Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

Perhaps you should ask Leon Panetta about that...

The PJ Tatler Panetta I Immediately Knew that Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack

Panetta fired: “I didn’t have any specific information, but the fact was that when you bring grenade launchers to a demonstration, something else is going on. From the very beginning I sensed that this was an attack, a terrorist attack on the compound. I remember saying look, based on the ones I see and the nature of the attack, I think this was a terrorist attack. He said look, the information we are getting from intelligence sources is that it really was a demonstration. I said you know, David, i don’t see it that way.”

And this...

The Benghazi Transcripts Top Defense officials briefed Obama on attack not video or protest Fox News

Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, a first-term lawmaker with experience as an Iraq war veteran and Army reserve officer, pressed Ham further on the point, prodding the 29-year Army veteran to admit that "the nature of the conversation" he had with Panetta and Dempsey was that "this was a terrorist attack."

So....before obama spoke, or hilary spoke to the families, they knew it wasn't a spontaneous attack...

What was the ambassador doing there with almost no an al queda area, of a radical muslim country....?
Listen dipshit, when someone starts off with, "Panetta fired: “I didn’t have any specific information", you don't need to read the rest unless you are only interested in opinions or delusions. Did that really have to be explained?

Graham is wrong, the findings are correct, and Chaffetz who will chair the Oversight Committee next term will not take up the issue again.

This is over, folks.
Graham is wrong, the findings are correct, and Chaffetz who will chair the Oversight Committee next term will not take up the issue again.

This is over, folks.
What makes you say he's wrong? Graham isn't a right wing loon as you like to address those right of Harry Reid
Because the committee report says so, and because Chaffetz won't take it up except for attacking HRC. I agree with the reporter's caveat below. Chaffetz is using Benhazi to get at Clinton. Debate Utah apos s Chaffetz is ready to pounce. But not perhaps on Benghazi... The Salt Lake Tribune

"In an interview with The Hill on Thursday in his Capitol Hill office, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) set out a broad agenda that will include hearings on embassy security in light of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead.

" ‘Secretary Clinton created a fiasco. And we’re going to investigate it,’ Chaffetz said of the former secretary of state. ..."

Or maybe not.
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OS 10251452
They were calling for air support on the mortars they could see from the rooftop...air support that was never going to come because it was NEVER launched.

How many false statements can you make on Benghazi?

A CIA timeline from a credible source depicts that falseness of your statement.

●5:15 a.m.: A new Libyan assault begins, this time with mortars. Two rounds miss and the next three hit the roof. The rooftop defenders never “laser the mortars,” as has been reported. They don’t know the weapons are in place until the indirect fire begins, nor are the mortars observed by the drone overhead. The defenders have focused their laser sights earlier on several Libyan attackers, as warnings not to fire. At 5:26 the attack is over. Woods and Doherty are dead and two others are wounded.

David Ignatius CIA rsquo s Benghazi timeline reveals errors but no evidence of conspiracy - The Washington Post

You do EconRouteIrishChick no good when you expose the dishonesty that is entrenched in the RW political view of what actually happened.

What do you do when I keep pointing out just how wrong you are about everything?

Look at this reality OldStyle. Look at these words;

"The rooftop defenders never “laser the mortars,” as has been reported. They don’t know the weapons are in place until the indirect fire begins, nor are the mortars observed by the drone overhead."

You must never fact check anything you write. How do you function with a conscience when you fact check nothing.
Your post reflects your ignorance of the subject.

How so? I asked you, "what is available as an immediate response strike force that could clear a city of 500,000 of all mortar launch sites within a few minutes of the first of five mortar rounds being fired over an 11 minute period?"

You don't have the decency to attempt an answer or admit that there is no valid military option for what happened in Benghazi.

You claim that I am ignorant on the subject when it is you that cannot respond to a question?
Because the committee report says so, and because Chaffetz won't take it up except for attacking HRC. I agree with the reporter's caveat below. Chaffetz is using Benhazi to get at Clinton. Debate Utah apos s Chaffetz is ready to pounce. But not perhaps on Benghazi... The Salt Lake Tribune

"In an interview with The Hill on Thursday in his Capitol Hill office, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) set out a broad agenda that will include hearings on embassy security in light of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead.

" ‘Secretary Clinton created a fiasco. And we’re going to investigate it,’ Chaffetz said of the former secretary of state. ..."

Or maybe not.
Just because the committee report says so? Has the report been release to make account of those things obama rice and Clinton first said and recanted later to say something totally different after the election?
Your post reflects your ignorance of the subject.

How so? I asked you, "what is available as an immediate response strike force that could clear a city of 500,000 of all mortar launch sites within a few minutes of the first of five mortar rounds being fired over an 11 minute period?"

You don't have the decency to attempt an answer or admit that there is no valid military option for what happened in Benghazi.

