M. Taylor Greene puts up anti-transgender sign right outside of trans mother Rep Newman’s office “so she can look at it every time she opens her door”

Shameless and gratuitous gender-appropriation on her part. Marie Newman is not even a transgender, fer Christ's sake. If someone liked Norwegians and flew a Norwegian flag at their house, that doesn't necessarily make them a fucking Norwegian, does it?

More proof that Democrats are comprised mainly of fakes, phonies, and wanna-be's.
What the fuck are you blathering about.? The isue is her daughter
the issue is what she put up was a known scientific fact,,,
No it isn"t. You people are such ignorant assholes. You Trumnpettes know nothing about science. If you did, you would be for green energy & wear a fucking mask.

but I am for green energy,, but I didnt vote for trump,,

do you have a link that shows there are more than two genders with science to back it up??

dont worry I'll wait,, just hope it doesnt take to long cause I am 55,,
So, what category do you place those born with both sets of genitals? And why are you sofa king stupid that you can't grasp the idea that there is the physical and the mental.

God's will is that humans maintain a clear distinction between genders in their sex roles. In the case of a hermaphrodite, professional guidance, DNA testing performed to determine which sex is genetically dominant, surgery, and hormones are the usual way of repairing them.
for now its about mentally ill people wanting special rights under the false assumption they are a gender they are not,,
So mentally ill people should not have rights?
they do have rights,, the exact same ones you and I have,,,
at least you now admit they are mentally ill,,
I did not admit anything. I was messing with you but were not able to realise that. But you admitted that if transpeople were mentall ill as you claim, THEY SHOULD HAVE RIGHTS!!
they do have rights,, theyre called human rights,
what you want them to have is special privileges to force others to believe and say what they want them to under threat of force,,, thats not how rights work,,
No. You ignorant asses do NOT get to choose who have rights. They have a right to be transgendered and you have the right to be a bigoted asshole but you do not have the right to discriminate in the workplace or such.
if you have to choose its not a right,, you can claim to be anything you want,, but when you want me to think the same thing you are violating my right to be myself,,
We really don't give a shit what you think. It would be refreshing though if you made an attempt to just think at all, just a little, anything. You speak like a zombi troll bot who does not know he is brain dead. You just keep regurgitating the some moronic talking poits that have been programed into you and your ilk. "It a mental illness" "They want special rights" "Forcing me to ackowoedge themis Fascism" "There are only 2 genders" Give me a fucking break!!!
youve done nothing but tell me what I should think and do,,,
Only in your defective mind
NO,, right here in black and white,,
Shameless and gratuitous gender-appropriation on her part. Marie Newman is not even a transgender, fer Christ's sake. If someone liked Norwegians and flew a Norwegian flag at their house, that doesn't necessarily make them a fucking Norwegian, does it?

More proof that Democrats are comprised mainly of fakes, phonies, and wanna-be's.
What the fuck are you blathering about.? The isue is her daughter
the issue is what she put up was a known scientific fact,,,
No it isn"t. You people are such ignorant assholes. You Trumnpettes know nothing about science. If you did, you would be for green energy & wear a fucking mask.

but I am for green energy,, but I didnt vote for trump,,

do you have a link that shows there are more than two genders with science to back it up??

dont worry I'll wait,, just hope it doesnt take to long cause I am 55,,
So, what category do you place those born with both sets of genitals? And why are you sofa king stupid that you can't grasp the idea that there is the physical and the mental.

God's will is that humans maintain a clear distinction between genders in their sex roles. In the case of a hermaphrodite, professional guidance, DNA testing performed to determine which sex is genetically dominant, surgery, and hormones are the usual way of repairing them.
A distinction between sex roles? Seriously? That is long out the window. The roles of men and women are more fluent than ever. But that really has noting to do withthje topic

DNA Testing? Reparing them. ? How about just listening to people about how they feel and what they beieve that they are?
There are two genders, male and female, and then there is the mentally ill.
There are two typs of people, the rstional, inqusitive and educated, and the willfully ignorant who minlessly repeats these talking points like "There are two genders, male and female" to justify their bigotry
you cant count,, thats 4 types of people,,,
i raise you Rep Ted Lieu!

