LYNCH: Illegals have 'right' to work in USA!


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
AG Nominee: 'Right To Work Is Shared By Everyone In This Country Regardless' Of Immigration Status
So much for fining companies that employ Illegal Immigrants, If she argues they have a right to work here then logically companies have the right to hire them.

AG Nominee: 'Right To Work Is Shared By Everyone In This Country Regardless' Of Immigration Status
So much for fining companies that employ Illegal Immigrants, If she argues they have a right to work here then logically companies have the right to hire them.

Exactly, what happened to the left's constant hammering at the employers to be held accountable? What a hypocrite! Doesn't she know our laws state that you DON'T have a right to work here unless you are here legally? Our politicians never cease to amaze and disgust me.
Damn. Illegals are human too, so are the rest of us. Hitler was human, so was mother Teresa. Human rights, fine. Just immigrate legally and respect the culture you are immigrating TOO. Why is that such a problem? Why is it so damned necessary to respect illegal aliens that DON'T respect immigration laws? Why?
The "right"? Should that be changed to the "privilege". All floods start with a single drop of water.
AG Nominee: 'Right To Work Is Shared By Everyone In This Country Regardless' Of Immigration Status
So much for fining companies that employ Illegal Immigrants, If she argues they have a right to work here then logically companies have the right to hire them.

Exactly, what happened to the left's constant hammering at the employers to be held accountable? What a hypocrite! Doesn't she know our laws state that you DON'T have a right to work here unless you are here legally? Our politicians never cease to amaze and disgust me.

It`s all about votes, these "Democrat Vultures" don`t care about American born citizens, they will stab you in the back if you turn it!!!
Damn. Illegals are human too, so are the rest of us. Hitler was human, so was mother Teresa. Human rights, fine. Just immigrate legally and respect the culture you are immigrating TOO. Why is that such a problem? Why is it so damned necessary to respect illegal aliens that DON'T respect immigration laws? Why?
It has never been about respect. Illegals take jobs no one else is willing to do and they have been here since day one What the issue is the laws of this country. Millions have waited following the immigration laws as the should in this and all countries. How does anyone say to all those millions "the joke is on you, suckers". I work with a guy that cannot bring his wife's daughter in to this country rom the Czech Republic because the laws will not allow it. So it boils down to those that obey our laws and those that do not and since when is amnesty given to millions that knowingly and deliberately BREAK OUR LAWS!? Who is in our prisons?
Just one more in a long line of indications that this Administration is chock full of people who have never actually had a real job in their worthless lives.

EVERY EMPLOYER in the U.S. is REQUIRED BY CURRENT LAW to obtain at least two forms of identification (one a government-issued picture ID) from every new hire, confirming that they are in the U.S. legally. They then have to fill out an I-9 form, which they must keep on permanent file, subject to federal audit at any time.

For an AG nominee to make such a statement is, by itself, sufficient to confirm that she has no business even cleaning the floors in the AG's office, let alone running the place. But then again, the same could be said about Our Beloved President, so who is surprised by this nomination? No one.
Damn. Illegals are human too, so are the rest of us. Hitler was human, so was mother Teresa. Human rights, fine. Just immigrate legally and respect the culture you are immigrating TOO. Why is that such a problem? Why is it so damned necessary to respect illegal aliens that DON'T respect immigration laws? Why?
It has never been about respect. Illegals take jobs no one else is willing to do and they have been here since day one What the issue is the laws of this country. Millions have waited following the immigration laws as the should in this and all countries. How does anyone say to all those millions "the joke is on you, suckers". I work with a guy that cannot bring his wife's daughter in to this country rom the Czech Republic because the laws will not allow it. So it boils down to those that obey our laws and those that do not and since when is amnesty given to millions that knowingly and deliberately BREAK OUR LAWS!? Who is in our prisons?

You're full of crap! Illegals are not doing jobs that Americans won't do for a fair wage. Who the hell do you think did those jobs before illegals flooded our borders willing to work for less?
Damn. Illegals are human too, so are the rest of us. Hitler was human, so was mother Teresa. Human rights, fine. Just immigrate legally and respect the culture you are immigrating TOO. Why is that such a problem? Why is it so damned necessary to respect illegal aliens that DON'T respect immigration laws? Why?
It has never been about respect. Illegals take jobs no one else is willing to do and they have been here since day one What the issue is the laws of this country. Millions have waited following the immigration laws as the should in this and all countries. How does anyone say to all those millions "the joke is on you, suckers". I work with a guy that cannot bring his wife's daughter in to this country rom the Czech Republic because the laws will not allow it. So it boils down to those that obey our laws and those that do not and since when is amnesty given to millions that knowingly and deliberately BREAK OUR LAWS!? Who is in our prisons?