You claim that I am ignorant on the subject when it is you that cannot respond to a question?

There was no valid military response to that attack in Benghazi? Is that what you're claiming, Notfooled? That the most powerful military on the planet could not in any way defend our consulate against an attack lasting over 7 hours? That they managed to scramble a C-17 cargo plane from Germany to Libya in 11 hours to pick up the bodies of the four dead Americans but they couldn't deploy a single fighter jet or any other gunship to that locale in 7 hours to provide cover for the Annex? Is that what you want me to believe? That in a hot spot like the Middle East...on a red letter day like 9/11 that they didn't have any offensive air craft standing by? Is that what you're selling?
OS 10251452
They were calling for air support on the mortars they could see from the rooftop...air support that was never going to come because it was NEVER launched.

How many false statements can you make on Benghazi?

A CIA timeline from a credible source depicts that falseness of your statement.

●5:15 a.m.: A new Libyan assault begins, this time with mortars. Two rounds miss and the next three hit the roof. The rooftop defenders never “laser the mortars,” as has been reported. They don’t know the weapons are in place until the indirect fire begins, nor are the mortars observed by the drone overhead. The defenders have focused their laser sights earlier on several Libyan attackers, as warnings not to fire. At 5:26 the attack is over. Woods and Doherty are dead and two others are wounded.

David Ignatius CIA rsquo s Benghazi timeline reveals errors but no evidence of conspiracy - The Washington Post

You do EconRouteIrishChick no good when you expose the dishonesty that is entrenched in the RW political view of what actually happened.

What do you do when I keep pointing out just how wrong you are about everything?

Look at this reality OldStyle. Look at these words;

"The rooftop defenders never “laser the mortars,” as has been reported. They don’t know the weapons are in place until the indirect fire begins, nor are the mortars observed by the drone overhead."

You must never fact check anything you write. How do you function with a conscience when you fact check nothing.

About OldStyle you said: How do you function with a conscience when you fact check nothing.

I think the conscience dripped out when the brain was washed.
Mike Rogers, the lead for this cover-up report, is lying to cover up for his "wife's security business" that can be damaged from a truthful report. His wife's business stands to lose millions in lucrative contracts from the DoS if the truth is told about what happened in Libya on 11 September a few years ago.

It shows there are even some scum within the GOP that are willing to work with Obama to cover their own asses for political power and $$$$$.
you rw'ers keep bringing this up. Must've been talked about on rw media AKA SeanRush to try to discredit the Repub Committee's findings? Aint going to work skid mark 1776 :talktothehand:
OS 10251452
They were calling for air support on the mortars they could see from the rooftop...air support that was never going to come because it was NEVER launched.

How many false statements can you make on Benghazi?

A CIA timeline from a credible source depicts that falseness of your statement.

●5:15 a.m.: A new Libyan assault begins, this time with mortars. Two rounds miss and the next three hit the roof. The rooftop defenders never “laser the mortars,” as has been reported. They don’t know the weapons are in place until the indirect fire begins, nor are the mortars observed by the drone overhead. The defenders have focused their laser sights earlier on several Libyan attackers, as warnings not to fire. At 5:26 the attack is over. Woods and Doherty are dead and two others are wounded.

David Ignatius CIA rsquo s Benghazi timeline reveals errors but no evidence of conspiracy - The Washington Post

You do EconRouteIrishChick no good when you expose the dishonesty that is entrenched in the RW political view of what actually happened.

What do you do when I keep pointing out just how wrong you are about everything?

Look at this reality OldStyle. Look at these words;

"The rooftop defenders never “laser the mortars,” as has been reported. They don’t know the weapons are in place until the indirect fire begins, nor are the mortars observed by the drone overhead."

You must never fact check anything you write. How do you function with a conscience when you fact check nothing.

About OldStyle you said: How do you function with a conscience when you fact check nothing.

I think the conscience dripped out when the brain was washed.

I hate to point out the obvious here, R-Derp but you haven't had an original thought since you first came here. You regurgitate nonsense here that you've read at ThinkProgress and MediaMatters. You accusing me of being "brain washed" is laughable.
OS 10251452
They were calling for air support on the mortars they could see from the rooftop...air support that was never going to come because it was NEVER launched.

How many false statements can you make on Benghazi?

A CIA timeline from a credible source depicts that falseness of your statement.

●5:15 a.m.: A new Libyan assault begins, this time with mortars. Two rounds miss and the next three hit the roof. The rooftop defenders never “laser the mortars,” as has been reported. They don’t know the weapons are in place until the indirect fire begins, nor are the mortars observed by the drone overhead. The defenders have focused their laser sights earlier on several Libyan attackers, as warnings not to fire. At 5:26 the attack is over. Woods and Doherty are dead and two others are wounded.