There are two genders, male and female, and then there is the mentally ill.
There are two typs of people, the rstional, inqusitive and educated, and the willfully ignorant who minlessly repeats these talking points like "There are two genders, male and female" to justify their bigotry
and there are only two genders and the science backs that up,,,
for now its about mentally ill people wanting special rights under the false assumption they are a gender they are not,,
So mentally ill people should not have rights?
they do have rights,, the exact same ones you and I have,,,
at least you now admit they are mentally ill,,
I did not admit anything. I was messing with you but were not able to realise that. But you admitted that if transpeople were mentall ill as you claim, THEY SHOULD HAVE RIGHTS!!
they do have rights,, theyre called human rights,
what you want them to have is special privileges to force others to believe and say what they want them to under threat of force,,, thats not how rights work,,
No. You ignorant asses do NOT get to choose who have rights. They have a right to be transgendered and you have the right to be a bigoted asshole but you do not have the right to discriminate in the workplace or such.
if you have to choose its not a right,, you can claim to be anything you want,, but when you want me to think the same thing you are violating my right to be myself,,
We really don't give a shit what you think. It would be refreshing though if you made an attempt to just think at all, just a little, anything. You speak like a zombi troll bot who does not know he is brain dead. You just keep regurgitating the some moronic talking poits that have been programed into you and your ilk. "It a mental illness" "They want special rights" "Forcing me to ackowoedge themis Fascism" "There are only 2 genders" Give me a fucking break!!!
youve done nothing but tell me what I should think and do,,,
Only in your defective mind
NO,, right here in black and white,,
You know what. I am sick of you. I am moving on. Yes I know, you will accuse me of running away.That is all that you have left in your pathetic little tool box. Have at it. I will be here if and when you have somrthing reasonable and rational to contribute. I doubt that will ever happen. Yoiu do not have the mental capacity for it. You have no desire to learn or grow out of your infitile, moronic blather.
for now its about mentally ill people wanting special rights under the false assumption they are a gender they are not,,
So mentally ill people should not have rights?
they do have rights,, the exact same ones you and I have,,,
at least you now admit they are mentally ill,,
I did not admit anything. I was messing with you but were not able to realise that. But you admitted that if transpeople were mentall ill as you claim, THEY SHOULD HAVE RIGHTS!!
they do have rights,, theyre called human rights,
what you want them to have is special privileges to force others to believe and say what they want them to under threat of force,,, thats not how rights work,,
No. You ignorant asses do NOT get to choose who have rights. They have a right to be transgendered and you have the right to be a bigoted asshole but you do not have the right to discriminate in the workplace or such.
if you have to choose its not a right,, you can claim to be anything you want,, but when you want me to think the same thing you are violating my right to be myself,,
We really don't give a shit what you think. It would be refreshing though if you made an attempt to just think at all, just a little, anything. You speak like a zombi troll bot who does not know he is brain dead. You just keep regurgitating the some moronic talking poits that have been programed into you and your ilk. "It a mental illness" "They want special rights" "Forcing me to ackowoedge themis Fascism" "There are only 2 genders" Give me a fucking break!!!
youve done nothing but tell me what I should think and do,,,
Only in your defective mind
NO,, right here in black and white,,
You know what. I am sick of you. I am moving on. Yes I know, you will accuse me of running away.That is all that you have left in your pathetic little tool box. Have at it. I will be here if and when you have somrthing reasonable and rational to contribute. I doubt that will ever happen. Yoiu do not have the mental capacity for it. You have no desire to learn or grow out of your infitile, moronic blather.
its not that you always run away,, its why you run away,,
and this is because youre narrative always fails,,

as for mental capacity its you that denies the science that there are only two genders not me,,

have a nice day,,
There are two genders, male and female, and then there is the mentally ill.
There are two typs of people, the rstional, inqusitive and educated, and the willfully ignorant who minlessly repeats these talking points like "There are two genders, male and female" to justify their bigotry
you cant count,, thats 4 types of people,,,
Get the fuck out of my life! But to be sure, I reserve the right to call you out on every piece of bigoted moronic bullshit that you post. Interesting how you have not attempyted to refute my assment of you as being equal parts Anarchist and Social Darwinist. I rest my case.
There are two genders, male and female, and then there is the mentally ill.
There are two typs of people, the rstional, inqusitive and educated, and the willfully ignorant who minlessly repeats these talking points like "There are two genders, male and female" to justify their bigotry
and there are only two genders and the science backs that up,,,
No it does not dumb fuck! Post what yo0u think is science. Get the fuck out of here !
There are two genders, male and female, and then there is the mentally ill.
There are two typs of people, the rstional, inqusitive and educated, and the willfully ignorant who minlessly repeats these talking points like "There are two genders, male and female" to justify their bigotry
you cant count,, thats 4 types of people,,,
Get the fuck out of my life! But to be sure, I reserve the right to call you out on every piece of bigoted moronic bullshit that you post. Interesting how you have not attempyted to refute my assment of you as being equal parts Anarchist and Social Darwinist. I rest my case.
youre the one that came at me first,, now youre crying like a little bitch cause you couldnt force me to believe something that isnt true,

