Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

So they kept the one thing that wasn't true...and forced the CIA to change the things that were...and somehow in your eyes that means they were honest with Congress and the American people?

No it means there was no ill intent to push a false narrative by the White House or Susan Rice. Anyone who tells you that they were has been lying to you. After the CIA talking Point emails came out it has been clear there was no scandal involving Susan Rice or any other Administation official.

Trey Gowdy may investigate something but he sure wont investigate the knuckle headed claims you have been wasting your time on.

You may very well be the most naive poster on this board, Notfooled!

Those 12 revisions that Jay Carney lied through his teeth about? They were to take out things that were embarrassing to the Administration that were the it was an Al Queda affiliated group behind the attack...and to leave in things that they knew weren't the it was a protest over a YouTube video that escalated into an attack extremists later joined in on. What took place is the very EPITOME of pushing a false narrative! That was what Susan Rice was DOING that Sunday morning on all of those news shows. She was putting out the Administration's "spin" on what would rapidly become a full fledged scandal BECAUSE they deliberately tried to mislead Congress and the American people about Benghazi and got caught red handed. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes' email prepping Susan Rice FOR those talk shows shows exactly what it was that she was being sent out there for. An email that the Obama White House reclassified as 'Top Secret' in an attempt to hide it from Congressional investigators only to have it later revealed because of a Freedom of Information lawsuit.
Shitstain....tell us all why Obama waited until now to go after Amnesty.

Why didn't he get his fellow liberal scum in Congress to pass a bill for him to sign into law during his first few years in office???

Oh...he knew he would lose every subsequent election....he only made the move as a limp dick lame duck.

Obama only won because Romney was too moderate for many GOP voters and there are plenty of stupid fuck scum like you that believed Obama's lies on the economy, terrorism, obamacare, etc.

Asswipe....if Obama did Amnesty before his last election, his ass would've been whooped by Romney.

There are white and black Democrap voters that don't support Amnesty, shitstain.
You morons thought Romney was going to win anyway. We had a mass exodus of embarrassed Rs/TPers after that bitchslap Obama gave Mittens.
He WON for the same reason Hillary will win. They're smart, they know their craft and there isn't a repub in the land competent enough for the job. Easy peasy...
Many people just don't take crude foul mouthed and name calling people like you serious because they perceive that kind of communication to indicate an emotional kind of mental disability and lack of education. The fact that so many Tea Party participants resort to this kind of communication is reason enough to reject the ideas of those who use that crudeness and name calling to express themselves.


I wonder if 1776 would appreciate someone talking this way to his wife or his kids?

You have to wonder just how "conservative" complete disregard for old fashioned chivalry makes you.
What's pathetic is all of the time and money (putting aside the loss of 4 American's lives!) that have been wasted simply because this Administration refuses to admit that it fucks things up in epic ways.

'Fess did something that was stupid...and it blew up in your face. Instead of spending all your time trying to deflect blame to YouTube videos and nonexistent protest mobs, admit that you misjudged the situation, try to learn from it and move on.

Yup the whole thing was a fuck up by Obama's State Department headed by Hilbat.

The administration lied its ass off to try to head off any fallout for Barry and his run for re-election.

Four good men died for absofuckinglutely nothing and Barry had no problem jetting off to his Vegas Fundraiser the next day. He could care less about those men dying because his State Department fucked up big time and his fundraiser was more important.

One has to wonder how the hell anyone could even think Hilbat could run the country.

She couldn't even handle Benghazi.

" What difference does it make?"

That says it all right there.
When you've got an Administration who's motto is "Don't do stupid stuff!" you're pretty much assured that stupid stuff is going to happen.
Can you not read the transcripts?

I am reading and citing the transcripts. The entire transcripts . I do not ignore what Rice actually said after she mentions the video demonstration that the CIA said was there first. Do you have a mental block when you read the words "extremists that brought heavy weapons" if Susan Rice says them? How long will you pretend that she did not say those word in every appearance.

