Debate Now Mac1958 why do you care so much about Trump voting base?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2020
Mac1958 has been trolling the Trump voting base since the markets crashed earlier this year and did a thread complaining about Trump base donating to Trump for recounts and legal action over the 2020 Presidential election, so Mac1958 why do you care so much what his base spend their money on?

Rules are simple and this debate is between Mac1958 and we can sling all the insults we want but just the two of us can do it and no one else but also it has to stay on topic about Trump, his base and nothing else.

People can thumbs up and down our response ms but nothing else!

Let see Mac1958 has the balls to accept this challenge!
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I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion, hyperbole and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.
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I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be taken seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!
I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) occasionally belch out my opinion.

While I do sometimes luck out and stumble into an interesting conversation, I no longer expect them here.

If you don't like that, I'm afraid that's just too bad. Compared to much of the truly ugly stuff that is regularly said here, I really don't think my posts are all that awful.

Could you just get all this out in one post so that we can put a merciful end to this?

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!
I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) occasionally belch out my opinion.

While I do sometimes luck out and stumble into an interesting conversation, I no longer expect them here.

If you don't like that, I'm afraid that's just too bad. Compare to much of the truly ugly stuff that is regularly said here, I really don't think my posts are all that awful.

Could you just get all this out in one post so that we can put a merciful end to this?

Awww, so again why are you here?

You just stated that you do not expect interesting conversations on here and because individuals on the left and right troll this board with insane nonsense from Trump molesting his daughter to Biden molesting children does not mean you should add to the trolling nonsense in the current events...

Why am I picking on you and solely you?

Simple, you think you are better than the rest of us trolls and you are even below us!

You will laugh and then make some snide comment while thinking how great you are ( See you have a lot in common with Trump ) while thinking you won against some idiot troll but alas you are just some old hen that need attention and negative attention get you off for some reason!

So Mac1958 let be clear it upset you that Trump has a base of 71+ million people that donate to him, and yet truthfully it is none of your damn business what people donate to!

So let nail this down:

1. You call everyone you disagree with as Trumpsters.

2. You are bitter Trump base will donate to him to keep the recount going and keep it in the courts.

3. You do not care about my opinion and yet here you are responding... Dance Monkey!

Here is my opinion:

I want the Recount and Court rulings and why?

When it show Biden won, well Trump base will then know there is no other avenue for Trump to stay as President and Biden is clear to be President.

Am I delusional to think his base will accept those outcomes?

Nope, but it make it a lot easier to say that Biden won and is President!

So let’em donate, let’em support and let’em cry after they realize they wasted their money and effort because in the end it is not my money nor is it your money they are wasting...

Now troll do you have anything of substance to add that would explain why you should truly give a flying fuck what they do except you are trolling for attacks against you?

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!
I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) occasionally belch out my opinion.

While I do sometimes luck out and stumble into an interesting conversation, I no longer expect them here.

If you don't like that, I'm afraid that's just too bad. Compare to much of the truly ugly stuff that is regularly said here, I really don't think my posts are all that awful.

Could you just get all this out in one post so that we can put a merciful end to this?

Awww, so again why are you here?

You just stated that you do not expect interesting conversations on here and because individuals on the left and right troll this board with insane nonsense from Trump molesting his daughter to Biden molesting children does not mean you should add to the trolling nonsense in the current events...

Why am I picking on you and solely you?

Simple, you think you are better than the rest of us trolls and you are even below us!

You will laugh and then make some snide comment while thinking how great you are ( See you have a lot in common with Trump ) while thinking you won against some idiot troll but alas you are just some old hen that need attention and negative attention get you off for some reason!

So Mac1958 let be clear it upset you that Trump has a base of 71+ million people that donate to him, and yet truthfully it is none of your damn business what people donate to!

So let nail this down:

1. You call everyone you disagree with as Trumpsters.

2. You are bitter Trump base will donate to him to keep the recount going and keep it in the courts.

3. You do not care about my opinion and yet here you are responding... Dance Monkey!

Here is my opinion:

I want the Recount and Court rulings and why?

