Lying to America

Hey folks this thread is about Obama and Mrs. Clinton don't let the left side track it to anyone else.

All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact

From 'I'm not a king' to 'obliged to do everything I can'


"My position hasn’t changed" on using executive authority to address immigration issues.

The JV team is now varsity


Says his comment about extremists being a JV team "wasn’t specifically referring to" Islamic State.

"Between Two Ferns" was a hit, but this factoid is wrong


"Most young Americans right now, they’re not covered" by health insurance.
Interesting piece written about how Obama can lie, and now Mrs. Clinton, and they get away with their lying. Really, no matter what side of the aisle you have to see how amazing it is what Obama has gotten off Scot free.


If we were living in normal times, the following scandals and failures — without going into foreign policy — would have ruined a presidency to the point of reducing it to Nixon, Bush, or Truman poll ratings.

Think of the following: the Fast and Furious scandal, the VA mess, the tapping of the communications of the Associated Press reporters, the NSA monitoring, Benghazi in all of its manifestations, the serial lies about Obamacare, the failed stimuli, the chronic zero interest/print money policies, the serial high unemployment, the borrowing of $7 trillion to no stimulatory effect, the spiraling national debt, the customary violations of the Hatch Act by Obama cabinet officials, the alter ego/fake identity of EPA head Lisa Jackson, the sudden departure of Hilda Solis after receiving union freebies, the mendacity of Kathleen Sebelius, the strange atmospherics surrounding the Petraeus resignation, the customary presidential neglect of enforcing the laws from immigration statutes to his own health care rules, the presidential divisiveness (“punish our enemies,” “you didn’t build that,” Trayvon as the son that Obama never had, etc.), and on and on.

So why is there not much public reaction or media investigatory outrage?

And yet the crippling of the middle class is Republican caused.

Correct. It couldn't have anything to do with unions. It couldn't have had anything to do with taxation. It couldn't have had anything to do with burdensome regulations or environmental nonsense. It had to do with Republicans.
Interesting piece written about how Obama can lie, and now Mrs. Clinton, and they get away with their lying. Really, no matter what side of the aisle you have to see how amazing it is what Obama has gotten off Scot free.


If we were living in normal times, the following scandals and failures — without going into foreign policy — would have ruined a presidency to the point of reducing it to Nixon, Bush, or Truman poll ratings.

Think of the following: the Fast and Furious scandal, the VA mess, the tapping of the communications of the Associated Press reporters, the NSA monitoring, Benghazi in all of its manifestations, the serial lies about Obamacare, the failed stimuli, the chronic zero interest/print money policies, the serial high unemployment, the borrowing of $7 trillion to no stimulatory effect, the spiraling national debt, the customary violations of the Hatch Act by Obama cabinet officials, the alter ego/fake identity of EPA head Lisa Jackson, the sudden departure of Hilda Solis after receiving union freebies, the mendacity of Kathleen Sebelius, the strange atmospherics surrounding the Petraeus resignation, the customary presidential neglect of enforcing the laws from immigration statutes to his own health care rules, the presidential divisiveness (“punish our enemies,” “you didn’t build that,” Trayvon as the son that Obama never had, etc.), and on and on.

So why is there not much public reaction or media investigatory outrage?


Aside from the fact that most of your information comes from a rightwing echo chamber that lies about democrats, I would agree that all politicians lie about everything - including your own. The difference is that you trusted Bush far more than I ever trusted the Clintons or Obama - all of whom sucked Wall Street's balls and shat all over Labor.

Of course, the Left has a history of running their politicians out of town. The far Left denied LBJ a second term when they marched on Washington chanting "hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?" Can you imagine a similar faction of republican voters actively protesting Bush while he prosecuted the Iraq War? It would never ever happen. Republican voters never disobey a sitting Republican President prior his lame duck status. They never accuse their presidents of lying about anything. Reagan should have been impeached for selling weapons to terrorists behind the backs of the American people. He took a shit on the United States Constitution - yet people like you defend him and protect tim. Translation: you're in no position to lecture anybody about lying.
Thank you.

