'Lynch Mob': Pressure Growing


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Pressure on Lynch to step aside in Clinton email probe"

"Loretta Lynch is on the edge of the spotlight, about to be dragged to the center.

If the FBI finds sufficient evidence to launch a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton or one of her top aides for mishandling classified information, Lynch’s Justice Department will have to decide whether or not to press ahead. Even if no evidence of wrongdoing is found, Clinton’s many critics are unlikely to take the word of an appointee of President Obama’s, and will doubt that justice has been served."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Loretta Lynch is the female 'Eric holder, hand-picked by Barry to cover / protect his ass and his agenda, just as Holder was tasked to do.

Is there a 'conflict of interest' here? You damn right there is! Obama is now tied to Hillary and this scandal though 18 e-mails to Hillary's private e-mail address/server. Before these e-mails were discovered Barry declared he never knew anything about them until he learned about it through the media. The 18 found e-mails shows he lied his ass off. No way Lynch steps aside / is allowed to step aside as longs as Obama's ass is connected.

Lynch was hired to do Obama's bidding as well. Her entire DOJ has been compromised, as seen by the DOJ's refusal to indict their last boss for 3 undeniably proven Felony Perjury acts before Congress in his attempt to keep 'Fast and Furious' covered up (which earned him a bi-partisan Censure, the 1st ever for a US Atty General).

The GOP can demand all they want that Lynch step aside, but there is no way that happens. Obama will not relinquish control of the situation. Lynch and the DOJ are the single point of 'success / failure' in this investigation . process.

The Hillary investigation will die at the feet of Lynch and the DOJ when she refuses to call a Grand Jury. The WH has shown their hand. The WH - not Lynch or the DOJ, whose responsibility it is to make that call - said recently that based on what 'we' know a Grand Jury will not be called. Isn't / Wasn't that LYNCH's call to make, not the WH? Fail...the fix is in.

Much like Hillary's 'win' in Iowa - 'Nothing to see here, move along!'
That's why this is so problematic for the DNC, and it all hinges on the FBI recommending an indictment. If it does not, the whole thing goes away and Hillary continues. If it does, however, either the OA indicts and her career is over, or it does not and democrats face a big backlash.
Obama and Democrats think Americans are ignorant, passive sheep with a short-term memory.

Eric Holder was pretty much the proof. They had him dad-to-rights, and they refused to press charges and let him walk. no big backlash, people have already forgotten about it, and Holder walked.

One of the biggest lies to the American people EVER told was the 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan' - no political backlash....just passive acceptance.
Very few will care that a few of "Clinton’s many critics are unlikely to take the word of an appointee of President Obama’s, and will doubt that justice has been served."
1st post Clinton emails

3rd post Obama lied

Hillary been arrested yet?


Siete, we are all aware of your mental inability to grasp the concept of an 'on-going investigation'. Must you CONSTANTLY remind us of your ignorance?
Democrats are foolish to believe Hillary is more electable than Sanders. All of her baggage is going to sink her in the general election.
Siete, we are all aware of your mental inability to grasp the concept of an 'on-going investigation'. Must you CONSTANTLY remind us of your ignorance?
Easyt, that is you in the mirror to which you are speaking.
Siete, we are all aware of your mental inability to grasp the concept of an 'on-going investigation'. Must you CONSTANTLY remind us of your ignorance?
Easyt, that is you in the mirror to which you are speaking.
No, I KNOW what 'on-going investigation' means...since Siete points out nearly every day that HE doesn't maybe you should explain it to him.
There will be no indictment of Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky until and unless The Democrat Party is firmly out of office. Even then more than a few in the (former) Justice Department will have to be weeded out to restore integrity.
Siete, we are all aware of your mental inability to grasp the concept of an 'on-going investigation'. Must you CONSTANTLY remind us of your ignorance?
Easyt, that is you in the mirror to which you are speaking.
No, I KNOW what 'on-going investigation' means...since Siete points out nearly every day that HE doesn't maybe you should explain it to him.
Nope, you are being partisan. There is no criminal investigation. The material was not classified when it was sent.
Nope, you are being partisan. There is no criminal investigation. The material was not classified when it was sent.

Et Tu, Jake....YOU are going to start delusionally denying there is an investigation and regurgitating that 'Markings' LIE?!

There is no 'partisan' to a government Non-Disclosure Form SIGNED BY HILLARY CLINTON!

The links to Hillary's own Non-Disclosure Document has already been posted, the document in which it states that whether a document was marked at the time or not DOES NOT MATTER as all documents will be treated as classified. In that link/article Hillary HERSELF acknowledged this to be FACT - her signature is on the document. The document also states Hillary was to KNOW what was classified and what was not.

The 'was not marked classified at the time' has been negated, is a ruse, does NOT matter. Game over - YOUR argument has failed and has been PROVEN to be false.
Siete, we are all aware of your mental inability to grasp the concept of an 'on-going investigation'. Must you CONSTANTLY remind us of your ignorance?
Easyt, that is you in the mirror to which you are speaking.
No, I KNOW what 'on-going investigation' means...since Siete points out nearly every day that HE doesn't maybe you should explain it to him.
Nope, you are being partisan. There is no criminal investigation. The material was not classified when it was sent.

Still waiting for Hillary to be in Jail...not going to happen. :lol:
Very few will care that a few of "Clinton’s many critics are unlikely to take the word of an appointee of President Obama’s, and will doubt that justice has been served."
Majority support for a position has naught to do with said position's correctness.
Siete, we are all aware of your mental inability to grasp the concept of an 'on-going investigation'. Must you CONSTANTLY remind us of your ignorance?
Easyt, that is you in the mirror to which you are speaking.
No, I KNOW what 'on-going investigation' means...since Siete points out nearly every day that HE doesn't maybe you should explain it to him.
Nope, you are being partisan. There is no criminal investigation. The material was not classified when it was sent.

Still waiting for Hillary to be in Jail...not going to happen. :lol:
Probably not, because she's too well connected and knows where too many skeletons are buried. That does, however, set the DNC up with an interesting problem. If the FBI recommends an indictment, they have to either indict, which would sink her candidacy, or refuse, which would create a messy backlash and cost democrats quite a lot, including her candidacy. It all comes down to the FBI, and anyone who confidently says now that she skates or goes to jail has no clue.
It's a shame that the Department of JUSTICE, like this nation thanks to Obama, has lost so much credibility and trust...
Very few will care that a few of "Clinton’s many critics are unlikely to take the word of an appointee of President Obama’s, and will doubt that justice has been served."
Majority support for a position has naught to do with said position's correctness.
Your comment means nothing. My point is that only a very few will care about this, and those who simply don't have the power to do anything other than yell in frustration.

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