When it show Biden won, well Trump base will then know there is no other avenue for Trump to stay as President and Biden is clear to be President.

Am I delusional to think his base will accept those outcomes?

Nope, but it make it a lot easier to say that Biden won and is President!

So let’em donate, let’em support and let’em cry after they realize they wasted their money and effort because in the end it is not my money nor is it your money they are wasting...

Now troll do you have anything of substance to add that would explain why you should truly give a flying fuck what they do except you are trolling for attacks against you?

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!
I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) occasionally belch out my opinion.

While I do sometimes luck out and stumble into an interesting conversation, I no longer expect them here.

If you don't like that, I'm afraid that's just too bad. Compare to much of the truly ugly stuff that is regularly said here, I really don't think my posts are all that awful.

Could you just get all this out in one post so that we can put a merciful end to this?

Awww, so again why are you here?

You just stated that you do not expect interesting conversations on here and because individuals on the left and right troll this board with insane nonsense from Trump molesting his daughter to Biden molesting children does not mean you should add to the trolling nonsense in the current events...

Why am I picking on you and solely you?

Simple, you think you are better than the rest of us trolls and you are even below us!

You will laugh and then make some snide comment while thinking how great you are ( See you have a lot in common with Trump ) while thinking you won against some idiot troll but alas you are just some old hen that need attention and negative attention get you off for some reason!

So Mac1958 let be clear it upset you that Trump has a base of 71+ million people that donate to him, and yet truthfully it is none of your damn business what people donate to!

So let nail this down:

1. You call everyone you disagree with as Trumpsters.

2. You are bitter Trump base will donate to him to keep the recount going and keep it in the courts.

3. You do not care about my opinion and yet here you are responding... Dance Monkey!

Here is my opinion:

I want the Recount and Court rulings and why?

When it show Biden won, well Trump base will then know there is no other avenue for Trump to stay as President and Biden is clear to be President.

Am I delusional to think his base will accept those outcomes?

Nope, but it make it a lot easier to say that Biden won and is President!

So let’em donate, let’em support and let’em cry after they realize they wasted their money and effort because in the end it is not my money nor is it your money they are wasting...

Now troll do you have anything of substance to add that would explain why you should truly give a flying fuck what they do except you are trolling for attacks against you?

Yeah, you offer nothing and only want a echo chamber of those that agree and support your view...

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!
I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) occasionally belch out my opinion.

While I do sometimes luck out and stumble into an interesting conversation, I no longer expect them here.

If you don't like that, I'm afraid that's just too bad. Compare to much of the truly ugly stuff that is regularly said here, I really don't think my posts are all that awful.

Could you just get all this out in one post so that we can put a merciful end to this?

Awww, so again why are you here?

You just stated that you do not expect interesting conversations on here and because individuals on the left and right troll this board with insane nonsense from Trump molesting his daughter to Biden molesting children does not mean you should add to the trolling nonsense in the current events...

Why am I picking on you and solely you?

Simple, you think you are better than the rest of us trolls and you are even below us!

You will laugh and then make some snide comment while thinking how great you are ( See you have a lot in common with Trump ) while thinking you won against some idiot troll but alas you are just some old hen that need attention and negative attention get you off for some reason!

So Mac1958 let be clear it upset you that Trump has a base of 71+ million people that donate to him, and yet truthfully it is none of your damn business what people donate to!

So let nail this down:

1. You call everyone you disagree with as Trumpsters.

2. You are bitter Trump base will donate to him to keep the recount going and keep it in the courts.

3. You do not care about my opinion and yet here you are responding... Dance Monkey!

Here is my opinion:

I want the Recount and Court rulings and why?

When it show Biden won, well Trump base will then know there is no other avenue for Trump to stay as President and Biden is clear to be President.

Am I delusional to think his base will accept those outcomes?

Nope, but it make it a lot easier to say that Biden won and is President!

So let’em donate, let’em support and let’em cry after they realize they wasted their money and effort because in the end it is not my money nor is it your money they are wasting...

