Lying leftists MSM 'journalists' are the biggest threat to humanity


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Almost anyone by western MSM is a leftist liar , otherwise he/she can not keep the job. Probably the entirely western 'medias' is a propaganda tool owned by twenty+ rich owners which pushes their agenda to folks.
Due to lie of of so-called 'journalist' begin wars, revolutions, mass murders, nuclear attacks, devastations, hunger,millions die etc.

Leftist MSM Liars are evil!. Humanity can perish when MSM continue to lie.
Now they moved the World on the verge of WWIII due to non-proven lies about Trump's Russian 'connections' and 'hackers'

The patriotic politicians shall at first pass the laws punish Lie in the Press as severe crime.
Any sane fellow shall never read or watch evildoers!

Revelation 21:8

"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

What the Holy Bible says about lying 'press' and its sad fate in Hell?

50 Bible verses about Lies

When the only references you offer are quotes from gibberish written by superstitious goat-fuckers, you really can't be expected to be taken seriously.
Another thread in contention for the 'Moron Thread of the Month Award'. The Moron Award, the highest award for ridiculous conspiratorial thinking, inane comparison and /or stupid fortunetelling, is awarded monthly to a person of such low reason and sense, they must be extraordinarily stupid. Simple levels of stupid do not qualify for the award or it would have to be given too often. While it may seem this award is not politically correct, the rationale for the award recognizes that some stupid threads far exceed the usual stupid, demonstrating a level of stupid rarely reached in even the stupidest setting. It is the award promoter's wish and sincere hope that this level of stupid is not inheritable. Good luck, we'll keep you informed and should you fail to be number one, rest assured your're close.

And just in case you want to know:
Fact-checking U.S. politics | PolitiFact - Candidates on the Issues
Latest Email Hoaxes - Current Internet Scams - Hoax-Slayer

John 3:18 'Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth'
It is hard to criticize the media about fake news and lies when the President is the biggest promoter of misinformation, lies, and fake news in America.
Jeremiah 31:16-18
16 But the Lord says, “Stop crying.
Don’t fill your eyes with tears.
When the only references you offer are quotes from gibberish written by superstitious goat-fuckers, you really can't be expected to be taken seriously.

The Holy Bible is the only Trustworthy Source since many thousands years!

Another thread in contention for the 'Moron Thread of the Month Award'. The Moron Award, the highest award for ridiculous conspiratorial thinking, inane comparison and /or stupid fortunetelling, is awarded monthly to a person of such low reason and sense, they must be extraordinarily stupid. Simple levels of stupid do not qualify for the award or it would have to be given too often. While it may seem this award is not politically correct, the rationale for the award recognizes that some stupid threads far exceed the usual stupid, demonstrating a level of stupid rarely reached in even the stupidest setting. It is the award promoter's wish and sincere hope that this level of stupid is not inheritable. Good luck, we'll keep you informed and should you fail to be number one, rest assured your're close.

And just in case you want to know:
Fact-checking U.S. politics | PolitiFact - Candidates on the Issues
Latest Email Hoaxes - Current Internet Scams - Hoax-Slayer

John 3:18 'Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth'


message of a lying presstitute?
The Left Wing bias in ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN News has made them worthless.
The Left Wing hate in late night TV has made it unwatchable.
The Left Wing Propaganda is a threat to our democracy because people are misinformed.
When the only references you offer are quotes from gibberish written by superstitious goat-fuckers, you really can't be expected to be taken seriously.

The Holy Bible is the only Trustworthy Source since many thousands years!

You have a right to your religion. You do not have a right to force it on others with differing beliefs.
Almost anyone by western MSM is a leftist liar , otherwise he/she can not keep the job. Probably the entirely western 'medias' is a propaganda tool owned by twenty+ rich owners which pushes their agenda to folks.
Due to lie of of so-called 'journalist' begin wars, revolutions, mass murders, nuclear attacks, devastations, hunger,millions die etc.

Leftist MSM Liars are evil!. Humanity can perish when MSM continue to lie.
Now they moved the World on the verge of WWIII due to non-proven lies about Trump's Russian 'connections' and 'hackers'

The patriotic politicians shall at first pass the laws punish Lie in the Press as severe crime.
Any sane fellow shall never read or watch evildoers!

Revelation 21:8

"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

What the Holy Bible says about lying 'press' and its sad fate in Hell?

50 Bible verses about Lies

What about those on the right that lie are they ok?
Almost anyone by western MSM is a leftist liar , otherwise he/she can not keep the job. Probably the entirely western 'medias' is a propaganda tool owned by twenty+ rich owners which pushes their agenda to folks.
Due to lie of of so-called 'journalist' begin wars, revolutions, mass murders, nuclear attacks, devastations, hunger,millions die etc.

Leftist MSM Liars are evil!. Humanity can perish when MSM continue to lie.
Now they moved the World on the verge of WWIII due to non-proven lies about Trump's Russian 'connections' and 'hackers'

The patriotic politicians shall at first pass the laws punish Lie in the Press as severe crime.
Any sane fellow shall never read or watch evildoers!

Revelation 21:8

"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

What the Holy Bible says about lying 'press' and its sad fate in Hell?

50 Bible verses about Lies

What about those on the right that lie are they ok?

In comparison to lying lefts right-wingers are models of honesty!
When the only references you offer are quotes from gibberish written by superstitious goat-fuckers, you really can't be expected to be taken seriously.

The Holy Bible is the only Trustworthy Source since many thousands years!

You have a right to your religion. You do not have a right to force it on others with differing beliefs.

Only liberals force their 'believe' - homosexuality, communism, pedophile, Islam, perversity of any kind, satanism etc. to folks.
When the only references you offer are quotes from gibberish written by superstitious goat-fuckers, you really can't be expected to be taken seriously.

The Holy Bible is the only Trustworthy Source since many thousands years!

You have a right to your religion. You do not have a right to force it on others with differing beliefs.

Only liberals force their 'believe' - homosexuality, communism, pedophile, Islam, perversity of any kind, satanism etc. to folks.
You must be a liberal trying to push control of people over a book..

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