MAGA DOW Going DOWN. 1089 points in 7 days. 02/05@3:48 915 more= -2004 in 9 days.

Dr. MICHAEL SAVAGE seemed to imply the deep-state-Fed is doing all they can to bring down Trumps' strength....the Economy stupid.
Dumb ass MICHELLE WEINER forgot to mention that Tramp's hand picked stooge is in charge of the FED now!!!! :rofl::lmao:
Obama recovered those funds over 6-7 years. The MAGA Scam IS playing folks for fools.
If say, it goes back down to Obama's 20K or 21K mark, really.
Who is to blame for all this lose in 12 months? Well, not from the many long-term
investors. Even more, if it falls to 17K?

Anyone? Anyone.. It's Called Voo--M.A. Do...G.A. ooo Scam.
If the market reaches record highs then selloffs would be close to records, too. Arithmetic peppered with basic algebra.
OTOH, since lefties like to attribute improved economic numbers to Obama's last two years then this would be a result of that, too.
Can't have it both ways.
Truth is, Obama improvement came in spite of obama as a result of fracking technology reversing the downturn created by Obama energy policy.

BS, I did not say that. I just pointed to the facts, over 6 days of trading.
And fracking is not driving the DOW up or down.
Or the Market for that matter. The DOW only has
2 Oil Companies on the list of 30.
One is at now, the same price as a year ago.
The other is below a year ago.
This IS all Wall Street Ponzi Scam.
The economy in general is directly affected by energy overhead. Cheap energy means robust economy and a robust economy is often reflected in an expanding market.
Yes, that is true. Isn't it wonderful that now we have wind and solar that are far cheaper than coal, gas, or nuclear. And are rapidly developing and deploying grid scale storage to make those sources 24/7.
Solar and wind are a landscape-raping, cost-prohibitive bad joke.
Lefties have no taste. Letting the landscape become ruined with wind farms.
LOL Damn those hyper-liberals in Texas;

The Rise of Wind Power in Texas

The Rise of Wind Power in Texas

Wind’s competitiveness in the Lone Star State has been helped by the expansion of transmission capacity and market reforms

During a visit yesterday to the Harvey mine in Sycamore, Pa., U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt declared that “the war on coal is done.” But if the regulatory battle is over, the fight in coal’s largest domestic market has just begun.

Wind generation accounted for nearly 23 percent of power generation for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) in the first quarter of 2017, the Lone Star State grid operator said this week.

The announcement marks the highest quarterly wind penetration in ERCOT’s history and underscores the market challenges facing the coal industry in Texas, where power plants consumed some 86 million tons of the black mineral in 2015, or more than double the next largest coal-consuming state.

And now we can add solar to the competition in this market.
Two significantly larger drops occurred in successive weeks in August 2011.
That would be during Obama's energy depression.
California-based 174 Power Global is breaking ground Thursday on the largest utility-scale solar project in Texas, the company said.

The project is on 1,500 acres of private land in Pecos County, in West Texas, and area that has become a hub of utility-scale solar projects. It's 236 megawatt capacity can power 50,000 homes a year, and all of its power will be sold to Austin Energy, a utility for the city of Austin. The project will cost $260 million.

174 Power Global is a subsidiary of South Korea's Hanwha Energy.

174 Power Global has focused on developing solar projects on land without competing interests. The project in Pecos County, for instance, has not oil and gas development and the salinity of the property's water prevents it from being used for livestock or agriculture.

"Solar is the highest use for this particular site selected," said Deborah Reyes, senior director of development for 174 Power Global in the eastern part of the U.S.

RELATED: Solar power emerges where oil and gas once dominated

Although solar power, unlike wind, has been slow to grow in Texas, the state has an existing network of transmission lines in West Texas that make it ideal place for large-scale solar and wind projects, Reyes said.

"Texas is still the leader in the union with having planning the transmission well ahead of developing the resources," said Reyes. Most communities, she added, wait to develop transmission lines until project developer approach them, delaying the project.

"Texas was very proactive in identifying where the renewable energy resources were, particularly in West Texas, and in essence created a very attractive market for wind and solar."

Oh damn those liberal Texans.
If the market reaches record highs then selloffs would be close to records, too. Arithmetic peppered with basic algebra.
OTOH, since lefties like to attribute improved economic numbers to Obama's last two years then this would be a result of that, too.
Can't have it both ways.
Truth is, Obama improvement came in spite of obama as a result of fracking technology reversing the downturn created by Obama energy policy.

