Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

Obama only won because Romney was too moderate for many GOP voters and there are plenty of stupid fuck scum like you that believed Obama's lies on the economy, terrorism, obamacare, etc.

Asswipe....if Obama did Amnesty before his last election, his ass would've been whooped by Romney.

There are white and black Democrap voters that don't support Amnesty, shitstain.

Obama and his fellow goons didn't do obamacare and amnesty when they first took control of Congress and the WH because they needed to go slowly to fool everyone because it takes 2 terms to get their scam implemented.

If Obama got obamacare and amnesty when Democraps owned Congress, he would've lost to Romney. This is why you now see amnesty in his last 2 years in office....
Obama would have lost to Romney, huh. :lmao:
You morons thought Romney was going to win anyway. We had a mass exodus of embarrassed Rs/TPers after that bitchslap Obama gave Mittens.
He WON for the same reason Hillary will win. They're smart, they know their craft and there isn't a repub in the land competent enough for the job. Easy peasy...
Shitstain....tell us all why Obama waited until now to go after Amnesty.

Why didn't he get his fellow liberal scum in Congress to pass a bill for him to sign into law during his first few years in office???

Oh...he knew he would lose every subsequent election....he only made the move as a limp dick lame duck.

Obama only won because Romney was too moderate for many GOP voters and there are plenty of stupid fuck scum like you that believed Obama's lies on the economy, terrorism, obamacare, etc.

Asswipe....if Obama did Amnesty before his last election, his ass would've been whooped by Romney.

There are white and black Democrap voters that don't support Amnesty, shitstain.

Obama and his fellow goons didn't do obamacare and amnesty when they first took control of Congress and the WH because they needed to go slowly to fool everyone because it takes 2 terms to get their scam implemented.

If Obama got obamacare and amnesty when Democraps owned Congress, he would've lost to Romney. This is why you now see amnesty in his last 2 years in office....
Obama would have lost to Romney, huh. :lmao:
You morons thought Romney was going to win anyway. We had a mass exodus of embarrassed Rs/TPers after that bitchslap Obama gave Mittens.
He WON for the same reason Hillary will win. They're smart, they know their craft and there isn't a repub in the land competent enough for the job. Easy peasy...
Shitstain....tell us all why Obama waited until now to go after Amnesty.

Why didn't he get his fellow liberal scum in Congress to pass a bill for him to sign into law during his first few years in office???

Oh...he knew he would lose every subsequent election....he only made the move as a limp dick lame duck.

Obama only won because Romney was too moderate for many GOP voters and there are plenty of stupid fuck scum like you that believed Obama's lies on the economy, terrorism, obamacare, etc.

Asswipe....if Obama did Amnesty before his last election, his ass would've been whooped by Romney.

There are white and black Democrap voters that don't support Amnesty, shitstain.

Obama would have lost to Romney, huh. :lmao:
You morons thought Romney was going to win anyway. We had a mass exodus of embarrassed Rs/TPers after that bitchslap Obama gave Mittens.
He WON for the same reason Hillary will win. They're smart, they know their craft and there isn't a repub in the land competent enough for the job. Easy peasy...
Many people just don't take crude foul mouthed and name calling people like you serious because they perceive that kind of communication to indicate an emotional kind of mental disability and lack of education. The fact that so many Tea Party participants resort to this kind of communication is reason enough to reject the ideas of those who use that crudeness and name calling to express themselves.
Shitstain....tell us all why Obama waited until now to go after Amnesty.

Why didn't he get his fellow liberal scum in Congress to pass a bill for him to sign into law during his first few years in office???

Oh...he knew he would lose every subsequent election....he only made the move as a limp dick lame duck.

Obama only won because Romney was too moderate for many GOP voters and there are plenty of stupid fuck scum like you that believed Obama's lies on the economy, terrorism, obamacare, etc.

Asswipe....if Obama did Amnesty before his last election, his ass would've been whooped by Romney.