How long are you going to pretend that she doesn't blame the attacks on a protest over a video that was then exploited by extremists with heavy weapons...when the heavy weapons were there from the START and there was no protest that took place before the attack? Rice says the same misleading things in each of her Sunday morning talk shows because those are the words that the Obama White House put in her mouth before they trotted her out there. You just claimed that she never mentioned the video. YOU WERE WRONG!!!

She never said the protesters started the attack did she? Nope she blamed extremist always. Before you go there, yes they were incorrect in that there were no protest at the Consulate, only the extremist who attacked.
Can you not read the transcripts?

I am reading and citing the transcripts. The entire transcripts . I do not ignore what Rice actually said after she mentions the video demonstration that the CIA said was there first. Do you have a mental block when you read the words "extremists that brought heavy weapons" if Susan Rice says them? How long will you pretend that she did not say those word in every appearance.

How long are you going to pretend that she doesn't blame the attacks on a protest over a video that was then exploited by extremists with heavy weapons...when the heavy weapons were there from the START and there was no protest that took place before the attack? Rice says the same misleading things in each of her Sunday morning talk shows because those are the words that the Obama White House put in her mouth before they trotted her out there. You just claimed that she never mentioned the video. YOU WERE WRONG!!!

She never said the protesters started the attack did she? Nope she blamed extremist always. Before you go there, yes they were incorrect in that there were no protest at the Consulate, only the extremist who attacked.

Boo, Rice's "mission" that day was not to tell us that extremists attacked the consulate...her mission (set out explicitly by Ben Rhodes in the email that was reclassified to hide it from the public and Congress) was to put forth a narrative that what took place in Benghazi was the result of a protest over a YouTube video and not a failure of policy by the Obama Administration.
Can you not read the transcripts?

I am reading and citing the transcripts. The entire transcripts . I do not ignore what Rice actually said after she mentions the video demonstration that the CIA said was there first. Do you have a mental block when you read the words "extremists that brought heavy weapons" if Susan Rice says them? How long will you pretend that she did not say those word in every appearance.

How long are you going to pretend that she doesn't blame the attacks on a protest over a video that was then exploited by extremists with heavy weapons...when the heavy weapons were there from the START and there was no protest that took place before the attack? Rice says the same misleading things in each of her Sunday morning talk shows because those are the words that the Obama White House put in her mouth before they trotted her out there. You just claimed that she never mentioned the video. YOU WERE WRONG!!!

She never said the protesters started the attack did she? Nope she blamed extremist always. Before you go there, yes they were incorrect in that there were no protest at the Consulate, only the extremist who attacked.

Boo, Rice's "mission" that day was not to tell us that extremists attacked the consulate...her mission (set out explicitly by Ben Rhodes in the email that was reclassified to hide it from the public and Congress) was to put forth a narrative that what took place in Benghazi was the result of a protest over a YouTube video and not a failure of policy by the Obama Administration.

The transcripts are included in this thread and in everyone of them Ambassador Rice always claimed it was an extremist element that carried out the attacks.
Can you not read the transcripts?

I am reading and citing the transcripts. The entire transcripts . I do not ignore what Rice actually said after she mentions the video demonstration that the CIA said was there first. Do you have a mental block when you read the words "extremists that brought heavy weapons" if Susan Rice says them? How long will you pretend that she did not say those word in every appearance.

How long are you going to pretend that she doesn't blame the attacks on a protest over a video that was then exploited by extremists with heavy weapons...when the heavy weapons were there from the START and there was no protest that took place before the attack? Rice says the same misleading things in each of her Sunday morning talk shows because those are the words that the Obama White House put in her mouth before they trotted her out there. You just claimed that she never mentioned the video. YOU WERE WRONG!!!

She never said the protesters started the attack did she? Nope she blamed extremist always. Before you go there, yes they were incorrect in that there were no protest at the Consulate, only the extremist who attacked.

Boo, Rice's "mission" that day was not to tell us that extremists attacked the consulate...her mission (set out explicitly by Ben Rhodes in the email that was reclassified to hide it from the public and Congress) was to put forth a narrative that what took place in Benghazi was the result of a protest over a YouTube video and not a failure of policy by the Obama Administration.