Now troll do you have anything of substance to add that would explain why you should truly give a flying fuck what they do except you are trolling for attacks against you?
Mac1958... You have yet to explain why you look down at 71+million voters and why you believe their loyalty to should be mocked like you do daily on here?

You also have yet to explain why you consider anyone opinion that does not support your own opinion is the opinion of Trumpsters when it is clear I despise Trump and look at him as the charlatan he is?

Finally, you have yet to explain why you are so upset about his voting base that you have called a cult spend their money on something they believe in?

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion, hyperbole and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

I care because Liberalism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion, hyperbole and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into accepting the destruction of Socialism is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Biden; it's about Liberalism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful son's and granddaughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.
My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

If you weren't so confused about everything you would know that the best way to destroy your daughter's future is to have them live in a Socialist shithole, which is exactly what the Democrat filth demands for this once great country.

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!
I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) occasionally belch out my opinion.

While I do sometimes luck out and stumble into an interesting conversation, I no longer expect them here.

If you don't like that, I'm afraid that's just too bad. Compare to much of the truly ugly stuff that is regularly said here, I really don't think my posts are all that awful.

Could you just get all this out in one post so that we can put a merciful end to this?

Awww, so again why are you here?

You just stated that you do not expect interesting conversations on here and because individuals on the left and right troll this board with insane nonsense from Trump molesting his daughter to Biden molesting children does not mean you should add to the trolling nonsense in the current events...

Why am I picking on you and solely you?

Simple, you think you are better than the rest of us trolls and you are even below us!

You will laugh and then make some snide comment while thinking how great you are ( See you have a lot in common with Trump ) while thinking you won against some idiot troll but alas you are just some old hen that need attention and negative attention get you off for some reason!

So Mac1958 let be clear it upset you that Trump has a base of 71+ million people that donate to him, and yet truthfully it is none of your damn business what people donate to!

So let nail this down:

1. You call everyone you disagree with as Trumpsters.

2. You are bitter Trump base will donate to him to keep the recount going and keep it in the courts.

3. You do not care about my opinion and yet here you are responding... Dance Monkey!

Here is my opinion:

I want the Recount and Court rulings and why?

When it show Biden won, well Trump base will then know there is no other avenue for Trump to stay as President and Biden is clear to be President.

Am I delusional to think his base will accept those outcomes?

Nope, but it make it a lot easier to say that Biden won and is President!

So let’em donate, let’em support and let’em cry after they realize they wasted their money and effort because in the end it is not my money nor is it your money they are wasting...

Now troll do you have anything of substance to add that would explain why you should truly give a flying fuck what they do except you are trolling for attacks against you?
Mac1958... You have yet to explain why you look down at 71+million voters and why you believe their loyalty to should be mocked like you do daily on here?

You also have yet to explain why you consider anyone opinion that does not support your own opinion is the opinion of Trumpsters when it is clear I despise Trump and look at him as the charlatan he is?

Finally, you have yet to explain why you are so upset about his voting base that you have called a cult spend their money on something they believe in?
When did I say that I look down on those people?
I didn't.

When did I say that I consider anyone's opinion that does not support my own opinion, the opinion of Trumpsters?
I didn't.

When did I say I'm "upset" about how Trumpsters spend their money?
I didn't.

Three lies. Three strikes, you're out.

Dismissed. This is why I don't bother.

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!
I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) occasionally belch out my opinion.

While I do sometimes luck out and stumble into an interesting conversation, I no longer expect them here.

If you don't like that, I'm afraid that's just too bad. Compare to much of the truly ugly stuff that is regularly said here, I really don't think my posts are all that awful.

Could you just get all this out in one post so that we can put a merciful end to this?

Awww, so again why are you here?

You just stated that you do not expect interesting conversations on here and because individuals on the left and right troll this board with insane nonsense from Trump molesting his daughter to Biden molesting children does not mean you should add to the trolling nonsense in the current events...