You're full of crap! Illegals are not doing jobs that Americans won't do for a fair wage. Who the hell do you think did those jobs before illegals flooded our borders willing to work for less?
Really?! You just negated your own post by including "fair wage". Let me ask you this, what do you, your family members and friend do to earn money? Any of them make a living at cutting grass, shoveling garbage, sweeping streets, picking crops and the like? "illegals flooded our borders" Really?! People from South America and Mexico have been here before white people!
Texas was Mexico. Last point for your head; Slaves did a lot of the work back when it was legal. Read some history before you post on this thread to stop from looking like a fool.
Damn. Illegals are human too, so are the rest of us. Hitler was human, so was mother Teresa. Human rights, fine. Just immigrate legally and respect the culture you are immigrating TOO. Why is that such a problem? Why is it so damned necessary to respect illegal aliens that DON'T respect immigration laws? Why?
It has never been about respect. Illegals take jobs no one else is willing to do and they have been here since day one What the issue is the laws of this country. Millions have waited following the immigration laws as the should in this and all countries. How does anyone say to all those millions "the joke is on you, suckers". I work with a guy that cannot bring his wife's daughter in to this country rom the Czech Republic because the laws will not allow it. So it boils down to those that obey our laws and those that do not and since when is amnesty given to millions that knowingly and deliberately BREAK OUR LAWS!? Who is in our prisons?

You're full of crap! Illegals are not doing jobs that Americans won't do for a fair wage. Who the hell do you think did those jobs before illegals flooded our borders willing to work for less?
Really?! You just negated your own post by including "fair wage". Let me ask you this, what do you, your family members and friend do to earn money? Any of them make a living at cutting grass, shoveling garbage, sweeping streets, picking crops and the like? "illegals flooded our borders" Really?! People from South America and Mexico have been here before white people!
Texas was Mexico. Last point for your head; Slaves did a lot of the work back when it was legal. Read some history before you post on this thread to stop from looking like a fool.

There has been a minimum and "going" wage for jobs in this country for some times now. Illegals work for less than that therefore undercutting Americans for blue collared jobs. I know many people who used to do construction, landscaping and all sort of jobs for the "going" wage until the arrival of cheap, illegal labor. Picking crops is only seasonal not full time employment so no most Americans don't make a career of that. It is limited to only the physically young also. Most illegals aren't picking crops anyway. They are doing all those other jobs that Americans have always done. For crop picking there are unlimited visas for LEGAL, foreign workers so there is no need for illegals to pick crops either.

Lol, Mexicans are also white from their Spanish ancestors so you were saying? So no, they weren't here before white people. Your clue is that Texas "once" belonged to Mexico. It doesn't anymore and hasn't for over 250 years! Slavery is not legal any more nor is it legal to come here without authorization. It is you that should bring yourself up to the present and stop living in the past and learn some history yourself. If anyone is a damned fool in here it is YOU! By the way Mexico has immigration laws as does every Latino country on this continent does and so does Canada. Why aren't you whining about that?
Damn. Illegals are human too, so are the rest of us. Hitler was human, so was mother Teresa. Human rights, fine. Just immigrate legally and respect the culture you are immigrating TOO. Why is that such a problem? Why is it so damned necessary to respect illegal aliens that DON'T respect immigration laws? Why?
It has never been about respect. Illegals take jobs no one else is willing to do and they have been here since day one What the issue is the laws of this country. Millions have waited following the immigration laws as the should in this and all countries. How does anyone say to all those millions "the joke is on you, suckers". I work with a guy that cannot bring his wife's daughter in to this country rom the Czech Republic because the laws will not allow it. So it boils down to those that obey our laws and those that do not and since when is amnesty given to millions that knowingly and deliberately BREAK OUR LAWS!? Who is in our prisons?