The transcripts are included in this thread and in everyone of them Ambassador Rice always claimed it was an extremist element that carried out the attacks.

And in every one of them she prefaced that claim by claiming the attack was the result of a protest over the YouTube video that extremist elements took advantage of.
That was the White House narrative, Boo. That was what Ben Rhodes sent Rice out there to underscore that this wasn't a planned attack by Al Queda but a spontaneous protest that "extremists" took advantage of.
They did so even though they knew from the very start that this was indeed a planned attack and had been carried out by an Al Queda affiliated terrorist group.
I am reading and citing the transcripts. The entire transcripts . I do not ignore what Rice actually said after she mentions the video demonstration that the CIA said was there first. Do you have a mental block when you read the words "extremists that brought heavy weapons" if Susan Rice says them? How long will you pretend that she did not say those word in every appearance.

How long are you going to pretend that she doesn't blame the attacks on a protest over a video that was then exploited by extremists with heavy weapons...when the heavy weapons were there from the START and there was no protest that took place before the attack? Rice says the same misleading things in each of her Sunday morning talk shows because those are the words that the Obama White House put in her mouth before they trotted her out there. You just claimed that she never mentioned the video. YOU WERE WRONG!!!

She never said the protesters started the attack did she? Nope she blamed extremist always. Before you go there, yes they were incorrect in that there were no protest at the Consulate, only the extremist who attacked.

Boo, Rice's "mission" that day was not to tell us that extremists attacked the consulate...her mission (set out explicitly by Ben Rhodes in the email that was reclassified to hide it from the public and Congress) was to put forth a narrative that what took place in Benghazi was the result of a protest over a YouTube video and not a failure of policy by the Obama Administration.

The transcripts are included in this thread and in everyone of them Ambassador Rice always claimed it was an extremist element that carried out the attacks.

And in every one of them she prefaced that claim by claiming the attack was the result of a protest over the YouTube video that extremist elements took advantage of.

You can't re-write what she said to fit your narrative.

"But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video."

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this [the alleged copycat protest] was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

September 16 Benjamin Netanyahu Susan Rice Keith Ellison Peter King Bob Woodward Jeffrey Goldberg Andrea Mitchell - Meet the Press - Transcripts NBC News
They did so even though they knew from the very start that this was indeed a planned attack and had been carried out by an Al Queda affiliated terrorist group.

Yup and on the anniversary of 9-11. Duuuuhh

Don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Just have to be smarter than the administration and its lies.
How long are you going to pretend that she doesn't blame the attacks on a protest over a video that was then exploited by extremists with heavy weapons...when the heavy weapons were there from the START and there was no protest that took place before the attack? Rice says the same misleading things in each of her Sunday morning talk shows because those are the words that the Obama White House put in her mouth before they trotted her out there. You just claimed that she never mentioned the video. YOU WERE WRONG!!!

She never said the protesters started the attack did she? Nope she blamed extremist always. Before you go there, yes they were incorrect in that there were no protest at the Consulate, only the extremist who attacked.

Boo, Rice's "mission" that day was not to tell us that extremists attacked the consulate...her mission (set out explicitly by Ben Rhodes in the email that was reclassified to hide it from the public and Congress) was to put forth a narrative that what took place in Benghazi was the result of a protest over a YouTube video and not a failure of policy by the Obama Administration.

The transcripts are included in this thread and in everyone of them Ambassador Rice always claimed it was an extremist element that carried out the attacks.

And in every one of them she prefaced that claim by claiming the attack was the result of a protest over the YouTube video that extremist elements took advantage of.

You can't re-write what she said to fit your narrative.

"But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video."

