Lying Donald

TRUUUUUUUUUUUMP!! (shakes fist) lmao


Are you a business idiot? Oh wait, no need for a question mark.

Are you retarded? Never've proven it many times.

GM went bankrupt, Obama had to bail them out with $54 billion in taxpayer money now THAT's a bankruptcy Democrat style.

Isn't it odd WE can always tell a DemocRAT when we see one!


Christ almighty WTF?

Are you a business idiot? Oh wait, no need for a question mark.

Are you retarded? Never've proven it many times.

GM went bankrupt, Obama had to bail them out with $54 billion in taxpayer money now THAT's a bankruptcy Democrat style.

Isn't it odd WE can always tell a DemocRAT when we see one!


Christ almighty WTF?

Isn't it funny that you can tell a deranged person when you see their posts?

Are you a business idiot? Oh wait, no need for a question mark.

Are you retarded? Never've proven it many times.

GM went bankrupt, Obama had to bail them out with $54 billion in taxpayer money now THAT's a bankruptcy Democrat style.

Isn't it odd WE can always tell a DemocRAT when we see one!


Christ almighty WTF?
They're all over the NYC subway....perhaps hundreds of thousands....This one is one of the more SEDATE ones!
Are you a business idiot? Oh wait, no need for a question mark.

Are you retarded? Never've proven it many times.

GM went bankrupt, Obama had to bail them out with $54 billion in taxpayer money now THAT's a bankruptcy Democrat style.

Isn't it odd WE can always tell a DemocRAT when we see one!


Christ almighty WTF?

Isn't it funny that you can tell a deranged person when you see their posts?

I bet your naked also! But PLEASE don't post your picture!
Are you a business idiot? Oh wait, no need for a question mark.

Are you retarded? Never've proven it many times.

GM went bankrupt, Obama had to bail them out with $54 billion in taxpayer money now THAT's a bankruptcy Democrat style.

Isn't it odd WE can always tell a DemocRAT when we see one!


Christ almighty WTF?
They're all over the NYC subway....perhaps hundreds of thousands....This one is one of the more SEDATE ones!

Let me guess the freak is gay and doesn't have a job.
Are you retarded? Never've proven it many times.

GM went bankrupt, Obama had to bail them out with $54 billion in taxpayer money now THAT's a bankruptcy Democrat style.

Isn't it odd WE can always tell a DemocRAT when we see one!


Christ almighty WTF?
They're all over the NYC subway....perhaps hundreds of thousands....This one is one of the more SEDATE ones!

Let me guess the freak is gay and doesn't have a job.

Or, he could be a conservative that hasn't outed himself yet?
Are you retarded? Never've proven it many times.

GM went bankrupt, Obama had to bail them out with $54 billion in taxpayer money now THAT's a bankruptcy Democrat style.

Isn't it odd WE can always tell a DemocRAT when we see one!


Christ almighty WTF?
They're all over the NYC subway....perhaps hundreds of thousands....This one is one of the more SEDATE ones!

Let me guess the freak is gay and doesn't have a job.
I try NOT to get too close to these never knows what other disease they carry, beside mental disorder!
Are you retarded? Never've proven it many times.

GM went bankrupt, Obama had to bail them out with $54 billion in taxpayer money now THAT's a bankruptcy Democrat style.

Isn't it odd WE can always tell a DemocRAT when we see one!


Christ almighty WTF?
They're all over the NYC subway....perhaps hundreds of thousands....This one is one of the more SEDATE ones!

Let me guess the freak is gay and doesn't have a job.

Like basquebromance?
GM went bankrupt, Obama had to bail them out with $54 billion in taxpayer money now THAT's a bankruptcy Democrat style.

Isn't it odd WE can always tell a DemocRAT when we see one!


Christ almighty WTF?
They're all over the NYC subway....perhaps hundreds of thousands....This one is one of the more SEDATE ones!

Let me guess the freak is gay and doesn't have a job.

Like basquebromance?

Hey Bullshitter, how is that RCP presidential poll looking these days?....Where is The Donald?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:
'Ridiculous and frankly shameful': CNN’s Jake Tapper squelches Donald Trump’s 'outrageous' attack on Clintons

"I don’t bring [Foster] up because I don’t know enough to really discuss it," Trump told The Post. "I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder. I don’t do that because I don’t think it’s fair."

Tapper brought up the fact that five separate investigations all came to the same conclusion — that Foster was not murdered.

"The notion that this was a murder is a fiction born of delusion and untethered to reality and contradicted by evidence reviewed in at least six investigations, one of them by Ken Starr, hardly a Bill Clinton defender," Tapper said during the segment.