There are white and black Democrap voters that don't support Amnesty, shitstain.
You morons thought Romney was going to win anyway. We had a mass exodus of embarrassed Rs/TPers after that bitchslap Obama gave Mittens.
He WON for the same reason Hillary will win. They're smart, they know their craft and there isn't a repub in the land competent enough for the job. Easy peasy...
Many people just don't take crude foul mouthed and name calling people like you serious because they perceive that kind of communication to indicate an emotional kind of mental disability and lack of education. The fact that so many Tea Party participants resort to this kind of communication is reason enough to reject the ideas of those who use that crudeness and name calling to express themselves.
He's an idiot and a sock that I knew on another message board. Nobody took him seriously there either.
OS 10227570 CIATP1
The intelligence reports that the Obama White House already had received refuted that "protest gone bad" claim.

Like most of your arguments on this thread Oldstyle, it appears you are making them up or you heard them on Fox News and didn't catch that Fox News almost always needs to be corrected on their early Benghazi reporting. Who told you that the White House already had received intelligence that refuted the "protest gone bad" claim.
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Hillary Clinton looked the mother of one of those men right in the eyes as they were unloading his casket from the plane and told her that they were going to put the man responsible for making that movie that caused the attack in prison. She did so knowing full well that it was a planned attack by an Al Queda affiliate that had nothing to do with the YouTube video. Would you like me to find that mother's opinion of Hillary after she found out the truth? It wasn't pretty.
You and "truth" are practically strangers.

So you'd like to claim that Barack Obama DIDN'T take office with huge majorities in the House and Senate? Is that what you're going with, Sarah? Is THAT your version of "truth"?

He kept the senate until this year too. Now, the only way you will see things going your way is to try and impeach the president. That won't happen so now what?

Hillary is still running, America doesn't care about Benghazi, they never have not that Daryl Issa hasn't been trying to make this all Hillary's fault. You just sit around here spouting lie after lie, hoping nobody looks your talking point du jour up and throws it back in your face but even if they do, you keep droning on and on and on...

Typical teaparty nutbar. Your next post will be:

Sarah, what am I lying about.


Let me get this make the claim that Obama didn't take office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate and THAT was what hamstrung his administration...and when I point out that he did in fact have those huge majorities...I'm spouting lie after lie? You're off in that parallel universe again...aren't you, Sarah?:tinfoil::tinfoil::tinfoil:
You're forgetting to read for comprehension again. And yes, you are lying every time you open your mouth.

Link to the Shumer comments.

You don't read the paper, do you, Sarah? The Shumer comments got a lot of play in just about every major newspaper in the country. It's rather telling that you know nothing about it.
OS 10227570 CIATP1
The intelligence reports that the Obama White House already had received refuted that "protest gone bad" claim.

Like most of your arguments on this thread Oldstyle, it appears you are making them up or you heard them on Fox News and didn't catch that Fox News almost always needs to be corrected on their early Benghazi reporting. Who told you that the White House already had received intelligence that refuted the "protest gone bad" claim.

Dude you can tell that the White House and the State Department knew it wasn't a "protest gone bad" almost from the get go. The reason that both State and the White House insisted on those 12 revisions of the original intelligence is because they didn't want to get beat up over their incompetence. Do you not understand the reason they sent Susan Rice out to all those talk shows that Sunday morning? Do you think she just rolled out of bed and had nothing else to do that day? That was a desperate attempt by the State Department and the Obama White House to portray Benghazi as something it never was in the months before an important election. Obama and Clinton sent Susan Rice to do their dirty work because they had to know at some point the truth was going to come out and whoever did those Sunday morning shows was going to be a laughingstock.
OS 10235966
It was why Ben Rhodes sent Susan Rice out to those Sunday morning talk shows to push a false narrative.

NF 10240364 Regarding OS 10235966
The one lie we know for certain that is being told is the rightwinger lie that Susan Rice was sent out to those Sunday morning talk shows to push a false narrative.

OS 10243162 regarding NF 10240364, OS 10235966
If that really WAS the case, Notfooled? Why were Ben Rhodes' emails reclassified to hide them? Why did Jay Carney lie about what was changed in the intelligence talking points by the White House?

Your 'false narrative' obsession does not fit with the facts that we all know from reading the CIA Talking Point emails. So Oldstyle, what was changed in the CIA Talking Point emails? Do you know what was NOT changed in the CIA Talking Point emails? It is the CIA's original assessment in their very first draft and it did not change to the very last draft. That assessment was that there was a demonstration that turned into an attack by extremists with heavy weapons - possibly connected to al Qaeda.

