Lying Donald

The rightwing media has certainly been pushing the meme of "lyin' Hillary" - but what about Trump? They've embraced him as "real" and "honest" - he defied PC and says it like it is.

Is he really or is unleashing his inner misgynist being confused with honesty?

Do his supporters, who obsess about Hillary being "too old' and "dotty" realize the Trumpster is a year older?

How about Lyin' Donald...

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies

Fact is, America has gotten tired of being Lied to by Professionals--Harry Reid, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, as particular examples....and we are glad to have a Liar who seems to be a bit of an Amateur at it.

We are tired of what we have been getting out of Washington, D. C.

Trump may be Bat-Shit-Crazy, but if we have been getting Sanity from Washington these last few years...many many many are ready to try Bat-Shit Crazy.

that's what I don't get ... RW's are sick of being lied to but give Trump a pass for being a liar .

explain that one?
Tell me when The Donald makes a many bald faced lies as Cankles.
He passed that mark long ago.
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Well, I'M not the left, so can I make it about him being just as big a liar?
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Well, I'M not the left, so can I make it about him being just as big a liar?

You're welcome to make it about whatever you wish...just realize, as others should, if you want to wail about anyone being a liar it's best to keep in mind Cankles has some whoppers out there
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Well, I'M not the left, so can I make it about him being just as big a liar?
You can. You have my approval.
Feel free to add Donald lies to this thread - there are probably many :)

I'm not interested in either one's lies....I'm interested in who is more capable of getting America back to where it was...after seven years of epic fail and disaster.

THERE'S a typical leftist answer: "I don't care if he lies to me, as long as he GIVES ME WHAT I WANT!"

I'd be wary of any candidate that made me sound like a leftist.
Feel free to add Donald lies to this thread - there are probably many :)

I'm not interested in either one's lies....I'm interested in who is more capable of getting America back to where it was...after seven years of epic fail and disaster.

THERE'S a typical leftist answer: "I don't care if he lies to me, as long as he GIVES ME WHAT I WANT!"

I'd be wary of any candidate that made me sound like a leftist.

Can you name any candidate who doesn't lie? It's a matter of pick your poison me anything near a leftist again and we'll be going to the mat :)
Yeah that whopper he told about being under sniper, wasn't him. ...oh, the one about his daughter jogging near the WTC on 9/11...damn that wasn't him either. Let's see he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? No...wrong again. about the attack on an American embassy was over a video? Did he claim he was dead broke when leaving the White House? Or has he told the American people he is just like them...attended private schools, married to a president, had a personal chef like forever and makes 200K per speaking engagement.

Does the left really want to make it about who lies? No

Well, I'M not the left, so can I make it about him being just as big a liar?
You can. You have my approval.

Why, thank you.
Feel free to add Donald lies to this thread - there are probably many :)

I'm not interested in either one's lies....I'm interested in who is more capable of getting America back to where it was...after seven years of epic fail and disaster.

THERE'S a typical leftist answer: "I don't care if he lies to me, as long as he GIVES ME WHAT I WANT!"

I'd be wary of any candidate that made me sound like a leftist.

Can you name any candidate who doesn't lie? It's a matter of pick your poison me anything near a leftist again and we'll be going to the mat :)

Yes, and more to the point, I can object vociferously to being lied to even if EVERY candidate does it. In fact, I can consider that even MORE reason to object, rather than simply shrugging and saying, "Well, they all do it, so why should I expect better?"

I'm not Donny Boy, dear. I'm ACTUALLY an honest person, rather than just playing one on the campaign trail, which means I'm going to tell you what I see, not just say what you want to hear to validate your desired worldview.

I normally like you quite a bit, and if your friends can't point out how alarmingly you appear to be off the rails, they aren't very good friends, now are they? I cannot picture you, under any other circumstances, saying, "I'm not interested in whether he's a liar", and it is disturbing to hear it now.

Consider this an intervention.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review Even the National Review thinks the Donald is a liar.

Everyone who isn't mainlining the KoolAid thinks he's a liar. It's not like it's difficult to spot.
The problem is EVERYONE KNOWS Cankles is a much much much bigger liar....she has a lifetime of lies behind her, to say nothing of all the corruption and Wall Street/1% owning her.

As long as I'm a card-carrying member of "Everyone", everyone knows nothing of the sort. Donny Boy has a lifetime of lies behind HIM, and his lifetime is a year longer. HE just hasn't been operating as a politician before now.
Feel free to add Donald lies to this thread - there are probably many :)

I'm not interested in either one's lies....I'm interested in who is more capable of getting America back to where it was...after seven years of epic fail and disaster.

THERE'S a typical leftist answer: "I don't care if he lies to me, as long as he GIVES ME WHAT I WANT!"

