Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

Billc 10248935
That obama and hilary lied about the attack...immediately after the attack and weeks after the attack, they arrested a film maker who had nothing to do with the attack....

There is no lie there Billc. The film-maker was not arrested for the attack in Benghazi. What makes you think he was? The guy violated parole. So you still have not answered what the lie was regarding the attack by Obama and Hillary. All you replies are equally as bogus as this one about the filmmaker. His arrest had nothing to do with Benghazi so there can be no lie there.
Your post reflects your ignorance of the subject.

How so? I asked you, "what is available as an immediate response strike force that could clear a city of 500,000 of all mortar launch sites within a few minutes of the first of five mortar rounds being fired over an 11 minute period?"

You don't have the decency to attempt an answer or admit that there is no valid military option for what happened in Benghazi.

You claim that I am ignorant on the subject when it is you that cannot respond to a question?

There was no valid military response to that attack in Benghazi? Is that what you're claiming, Notfooled? That the most powerful military on the planet could not in any way defend our consulate against an attack lasting over 7 hours? That they managed to scramble a C-17 cargo plane from Germany to Libya in 11 hours to pick up the bodies of the four dead Americans but they couldn't deploy a single fighter jet or any other gunship to that locale in 7 hours to provide cover for the Annex? Is that what you want me to believe? That in a hot spot like the Middle East...on a red letter day like 9/11 that they didn't have any offensive air craft standing by? Is that what you're selling?
What the fuck are you talking about brain dead. Send jets to some neighborhood attack in a country we have no permission to fly over. And who would you bomb dipshit going hundreds of miles an hour?
God you're dumb. I don't know what else to say.
You know what this reminds me of? Republicans attacking Iraq without knowing anything about the country or their religions or knowing what it would do to the one and a half million Christians living there. And then being shocked they weren't "grateful". If Republicans weren't so fucking stupid and proud of it, they wouldn't constantly be surprised.

Let me get this think it's a problem for modern jets to bomb a target because they fly at "hundreds of miles an hour"? Seriously, R-Derp? You must have missed the whole Gulf War thing I take it? With someone on the ground to direct smart weapons a modern fighter can just about put a bomb up a gnat's ass. The sad truth is that if we'd simply had an F-16 do a flyover of our Annex that night it most likely would have had the attackers running for cover because they know only too well the capabilities of the US planes.
Billc 10248935
That obama and hilary lied about the attack...immediately after the attack and weeks after the attack, they arrested a film maker who had nothing to do with the attack....

There is no lie there Billc. The film-maker was not arrested for the attack in Benghazi. What makes you think he was? The guy violated parole. So you still have not answered what the lie was regarding the attack by Obama and Hillary. All you replies are equally as bogus as this one about the filmmaker. His arrest had nothing to do with Benghazi so there can be no lie there.

Hillary Clinton looked the mother of one of those men right in the eyes as they were unloading his casket from the plane and told her that they were going to put the man responsible for making that movie that caused the attack in prison. She did so knowing full well that it was a planned attack by an Al Queda affiliate that had nothing to do with the YouTube video. Would you like me to find that mother's opinion of Hillary after she found out the truth? It wasn't pretty.
When you compare the careers of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama side by side without the partisan blinders on, Carbineer....there isn't even a contest.

Dead on! Both are embarrassments to their parties.
No they are not both embarrassments. Mitt may be but Obama has done the best he can under the circumstances. He has had nobody to work with except maybe a handful of Democrats.

The Dems got what they deserve but they don't realize it. Maybe they'll work on getting their message out for 2016 and at least get the Senate back. What we have now is a good Democratic president and a whole hell of a lot of obstruction.

You want ineffective government? Keep saying stupid stuff like this, Jake.

Barack Obama took office with huge majorities of Democrats in both the House and the Senate. You're amusing, Sarah. It's like you live in a parallel universe or something where history isn't the same as it is here.
Billc 10248935
That obama and hilary lied about the attack...immediately after the attack and weeks after the attack, they arrested a film maker who had nothing to do with the attack....

There is no lie there Billc. The film-maker was not arrested for the attack in Benghazi. What makes you think he was? The guy violated parole. So you still have not answered what the lie was regarding the attack by Obama and Hillary. All you replies are equally as bogus as this one about the filmmaker. His arrest had nothing to do with Benghazi so there can be no lie there.