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BS, Bush was opposed on severl fronts, on example is the bailouts.

As for war protesting a war while are men are still at risk, THAT I agree is a left wing democrat thing to do.
How about a specific example of a lie ?

Let's make it simple. His very first that I recall. He told you that if elected to the Senate he would not run for president quitting his term.

Obviously he was not telling the truth.

See, this is why Obama got re-elected. You say that he lies, but the best you can do is show that he changed his career plans.
How about a specific example of a lie ?

Let's make it simple. His very first that I recall. He told you that if elected to the Senate he would not run for president quitting his term.

Obviously he was not telling the truth.

See, this is why Obama got re-elected. You say that he lies, but the best you can do is show that he changed his career plans.

Correct, when Republicans say one thing and do another it's a lie. But when Democrats do it, it's a change in career plans, it's progression, it's misspoke, it's evolution.

But one thing it's not is a lie.
“Roger Ailes, David and Charles Koch, Rupert Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh. I could go on. They’ve poisoned the American mind and destroyed the Republican Party."
How about a specific example of a lie ?

Let's make it simple. His very first that I recall. He told you that if elected to the Senate he would not run for president quitting his term.

Obviously he was not telling the truth.

See, this is why Obama got re-elected. You say that he lies, but the best you can do is show that he changed his career plans.

Correct, when Republicans say one thing and do another it's a lie. But when Democrats do it, it's a change in career plans, it's progression, it's misspoke, it's evolution.

But one thing it's not is a lie.

Does the Republicans saying one thing and doing another happen that often? For example, Clinton's free trade agreements. The excuse offered by the democrats is that the Repulcians would have passed the same bill if they were in power. Granted that would have had happened. The difference is that the Republicans never said anything differently, the democrats not so much.
The taxpayers don't think so. They see seven years of decline under Obama. They are fed up.

Taxpayers need to remember the BushCo/Republican/Corporate America caused economic crash of 2007-2008. The cost to GDP is $20T 2008 - 2018. The another $20T from the derivatives market.

Unemployment is going down. You think Walmart gave raises out of the goodness of their heart?

Housing price in one of the worst hit areas of the country (Vegas) are up 25%.
How so? By passing Clinton's free trade agreements? By having Unions make themselves irrelevant? By doubling the US debt?

By not pushing for living wages.

it is not the government's duty. It is the people's duty. Either by becoming a valuable employee or through collective bargaining.

None the less your response is just simplistic BS.
The taxpayers don't think so. They see seven years of decline under Obama. They are fed up.

Taxpayers need to remember the BushCo/Republican/Corporate America caused economic crash of 2007-2008. The cost to GDP is $20T 2008 - 2018. The another $20T from the derivatives market.

Unemployment is going down. You think Walmart gave raises out of the goodness of their heart?

Housing price in one of the worst hit areas of the country (Vegas) are up 25%.

The democrat congress, you find no fault? The congress that makes bills and the budget. THEM you find no fault. Even though before they took over both houses everything was going pretty damn well. Then the disaster of the democrats hit America and that is why they now have a problem winning an election. At least the majority of America wished up.
The taxpayers don't think so. They see seven years of decline under Obama. They are fed up.

Taxpayers need to remember the BushCo/Republican/Corporate America caused economic crash of 2007-2008. The cost to GDP is $20T 2008 - 2018. The another $20T from the derivatives market.

Unemployment is going down. You think Walmart gave raises out of the goodness of their heart?

Housing price in one of the worst hit areas of the country (Vegas) are up 25%.

You go tell them that. All the taxpayers know is that Obama has been in office for the past seven years.
Correct. It couldn't have anything to do with unions. It couldn't have had anything to do with taxation. It couldn't have had anything to do with burdensome regulations or environmental nonsense. It had to do with Republicans.

Republicans haven't been pushing for living wages for the middle class.

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