Madiba's 95th birthday celebration worldwide

Happy Birthday, Madiba! South Africa Honors 95-Year-Old Nelson Mandela | PBS NewsHour | July 18, 2013 | PBS
South Africans celebrated Nelson Mandela's 95th birthday by volunteering 67 minutes -- the number of years Mandela spent fighting apartheid and serving as his nation's first black president. Kwame Holman reports on how people around the world marked the Nobel laureate's milestone.

Absolutely love this great man. He's done more for race relations and for African blacks than anyone. Even after being held illegally in jail, he has gone on to do great things.

(Anyone the racist fly speck scum on this board hates are automatically heroes!)
I was singing along w/ the band the other day when they played the Madiba song at the celebration festival :eusa_dance::mm::boohoo:
Happy Birthday, Madiba! South Africa Honors 95-Year-Old Nelson Mandela | PBS NewsHour | July 18, 2013 | PBS
South Africans celebrated Nelson Mandela's 95th birthday by volunteering 67 minutes -- the number of years Mandela spent fighting apartheid and serving as his nation's first black president. Kwame Holman reports on how people around the world marked the Nobel laureate's milestone.

Absolutely love this great man. He's done more for race relations and for African blacks than anyone. Even after being held illegally in jail, he has gone on to do great things.

(Anyone the racist fly speck scum on this board hates are automatically heroes!)

Well if he's that good he should use his influence to get farm land returned to the white farmers who had it taken from them. Then they'll be able to feed as many Africans as they did before inexperienced black farmers took over and ruined agriculture.

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