Why am I picking on you and solely you?

Simple, you think you are better than the rest of us trolls and you are even below us!

You will laugh and then make some snide comment while thinking how great you are ( See you have a lot in common with Trump ) while thinking you won against some idiot troll but alas you are just some old hen that need attention and negative attention get you off for some reason!

So Mac1958 let be clear it upset you that Trump has a base of 71+ million people that donate to him, and yet truthfully it is none of your damn business what people donate to!

So let nail this down:

1. You call everyone you disagree with as Trumpsters.

2. You are bitter Trump base will donate to him to keep the recount going and keep it in the courts.

3. You do not care about my opinion and yet here you are responding... Dance Monkey!

Here is my opinion:

I want the Recount and Court rulings and why?

When it show Biden won, well Trump base will then know there is no other avenue for Trump to stay as President and Biden is clear to be President.

Am I delusional to think his base will accept those outcomes?

Nope, but it make it a lot easier to say that Biden won and is President!

So let’em donate, let’em support and let’em cry after they realize they wasted their money and effort because in the end it is not my money nor is it your money they are wasting...

Now troll do you have anything of substance to add that would explain why you should truly give a flying fuck what they do except you are trolling for attacks against you?
Mac1958... You have yet to explain why you look down at 71+million voters and why you believe their loyalty to should be mocked like you do daily on here?

You also have yet to explain why you consider anyone opinion that does not support your own opinion is the opinion of Trumpsters when it is clear I despise Trump and look at him as the charlatan he is?

Finally, you have yet to explain why you are so upset about his voting base that you have called a cult spend their money on something they believe in?
When did I say that I look down on those people?
I didn't.

When did I say that I consider anyone's opinion that does not support my own opinion, the opinion of Trumpsters?
I didn't.

When did I say I'm "upset" about how Trumpsters spend their money?
I didn't.

Three lies. Three strikes, you're out.

Dismissed. This is why I don't bother.

You don’t look down on those voting for Trump but yet call them a cult and other names?

So you just lied and I can provide in great detail you looking down on those that voted for Trump and my bet you will deny, lie and then cry your words are being taken out of context!

You proclaimed I am a Trumpster and again I can provide the exact thread that you did it in and of your course you will lie, deny and then cry your words are again taken out of context!!

Also I can provide a thread just today by you complaining about how Trump voting base are spending their money on support Trump legal costs for these recounts and court proceedings, but again you will then lie, deny and then proclaim your words were taken out of context!!!

So as you call me a damn liar let me be clear I can provide just one Thread Created By YOU that will prove that I am not lying, and when I do what will be your next lie?
Last edited:

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!
I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) occasionally belch out my opinion.

While I do sometimes luck out and stumble into an interesting conversation, I no longer expect them here.

If you don't like that, I'm afraid that's just too bad. Compare to much of the truly ugly stuff that is regularly said here, I really don't think my posts are all that awful.

Could you just get all this out in one post so that we can put a merciful end to this?

Awww, so again why are you here?

You just stated that you do not expect interesting conversations on here and because individuals on the left and right troll this board with insane nonsense from Trump molesting his daughter to Biden molesting children does not mean you should add to the trolling nonsense in the current events...

Why am I picking on you and solely you?

Simple, you think you are better than the rest of us trolls and you are even below us!

You will laugh and then make some snide comment while thinking how great you are ( See you have a lot in common with Trump ) while thinking you won against some idiot troll but alas you are just some old hen that need attention and negative attention get you off for some reason!

So Mac1958 let be clear it upset you that Trump has a base of 71+ million people that donate to him, and yet truthfully it is none of your damn business what people donate to!

So let nail this down:

1. You call everyone you disagree with as Trumpsters.

2. You are bitter Trump base will donate to him to keep the recount going and keep it in the courts.

3. You do not care about my opinion and yet here you are responding... Dance Monkey!

Here is my opinion:

I want the Recount and Court rulings and why?

When it show Biden won, well Trump base will then know there is no other avenue for Trump to stay as President and Biden is clear to be President.