I'd be wary of any candidate that made me sound like a leftist.

Can you name any candidate who doesn't lie? It's a matter of pick your poison me anything near a leftist again and we'll be going to the mat :)

Yes, and more to the point, I can object vociferously to being lied to even if EVERY candidate does it. In fact, I can consider that even MORE reason to object, rather than simply shrugging and saying, "Well, they all do it, so why should I expect better?"

I'm not Donny Boy, dear. I'm ACTUALLY an honest person, rather than just playing one on the campaign trail, which means I'm going to tell you what I see, not just say what you want to hear to validate your desired worldview.

I normally like you quite a bit, and if your friends can't point out how alarmingly you appear to be off the rails, they aren't very good friends, now are they? I cannot picture you, under any other circumstances, saying, "I'm not interested in whether he's a liar", and it is disturbing to hear it now.

Consider this an intervention.

Again, they all lie...what matters is the degree of the lies and why are they lying. An example is why would they lie about a video after four Americans are killed? That type of lie is used to cover up something. Why she lied about being under sniper fire? I have no idea but that is a stupid lie, probably meant to impress
What this country really needs is another neo-communist, community organizing, social justice "warrior" to lead us.......
Equality of outcomes for all !!!!! Lmfao

The rightwing media has certainly been pushing the meme of "lyin' Hillary" - but what about Trump? They've embraced him as "real" and "honest" - he defied PC and says it like it is.

Is he really or is unleashing his inner misgynist being confused with honesty?

Do his supporters, who obsess about Hillary being "too old' and "dotty" realize the Trumpster is a year older?

How about Lyin' Donald...

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies
Trump is not only a liar, he’s also a bigot as well.

His ‘suggestions’ such as ‘building walls’ and keeping out’ Muslims is indicative of someone who has no understanding and regard for sound, responsible governance.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review Even the National Review thinks the Donald is a liar.

Everyone who isn't mainlining the KoolAid thinks he's a liar. It's not like it's difficult to spot.
The problem is EVERYONE KNOWS Cankles is a much much much bigger liar....she has a lifetime of lies behind her, to say nothing of all the corruption and Wall Street/1% owning her.

As long as I'm a card-carrying member of "Everyone", everyone knows nothing of the sort. Donny Boy has a lifetime of lies behind HIM, and his lifetime is a year longer. HE just hasn't been operating as a politician before now.
I really don't know how to debate your response. I find it entirely delusional. Donald has never been a politician until now and he has never had the power to affect the nation. Hillary on the other hand...well if you don't get it, I can't help you.
The rightwing media has certainly been pushing the meme of "lyin' Hillary" - but what about Trump? They've embraced him as "real" and "honest" - he defied PC and says it like it is.

Is he really or is unleashing his inner misgynist being confused with honesty?

Do his supporters, who obsess about Hillary being "too old' and "dotty" realize the Trumpster is a year older?

How about Lyin' Donald...

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies

Fact is, America has gotten tired of being Lied to by Professionals--Harry Reid, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, as particular examples....and we are glad to have a Liar who seems to be a bit of an Amateur at it.

We are tired of what we have been getting out of Washington, D. C.

Trump may be Bat-Shit-Crazy, but if we have been getting Sanity from Washington these last few years...many many many are ready to try Bat-Shit Crazy.

Really? You're THAT pathetic, that you're going to set the bar at "A liar who's really bad and obvious and laughable about it", instead of . . . Just off the top of my head here, "Someone who tells the truth"?!
What this country really needs is another neo-communist, community organizing, social justice "warrior" to lead us.......
Equality of outcomes for all !!!!! Lmfao

Red herring fallacy – the thread is about Trump.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.

This is also an example of the stupidity common to most on the right, the same stupidity typical of Trump supporters.
Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review Even the National Review thinks the Donald is a liar.

Everyone who isn't mainlining the KoolAid thinks he's a liar. It's not like it's difficult to spot.
The problem is EVERYONE KNOWS Cankles is a much much much bigger liar....she has a lifetime of lies behind her, to say nothing of all the corruption and Wall Street/1% owning her.

As long as I'm a card-carrying member of "Everyone", everyone knows nothing of the sort. Donny Boy has a lifetime of lies behind HIM, and his lifetime is a year longer. HE just hasn't been operating as a politician before now.
I really don't know how to debate your response. I find it entirely delusional. Donald has never been a politician until now and he has never had the power to affect the nation. Hillary on the other hand...well if you don't get it, I can't help you.

Yes, thank you, I know he's not been a politician before, which is why I SAID that.

Doesn't mean he hasn't still been an easily-verifiable liar this whole time, which means he'll be just as disastrously untrustworthy in public office as she will.

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