"To say otherwise is ridiculous, and, frankly, shameful," Tapper continued, adding that his scrutiny of Trump's comments wasn't "pro-Clinton" or "anti-Trump," but "pro-truth."
Fact Checker Glenn Kessler has an excellent round-up this morning of the many times The Donald defended, praised and expressed sympathy for Clinton as it relates to Monica Lewinsky and other scandals related to his personal misconduct.
  • He argued passionately that Clinton should have taken the Fifth, instead of answering questions about his personal life under oath.
  • In 1998, he attacked Paula Jones as a loser.
  • In 2000, he called Linda Tripp “the personification of evil.”
  • As late as 2008, on CNN, Trump argued that Clinton should never have been impeached and that he got into trouble over “something that was totally unimportant.” He said in the same interview that George W. Bush should be impeached for going into Iraq.
  • “Trump even suggested that Americans would have been more forgiving if Clinton has slept with more beautiful women,” Kessler notes.
Well, I'M not the left, so can I make it about him being just as big a liar?

You're welcome to make it about whatever you wish...just realize, as others should, if you want to wail about anyone being a liar it's best to keep in mind Cankles has some whoppers out there

Just realize, as others already do, that deflecting to "but HILLARY!" is not a defense or a selling point.

My point has been made in three previous posts. The left will be fools to make this into a "Trump lies" thing...given Hillary's past

That's nice. I'm not the left, as I have pointed out in a previous post.

I never said you were...did I? This is getting monotonous, vote for who you will. Trump wasn't my first choice by any means but I will support him

Trump is not my millionth choice, but I do thank you for your "generous" allowance that I may vote for whomever I choose.

And yes, you did try to lump me in with the left when you "defended" Trump by dodging off to "but Hillary!" as though Hillary has a fucking thing to do with me.
Toro, his tax returns are none of you librals' business. He pays his taxes, which is more than most liberals can say. 'Nuff said...

I am so frigging sick of you Trump fanboys and your hypocritical double standards and "This was okay for everyone else, but now that WE'RE in charge, how DARE you expect OUR candidate to submit to the demands of you filthy peons" crap.

Do any of you dimwits remember, back before you joined The Church of the Orange Jesus, when Donny Boy was criticizing Mitt Romney for not releasing HIS tax returns soon enough?

No, we're not even close to "nuff said". More to the point, what Trump SAYS is never going to be enough by itself, because only an utter, gullible dumbass would believe that orange skid mark on anything without proof. And it most certainly IS the business of the people he wants to vote for him, especially when he keeps telling us the qualification that should make us vote for him is that he's such a splendiferously successful businessman and so fantabulously rich and blah blah blah narcissistic shitbaggery ad nauseam. As far as I'm concerned, if that spray-painted blowhard can't put up, then he needs to shut up.
Cecilie, the man has paid his taxes - unlike so many liberals from Obama's Cabinet choices to Charlie Rangel to Al Sharpton. That's all that matters regarding his taxes.

Don't like the fact that he paid his taxes according to the tax code Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel WROTE? Write Rangel and ask him to change the tax code, but when you do ask him to write them so they are simple enough for HIM to even follow and start paying his taxes.

Think people should pay more? Feel free to give more to the IRS that you owe - no one is stopping you from doing so. Have at it.

You don't have to vote for the man. No one it forcing you to - it's a free country.

You repeatedly commented on his spray-on tan, more times than you mentioned him paying his taxes, meaning you engaged in more personal attacks than substance. You are consumed with bitterness, anger, and hatred. Sad...but again, don't vote for the man. That's all you can do. So breathe, relax, and when time to vote, do your civic liberal that female poll worker in the last election: vote for Hillary 5 times...just don't brag to the media camera crews. :p

The Media Turns Against Trump By Listing His Conspiracy Theories

CNN did what more media outlets need to do. The network showed a graphic and discussed some of Trump's completely false conspiracy theories.…

By Jason Easley on Wed, May 25th, 2016 at 10:01 am

Jake Tapper Calls Trump Attacks on Clinton “Ridiculous and, Frankly, Shameful”
Tapper called it a “bizarre and unfounded conspiracy theory” and that to say Foster’s death was anything but the suicide it was ruled to be by at least six investigations (including one by CNN) is “ridiculous and, frankly, shameful.”…
Cecilie, the man has paid his taxes - unlike so many liberals from Obama's Cabinet choices to Charlie Rangel to Al Sharpton. That's all that matters regarding his taxes.

Don't like the fact that he paid his taxes according to the tax code Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel WROTE? Write Rangel and ask him to change the tax code, but when you do ask him to write them so they are simple enough for HIM to even follow and start paying his taxes.

Think people should pay more? Feel free to give more to the IRS that you owe - no one is stopping you from doing so. Have at it.

You don't have to vote for the man. No one it forcing you to - it's a free country.

You repeatedly commented on his spray-on tan, more times than you mentioned him paying his taxes, meaning you engaged in more personal attacks than substance. You are consumed with bitterness, anger, and hatred. Sad...but again, don't vote for the man. That's all you can do. So breathe, relax, and when time to vote, do your civic liberal that female poll worker in the last election: vote for Hillary 5 times...just don't brag to the media camera crews. :p

We don't know if he paid his taxes. He hasn't released his tax returns.

Clearly he has something to hide.

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