Am I delusional to think his base will accept those outcomes?

Nope, but it make it a lot easier to say that Biden won and is President!

So let’em donate, let’em support and let’em cry after they realize they wasted their money and effort because in the end it is not my money nor is it your money they are wasting...

Now troll do you have anything of substance to add that would explain why you should truly give a flying fuck what they do except you are trolling for attacks against you?
Mac1958... You have yet to explain why you look down at 71+million voters and why you believe their loyalty to should be mocked like you do daily on here?

You also have yet to explain why you consider anyone opinion that does not support your own opinion is the opinion of Trumpsters when it is clear I despise Trump and look at him as the charlatan he is?

Finally, you have yet to explain why you are so upset about his voting base that you have called a cult spend their money on something they believe in?
When did I say that I look down on those people?
I didn't.

When did I say that I consider anyone's opinion that does not support my own opinion, the opinion of Trumpsters?
I didn't.

When did I say I'm "upset" about how Trumpsters spend their money?
I didn't.

Three lies. Three strikes, you're out.

Dismissed. This is why I don't bother.

I will thank you for not responding to the other poster while we discuss your arrogance against the Trump voting base...

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!
I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) occasionally belch out my opinion.

While I do sometimes luck out and stumble into an interesting conversation, I no longer expect them here.

If you don't like that, I'm afraid that's just too bad. Compare to much of the truly ugly stuff that is regularly said here, I really don't think my posts are all that awful.

Could you just get all this out in one post so that we can put a merciful end to this?

Awww, so again why are you here?

You just stated that you do not expect interesting conversations on here and because individuals on the left and right troll this board with insane nonsense from Trump molesting his daughter to Biden molesting children does not mean you should add to the trolling nonsense in the current events...

Why am I picking on you and solely you?

Simple, you think you are better than the rest of us trolls and you are even below us!

You will laugh and then make some snide comment while thinking how great you are ( See you have a lot in common with Trump ) while thinking you won against some idiot troll but alas you are just some old hen that need attention and negative attention get you off for some reason!

So Mac1958 let be clear it upset you that Trump has a base of 71+ million people that donate to him, and yet truthfully it is none of your damn business what people donate to!

So let nail this down:

1. You call everyone you disagree with as Trumpsters.

2. You are bitter Trump base will donate to him to keep the recount going and keep it in the courts.

3. You do not care about my opinion and yet here you are responding... Dance Monkey!

Here is my opinion:

I want the Recount and Court rulings and why?

When it show Biden won, well Trump base will then know there is no other avenue for Trump to stay as President and Biden is clear to be President.

Am I delusional to think his base will accept those outcomes?

Nope, but it make it a lot easier to say that Biden won and is President!

So let’em donate, let’em support and let’em cry after they realize they wasted their money and effort because in the end it is not my money nor is it your money they are wasting...

Now troll do you have anything of substance to add that would explain why you should truly give a flying fuck what they do except you are trolling for attacks against you?
Mac1958... You have yet to explain why you look down at 71+million voters and why you believe their loyalty to should be mocked like you do daily on here?

You also have yet to explain why you consider anyone opinion that does not support your own opinion is the opinion of Trumpsters when it is clear I despise Trump and look at him as the charlatan he is?

Finally, you have yet to explain why you are so upset about his voting base that you have called a cult spend their money on something they believe in?
When did I say that I look down on those people?
I didn't.

When did I say that I consider anyone's opinion that does not support my own opinion, the opinion of Trumpsters?
I didn't.

When did I say I'm "upset" about how Trumpsters spend their money?
I didn't.

Three lies. Three strikes, you're out.

Dismissed. This is why I don't bother.

I will thank you for not responding to the other poster while we discuss your arrogance against the Trump voting base...
I've answered your questions. Neither your approval nor your agreement are required.

This is getting a little creepy. We're done now.

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!
I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) occasionally belch out my opinion.

While I do sometimes luck out and stumble into an interesting conversation, I no longer expect them here.

