Madman Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

Aug 2, 2009
The Madman Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time. (March 30th 2010)

I wonder if these people on the East Coast will still put up with this? I know it isn't happening out here now thank god. Why would the Government controlled media complex not cover this or bring it up now that this disaster has happened? Gee I wonder. Could this be why Obama is asleep at the wheel concerning this tragedy? Or is it just that his Golfing game comes before the Environment? Does Al Gore know that? Hell, where the fuck is Al Gore, on Vacation too?

:clap2: ~BH

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time -
Obama to keep drilling moratorium for 6 months-aide

He's given himself a buffer...To figure things out...politcally...after his BLUNDER in the Gulf.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama will announce a six month extension on a deepwater oil drilling moratorium on Thursday while a special commission studies the reasons for the Gulf of Mexico spill, a [COLOR=#366388! important][COLOR=#366388! important]White [COLOR=#366388! important]House [/COLOR][COLOR=#366388! important]aide[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] said.

"(Obama) will announce standards to strengthen oversight of the industry and enhance safety, a first step in a process that the independent Presidential Commission will continue," the aide said on Thursday.
"While the commission performs its work to determine how to prevent this from ever happening again, the moratorium on permits to drill new deepwater wells will continue for a period of six months."

The extended moratorium represents a [COLOR=#366388! important][COLOR=#366388! important]further [COLOR=#366388! important]setback[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] for offshore drilling expansion, a key plank of Obama's proposed energy policy overhaul, which is currently languishing in the U.S. Senate.

Democrats hoped increased drilling would attract Republican [COLOR=#366388! important][COLOR=#366388! important]support [COLOR=#366388! important]for [/COLOR][COLOR=#366388! important]the [/COLOR][COLOR=#366388! important]bill[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], which also ramps up domestic production of renewable fuel sources and sets limits on greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming.

No blunder on President Obama's part in the Gulf. The US Government has no equipment to cap a well spewing at 5000 ft. We had to depend on BP and other producers for that equipment. Had we simply seized that equipment, who would have operated it?

In six months, the damage from the oil in the Gulf will have reached the level where offshore drilling may be banned.
No blunder on President Obama's part in the Gulf. The US Government has no equipment to cap a well spewing at 5000 ft. We had to depend on BP and other producers for that equipment. Had we simply seized that equipment, who would have operated it?

In six months, the damage from the oil in the Gulf will have reached the level where offshore drilling may be banned.

I agree. ~BH

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