BS, I did not say that. I just pointed to the facts, over 6 days of trading.
And fracking is not driving the DOW up or down.
Or the Market for that matter. The DOW only has
2 Oil Companies on the list of 30.
One is at now, the same price as a year ago.
The other is below a year ago.
This IS all Wall Street Ponzi Scam.
The economy in general is directly affected by energy overhead. Cheap energy means robust economy and a robust economy is often reflected in an expanding market.
Yes, that is true. Isn't it wonderful that now we have wind and solar that are far cheaper than coal, gas, or nuclear. And are rapidly developing and deploying grid scale storage to make those sources 24/7.
Solar and wind are a landscape-raping, cost-prohibitive bad joke.
Lefties have no taste. Letting the landscape become ruined with wind farms.
LOL Damn those hyper-liberals in Texas;

The Rise of Wind Power in Texas

The Rise of Wind Power in Texas

Wind’s competitiveness in the Lone Star State has been helped by the expansion of transmission capacity and market reforms

During a visit yesterday to the Harvey mine in Sycamore, Pa., U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt declared that “the war on coal is done.” But if the regulatory battle is over, the fight in coal’s largest domestic market has just begun.

Wind generation accounted for nearly 23 percent of power generation for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) in the first quarter of 2017, the Lone Star State grid operator said this week.

The announcement marks the highest quarterly wind penetration in ERCOT’s history and underscores the market challenges facing the coal industry in Texas, where power plants consumed some 86 million tons of the black mineral in 2015, or more than double the next largest coal-consuming state.

And now we can add solar to the competition in this market.
Total waste of land, energy resources and natural aesthetics.
What do you care? You're a mindless left wing sheep pussy who relies on the funny button as a debate skill.
California-based 174 Power Global is breaking ground Thursday on the largest utility-scale solar project in Texas, the company said.

The project is on 1,500 acres of private land in Pecos County, in West Texas, and area that has become a hub of utility-scale solar projects. It's 236 megawatt capacity can power 50,000 homes a year, and all of its power will be sold to Austin Energy, a utility for the city of Austin. The project will cost $260 million.

174 Power Global is a subsidiary of South Korea's Hanwha Energy.

174 Power Global has focused on developing solar projects on land without competing interests. The project in Pecos County, for instance, has not oil and gas development and the salinity of the property's water prevents it from being used for livestock or agriculture.

"Solar is the highest use for this particular site selected," said Deborah Reyes, senior director of development for 174 Power Global in the eastern part of the U.S.

RELATED: Solar power emerges where oil and gas once dominated

Although solar power, unlike wind, has been slow to grow in Texas, the state has an existing network of transmission lines in West Texas that make it ideal place for large-scale solar and wind projects, Reyes said.

"Texas is still the leader in the union with having planning the transmission well ahead of developing the resources," said Reyes. Most communities, she added, wait to develop transmission lines until project developer approach them, delaying the project.

"Texas was very proactive in identifying where the renewable energy resources were, particularly in West Texas, and in essence created a very attractive market for wind and solar."

Oh damn those liberal Texans.
Waste of available and way more efficient energy resources. You're a dupe and a phony and a debate pussy.
Dow plunges nearly 800 points, was down more
than 1,500 at one point TODAY!

U.S. stocks fell sharply in volatile trading Monday, extending a steep sell-off from the previous session.
Dow plunges nearly 800 points, was down more than 1,500 at one point

:twirl:Just WOW, more MAGA! Can we lose 1000 points in one day,
to show us all MAGA is just working? We need some Twitler Great Douche Tweets
to stop this! Not a spew in 9 days about the Stock market, why NOT Great Douche of LIES?.
Be back up again today. :113:
The Fed left interest rates nesr ZERO for BOs' 8 years. Now the market killing rumbeat of "raise raise inflation etc." to kill any of the good news.
The FED started raising rates in 2015, so you are caught lying yet again!!!
Obama recovered those funds over 6-7 years. The MAGA Scam IS playing folks for fools.
If say, it goes back down to Obama's 20K or 21K mark, really.
Who is to blame for all this lose in 12 months? Well, not from the many long-term
investors. Even more, if it falls to 17K?