and based on your spelling mistakes youre now getting emotional,,
I've heard masturbation can help with that so you should try that to calm yourself down,,,
There are two genders, male and female, and then there is the mentally ill.
There are two typs of people, the rstional, inqusitive and educated, and the willfully ignorant who minlessly repeats these talking points like "There are two genders, male and female" to justify their bigotry
and there are only two genders and the science backs that up,,,
No it does not dumb fuck! Post what yo0u think is science. Get the fuck out of here !
of course it does or you would have provided a link that goes against the thousands of yrs of human history and science that proved there are only two genders,,,
There are two genders, male and female, and then there is the mentally ill.
There are two typs of people, the rstional, inqusitive and educated, and the willfully ignorant who minlessly repeats these talking points like "There are two genders, male and female" to justify their bigotry
and there are only two genders and the science backs that up,,,
No it does not dumb fuck! Post what yo0u think is science. Get the fuck out of here !
of course it does or you would have provided a link that goes against the thousands of yrs of human history and science that proved there are only two genders,,,
I told you that I will not wast my time trying to educate the uneducable. Fuck off.
There are two genders, male and female, and then there is the mentally ill.
There are two typs of people, the rstional, inqusitive and educated, and the willfully ignorant who minlessly repeats these talking points like "There are two genders, male and female" to justify their bigotry
and there are only two genders and the science backs that up,,,
No it does not dumb fuck! Post what yo0u think is science. Get the fuck out of here !
of course it does or you would have provided a link that goes against the thousands of yrs of human history and science that proved there are only two genders,,,
I told you that I will not wast my time trying to educate the uneducable. Fuck off.
WOW that was quick,, see your spelling is better,, well except for the wast mistake
Regardless this is very childish behavior, however considering we are talking about the house this fits rather well.
for now its about mentally ill people wanting special rights under the false assumption they are a gender they are not,,
So mentally ill people should not have rights?
they do have rights,, the exact same ones you and I have,,,
at least you now admit they are mentally ill,,
I did not admit anything. I was messing with you but were not able to realise that. But you admitted that if transpeople were mentall ill as you claim, THEY SHOULD HAVE RIGHTS!!
they do have rights,, theyre called human rights,
what you want them to have is special privileges to force others to believe and say what they want them to under threat of force,,, thats not how rights work,,
No. You ignorant asses do NOT get to choose who have rights. They have a right to be transgendered and you have the right to be a bigoted asshole but you do not have the right to discriminate in the workplace or such.
if you have to choose its not a right,, you can claim to be anything you want,, but when you want me to think the same thing you are violating my right to be myself,,
We really don't give a shit what you think. It would be refreshing though if you made an attempt to just think at all, just a little, anything. You speak like a zombi troll bot who does not know he is brain dead. You just keep regurgitating the some moronic talking poits that have been programed into you and your ilk. "It a mental illness" "They want special rights" "Forcing me to ackowoedge themis Fascism" "There are only 2 genders" Give me a fucking break!!!
youve done nothing but tell me what I should think and do,,,
Only in your defective mind
NO,, right here in black and white,,
You know what. I am sick of you. I am moving on. Yes I know, you will accuse me of running away.That is all that you have left in your pathetic little tool box. Have at it. I will be here if and when you have somrthing reasonable and rational to contribute. I doubt that will ever happen. Yoiu do not have the mental capacity for it. You have no desire to learn or grow out of your infitile, moronic blather.
its not that you always run away,, its why you run away,,
and this is because youre narrative always fails,,

as for mental capacity its you that denies the science that there are only two genders not me,,

have a nice day,,
It is not always. Pull your head out of your bigoted ass.

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