Here's your arguments that the 'false narrative' is about the protests.

OS 10227396
Only one problem with that scenario, Boo...there was no small number of people who went to the consulate to protest. Video tapes show nobody there before the actual attack

OS 10227530
The YouTube video was the "source" of the Benghazi attack? Then why WASN'T there a protest before the attack, Candy?

OS 10227570
Dude, in every one of her appearances she did EXACTLY what Ben Rhodes email instructed her to do...she blamed the attack on a YouTube video protest that escalated. The intelligence reports that the Obama White House already had received refuted that "protest gone bad" claim. It's obvious from the fight that ensued between the Hillary Clinton led State Department and the intelligence community on State's insistence that the talking points be changed and the CIA's reluctance to do so.

OS 10228014
Ah, because an attack by "protesters" isn't going to be the same as an attack by "terrorists"?

They are all about the "protest". Look at your post 10227570. We can all see your unproven claim that the White House had received intelligence reports that refuted the "protest gone bad" claim. You said that the intelligence community on State's insistence changed the protest gone bad false narrative.

But the released emails show clearly that the protest gone bad false narrative was not at all what was changed as the emails went through the normal vetting process.

You have no case. You would be laughed out of the court house if you showed up with your false narrative claim and the CIA Talking Point memos were on display for all to read.
OC 10260834
Obama and Clinton sent Susan Rice to do their dirty work because they had to know at some point the truth was going to come out and whoever did those Sunday morning shows was going to be a laughingstock.

Susan Rice ceased to be a laughing stock when the White House released the CIA Talking Point emails. The laughing stock is you and anyone else trying to say the CIA was forcedby the State Department to change their assessment to say that there was a protest or demonstration that evolved into an attack by extremists. with possible links to al Qaeda. That assessment on the demonstration linked to Cairo's demonstrations came from the CIA and never changed.
Shitstain....tell us all why Obama waited until now to go after Amnesty.

Why didn't he get his fellow liberal scum in Congress to pass a bill for him to sign into law during his first few years in office???

Oh...he knew he would lose every subsequent election....he only made the move as a limp dick lame duck.

Obama only won because Romney was too moderate for many GOP voters and there are plenty of stupid fuck scum like you that believed Obama's lies on the economy, terrorism, obamacare, etc.

Asswipe....if Obama did Amnesty before his last election, his ass would've been whooped by Romney.

There are white and black Democrap voters that don't support Amnesty, shitstain.
You morons thought Romney was going to win anyway. We had a mass exodus of embarrassed Rs/TPers after that bitchslap Obama gave Mittens.
He WON for the same reason Hillary will win. They're smart, they know their craft and there isn't a repub in the land competent enough for the job. Easy peasy...
Many people just don't take crude foul mouthed and name calling people like you serious because they perceive that kind of communication to indicate an emotional kind of mental disability and lack of education. The fact that so many Tea Party participants resort to this kind of communication is reason enough to reject the ideas of those who use that crudeness and name calling to express themselves.
what gives 1776 :dunno: I notice your unique use of colorful terms used to begin your sentences as well son. Unresolved issues of some sort?
OS 10235966
It was why Ben Rhodes sent Susan Rice out to those Sunday morning talk shows to push a false narrative.

NF 10240364 Regarding OS 10235966
The one lie we know for certain that is being told is the rightwinger lie that Susan Rice was sent out to those Sunday morning talk shows to push a false narrative.

OS 10243162 regarding NF 10240364, OS 10235966
If that really WAS the case, Notfooled? Why were Ben Rhodes' emails reclassified to hide them? Why did Jay Carney lie about what was changed in the intelligence talking points by the White House?

Your 'false narrative' obsession does not fit with the facts that we all know from reading the CIA Talking Point emails. So Oldstyle, what was changed in the CIA Talking Point emails? Do you know what was NOT changed in the CIA Talking Point emails? It is the CIA's original assessment in their very first draft and it did not change to the very last draft. That assessment was that there was a demonstration that turned into an attack by extremists with heavy weapons - possibly connected to al Qaeda.