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this [the alleged copycat protest] was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

September 16 Benjamin Netanyahu Susan Rice Keith Ellison Peter King Bob Woodward Jeffrey Goldberg Andrea Mitchell - Meet the Press - Transcripts NBC News

Ah Boo...what you posted backs up my contention completely. What have I re-written to fit my narrative?
They didn't use the best information that they had available to them...they discarded intel that didn't conform with the narrative they wanted to sell and retained intel that they knew by then wasn't correct, because it did conform with the narrative they wanted to sell.
She never said the protesters started the attack did she? Nope she blamed extremist always. Before you go there, yes they were incorrect in that there were no protest at the Consulate, only the extremist who attacked.

Boo, Rice's "mission" that day was not to tell us that extremists attacked the consulate...her mission (set out explicitly by Ben Rhodes in the email that was reclassified to hide it from the public and Congress) was to put forth a narrative that what took place in Benghazi was the result of a protest over a YouTube video and not a failure of policy by the Obama Administration.

The transcripts are included in this thread and in everyone of them Ambassador Rice always claimed it was an extremist element that carried out the attacks.

And in every one of them she prefaced that claim by claiming the attack was the result of a protest over the YouTube video that extremist elements took advantage of.

You can't re-write what she said to fit your narrative.

"But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video."

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this [the alleged copycat protest] was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

September 16 Benjamin Netanyahu Susan Rice Keith Ellison Peter King Bob Woodward Jeffrey Goldberg Andrea Mitchell - Meet the Press - Transcripts NBC News

Ah Boo...what you posted backs up my contention completely. What have I re-written to fit my narrative?

Ambassador Rice never claimed "the attack was the result of a protest". Her speculation that day was that the attacks came from "extremist elements"
Boo, Rice's "mission" that day was not to tell us that extremists attacked the consulate...her mission (set out explicitly by Ben Rhodes in the email that was reclassified to hide it from the public and Congress) was to put forth a narrative that what took place in Benghazi was the result of a protest over a YouTube video and not a failure of policy by the Obama Administration.

The transcripts are included in this thread and in everyone of them Ambassador Rice always claimed it was an extremist element that carried out the attacks.

And in every one of them she prefaced that claim by claiming the attack was the result of a protest over the YouTube video that extremist elements took advantage of.

You can't re-write what she said to fit your narrative.

"But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video."

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this [the alleged copycat protest] was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

September 16 Benjamin Netanyahu Susan Rice Keith Ellison Peter King Bob Woodward Jeffrey Goldberg Andrea Mitchell - Meet the Press - Transcripts NBC News

Ah Boo...what you posted backs up my contention completely. What have I re-written to fit my narrative?

Ambassador Rice never claimed "the attack was the result of a protest". Her speculation that day was that the attacks came from "extremist elements"

That is exactly right. Oldstyle does not make a case from any angle. The Administration repeated the same exact talking points that Republicans in the House and Senate were given by the CIA. And there can be no false narrative conspiracy theory because Rice emphasized the extremist elements side of the talking points quite evenly with the protest part.

Its a rather odd false narrative when the 'extremist with heavy weapons' ' narrative is told alongside the 'protests over a video'' narrative. All of it was qualified as being further investigated anyway. Which it was and revealed. To this day the situation was murky and there was a presence at the Consulate that came to protest the video.
OS 10268793
they discarded intel that didn't conform with the narrative they wanted to sell and retained intel that they knew by then wasn't correct, because it did conform with the narrative they wanted to sell.

No they didn't. Obama said it was an act of terror the morning after the attack took place. Rice said extremist elements with heavy weapons were responsible for the attack - not protesters.

You are blinded by so much hate that you can't accept what Rice and Obama early on said.

Although he was not selling anything - how does Obama "sell" that it is not an act of terror if he says it was an act of terror the day after it happened.

Just because idiot Romney didn't hear Obama say it, does not mean he did not say it.

Romney was so busy dancing on the graves of four dead Americans, one a US Ambassador, serving in a post-war zone overseas, he couldn't be bothered with what the President actually said.
What have I re-written to fit my narrative?

That's so easy.... You re-wrote Rice's interviews when you used the expression "blame the attacks on a protest ... " .

