Madoff: 1st day in Prison


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Madoff behind bars: Day One
Prison roommate: “Lemme get this straight, I give you one cigarette and next week you give me ten?!”
Madoff: “It’s that simple”
The thing that baffles me most about Madoff is, considering how much wealth he had amassed, why did he not have an escape plan in place. If he is smart enough to organize and execute the Ponzi scheme that placed him in control of billions of dollars he must be smart enough to know that a basic audit could put him in prison for life. Yet he stayed right where he was as the world fell down around him.


If I were in his position I would have patiently constructed at least two fake identities, complete with passports and driver licenses, all implemented with wigs and fake beards, and I would have a car stashed in storage with conforming ID. I would have safety deposit boxes in several different banks with millions of dollars in gold, stones and various stable currencies stashed in them. Etcetera.

And as soon as I got the first whiff of an investigation I would put my disguise on, drop out of sight and surface in another state, dye my hair, grow a real beard and take it from there.

All of the above would have been no problem for Madoff to do, yet he did nothing. It is as if he embarked on an ocean voyage in a multi-million dollar yacht -- without a single lifeboat, or even a raft, on board. Nothing.

I wonder if there will be a movie about Bernie Madoff.

Called, Schmuck!
Maybe he also paid a double? and is now on a beach somewhere
Madoff behind bars: Day One
Prison roommate: “Lemme get this straight, I give you one cigarette and next week you give me ten?!”
Madoff: “It’s that simple”
ObamaCare in Prison: "You give me 14 Cigarettes and give you 10".

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