Maduro removes 8 tons of gold from Central Bank

Wish I could see the look on that little weasel Steve Mnuchin's face right now.
Exclusive: Venezuela removed 8 tons of central bank gold last week - legislator | Reuters

What does that mean? Sounds like a Hitler move to me.

That's right! Godwined in 2nd post! :aargh::alcoholic:

If Turkey bought it = Off the ally list. Great excuse to do something that needs done.

It means he's saying you're not stealing our gold the way you took Libya's.

Did we get Libya's gold? I thought Khadafi hid it pretty good and it wasn't found. That gold belongs to the African Union, anyway. It should revert to the countries it belongs to.
Maduro has 8 tons of unfrozen gold like I've been chosen to play the masked crusader in the next Batman movie. :lol:
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And obviously this is why we need government run public banks in the US. How is some future politician going to be able to raid the banks for gold, if they don't own them? Clearly the left-wingers are dead on right, on this important topic. Which is why they still support Maduro....
When I saw the first four words of the thread title, I thought it was going to say, "Maduro removes 8 tons of his own semen from Bernie Sanders stomach." The treasonous Bernie pig has never met a communist government he didn't like.

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