"How long are you going to pretend that she doesn't blame the attacks on a protest over a video that was then exploited by extremists with heavy weapons"

Rice did not blame the attacks on a protest. If she wanted to blame protesters she would not have made the same distinction that the CIA did in the talking points. She made the distinction between protestors and heavily armed extremists. Only a fool would believe that the protest is what killed Amb Stevens and Sean Smith. Only a fool would believe that extremists elements were not responsible for the attack and two deaths at the consulate complex, and you keep repeating the former.
OS 10268793
they discarded intel that didn't conform with the narrative they wanted to sell and retained intel that they knew by then wasn't correct, because it did conform with the narrative they wanted to sell.

No they didn't. Obama said it was an act of terror the morning after the attack took place. Rice said extremist elements with heavy weapons were responsible for the attack - not protesters.

You are blinded by so much hate that you can't accept what Rice and Obama early on said.

Although he was not selling anything - how does Obama "sell" that it is not an act of terror if he says it was an act of terror the day after it happened.

Just because idiot Romney didn't hear Obama say it, does not mean he did not say it.

Romney was so busy dancing on the graves of four dead Americans, one a US Ambassador, serving in a post-war zone overseas, he couldn't be bothered with what the President actually said.

Show me where Susan Rice said protesters were not involved in the Benghazi attacks and that it was a terror attack carried out by Al Queda.? Show me where Obama specifically referred to the Benghazi attacks as an act of terror in his Rose Garden speech the day after.
Boo, Rice's "mission" that day was not to tell us that extremists attacked the consulate...her mission (set out explicitly by Ben Rhodes in the email that was reclassified to hide it from the public and Congress) was to put forth a narrative that what took place in Benghazi was the result of a protest over a YouTube video and not a failure of policy by the Obama Administration.

The transcripts are included in this thread and in everyone of them Ambassador Rice always claimed it was an extremist element that carried out the attacks.

And in every one of them she prefaced that claim by claiming the attack was the result of a protest over the YouTube video that extremist elements took advantage of.

You can't re-write what she said to fit your narrative.

"But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video."

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this [the alleged copycat protest] was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

September 16 Benjamin Netanyahu Susan Rice Keith Ellison Peter King Bob Woodward Jeffrey Goldberg Andrea Mitchell - Meet the Press - Transcripts NBC News

Ah Boo...what you posted backs up my contention completely. What have I re-written to fit my narrative?

Ambassador Rice never claimed "the attack was the result of a protest". Her speculation that day was that the attacks came from "extremist elements"

"BOB SCHIEFFER: And joining us now, Susan Rice, the U.N. ambassador, our U.N. ambassador. Madam Ambassador, he says this is something that has been in the planning stages for months. I understand you have been saying that you think it was spontaneous? Are we not on the same page here?

SUSAN RICE (Ambassador to the United Nations): Bob, let me tell you what we understand to be the assessment at present. First of all, very importantly, as you discussed with the President, there is an investigation that the United States government will launch led by the FBI, that has begun and--

BOB SCHIEFFER (overlapping): But they are not there.

SUSAN RICE: They are not on the ground yet, but they have already begun looking at all sorts of evidence of-- of various sorts already available to them and to us. And they will get on the ground and continue the investigation. So we'll want to see the results of that investigation to draw any definitive conclusions. But based on the best information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present is in fact what began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy--


SUSAN RICE: --sparked by this hateful video. But soon after that spontaneous protest began outside of our consulate in Benghazi, we believe that it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that-- in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent.

BOB SCHIEFFER: But you do not agree with him that this was something that had been plotted out several months ago?

SUSAN RICE: We do not-- we do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.

BOB SCHIEFFER: Do you agree or disagree with him that al Qaeda had some part in this?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine."

That was Susan Rice's interview on "Face the Nation", you STILL want to claim she never said the attacks followed a protest? You have to remember that when Rice was sent out to do those Sunday morning talk shows by Ben Rhodes that the White House had already been told by numerous sources that there was no protest in Benghazi prior to the attack and that the attack that did take place was planned and carried out by an Al Queda affiliated terror group.

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