You're full of crap! Illegals are not doing jobs that Americans won't do for a fair wage. Who the hell do you think did those jobs before illegals flooded our borders willing to work for less?
Really?! You just negated your own post by including "fair wage". Let me ask you this, what do you, your family members and friend do to earn money? Any of them make a living at cutting grass, shoveling garbage, sweeping streets, picking crops and the like? "illegals flooded our borders" Really?! People from South America and Mexico have been here before white people!
Texas was Mexico. Last point for your head; Slaves did a lot of the work back when it was legal. Read some history before you post on this thread to stop from looking like a fool.

There has always been a minimum and "going" wage for jobs in this country. Illegal work for less than that therefore undercutting Americans for blue collared workers. I know many people who used to do construction, landscaping and all sort of jobs for the "going" wage until the arrival of cheap, illegal labor. Picking crops is only seasonal not full time employment so no most Americans don't make a career of that. c. Most illegals aren't picking crops anyway. They are doing all those other jobs that Americans have always done. For crop picking there are unlimited visas for LEGA, foreign workers so there is no need for illegals to pick crops either.

Lol, Mexicans are also white from their Spanish ancestors so you were saying? So no, they weren't here before white people. Your clue is that Texas "once" belonged to Mexico. It doesn't anymore and hasn't for over 250 years! Slavery is not legal any more nor is it legal to come here without authorization. It is you that should bring yourself up to the present and stop living in the past and learn some history yourself. If anyone is a damned fool in here it is YOU! By the way Mexico has immigration laws as does every Latino country on this continent does and so does Canada. Why aren't you whining about that?
So now it a "going " wage, define that and how is that one different from your "fair" wage. A "blue collar" worker in a Detroit auto plant makes in excess of $20/hr. to start. I don't know what country you reside in but picking crops is in fact year round in some sections. "Picking crops isv
Damn. Illegals are human too, so are the rest of us. Hitler was human, so was mother Teresa. Human rights, fine. Just immigrate legally and respect the culture you are immigrating TOO. Why is that such a problem? Why is it so damned necessary to respect illegal aliens that DON'T respect immigration laws? Why?
It has never been about respect. Illegals take jobs no one else is willing to do and they have been here since day one What the issue is the laws of this country. Millions have waited following the immigration laws as the should in this and all countries. How does anyone say to all those millions "the joke is on you, suckers". I work with a guy that cannot bring his wife's daughter in to this country rom the Czech Republic because the laws will not allow it. So it boils down to those that obey our laws and those that do not and since when is amnesty given to millions that knowingly and deliberately BREAK OUR LAWS!? Who is in our prisons?

You're full of crap! Illegals are not doing jobs that Americans won't do for a fair wage. Who the hell do you think did those jobs before illegals flooded our borders willing to work for less?
Really?! You just negated your own post by including "fair wage". Let me ask you this, what do you, your family members and friend do to earn money? Any of them make a living at cutting grass, shoveling garbage, sweeping streets, picking crops and the like? "illegals flooded our borders" Really?! People from South America and Mexico have been here before white people!
Texas was Mexico. Last point for your head; Slaves did a lot of the work back when it was legal. Read some history before you post on this thread to stop from looking like a fool.

There has been a minimum and "going" wage for jobs in this country for some times now. Illegals work for less than that therefore undercutting Americans for blue collared jobs. I know many people who used to do construction, landscaping and all sort of jobs for the "going" wage until the arrival of cheap, illegal labor. Picking crops is only seasonal not full time employment so no most Americans don't make a career of that. It is limited to only the physically young also. Most illegals aren't picking crops anyway. They are doing all those other jobs that Americans have always done. For crop picking there are unlimited visas for LEGAL, foreign workers so there is no need for illegals to pick crops either.

Lol, Mexicans are also white from their Spanish ancestors so you were saying? So no, they weren't here before white people. Your clue is that Texas "once" belonged to Mexico. It doesn't anymore and hasn't for over 250 years! Slavery is not legal any more nor is it legal to come here without authorization. It is you that should bring yourself up to the present and stop living in the past and learn some history yourself. If anyone is a damned fool in here it is YOU! By the way Mexico has immigration laws as does every Latino country on this continent does and so does Canada. Why aren't you whining about that?

