Lying Donald

So, now we have a situation in California, where the GOP delegates are resigning, rather than to support the GOP nominee.

Meantime, in Texas, the GOP is voting today on whether or not Texas should secede from the USA!

Watching a political party in free fall is very mesmerizing! All we need now is for Palin to make a speech!
So, now we have a situation in California, where the GOP delegates are resigning, rather than to support the GOP nominee.

Meantime, in Texas, the GOP is voting today on whether or not Texas should secede from the USA!

Watching a political party in free fall is very mesmerizing!
RINO'S are getting OUT and being replaced by PRO AMERICA FIRST folks! WINNER WINNER! Oh and god that would be awesome if Texas votes to secede!
Hispanic delegates in CA did not realize they were pledged to Trump by the rules, so they are resigning. I wonder if Protectionist is aware of that fact.
You are simply wrong, Trump's numbers are growing and Hillary's are sinking. She cant even beat a 74 year old avowed socialist who has never accomplished a single thing in his miserable life.
Now you are dreaming. She is beating Sanders like a drum. Trump had to stagger through to the next to last states to emerge as victor. The polls do not show what you are claiming other than in the 20% of America that is GOP. His numbers, other than white males, are dismal among women and blacks and browns. Trump cannot beat HRC, and we are going to be stuck with her because you hammerheads would not listen. After his defeat, maybe you will listen.

She has 53% of the delegates, and has lost the last couple primary states. It is only when you add the Super Delegates that she moves way out in front. If it came down to Sanders or Clinton, I take Sanders. If it comes down to Trump and Sanders, I'd take Sanders. Clinton and Trump have no character and I won't vote for either.

Neither side has given a good reason why one is better than the other. They have given tons of reason not to vote for the other person.
I agree with you on that. I could vote for Sanders rather than Clinton or Trump. If its those two, I will vote Johnson. But if you folks think that young women will sit down and not vote for Clinton when Trump is the opponent, you are living in la la land. My nieces in GA, CA, and UT all say none of the young women are going to sit on their butt if the anti-feminist Trump is one of the candidates.

Ruh roh but that's what they say. Not what they will do. You have to understand Jake when I walk into a left wing room on any given website why I get creds from the get go. And why the kids listen. They aren't stupid and I never ever nor will I ever play them as such. But I've been more left than most of them will ever be or at least admit to and I talk about the here and now which only matters to them. Don't blame them. I was that way too. They like honest. They like reality television for a reason.

Most young women I talk to aren't buying into the bullshit line of Donald's a mysoginest. sp? still transplanting and I'm sort of losing it at this point. I'm on my 60th sweet 100 and going blind.

Trump has without a doubt treated his wives to the best of lives. The only reason he broke with Ivana was she became so engrossed in business that she let the marriage slide. She will admit to it to this day.

BUT HOLY TOLEDO! Donald allowed Ivana to become the power house that she became. Have you ever checked out her track record in his empire?

Marla *sigh*

Now Melania. Awesome. I love her to death. Ivanka is a killer. Sons are awesome.
So, now we have a situation in California, where the GOP delegates are resigning, rather than to support the GOP nominee.

Meantime, in Texas, the GOP is voting today on whether or not Texas should secede from the USA!

Watching a political party in free fall is very mesmerizing! All we need now is for Palin to make a speech!

Good. Those were all Cruz people to begin with.
td, I know the situation as well as you do, and you are leading with your hope and not your head.

The young women will not stay home. They will take down Trump.
You are simply wrong, Trump's numbers are growing and Hillary's are sinking. She cant even beat a 74 year old avowed socialist who has never accomplished a single thing in his miserable life.
Now you are dreaming. She is beating Sanders like a drum. Trump had to stagger through to the next to last states to emerge as victor. The polls do not show what you are claiming other than in the 20% of America that is GOP. His numbers, other than white males, are dismal among women and blacks and browns. Trump cannot beat HRC, and we are going to be stuck with her because you hammerheads would not listen. After his defeat, maybe you will listen.

She has 53% of the delegates, and has lost the last couple primary states. It is only when you add the Super Delegates that she moves way out in front. If it came down to Sanders or Clinton, I take Sanders. If it comes down to Trump and Sanders, I'd take Sanders. Clinton and Trump have no character and I won't vote for either.

Neither side has given a good reason why one is better than the other. They have given tons of reason not to vote for the other person.
I agree with you on that. I could vote for Sanders rather than Clinton or Trump. If its those two, I will vote Johnson. But if you folks think that young women will sit down and not vote for Clinton when Trump is the opponent, you are living in la la land. My nieces in GA, CA, and UT all say none of the young women are going to sit on their butt if the anti-feminist Trump is one of the candidates.

I am not saying what I think as far as who is voting for who. I do think that people will vote for someone, rather than against someone.

Carter Hall ‎@CarterHall_

Trump begins to assemble his staff, announces former publicist John Miller will be White House press secretary.

4:10 PM - 13 May 2016
Trump hires only "the best"...Racists..The Oompa Loompa and an evil Alfred from Batman

td, I know the situation as well as you do, and you are leading with your hope and not your head.

The young women will not stay home. They will take down Trump.

more BS. Women will support Trump. American women want this country to return to greatness. They also do not like the lying corrupt hildebeast.
td, I know the situation as well as you do, and you are leading with your hope and not your head.

The young women will not stay home. They will take down Trump.

more BS. Women will support Trump. American women want this country to return to greatness. They also do not like the lying corrupt hildebeast.

They must dislike HRC less. Facts are facts, and you are ignoring them.

Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump - Gallup.Com
Apr 1, 2016 - Donald Trump has the worst image with U.S. women of the remaining ... Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews ...
Do Women Really Prefer Trump Over Hillary? An Answer in 1 Chart ...
Apr 27, 2016 - Fact-checking Trump's claim that “women don't like Hillary.” ... In November of 2015,polling agency Morning Consult began to ask voters who ...
Poll numbers: What do women voters think of Donald Trump ...
Mar 31, 2016 - (CNN)Donald Trump's standing in the polls appears to be worsening among women, according to a CNN analysis of recent poll data. ... Overall, 73% of female voters in a mid-March CNN/ORC poll said they had a negative view of Trump, just 26% view him positively. ... But those fairly small ...
Last I heard some time in April Trump was ahead of Clinton by 3% of married women, and trailed 23-73 of unmarried women. I don't see why anyone would for either candidate.

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