Lying Donald

Breaking front page news...Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known, I think you Hillary people have bigger problems to worry about.

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express”...ouch that's going to leave a mark. Oh Hillary did you know about this?

I thought that the new National Inquirer hit the super market shelves on Saturday....

Its front page news on Fox :eusa_boohoo:

On Drudge also

Why is it you RWNJ trumpkins never have proof of your lies?

No wonder you love Duh Donuld so much.
Here is a real knee slapper.....


Except that's true.

What's both amusing and sad is there are those on the blind partisan right who support Trump solely because he says he’s a ‘republican,’ oblivious to the fact that Trump is a bigot, a liar, and unfit to be president.

Or they're aware of the fact that Trump is a bigot, a liar, and unfit to be president but support and defend him anyway for purely partisan reasons.

Remarkable, but unsurprising, that so many on the right are indeed devoid of integrity.
WAPO is ready to run with a story about Trump when he was 16 asked
by his parents what time he got in the night before and he said 11:30 PM
when he got in at midnight.

This and George Clooney declaring the Donald will not be allowed to be President
should seal the deal for Trump's demise in the political arena..
Hillary hates women, I suppose if you're pro rape and sexual harassment she's your best choice...a true hypocritical sexually deranged Democrat.

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan."
- PRESIDENT Barak Obama, 'Lie Of The Year' Award Winner

'I will run the most transparent administration evuh.'
- PRESIDENT Barak Obama

'Claimed Selma was the incentive for his birth...despite Selma happening AFTER his birth'.
- PRESIDENT Barak Obama

'The ACA will not cost a dime'; 'The ACA will pay for itself'; 'The ACA will not cause anyone to lose their health insurance'; 'The ACA will not cause people to lose their jobs...'
- PRESIDENT Barak Obama

"The soldiers at Ft. Hood were killed as a result of 'workplace violence', not terrorism.'
- PRESIDENT Barak Obama

'Benghazi was the result of a protest over a video.'
- PRESIDENT Barak Obama & Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

"I did not have sex with that woman."
- PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, unofficial but undeniable 'Lie of the Year' award winner

'I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary'
- 1st Lady / Senator Hillary Clinton

'I dodged Sniper Fire in Bosnia' to vist troops' (for whom she has no respect)
- 1st Lady / Senator Hillary Clinton

These are only a FEW of the lies told by America's greatest / biggest liars of all time. By comparison Trump isn't in the same league as these pros.
Really, there's so many reasons why this delusional and probably mentally ill child can never get anywhere near the White House but since he declared his candidacy, there has not been one day when he did not lie.

It has been bizarre to watch him. And scary. How is it possible for him to lie, flip flop, contradict himself in one sentence.

Anyone remember when he lied about Ramos, said he screamed, said he didn't know him, had never heard of him? Then, when Ramos was allowed back in, Trump said he had named Ramos in his suit against Univision.

That was the first time I saw him lie, back to back and I was shocked.

Now, its every single day, every time he speaks.

He is unstable. He would destabilize the world and would likely put us in the depression Bush started.
The Don is the best democrat that the GOP could vote for....

I keep hearing that Trumpery is bringing the GOP down but its not true.

The GOP has been in a downward spiral for a long time and they've made it all the way down to Trump's level.

Trump IS the Republican party, the party of the 1%, the party that has worked to kill the middle class and is depending on that orange faced clown to finish the job.
Trump Hangs Up When Reporters Ask Him About Posing As Publicist

the Post published audio of a 1991 interview in which a man by the name of John Miller, who sounded like Trump, recounting details of the real estate mogul's love life to a reporter for People magazine.

Trump adamantly denied Friday that he was the person speaking with the People magazine reporter, saying “it doesn’t sound like me on the phone.”

Trump testified in a 1990 court case that he occasionally used the names John Miller and John Baron in interviews with the media, according to the Associated Press.
The Don is the best democrat that the GOP could vote for....

I keep hearing that Trumpery is bringing the GOP down but its not true.

The GOP has been in a downward spiral for a long time and they've made it all the way down to Trump's level.

Trump IS the Republican party, the party of the 1%, the party that has worked to kill the middle class and is depending on that orange faced clown to finish the job.

I was born poor and I'll die poor......He can't hurt me...
Sheesh, you Hillary Democrat rape and sexual harassment lovers/supporters are soooo desperate .. it's comical..:lol:
The Don is the best democrat that the GOP could vote for....

I keep hearing that Trumpery is bringing the GOP down but its not true.

The GOP has been in a downward spiral for a long time and they've made it all the way down to Trump's level.

Trump IS the Republican party, the party of the 1%, the party that has worked to kill the middle class and is depending on that orange faced clown to finish the job.

I was born poor and I'll die poor......He can't hurt me...

You're wrong.

From what he says, he will make us all a lot poorer.

Except for his 1% cronies, who he has promised enormous tax hikes.

Yes, his idiotic wall is lies but somebody has to pay for his pie in the sky delusions and it ain't gonna be the wealthy. Bet on that.
The National Review is infested with a bunch of #NeverTrumpers since the New York primary, so that's nothing shocking.
The Don is the best democrat that the GOP could vote for....

I keep hearing that Trumpery is bringing the GOP down but its not true.

The GOP has been in a downward spiral for a long time and they've made it all the way down to Trump's level.

Trump IS the Republican party, the party of the 1%, the party that has worked to kill the middle class and is depending on that orange faced clown to finish the job.

I was born poor and I'll die poor......He can't hurt me...

You're wrong.

From what he says, he will make us all a lot poorer.

Except for his 1% cronies, who he has promised enormous tax hikes.

Yes, his idiotic wall is lies but somebody has to pay for his pie in the sky delusions and it ain't gonna be the wealthy. Bet on that.

How will he make us poorer? One thing is certain: Hillary's open borders immigration policies will drive our wages down to third world levels.

What could more absurd than Democrats whining about making Americans poorer.

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