Oh, now "fair" wage is "going" wage.
What's your idea of a blue collar job? A Detroit auto worker today starts at greater than $20/hr.
"Picking crops is only seasonal". Really?! I live in Texas and I know other southern states and California work the fields every month of the year.
"Picking crops is limited to the physically young". How naïve you are.
Mexicans are Hispanic not white."
Mexico and Canada have immigration laws" Damn! You are one enlightened individual.
Go to your room little boy.
Damn. Illegals are human too, so are the rest of us. Hitler was human, so was mother Teresa. Human rights, fine. Just immigrate legally and respect the culture you are immigrating TOO. Why is that such a problem? Why is it so damned necessary to respect illegal aliens that DON'T respect immigration laws? Why?
It has never been about respect. Illegals take jobs no one else is willing to do and they have been here since day one What the issue is the laws of this country. Millions have waited following the immigration laws as the should in this and all countries. How does anyone say to all those millions "the joke is on you, suckers". I work with a guy that cannot bring his wife's daughter in to this country rom the Czech Republic because the laws will not allow it. So it boils down to those that obey our laws and those that do not and since when is amnesty given to millions that knowingly and deliberately BREAK OUR LAWS!? Who is in our prisons?

You're full of crap! Illegals are not doing jobs that Americans won't do for a fair wage. Who the hell do you think did those jobs before illegals flooded our borders willing to work for less?
Really?! You just negated your own post by including "fair wage". Let me ask you this, what do you, your family members and friend do to earn money? Any of them make a living at cutting grass, shoveling garbage, sweeping streets, picking crops and the like? "illegals flooded our borders" Really?! People from South America and Mexico have been here before white people!
Texas was Mexico. Last point for your head; Slaves did a lot of the work back when it was legal. Read some history before you post on this thread to stop from looking like a fool.

There has always been a minimum and "going" wage for jobs in this country. Illegal work for less than that therefore undercutting Americans for blue collared workers. I know many people who used to do construction, landscaping and all sort of jobs for the "going" wage until the arrival of cheap, illegal labor. Picking crops is only seasonal not full time employment so no most Americans don't make a career of that. c. Most illegals aren't picking crops anyway. They are doing all those other jobs that Americans have always done. For crop picking there are unlimited visas for LEGA, foreign workers so there is no need for illegals to pick crops either.

Lol, Mexicans are also white from their Spanish ancestors so you were saying? So no, they weren't here before white people. Your clue is that Texas "once" belonged to Mexico. It doesn't anymore and hasn't for over 250 years! Slavery is not legal any more nor is it legal to come here without authorization. It is you that should bring yourself up to the present and stop living in the past and learn some history yourself. If anyone is a damned fool in here it is YOU! By the way Mexico has immigration laws as does every Latino country on this continent does and so does Canada. Why aren't you whining about that?
So now it a "going " wage, define that and how is that one different from your "fair" wage. A "blue collar" worker in a Detroit auto plant makes in excess of $20/hr. to start. I don't know what country you reside in but picking crops is in fact year round in some sections. "Picking crops isv
Damn. Illegals are human too, so are the rest of us. Hitler was human, so was mother Teresa. Human rights, fine. Just immigrate legally and respect the culture you are immigrating TOO. Why is that such a problem? Why is it so damned necessary to respect illegal aliens that DON'T respect immigration laws? Why?
It has never been about respect. Illegals take jobs no one else is willing to do and they have been here since day one What the issue is the laws of this country. Millions have waited following the immigration laws as the should in this and all countries. How does anyone say to all those millions "the joke is on you, suckers". I work with a guy that cannot bring his wife's daughter in to this country rom the Czech Republic because the laws will not allow it. So it boils down to those that obey our laws and those that do not and since when is amnesty given to millions that knowingly and deliberately BREAK OUR LAWS!? Who is in our prisons?

You're full of crap! Illegals are not doing jobs that Americans won't do for a fair wage. Who the hell do you think did those jobs before illegals flooded our borders willing to work for less?
Really?! You just negated your own post by including "fair wage". Let me ask you this, what do you, your family members and friend do to earn money? Any of them make a living at cutting grass, shoveling garbage, sweeping streets, picking crops and the like? "illegals flooded our borders" Really?! People from South America and Mexico have been here before white people!
Texas was Mexico. Last point for your head; Slaves did a lot of the work back when it was legal. Read some history before you post on this thread to stop from looking like a fool.