David Ignatius CIA rsquo s Benghazi timeline reveals errors but no evidence of conspiracy - The Washington Post

You do EconRouteIrishChick no good when you expose the dishonesty that is entrenched in the RW political view of what actually happened.

What do you do when I keep pointing out just how wrong you are about everything?

Look at this reality OldStyle. Look at these words;

"The rooftop defenders never “laser the mortars,” as has been reported. They don’t know the weapons are in place until the indirect fire begins, nor are the mortars observed by the drone overhead."

You must never fact check anything you write. How do you function with a conscience when you fact check nothing.

About OldStyle you said: How do you function with a conscience when you fact check nothing.

I think the conscience dripped out when the brain was washed.

I hate to point out the obvious here, R-Derp but you haven't had an original thought since you first came here. You regurgitate nonsense here that you've read at ThinkProgress and MediaMatters. You accusing me of being "brain washed" is laughable.

Many times I post from Fox and the Christian Science Monitor. Even Breitbart. Republicans are proud of their Bullshit. I don't need to make things up. Like Benghazi and Fast&Furious. When Mitt Romney said we needed fewer Police, Firemen and Teachers USMB right wingernuts, such as yourself called me a liar and said no Republican believes that. So I posted video of him saying it. When I said Republicans protected BP from investigation after the horrendous oil spill in the Gulf, Republicans on the USMB literally screamed liar in capital letters. So I posted video and quotes from publications like Fox and the CSM. And still USMB screamed liar.
It's not my fault you guys are fools. I don't need to make stuff up. Because the Republican leadership don't have the best interests of the nation. And the base are idiots voting them into office.
When I say GOP governors go to Blue States trying to lure workers because they don't educate their idiot base, It's no lie. You can watch them make the pitch on Youtube. Texas cut 5 billion from education.

You can get mad all you want at me. It makes you like like a tard. That's why you get so upset. Instead of just screaming liar and "everyone knows", prove it. You can't. And you know you can't. You should drop out of your delusion and take a look at what is actually good for the country. And your kind isn't it. So go ahead. Laugh idiot child. It's all you know how to do.
Your post reflects your ignorance of the subject.

How so? I asked you, "what is available as an immediate response strike force that could clear a city of 500,000 of all mortar launch sites within a few minutes of the first of five mortar rounds being fired over an 11 minute period?"

You don't have the decency to attempt an answer or admit that there is no valid military option for what happened in Benghazi.

You claim that I am ignorant on the subject when it is you that cannot respond to a question?

There was no valid military response to that attack in Benghazi? Is that what you're claiming, Notfooled? That the most powerful military on the planet could not in any way defend our consulate against an attack lasting over 7 hours? That they managed to scramble a C-17 cargo plane from Germany to Libya in 11 hours to pick up the bodies of the four dead Americans but they couldn't deploy a single fighter jet or any other gunship to that locale in 7 hours to provide cover for the Annex? Is that what you want me to believe? That in a hot spot like the Middle East...on a red letter day like 9/11 that they didn't have any offensive air craft standing by? Is that what you're selling?
What the fuck are you talking about brain dead. Send jets to some neighborhood attack in a country we have no permission to fly over. And who would you bomb dipshit going hundreds of miles an hour?
God you're dumb. I don't know what else to say.
You know what this reminds me of? Republicans attacking Iraq without knowing anything about the country or their religions or knowing what it would do to the one and a half million Christians living there. And then being shocked they weren't "grateful". If Republicans weren't so fucking stupid and proud of it, they wouldn't constantly be surprised.
OS 10255223
There was no valid military response to that attack in Benghazi? Is that what you're claiming, Notfooled? That the most powerful military on the planet could not in any way defend our consulate against an attack lasting over 7 hours?

There was no attack on our Consulate complex lasting 7 hours. Where on earth do you get your information?. The CIA security team along with some Libyan Militia responded to the attack at the Consulate within about 25 minutes. The Consulate was on fire when they arrived. They fought off the attackers and rescued about 20 Americans but could not find Amb Stevens and Sean Woods. So the attack on the Consulate lasted less than an hour. Then there was a lull in the fighting. The heavy truck convoy that came to rescue everyone arrived at the CIA Annex just before some mortars were fired from locations unknown.

You made a claim in your post 1025145 that the CIA contractors on the roof of the CIA Annex could see the mortar locations. That is lie. Why do you still attempt to maintain that lie for your argument?
When you compare the careers of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama side by side without the partisan blinders on, Carbineer....there isn't even a contest.

Dead on! Both are embarrassments to their parties.
No they are not both embarrassments. Mitt may be but Obama has done the best he can under the circumstances. He has had nobody to work with except maybe a handful of Democrats.

The Dems got what they deserve but they don't realize it. Maybe they'll work on getting their message out for 2016 and at least get the Senate back. What we have now is a good Democratic president and a whole hell of a lot of obstruction.

You want ineffective government? Keep saying stupid stuff like this, Jake.

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