If you don't like that, I'm afraid that's just too bad. Compare to much of the truly ugly stuff that is regularly said here, I really don't think my posts are all that awful.

Could you just get all this out in one post so that we can put a merciful end to this?

Awww, so again why are you here?

You just stated that you do not expect interesting conversations on here and because individuals on the left and right troll this board with insane nonsense from Trump molesting his daughter to Biden molesting children does not mean you should add to the trolling nonsense in the current events...

Why am I picking on you and solely you?

Simple, you think you are better than the rest of us trolls and you are even below us!

You will laugh and then make some snide comment while thinking how great you are ( See you have a lot in common with Trump ) while thinking you won against some idiot troll but alas you are just some old hen that need attention and negative attention get you off for some reason!

So Mac1958 let be clear it upset you that Trump has a base of 71+ million people that donate to him, and yet truthfully it is none of your damn business what people donate to!

So let nail this down:

1. You call everyone you disagree with as Trumpsters.

2. You are bitter Trump base will donate to him to keep the recount going and keep it in the courts.

3. You do not care about my opinion and yet here you are responding... Dance Monkey!

Here is my opinion:

I want the Recount and Court rulings and why?

When it show Biden won, well Trump base will then know there is no other avenue for Trump to stay as President and Biden is clear to be President.

Am I delusional to think his base will accept those outcomes?

Nope, but it make it a lot easier to say that Biden won and is President!

So let’em donate, let’em support and let’em cry after they realize they wasted their money and effort because in the end it is not my money nor is it your money they are wasting...

Now troll do you have anything of substance to add that would explain why you should truly give a flying fuck what they do except you are trolling for attacks against you?
Mac1958... You have yet to explain why you look down at 71+million voters and why you believe their loyalty to should be mocked like you do daily on here?

You also have yet to explain why you consider anyone opinion that does not support your own opinion is the opinion of Trumpsters when it is clear I despise Trump and look at him as the charlatan he is?

Finally, you have yet to explain why you are so upset about his voting base that you have called a cult spend their money on something they believe in?
When did I say that I look down on those people?
I didn't.

When did I say that I consider anyone's opinion that does not support my own opinion, the opinion of Trumpsters?
I didn't.

When did I say I'm "upset" about how Trumpsters spend their money?
I didn't.

Three lies. Three strikes, you're out.

Dismissed. This is why I don't bother.

I will thank you for not responding to the other poster while we discuss your arrogance against the Trump voting base...
I've answered your questions. Neither your approval nor your agreement are required.

This is getting a little creepy. We're done now.

So you think it is creepy when I stated that you are lying and now you want to run away.

You answered my questions by calling me a damn liar and I stated I can provide one thread where you looked down at Trump voters, called me a Trumpster and whined about Trump voters spending their money you now call me creepy...

Poor Mac when told he is the one lying he run like a coward...
I made it clear that no one but Mac and I discuss this out and yet two posters failed to adhere to the rules.

Mac did not win because the fact is Mac has stated many times that anyone that voted for Trump belong to a cult and he ( Mac ) looks down on them.

Also Mac has made it clear he view 71+ million voters to have mental issues and to say he does not then Mac would have to stop using the word Cult to describe Trump voting base.

So no Mac did not win but proved he can not hold a honest debate and prefer a echo chamber instead!

I care because Trumpism represents a serious problem that this country has going forward. A toxic mixture of arrogance, delusion and ignorance that often represents the worst of America. The fact that so many Americans have fallen into this level of adoration for this individual is a very disturbing indication of where our society and culture currently are. It's not about Trump; it's about Trumpism and what it says about America. My country. Our beautiful daughters' country, the one my wife and I are leaving to them.

I think you care a bit too much about my opinions. Please note that I'm not curious about yours. Now, you're welcome.

So why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of other posters?

It seem then you are telling the board you are trolling others so you can tell them how stupid they are not supporting your political views on subject matters like Trump and his voting base.