Hillary Clinton looked the mother of one of those men right in the eyes as they were unloading his casket from the plane and told her that they were going to put the man responsible for making that movie that caused the attack in prison. She did so knowing full well that it was a planned attack by an Al Queda affiliate that had nothing to do with the YouTube video. Would you like me to find that mother's opinion of Hillary after she found out the truth? It wasn't pretty.
You and "truth" are practically strangers.
Billc 10249550
they lied that the attack was spontaneous
NF 10249615
No they didnt. The CIA's original assessment was that there was a spontaneous demonstration similar to the protests in Cairo. They would have been lying if they contradicted the CIA talking points on their own. Susan Rice repeated the CIA talking points verbatim. That was her job on the Sunday news shows.

Billc 10249806
Sorry...they new from the start it was an organized attack...

Billc 10249810

Your PJ Tatler writer states the same exact lie that most if not all of the rightwingers here state. The last line from your Tatler link is the lie to which I am referring:

Host Andrea Mitchell asked Panetta, “You wrote in the book that you disagreed with David Petraeus and told the situation room he thought it was a spontaneous demonstration outside the consulate that night. Why did you disagree. What didn’t ring true about that?”

Panetta fired: “I didn’t have any specific information, but the fact was that when you bring grenade launchers to a demonstration, something else is going on. From the very beginning I sensed that this was an attack, a terrorist attack on the compound. I remember saying look, based on the ones I see and the nature of the attack, I think this was a terrorist attack. He said look, the information we are getting from intelligence sources is that it really was a demonstration. I said you know, David, i don’t see it that way.”

Both President Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the protest point of view.

I have shown repeatedly on this thread that Obama and Secretary of State .. and through Susan Rice on the Sunday Moring Pundit circus that Obama, Clinton and Susan Rice all took the position that the CIA took. That was that there was a protest that was overtaken by 'extremists' that brought heavy weapons. Panetta apparently didn't know that when he gave his interview to sell his book. I'm sure he knows that conservatives will buy up his book if he feeds their demented appetite for lies and more lies about everything.

So you have attempted to argue that Obama and Hillary lied by citing a lie written on some right wing whackadoo website?

Read the transcripts that I have provided of Susan Rice on the show. She took the Extremists with heavy weapons and with possible ties to al Qaeda POINT OF VIEW.
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Billc 10249810

Panetta tells Andrea Mitchell: “I didn’t have any specific information, but the fact was that when you bring grenade launchers to a demonstration, something else is going on."

And from that you seek to make an argument that Obama and Hillary lied because they took the 'protest' point of view? They didn't take the 'protest' point of view as I outlined for you on my previous post. However the absurdity of right wing attacks based on American deaths at Benghazi are exemplified by your series of posts. You expect Obama and Clinton to make decisions based upon someone formerly in the Administration who is selling a book, who admits in an interview that "didn’t have any specific information" about the attack to go by. You call the President of the United States and the Secretary of State liars because you don't like the FACT that they took information from the CIA rather than from Leon Panetta who admits that he didn't have any specific information to express his erroneous point of view.
OS 10243146
What's troubling isn't that a military response didn't get there in time to save those four Americans, Notfooled...what's troubling is they never sent one at all

NF 10245428 regarding OC 10243146
There has been no scandal related to the reality that a military response could not have saved two Americans at the consulate where over twenty Americans were safely evacuated. And a military response other than saturation bombing of every square meter of a two mile radius around the perimeter of the CIA Annex would have worked. Woods and Dougherty were killed by random mortar fire that came after a lull in attacks hours after the Consulate had been attacked.

OS 10245775
The "scandal", Notfooled is that there never was a military response to the attacks even though those in charge didn't know how long the battle might go on. You're right, people WERE killed by mortar fire that came hours after the Consulate had been attacked and there was still no military response. We couldn't even secure the consulate for weeks after the attacks because they STILL hadn't had a military response. It's akin to someone in charge of emergency responses to 911 calls saying that they didn't dispatch a fire truck to a fire because they didn't think they could save the house...or didn't send an ambulance because they didn't think the person having the heart attack was likely to survive until one got there.

OS 10245816
Why would a military response to an attack on American soil be a "non-starter"? Explain to me how anyone could have known that sending help wouldn't have helped?

OS 10245873
I keep hearing that excuse, Siete...and I keep asking the same did they know how long the attack was going to last? If they sent offensive aircraft to the Benghazi area and they arrived too late then fine...I can see Gate's point and would say that they tried their best. But they never scrambled ANY air response at all!

OS 10251452
Those Americans on the ground obviously expected that help was on the way. They were calling for air support on the mortars they could see from the rooftop...air support that was never going to come because it was NEVER launched. Those attacks could have gone on for DAYS because the US military wasn't coming. We didn't give those people a fighting chance because we had "leaders" that were more concerned about appearances and politics then they were about American lives.

