MAGA Announces Its Official Song! Listen Now!

Crazy right wingers often try to deny when their crazy excedes expectations, but you can always count on someone writing a song to immortalize their best crazy.

MAGA has a couple of very important survival skills, the lack of which will be the end of filthy leftist vermin cult --

The ability to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves too seriously.

God bless rednecks!

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On Black Monday of '25 the leftist dems will be hearing this in their heads as their sullied standards are tossed at the feet of Trump.

Hate to break to the OP but Abraham Lincoln did not "Want" the Civil War at all. The South started the war by firing on Ft. Sumter. IF Mr. Lincoln could avioded the war by maintaining Slavery he would have, he admitted that himself.

Revisonist nut job history at work.
It is just fitting.

Okay I don't like Taylor Swift very much at all and I found that hilarious because I still think that all of the Taylor Swift talk in the news lately has been WAY over the top.

Funny. I thought he was dead. Sounded just like himself.

I didn't but only because I heard this song recently. I got some things to do right now, but I'll come back to listen to the other songs in here later on.

I just plain out and out loving how one 34-Year Old Female Billionaire is causing MAGA MAGGOTS everywhere to lose their fucking minds


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