Trump is a person that 71+ million people voted for and those like you just brush off as insane people that should not be taken seriously while those like me see them as disgruntled individuals that see the system unfair and believe Trump can bring a change.

Now you clearly stated you do not care about my opinion because it does not jive with your own opinion and that is said because you are a close minded individual that is much more like Trump than I am and you just keep on denying it.

Trump voting base has the right to recounts and having their case heard in the courts and if they want to donate to him, who the hell are you to complain?

You are no one and is it your damn money?


It is their damn money and yet you like so many fringe nutters feel the need to tell them how they should spend it and who they should spend it on and when it does not jive with your opinion then you do threads about how ignorant they are.

How pathetic is that Mac1958?

So tell the board why you believe your opinions should be take seriously when you have stated you do not care about my opinion nor anyone opinion that goes against your trolling nature!
tl;dr, don't care.

answer is you read it and can not refute the fact you are just trolling and believe anyone that disagree with your bullshit must be a Trumpster!

So again, why are you on a message board if you do not care about the opinions of others?

Trump voting base can donate and vote for whomever they want and yet your old hen ass seem smug to tell 71+ million voters they have no voice and should be ridiculed when it is individuals like you that should be shun instead!
I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) occasionally belch out my opinion.

While I do sometimes luck out and stumble into an interesting conversation, I no longer expect them here.

If you don't like that, I'm afraid that's just too bad. Compare to much of the truly ugly stuff that is regularly said here, I really don't think my posts are all that awful.

Could you just get all this out in one post so that we can put a merciful end to this?

Awww, so again why are you here?

You just stated that you do not expect interesting conversations on here and because individuals on the left and right troll this board with insane nonsense from Trump molesting his daughter to Biden molesting children does not mean you should add to the trolling nonsense in the current events...

Why am I picking on you and solely you?

Simple, you think you are better than the rest of us trolls and you are even below us!

You will laugh and then make some snide comment while thinking how great you are ( See you have a lot in common with Trump ) while thinking you won against some idiot troll but alas you are just some old hen that need attention and negative attention get you off for some reason!

So Mac1958 let be clear it upset you that Trump has a base of 71+ million people that donate to him, and yet truthfully it is none of your damn business what people donate to!

So let nail this down:

1. You call everyone you disagree with as Trumpsters.

2. You are bitter Trump base will donate to him to keep the recount going and keep it in the courts.

3. You do not care about my opinion and yet here you are responding... Dance Monkey!

Here is my opinion:

I want the Recount and Court rulings and why?

When it show Biden won, well Trump base will then know there is no other avenue for Trump to stay as President and Biden is clear to be President.

Am I delusional to think his base will accept those outcomes?

Nope, but it make it a lot easier to say that Biden won and is President!

So let’em donate, let’em support and let’em cry after they realize they wasted their money and effort because in the end it is not my money nor is it your money they are wasting...

Now troll do you have anything of substance to add that would explain why you should truly give a flying fuck what they do except you are trolling for attacks against you?
Mac1958... You have yet to explain why you look down at 71+million voters and why you believe their loyalty to should be mocked like you do daily on here?

You also have yet to explain why you consider anyone opinion that does not support your own opinion is the opinion of Trumpsters when it is clear I despise Trump and look at him as the charlatan he is?

Finally, you have yet to explain why you are so upset about his voting base that you have called a cult spend their money on something they believe in?
When did I say that I look down on those people?
I didn't.

When did I say that I consider anyone's opinion that does not support my own opinion, the opinion of Trumpsters?
I didn't.

When did I say I'm "upset" about how Trumpsters spend their money?
I didn't.

Three lies. Three strikes, you're out.

Dismissed. This is why I don't bother.

I will thank you for not responding to the other poster while we discuss your arrogance against the Trump voting base...
I've answered your questions. Neither your approval nor your agreement are required.

This is getting a little creepy. We're done now.

Delusion, Third Rich comparison, and proclaiming his voting base is in denial and frighten you are words you use to describe Donald John Trump voting base...

Can you explain to the kind board why you declare that 71+ million Americans are all that according to you?

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