There has been a minimum and "going" wage for jobs in this country for some times now. Illegals work for less than that therefore undercutting Americans for blue collared jobs. I know many people who used to do construction, landscaping and all sort of jobs for the "going" wage until the arrival of cheap, illegal labor. Picking crops is only seasonal not full time employment so no most Americans don't make a career of that. It is limited to only the physically young also. Most illegals aren't picking crops anyway. They are doing all those other jobs that Americans have always done. For crop picking there are unlimited visas for LEGAL, foreign workers so there is no need for illegals to pick crops either.

Lol, Mexicans are also white from their Spanish ancestors so you were saying? So no, they weren't here before white people. Your clue is that Texas "once" belonged to Mexico. It doesn't anymore and hasn't for over 250 years! Slavery is not legal any more nor is it legal to come here without authorization. It is you that should bring yourself up to the present and stop living in the past and learn some history yourself. If anyone is a damned fool in here it is YOU! By the way Mexico has immigration laws as does every Latino country on this continent does and so does Canada. Why aren't you whining about that?

Oh, now "fair" wage is "going" wage.
What's your idea of a blue collar job? A Detroit auto worker today starts at greater than $20/hr.
"Picking crops is only seasonal". Really?! I live in Texas and I know other southern states and California work the fields every month of the year.
"Picking crops is limited to the physically young". How naïve you are.
Mexicans are Hispanic not white."
Mexico and Canada have immigration laws" Damn! You are one enlightened individual.
Go to your room little boy.

Yes, a fair wage is the "going" wage. Illegals and their greedy employers changed all that. I actually have to describe to you what is considered to be a blue-collared job? How about the opposite of a white collared job since you claim to be ignorant of what it is. In many places picking crops is seasonal. It is back breaking work out in the sun all day and requires no education and you wonder why most Americans can't/won't make a career out of it? Only 3% of illegals are picking crops anyway. The other 97% are doing blue-collared jobs that Americans have always done.

Hispanic is an ethnic group duffass, not a race. Are you denying that racially they aren't part white from their Spanish ancestors? Geez, you're so damned stupid you don't even know what race/genetics are or what most Mexicans are racially composed of? Where do you think they got the Spanish language from? It certainly wasn't from their indio ancestors. Mexican is a nationality not a race or ethnic group. I can't believe you're this stupid. Are you 12 years old or a dumb Mexican illegal alien? Bye, I don't debate with idiots anymore that think immigration laws are unimportant..

I pointed out that other countries have immigration laws just like everyone else does because for some stupid reason you don't think the U.S. should have them.

Go to hell you anti-American POS and off to my ignore list you go!
It has never been about respect. Illegals take jobs no one else is willing to do and they have been here since day one What the issue is the laws of this country. Millions have waited following the immigration laws as the should in this and all countries. How does anyone say to all those millions "the joke is on you, suckers". I work with a guy that cannot bring his wife's daughter in to this country rom the Czech Republic because the laws will not allow it. So it boils down to those that obey our laws and those that do not and since when is amnesty given to millions that knowingly and deliberately BREAK OUR LAWS!? Who is in our prisons?

You're full of crap! Illegals are not doing jobs that Americans won't do for a fair wage. Who the hell do you think did those jobs before illegals flooded our borders willing to work for less?
Really?! You just negated your own post by including "fair wage". Let me ask you this, what do you, your family members and friend do to earn money? Any of them make a living at cutting grass, shoveling garbage, sweeping streets, picking crops and the like? "illegals flooded our borders" Really?! People from South America and Mexico have been here before white people!
Texas was Mexico. Last point for your head; Slaves did a lot of the work back when it was legal. Read some history before you post on this thread to stop from looking like a fool.

There has always been a minimum and "going" wage for jobs in this country. Illegal work for less than that therefore undercutting Americans for blue collared workers. I know many people who used to do construction, landscaping and all sort of jobs for the "going" wage until the arrival of cheap, illegal labor. Picking crops is only seasonal not full time employment so no most Americans don't make a career of that. c. Most illegals aren't picking crops anyway. They are doing all those other jobs that Americans have always done. For crop picking there are unlimited visas for LEGA, foreign workers so there is no need for illegals to pick crops either.

