only taken weak shots at Trump. He doesn't care if she's a woman, he doesn't care that what he says might be "misogynistic" or not. He says what's on his mind, regardless of who it offends. Everyone lies, politicians lie, presidents lie, and even Hillary lies.

But how dare that misogynistic liar Trump attack the mighty and powerful Hillary? Perhaps I should call her a misandrist for going after Donald Trump?
The rightwing media has certainly been pushing the meme of "lyin' Hillary" - but what about Trump? They've embraced him as "real" and "honest" - he defied PC and says it like it is.

Is he really or is unleashing his inner misgynist being confused with honesty?

Do his supporters, who obsess about Hillary being "too old' and "dotty" realize the Trumpster is a year older?

How about Lyin' Donald...

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies

You would think calling Trump a liar, and even proving it, would have brought his campaign down. But he seems to be immune from those effects. So, please, continue giving this man free air time. If he gets this kind of air time from here to November, Hillary is toast.

As for age, this man has far more vigor and drive (of the non sexual variety) than Hillary does. Hillary thus far has only taken weak shots at Trump. He doesn't care if she's a woman, he doesn't care that what he says might be "misogynistic" or not. He says what's on his mind, regardless of who it offends. Everyone lies, politicians lie, presidents lie, and even Hillary lies.

But how dare that misogynistic liar Trump attack the mighty and powerful Hillary? Perhaps I should call her a misandrist for going after Donald Trump?

So, you are another one of those that seems to glorify bad manners as some sort of virtue?

Now, suddenly "everyone lies" - now that Donald Trump is accepted as a liar, glorified for his lies. I have never heard such a ridiculous justification from the same people who damn Hillary for lying :lol:
27. March 7: “I’m self-funding my campaign. I’m not taking money. ... I’m not taking. I spent a lot of money. I don’t take.” As of Jan. 31, his campaign had accepted $7.5 million from donors not named Donald J. Trump.

Let's try to be honest. By the end of last year, Trump had raised $19.4 million.

13 of that 19 million was contributed by Trump himself. That's well over 65 percent of the total money for his campaign as of that date.

Trump’s Week of Errors, Exaggerations and Flat-out Falsehoods
“I built an unbelievable, some of the greatest assets in the world, very little debt, tremendous cash flow, tremendous. ... Almost all of my businesses work.” (March 7 in Madison, Miss. and at least one other time)

Four of Trump’s companies have declared bankruptcy, meaning they could not repay their debts. For example, the Trump Plaza Hotel declared bankruptcy in 1992 with $550 million in debt. The Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy in 2004 carrying an estimated $1.8 billion in debt. In December 2008, Trump Entertainment Resorts couldn’t pay a $53.1 million interest payment for a bond.

And this is the guy that will be in charge of our nation's economy? And jobs?

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