Anyone? Anyone.. It's Called Voo--M.A. Do...G.A. ooo Scam.
If the market reaches record highs then selloffs would be close to records, too. Arithmetic peppered with basic algebra.
OTOH, since lefties like to attribute improved economic numbers to Obama's last two years then this would be a result of that, too.
Can't have it both ways.
Truth is, Obama improvement came in spite of obama as a result of fracking technology reversing the downturn created by Obama energy policy.

BS, I did not say that. I just pointed to the facts, over 6 days of trading.
And fracking is not driving the DOW up or down.
Or the Market for that matter. The DOW only has
2 Oil Companies on the list of 30.
One is at now, the same price as a year ago.
The other is below a year ago.
This IS all Wall Street Ponzi Scam.
The economy in general is directly affected by energy overhead. Cheap energy means robust economy and a robust economy is often reflected in an expanding market.

Yes, that is true. Isn't it wonderful that now we have wind and solar that are far cheaper than coal, gas, or nuclear. And are rapidly developing and deploying grid scale storage to make those sources 24/7.

Solar and wind are a landscape-raping, cost-prohibitive bad joke.
Lefties have no taste. Letting the landscape become ruined with wind farms.

Smoke stacks are so pretty, and the slurry ponds on mountains mined for coal are great for fishing and swimming. I love the smell of smog in the morning, and the oil leaded on public parking spaces is so good for my shoes.

Windmills in Holland are a source for artists to paint, as are oil rigs, pipelines and the wonderful colors when fires light the sky at refineries.
I hear energy had a slip, didn't meet their predictions or some such.

Now is a good time to buy in!
I hear energy had a slip, didn't meet their predictions or some such.

Now is a good time to buy in!

Per Trump, he's responsible for the Stock Market's performance.

Which begs the question....why did Trump tank the Stock market by 2000 points by his own logic?
If the market reaches record highs then selloffs would be close to records, too. Arithmetic peppered with basic algebra.
OTOH, since lefties like to attribute improved economic numbers to Obama's last two years then this would be a result of that, too.
Can't have it both ways.
Truth is, Obama improvement came in spite of obama as a result of fracking technology reversing the downturn created by Obama energy policy.

BS, I did not say that. I just pointed to the facts, over 6 days of trading.
And fracking is not driving the DOW up or down.
Or the Market for that matter. The DOW only has
2 Oil Companies on the list of 30.
One is at now, the same price as a year ago.
The other is below a year ago.
This IS all Wall Street Ponzi Scam.
The economy in general is directly affected by energy overhead. Cheap energy means robust economy and a robust economy is often reflected in an expanding market.

Yes, that is true. Isn't it wonderful that now we have wind and solar that are far cheaper than coal, gas, or nuclear. And are rapidly developing and deploying grid scale storage to make those sources 24/7.

Solar and wind are a landscape-raping, cost-prohibitive bad joke.
Lefties have no taste. Letting the landscape become ruined with wind farms.

Smoke stacks are so pretty, and the slurry ponds on mountains mined for coal are great for fishing and swimming. I love the smell of smog in the morning, and the oil leaded on public parking spaces is so good for my shoes.

Windmills in Holland are a source for artists to paint, as are oil rigs, pipelines and the wonderful colors when fires light the sky at refineries.
Neither of those dominate hundreds of miles of landscapes. You’re dishonest.
BS, I did not say that. I just pointed to the facts, over 6 days of trading.
And fracking is not driving the DOW up or down.
Or the Market for that matter. The DOW only has
2 Oil Companies on the list of 30.
One is at now, the same price as a year ago.
The other is below a year ago.
This IS all Wall Street Ponzi Scam.
The economy in general is directly affected by energy overhead. Cheap energy means robust economy and a robust economy is often reflected in an expanding market.

Yes, that is true. Isn't it wonderful that now we have wind and solar that are far cheaper than coal, gas, or nuclear. And are rapidly developing and deploying grid scale storage to make those sources 24/7.

Solar and wind are a landscape-raping, cost-prohibitive bad joke.
Lefties have no taste. Letting the landscape become ruined with wind farms.

Smoke stacks are so pretty, and the slurry ponds on mountains mined for coal are great for fishing and swimming. I love the smell of smog in the morning, and the oil leaded on public parking spaces is so good for my shoes.