Lol, Mexicans are also white from their Spanish ancestors so you were saying? So no, they weren't here before white people. Your clue is that Texas "once" belonged to Mexico. It doesn't anymore and hasn't for over 250 years! Slavery is not legal any more nor is it legal to come here without authorization. It is you that should bring yourself up to the present and stop living in the past and learn some history yourself. If anyone is a damned fool in here it is YOU! By the way Mexico has immigration laws as does every Latino country on this continent does and so does Canada. Why aren't you whining about that?
So now it a "going " wage, define that and how is that one different from your "fair" wage. A "blue collar" worker in a Detroit auto plant makes in excess of $20/hr. to start. I don't know what country you reside in but picking crops is in fact year round in some sections. "Picking crops isv
It has never been about respect. Illegals take jobs no one else is willing to do and they have been here since day one What the issue is the laws of this country. Millions have waited following the immigration laws as the should in this and all countries. How does anyone say to all those millions "the joke is on you, suckers". I work with a guy that cannot bring his wife's daughter in to this country rom the Czech Republic because the laws will not allow it. So it boils down to those that obey our laws and those that do not and since when is amnesty given to millions that knowingly and deliberately BREAK OUR LAWS!? Who is in our prisons?

You're full of crap! Illegals are not doing jobs that Americans won't do for a fair wage. Who the hell do you think did those jobs before illegals flooded our borders willing to work for less?
Really?! You just negated your own post by including "fair wage". Let me ask you this, what do you, your family members and friend do to earn money? Any of them make a living at cutting grass, shoveling garbage, sweeping streets, picking crops and the like? "illegals flooded our borders" Really?! People from South America and Mexico have been here before white people!
Texas was Mexico. Last point for your head; Slaves did a lot of the work back when it was legal. Read some history before you post on this thread to stop from looking like a fool.

There has been a minimum and "going" wage for jobs in this country for some times now. Illegals work for less than that therefore undercutting Americans for blue collared jobs. I know many people who used to do construction, landscaping and all sort of jobs for the "going" wage until the arrival of cheap, illegal labor. Picking crops is only seasonal not full time employment so no most Americans don't make a career of that. It is limited to only the physically young also. Most illegals aren't picking crops anyway. They are doing all those other jobs that Americans have always done. For crop picking there are unlimited visas for LEGAL, foreign workers so there is no need for illegals to pick crops either.

Lol, Mexicans are also white from their Spanish ancestors so you were saying? So no, they weren't here before white people. Your clue is that Texas "once" belonged to Mexico. It doesn't anymore and hasn't for over 250 years! Slavery is not legal any more nor is it legal to come here without authorization. It is you that should bring yourself up to the present and stop living in the past and learn some history yourself. If anyone is a damned fool in here it is YOU! By the way Mexico has immigration laws as does every Latino country on this continent does and so does Canada. Why aren't you whining about that?

Oh, now "fair" wage is "going" wage.
What's your idea of a blue collar job? A Detroit auto worker today starts at greater than $20/hr.
"Picking crops is only seasonal". Really?! I live in Texas and I know other southern states and California work the fields every month of the year.
"Picking crops is limited to the physically young". How naïve you are.
Mexicans are Hispanic not white."
Mexico and Canada have immigration laws" Damn! You are one enlightened individual.
Go to your room little boy.

Yes, a fair wage is the "going" wage. Illegals and their greedy employers changed all that. I actually have to describe to you what is considered to be a blue-collared job? How about the opposite of a white collared job since you claim to be ignorant of what it is. In many places picking crops is seasonal. It is back breaking work out in the sun all day and requires no education and you wonder why most Americans can't/won't make a career out of it? Only 3% of illegals are picking crops anyway. The other 97% are doing blue-collared jobs that Americans have always done.

Hispanic is an ethnic group duffass, not a race. Are you denying that racially they aren't part white from their Spanish ancestors? Geez, you're so damned stupid you don't even know what race/genetics are or what most Mexicans are racially composed of? Where do you think they got the Spanish language from? It certainly wasn't from their indio ancestors. Mexican is a nationality not a race or ethnic group. I can't believe you're this stupid. Are you 12 years old or a dumb Mexican illegal alien? Bye, I don't debate with idiots anymore that think immigration laws are unimportant..

I pointed out that other countries have immigration laws just like everyone else does because for some stupid reason you don't think the U.S. should have them.

Go to hell you anti-American POS and off to my ignore list you go!
Oh no!!! Not "The Ignore List"!! Oh, what am I to do, being ignored and on the internet of all places.

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