Here's your arguments that the 'false narrative' is about the protests.

OS 10227396
Only one problem with that scenario, Boo...there was no small number of people who went to the consulate to protest. Video tapes show nobody there before the actual attack

OS 10227530
The YouTube video was the "source" of the Benghazi attack? Then why WASN'T there a protest before the attack, Candy?

OS 10227570
Dude, in every one of her appearances she did EXACTLY what Ben Rhodes email instructed her to do...she blamed the attack on a YouTube video protest that escalated. The intelligence reports that the Obama White House already had received refuted that "protest gone bad" claim. It's obvious from the fight that ensued between the Hillary Clinton led State Department and the intelligence community on State's insistence that the talking points be changed and the CIA's reluctance to do so.

OS 10228014
Ah, because an attack by "protesters" isn't going to be the same as an attack by "terrorists"?

They are all about the "protest". Look at your post 10227570. We can all see your unproven claim that the White House had received intelligence reports that refuted the "protest gone bad" claim. You said that the intelligence community on State's insistence changed the protest gone bad false narrative.

But the released emails show clearly that the protest gone bad false narrative was not at all what was changed as the emails went through the normal vetting process.

You have no case. You would be laughed out of the court house if you showed up with your false narrative claim and the CIA Talking Point memos were on display for all to read.

You know're RIGHT...they initially thought that it was a protest that escalated, Notfooled! It's also one of the first things the CIA revised as soon as it became clear that there was no protest. They heard that from US personnel that was there on the ground in Benghazi...they heard that from our Libyan counterparts and they saw the video tapes from the Consulate that showed empty streets before the attack took place. So kindly explain why it is with ALL that coming in that there was no protest, the Obama White House and the Clinton State Department continued to push the narrative that this WAS a protest gone bad? The truth is they used the 12 revisions to take out the parts they didn't like. They wanted the part about it being a protest gone wrong so they left it in even though they soon knew it was completely wrong.
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OC 10260834
Obama and Clinton sent Susan Rice to do their dirty work because they had to know at some point the truth was going to come out and whoever did those Sunday morning shows was going to be a laughingstock.

Susan Rice ceased to be a laughing stock when the White House released the CIA Talking Point emails. The laughing stock is you and anyone else trying to say the CIA was forcedby the State Department to change their assessment to say that there was a protest or demonstration that evolved into an attack by extremists. with possible links to al Qaeda. That assessment on the demonstration linked to Cairo's demonstrations came from the CIA and never changed.

You're NEVER CHANGED! Even when it was clear that there was no protest! The Obama White House kept pushing a narrative that they knew full well was a total lie. It's why the CIA section Chief said he was shocked when he saw Susan Rice on all those Sunday morning talk shows giving her spiel.
And Susan Rice will always be a laughingstock...she was too stupid to realize that she was being sent out to do the dirty work for Hillary Clinton. Why would the US's United Nations Ambassador be doing those Sunday morning talk shows? Benghazi had ZERO to do with the United Nations. It was a State Department problem. "Hey, Susie us a favor and go on every Sunday morning talk show and explain why the State Department isn't a bunch of idiots. Hey, thanks! You're the best!"
It's better than what Dottie came up with...

Oh, I don't have a response...I'll call them "cray cray" then and pretend I've won the debate!!!
What's pathetic is all of the time and money (putting aside the loss of 4 American's lives!) that have been wasted simply because this Administration refuses to admit that it fucks things up in epic ways.

'Fess did something that was stupid...and it blew up in your face. Instead of spending all your time trying to deflect blame to YouTube videos and nonexistent protest mobs, admit that you misjudged the situation, try to learn from it and move on.
So they kept the one thing that wasn't true...and forced the CIA to change the things that were...and somehow in your eyes that means they were honest with Congress and the American people?

No it means there was no ill intent to push a false narrative by the White House or Susan Rice. Anyone who tells you that they were has been lying to you. After the CIA talking Point emails came out it has been clear there was no scandal involving Susan Rice or any other Administation official.

Trey Gowdy may investigate something but he sure wont investigate the knuckle headed claims you have been wasting your time on.

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