Windmills in Holland are a source for artists to paint, as are oil rigs, pipelines and the wonderful colors when fires light the sky at refineries.
Neither of those dominate hundreds of miles of landscapes. You’re dishonest.


photos of windmills in holland - Google Search

vis a vis


Photos of oil Refineries - Google Search

How am I dishonest (it seems once again a hack uses a personal attack instead of doing some research. Lacking education?)

Of course there is this to ponder:

California Wind Turbine Power Generation Images, California Wind Turbine Power Generation Photos Pictures Photography - Golden State Images Stock Photos

But these are common in our urban areas:

Last edited:
The economy in general is directly affected by energy overhead. Cheap energy means robust economy and a robust economy is often reflected in an expanding market.

Yes, that is true. Isn't it wonderful that now we have wind and solar that are far cheaper than coal, gas, or nuclear. And are rapidly developing and deploying grid scale storage to make those sources 24/7.

Solar and wind are a landscape-raping, cost-prohibitive bad joke.
Lefties have no taste. Letting the landscape become ruined with wind farms.

Smoke stacks are so pretty, and the slurry ponds on mountains mined for coal are great for fishing and swimming. I love the smell of smog in the morning, and the oil leaded on public parking spaces is so good for my shoes.

Windmills in Holland are a source for artists to paint, as are oil rigs, pipelines and the wonderful colors when fires light the sky at refineries.
Neither of those dominate hundreds of miles of landscapes. You’re dishonest.


photos of windmills in holland - Google Search

vis a vis

View attachment 175197

Photos of oil Refineries - Google Search

How am I dishonest (it seems once again a hack uses a personal attack instead of doing some research. Lacking education?)
And you need a time lapse camera in motion to photograph lefty wind farms at that level. You’re dishonest and a dupe.
Yes, that is true. Isn't it wonderful that now we have wind and solar that are far cheaper than coal, gas, or nuclear. And are rapidly developing and deploying grid scale storage to make those sources 24/7.

Solar and wind are a landscape-raping, cost-prohibitive bad joke.
Lefties have no taste. Letting the landscape become ruined with wind farms.

Smoke stacks are so pretty, and the slurry ponds on mountains mined for coal are great for fishing and swimming. I love the smell of smog in the morning, and the oil leaded on public parking spaces is so good for my shoes.

Windmills in Holland are a source for artists to paint, as are oil rigs, pipelines and the wonderful colors when fires light the sky at refineries.
Neither of those dominate hundreds of miles of landscapes. You’re dishonest.


photos of windmills in holland - Google Search

vis a vis

View attachment 175197

Photos of oil Refineries - Google Search

How am I dishonest (it seems once again a hack uses a personal attack instead of doing some research. Lacking education?)
And you need a time lapse camera in motion to photograph lefty wind farms at that level. You’re dishonest and a dupe.

Fuck you.
I hear energy had a slip, didn't meet their predictions or some such.

Now is a good time to buy in!

Per Trump, he's responsible for the Stock Market's performance.

Which begs the question....why did Trump tank the Stock market by 2000 points by his own logic?

Did you hear? The Great Douche is in telling us NOW.
IT follows the Long-Term ups in the markets.
So, IT owes 14,000 plus points of the current
market high to the GOAT Obama doings.
As the Douche is holding onto some
weak 4500 points by IT's owns two little hands

Did you, just today.
The Great Douche spewing

"Let's have a SHUTDOWN"
"Let's have a SHUTDOWN"
"Let's have a SHUTDOWN"

With spit!

IT wants a FFS!? ....Gobmint SHUTDOWN! WOW? WTF?
I would say that a nice Sell off Spew today. Really?
Does anyone really take this Douche seriously outside the DOPer base?
Last edited:
Dow closes more than 550 points higher after crazy market swings!
WOW? Will the Great Douche Twitler out a SPEW is a Question NOW?

Still, down 1450 points over 7 days. Got three days to see more loses
this week, in the MAGA Scams.
Dow closes more than 550 points higher after crazy market swings!
WOW? Will the Great Douche Twitler out a SPEW is a Question NOW?

Still, down 1450 points over 7 days. Got three days to see more loses
this week, in the MAGA Scams.
It is Trump's market now. Stupidly, the tenuous thread to Obama was foolishly discarded now and forever. Idiots!

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