OS 10256367
With someone on the ground to direct smart weapons a modern fighter can just about put a bomb up a gnat's ass. The sad truth is that if we'd simply had an F-16 do a flyover of our Annex that night it most likely would have had the attackers running for cover because they know only too well the capabilities of the US planes.

Is it your new argument that suicidal bloodthirsty terrorists would cower at the sound of fighter jet flying over and would have refused to fire the mortar round that killed Doherty and Woods at the CIA Annex? And why do you run on talking about 'laser guidance from the ground' when it has been explained to you that the Contractors on the roof at the CIA Annex did not see the mortar positions and neither did the surveillance drone that was in the area.

You are a victim of this flawed Fox News Report Oldstyle, and rest of the suckers here that agree with you. CIA contractors were feeding incorrect information to Fox news right after the attack. Face it. Fox news are the liars for not correcting the record.

According to sources on the ground during the attack, the special operator on the roof of the CIA annex had visual contact and a laser pointing at the Libyan mortar team that was targeting the CIA annex. The operators were calling in coordinates of where the Libyan forces were firing from.

EXCLUSIVE CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack sources say Fox News

In your post 0251452 your wrote the big lie: "Those Americans on the ground obviously expected that help was on the way. They were calling for air support on the mortars they could see from the rooftop"

What Fox News reported to you was not true. But that was months ago and has since been proven not true. Why won't you confess that that you are wrong and not informed on Benghazi at all?
Billc 10248935
That obama and hilary lied about the attack...immediately after the attack and weeks after the attack, they arrested a film maker who had nothing to do with the attack....

There is no lie there Billc. The film-maker was not arrested for the attack in Benghazi. What makes you think he was? The guy violated parole. So you still have not answered what the lie was regarding the attack by Obama and Hillary. All you replies are equally as bogus as this one about the filmmaker. His arrest had nothing to do with Benghazi so there can be no lie there.

Hillary Clinton looked the mother of one of those men right in the eyes as they were unloading his casket from the plane and told her that they were going to put the man responsible for making that movie that caused the attack in prison. She did so knowing full well that it was a planned attack by an Al Queda affiliate that had nothing to do with the YouTube video. Would you like me to find that mother's opinion of Hillary after she found out the truth? It wasn't pretty.
You and "truth" are practically strangers.

So you'd like to claim that Barack Obama DIDN'T take office with huge majorities in the House and Senate? Is that what you're going with, Sarah? Is THAT your version of "truth"?
Billc 10249550
they lied that the attack was spontaneous
NF 10249615
No they didnt. The CIA's original assessment was that there was a spontaneous demonstration similar to the protests in Cairo. They would have been lying if they contradicted the CIA talking points on their own. Susan Rice repeated the CIA talking points verbatim. That was her job on the Sunday news shows.

Billc 10249806
Sorry...they new from the start it was an organized attack...

Billc 10249810

Your PJ Tatler writer states the same exact lie that most if not all of the rightwingers here state. The last line from your Tatler link is the lie to which I am referring:

Host Andrea Mitchell asked Panetta, “You wrote in the book that you disagreed with David Petraeus and told the situation room he thought it was a spontaneous demonstration outside the consulate that night. Why did you disagree. What didn’t ring true about that?”

Panetta fired: “I didn’t have any specific information, but the fact was that when you bring grenade launchers to a demonstration, something else is going on. From the very beginning I sensed that this was an attack, a terrorist attack on the compound. I remember saying look, based on the ones I see and the nature of the attack, I think this was a terrorist attack. He said look, the information we are getting from intelligence sources is that it really was a demonstration. I said you know, David, i don’t see it that way.”

Both President Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the protest point of view.

I have shown repeatedly on this thread that Obama and Secretary of State .. and through Susan Rice on the Sunday Moring Pundit circus that Obama, Clinton and Susan Rice all took the position that the CIA took. That was that there was a protest that was overtaken by 'extremists' that brought heavy weapons. Panetta apparently didn't know that when he gave his interview to sell his book. I'm sure he knows that conservatives will buy up his book if he feeds their demented appetite for lies and more lies about everything.

So you have attempted to argue that Obama and Hillary lied by citing a lie written on some right wing whackadoo website?

Read the transcripts that I have provided of Susan Rice on the show. She took the Extremists with heavy weapons and with possible ties to al Qaeda POINT OF VIEW.

It's been shown without question that the CIA was pressured repeatedly by the Clinton State Department as well as the Obama White House to modify the intelligence reports that were released to both the public and to Congress. 12 revisions to the original report, Notfooled. For you to come on here now and claim that Rice, Clinton and Obama were simply going with what the CIA gave them is absolutely laughable.
"The Libyans that I talked to, and the Libyans and other Americans who were involved in the war have told me also, that Libyan revolutionaries were very cognizant of the impact that American and NATO airpower had with respect to their victory," Hicks said.

"They are under no illusions that American and NATO airpower won that war for them. And so, in my personal opinion, a fast mover flying over Benghazi at some point, you know, as soon as possible might very well have prevented some of the bad things that happened that night."

Hicks went on to say he believes "if we had been able to scramble a fighter or aircraft or two over Benghazi as quickly as possible after the attack commenced" -- around 9:30 that night -- "I believe there would not have been a mortar attack on the annex in the morning because I believe the Libyans would have split. They would have been scared to death that we would have gotten a laser on them and killed them."

The former deputy chief of mission suggested that the Libyan government would have granted the United States permission to fly the planes.

"I believe that the Libyans were hoping that we were going to come bail them out of this mess," Hicks said. "And, you know, they were as surprised as we were that ... the military forces that did arrive only arrived on the evening of September 12th."
Billc 10248935
That obama and hilary lied about the attack...immediately after the attack and weeks after the attack, they arrested a film maker who had nothing to do with the attack....

There is no lie there Billc. The film-maker was not arrested for the attack in Benghazi. What makes you think he was? The guy violated parole. So you still have not answered what the lie was regarding the attack by Obama and Hillary. All you replies are equally as bogus as this one about the filmmaker. His arrest had nothing to do with Benghazi so there can be no lie there.

Hillary Clinton looked the mother of one of those men right in the eyes as they were unloading his casket from the plane and told her that they were going to put the man responsible for making that movie that caused the attack in prison. She did so knowing full well that it was a planned attack by an Al Queda affiliate that had nothing to do with the YouTube video. Would you like me to find that mother's opinion of Hillary after she found out the truth? It wasn't pretty.
You and "truth" are practically strangers.

So you'd like to claim that Barack Obama DIDN'T take office with huge majorities in the House and Senate? Is that what you're going with, Sarah? Is THAT your version of "truth"?

He kept the senate until this year too. Now, the only way you will see things going your way is to try and impeach the president. That won't happen so now what?

Hillary is still running, America doesn't care about Benghazi, they never have not that Daryl Issa hasn't been trying to make this all Hillary's fault. You just sit around here spouting lie after lie, hoping nobody looks your talking point du jour up and throws it back in your face but even if they do, you keep droning on and on and on...

Typical teaparty nutbar. Your next post will be:

Sarah, what am I lying about.

Billc 10248935
That obama and hilary lied about the attack...immediately after the attack and weeks after the attack, they arrested a film maker who had nothing to do with the attack....

There is no lie there Billc. The film-maker was not arrested for the attack in Benghazi. What makes you think he was? The guy violated parole. So you still have not answered what the lie was regarding the attack by Obama and Hillary. All you replies are equally as bogus as this one about the filmmaker. His arrest had nothing to do with Benghazi so there can be no lie there.

Hillary Clinton looked the mother of one of those men right in the eyes as they were unloading his casket from the plane and told her that they were going to put the man responsible for making that movie that caused the attack in prison. She did so knowing full well that it was a planned attack by an Al Queda affiliate that had nothing to do with the YouTube video. Would you like me to find that mother's opinion of Hillary after she found out the truth? It wasn't pretty.
You and "truth" are practically strangers.

So you'd like to claim that Barack Obama DIDN'T take office with huge majorities in the House and Senate? Is that what you're going with, Sarah? Is THAT your version of "truth"?

He kept the senate until this year too. Now, the only way you will see things going your way is to try and impeach the president. That won't happen so now what?

Hillary is still running, America doesn't care about Benghazi, they never have not that Daryl Issa hasn't been trying to make this all Hillary's fault. You just sit around here spouting lie after lie, hoping nobody looks your talking point du jour up and throws it back in your face but even if they do, you keep droning on and on and on...

Typical teaparty nutbar. Your next post will be:

Sarah, what am I lying about.


Let me get this make the claim that Obama didn't take office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate and THAT was what hamstrung his administration...and when I point out that he did in fact have those huge majorities...I'm spouting lie after lie? You're off in that parallel universe again...aren't you, Sarah?:tinfoil::tinfoil::tinfoil:
Even Chuck Shumer is now admitting that Obama made a huge tactical error when he used those majorities to go after ObamaCare. When Chuckie Boy is jumping ship then you KNOW that the ACA is going to be a disaster!
Obama and his fellow goons didn't do obamacare and amnesty when they first took control of Congress and the WH because they needed to go slowly to fool everyone because it takes 2 terms to get their scam implemented.

If Obama got obamacare and amnesty when Democraps owned Congress, he would've lost to Romney. This is why you now see amnesty in his last 2 years in office....
Billc 10248935 There is no lie there Billc. The film-maker was not arrested for the attack in Benghazi. What makes you think he was? The guy violated parole. So you still have not answered what the lie was regarding the attack by Obama and Hillary. All you replies are equally as bogus as this one about the filmmaker. His arrest had nothing to do with Benghazi so there can be no lie there.

Hillary Clinton looked the mother of one of those men right in the eyes as they were unloading his casket from the plane and told her that they were going to put the man responsible for making that movie that caused the attack in prison. She did so knowing full well that it was a planned attack by an Al Queda affiliate that had nothing to do with the YouTube video. Would you like me to find that mother's opinion of Hillary after she found out the truth? It wasn't pretty.
You and "truth" are practically strangers.

So you'd like to claim that Barack Obama DIDN'T take office with huge majorities in the House and Senate? Is that what you're going with, Sarah? Is THAT your version of "truth"?

He kept the senate until this year too. Now, the only way you will see things going your way is to try and impeach the president. That won't happen so now what?

Hillary is still running, America doesn't care about Benghazi, they never have not that Daryl Issa hasn't been trying to make this all Hillary's fault. You just sit around here spouting lie after lie, hoping nobody looks your talking point du jour up and throws it back in your face but even if they do, you keep droning on and on and on...

Typical teaparty nutbar. Your next post will be:

Sarah, what am I lying about.


Let me get this make the claim that Obama didn't take office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate and THAT was what hamstrung his administration...and when I point out that he did in fact have those huge majorities...I'm spouting lie after lie? You're off in that parallel universe again...aren't you, Sarah?:tinfoil::tinfoil::tinfoil:
You're forgetting to read for comprehension again. And yes, you are lying every time you open your mouth.

Link to the Shumer comments.
Obama and his fellow goons didn't do obamacare and amnesty when they first took control of Congress and the WH because they needed to go slowly to fool everyone because it takes 2 terms to get their scam implemented.

If Obama got obamacare and amnesty when Democraps owned Congress, he would've lost to Romney. This is why you now see amnesty in his last 2 years in office....
Obama would have lost to Romney, huh. :lmao:
Asswipe....if Obama did Amnesty before his last election, his ass would've been whooped by Romney.

There are white and black Democrap voters that don't support Amnesty, shitstain.

Obama and his fellow goons didn't do obamacare and amnesty when they first took control of Congress and the WH because they needed to go slowly to fool everyone because it takes 2 terms to get their scam implemented.

If Obama got obamacare and amnesty when Democraps owned Congress, he would've lost to Romney. This is why you now see amnesty in his last 2 years in office....
Obama would have lost to Romney, huh. :lmao:
Asswipe....if Obama did Amnesty before his last election, his ass would've been whooped by Romney.

There are white and black Democrap voters that don't support Amnesty, shitstain.

Obama and his fellow goons didn't do obamacare and amnesty when they first took control of Congress and the WH because they needed to go slowly to fool everyone because it takes 2 terms to get their scam implemented.

If Obama got obamacare and amnesty when Democraps owned Congress, he would've lost to Romney. This is why you now see amnesty in his last 2 years in office....
Obama would have lost to Romney, huh. :lmao:
You morons thought Romney was going to win anyway. We had a mass exodus of embarrassed Rs/TPers after that bitchslap Obama gave Mittens.
Obama only won because Romney was too moderate for many GOP voters and there are plenty of stupid fuck scum like you that believed Obama's lies on the economy, terrorism, obamacare, etc.

Asswipe....if Obama did Amnesty before his last election, his ass would've been whooped by Romney.

There are white and black Democrap voters that don't support Amnesty, shitstain.

Obama and his fellow goons didn't do obamacare and amnesty when they first took control of Congress and the WH because they needed to go slowly to fool everyone because it takes 2 terms to get their scam implemented.

If Obama got obamacare and amnesty when Democraps owned Congress, he would've lost to Romney. This is why you now see amnesty in his last 2 years in office....
Obama would have lost to Romney, huh. :lmao:
You morons thought Romney was going to win anyway. We had a mass exodus of embarrassed Rs/TPers after that bitchslap Obama gave Mittens.

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